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Launceston Men's Community

Phone: +61 475 934 907


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25.01.2022 Hey, were meeting in person again! The Ida Birchall room at Pilgrim United Church. 34 Paterson St. Launceston. Every Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Hope to see you there.

24.01.2022 Doing two weekly zoom mens groups now. out of California, the program I went through and use as a model for everything I do, meets Monday nights 7-9 USA west coast time. This is Tuesdays noon to 2 Australia Eastern time. There were 18 men there last week including a few in Tassie. They break up into groups of three so everyone has time to be heard. The leaders have decades of experience. No charge but donations to Breakthrough appreciated. They like to... have men with some mens group experience. Message me if you are interested and I will send you a link. The Meander River group Wednesday evening 6:30 to 8:30 is expanding also. I will be facilitating this week. I can pass on your interest to Paddy Murray or you can contact him yourself if you are interested in this group. is also looking at getting a weekly group started on Zoom soon. Apparently Google and Facebook are both coming out with free versions of their teleconference services. Stay tuned. See more

24.01.2022 Doing two weekly zoom men's groups now. out of California, the program I went through and use as a model for everything I do, meets Monday nights 7-9 USA west coast time. This is Tuesdays noon to 2 Australia Eastern time. There were 18 men there last week including a few in Tassie. They break up into groups of three so everyone has time to be heard. The leaders have decades of experience. No charge but donations to Breakthrough appreciated. They like to... have men with some men's group experience. Message me if you are interested and I will send you a link. The Meander River group Wednesday evening 6:30 to 8:30 is expanding also. I will be facilitating this week. I can pass on your interest to Paddy Murray or you can contact him yourself if you are interested in this group. is also looking at getting a weekly group started on Zoom soon. Apparently Google and Facebook are both coming out with free versions of their teleconference services. Stay tuned. See more

23.01.2022 Here in the year 2020, flying cars, jet packs, interplanetary travel and men listening to and supporting each other. Who could have imagined such things in the previous century? The future is happening Wednesday evenings in Launceston at 128 St John St. And we have been meeting every week since this time last year. Don't be left in benighted past. Free flying car parking. And jet pack valet service.

23.01.2022 Looks like we'll have to shut down for a while. Thinking about electronic options but not stoked about it. If anyone has any ideas or feelings about it feel free to comment.

23.01.2022 I keep thinking that it's probably hard to make it to fifty-seven years old without a fair share of grief and some shame about what I could have done better. These thoughts don't help that much as I am reminded of the son I lost to suicide about four months ago now. The only thing that helps, I find, is to work on being better at being me. I want to be the kind of man who doesn't let unhelpful beliefs I picked up in childhood keep me from showing love and giving care especially when it is needed most. I'm working on it.

22.01.2022 45 consecutive weeks of Wednesday evening meetings in Launceston this year so far. The Launceston Men's Community Breakthrough Project is rolling steadily along. Men in Launceston know we are here to provide a safe place to bring their truth, be heard, appreciated, loved and supported. When they are ready, they will show up for themselves and each other. I am so grateful for the men who have shown up this year and I'm looking forward to meeting the ones who are on their way.

21.01.2022 Looking for a breakthrough in your life? This group is for men in the Launceston TAS area who want to explore issues with self betterment and growth while looking into reasons for nonconstructive behaviour patterns. We will use as a guideline a 30-year-long successful program in California called "Breakthrough." The aim is for men to support each other in becoming more fulfilled, connected, dynamic human beings who find joy in their relationships. At this point we are especially looking for men who are interested in taking leadership roles in the local men's community. Experience in and knowledge of psychology or social science is a plus but a desire to be part of a better world and an openness to exploring new ideas is all that is required. This group is