Launceston Boxing & MMA Club | Coach
Launceston Boxing & MMA Club
Phone: +61 437 249 478
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24.01.2022 If you’re wanting to watch LBC’s very own Casey Lockett add another strap to his collection make sure you click on the link and put his name as a reference
23.01.2022 Hey guys just a reminder kids classes are starting back up tomorrow the 27th of June . Same time 10am till 11am. $5 per child. See you all there
21.01.2022 Gym is open tonight guys! Class will be held from 6:00-7:00
20.01.2022 Just a reminder guys and gals we are open tonight for the public holiday
19.01.2022 Just a reminder that tomorrow night will be the last class of the year, unless you are attending the kids class on Saturday at 10am! Saturday at 11am will also be our annual barbecue so come on down and say goodbye for the year! We will be back on the 11th of January for hopefully a very busy year in boxing
19.01.2022 Don’t forget to get your tickets for next Saturdays fights at the Hellenic house in north Hobart 12:30pm start Twigs will be in the gym Monday and Wednesday night from 5:30pm so come and grab your tickets first in best dressed. $20 adults $10 kids under 16
19.01.2022 Hey guys! Make sure you tune in after 12:00 today to watch our guys smash it in the ring, we will be going live so you guys can still be part of the action
17.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to sit down and listen
17.01.2022 Clothing is in guys so please head on in and grab your orders!
16.01.2022 Hey guys, as most of you would be aware we have to close the gym until further notice due to the Chinese virus. Our fearless leader ScoMo doesn’t want anyone in Australia Kung flu fighting so we must obey or there will be heavy fines. We will keep everyone informed if there are any changes to this ruling. Happy Monday people. Cheers, Twigs
15.01.2022 Hey guys! As you are all probably aware we will be re opening our doors as of Monday the 8th of June at 6pm! Due to it still being stage 2 restrictions we are limited to how many people we can have so for the time being the following people are invited to train with myself, Zane Rushton, Cameron North and Bailey Wells. Layton Mcferran Mitchell Watson Shaun "The Buzzsaw" Etchell ... Jaide Nicholas (Nicole Nicholas) Lachie Stone (Cassie Stone) Ben Armour (Jenny Armour) Hayden Barrett Narelle Ford Cody Holmes (Damian Holmes) Casey Lockett Mitch Graham Jasmyn Smith Bohdal Jayden Christina Tatnell Emily Lloyd-collins Michael Hesselman There are some forms that need to be filled out by you guys which need to be brought to me before class on Monday night. I will attach said forms to a private group message shortly.. too the rest of our LBC people, stay strong!!! If everyone behaves themselves we should be hopefully back to full capacity come mid July!! *Please note that due to climbing rent fees and limited numbers allowed, all classes are now $15 per session or $30 for the week. Thank you for your understanding
15.01.2022 Hi guys, Just a little information about some future dates: This Saturday (28th of November) their will be no training on as we have a tournament in Hobart! Make sure you wish Jaide, Benny and Hayden the best of luck for the weekend! On the 19th of December we will be holding our annual Christmas barbecue at 11am so make sure you stop in and wish LBC off for the year!
15.01.2022 State Titles 2019 Miss Jaide has an amazing win under her belt! Both girls fought a great fight!
14.01.2022 Hayden Barrett drops a decision in a very close contest against a more experienced and heavier opponent. Onto next year big fella we are all proud of your efforts this year
14.01.2022 There will be no training on Monday the 2nd of November due to Recreation day! Enjoy your night off and see everyone Tuesday
13.01.2022 Thanks for sticking with us today, it was good day and we had some sick fights! 3 out 4 wins was a bloody good start to the fighting year Hopefully things will get back to normal soon and everyone can come show their support again soon. Thanks to everyone that was involved in, it was a great day
13.01.2022 Hey guys! Due to some re-structuring we have decided to move class times back to 6pm instead of 6:30pm! New timetable will come into effect on Monday the 17th of February and will be as follows: Monday: Technique and sparring 6:00pm-7:00pm with twigs and zane ... Tuesday: coach cams cardio class 6:00pm-7:00pm Wednesday: Technique and sparring 6:00pm-7:00pm with coaches Twigs and Zane Thursday: Coach Zane’s cardio class 6:00pm-7:00pm Saturday: Kids class (ages 4-12yrs) with coaches Zane, Kurt and Bailey 10:00am-11:00am Saturday: Fighters class with coach Twigs 11:00am-12:00pm (invite only) Pricing will now be $10 per session or $30 for the week and kids class will be $5 per session. We are gearing up for what is looking to be a huge year at LBC with our fighters competing regularly in amateur competition and also in the professional ranks! Lastly please be reminded that all clothing order forms are due back on the 20/02/2020 if you haven’t collected your form yet please contact head coach Twigs Millwood LET THE FIGHT YEAR BEGIN
12.01.2022 Launceston Boxing Club is so lucky to have the coaches that we have, who have so much heart for what they do and put in so much time for us! Don’t forget to thank them next time you see them
12.01.2022 Hey guys, we all miss the club and I know a lot of you have bags at home so let's use this time to sharpen our skills and improve our fight fitness. Here's a bag work out very similar to what we do Tuesday nights. Any questions on the work out inbox me (Cameron North) Boxing bag workout All rounds 3 mins on 30 seconds off... Round 1 Anything goes (use the first time through as a warm up. Second time through work on power, speed and setting up combos.) Round 2 1, 2s, 4, (straight punches only. Body or head) Round 3 2s, 3s, 4s (hooks only. body or head) Round 4 Jab, cross, hook, body rip, body rip. (Set your combo up with straight punches, jabs, double jabs and Jab crosses) Round 5 30 seconds punch and move (60% power) 30 seconds punches in the pocket (max effort) Use your 60% shots to recover and your max effort to empty your Gass tank. Teaching yourself to recover while still staying active. X 3 Go through rounds twice. 10 rounds total
09.01.2022 This Saturday the 21st of December we will be holding our annual Christmas bbq at the gym at 11:00am! Come and have a snag and a beer and celebrate another successful year for our great club
09.01.2022 Busy night at Launceston Boxing with the Prospect Hawks Under 17s coming up and giving it a crack with coach Twigs and coach Bailey
08.01.2022 Scared of our classes because you don’t know what to do? Each of our coaches will show you step by step until you do! Individually and in group demonstrations Chuck us a message for more information
07.01.2022 Make sure you bring lots of water to tonight’s class because it is going to be HOT! Drink lots of water and stay hydrated this week Class 6:30-7:30
07.01.2022 Just a short interval, we will be back soon
07.01.2022 The last class of 2020
07.01.2022 Sideshow Ben Armour gets the win a tough rematch against a quality opponent well done mate
06.01.2022 Benny lost against a very slick and very experienced southpaw boy from nsw tonight but in true Benny fashion he was punching it out to the very last bell, covered in blood. What a tough SOB well done mate
06.01.2022 A few old faces in the gym tonight, 2021 is the year
06.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL LBC MEMBERS. Our sanctioning body the AABLi have passed down a tentative date for the reopening of our boxing clubs as June the 15th!! This will be a staged process with restrictions being lessened as we move forward. As you may probably know, from 15/6/2020 sporting clubs and gyms will be allowed to re open with a maximum of 10 people in attendance. Due to these restrictions LBC will be open to FIGHTERS ONLY and will remain so until we are instructed otherwise.... All of us here at LBC can’t wait until our non fighting class members are all back on the mats with us but until then this will do us!! And lastly... **ATTENTION FIGHTERS** come June 16th I want to see you all on the mats ready to go and make sure you all bring a good base fitness level, a good attitude and even better performances.. we’ve got a lot of unfinished business that needs seeing too
05.01.2022 Hey guys as the gyms are opening back up Monday, I’m going to be offering one on ones $50 for 45 minutes on weekdays after 4:30 beginners to experienced people are welcome message me if your interested
05.01.2022 Classes resume at LBC this Monday the 11th of January at 6pm! Training is compulsory for All fighters competing in the first couple of months of the year so make sure you’re here and ready to go. We have a big year of fights coming up so no excuses
03.01.2022 Did you know we run a Saturday kids class? Saturday at 10am $5 a session! 4- 16 years of age
03.01.2022 Hey guys, Big Bad Benny is fighting tonight in an elimination bout against Zak Campbell from NSW.
02.01.2022 LBC’s resident pocket rocket Jaide fought a great fight against a much more experienced and older opponent, you didn’t get the win kiddo but you showed a lot of heart and should be very proud of yourself!! We all are
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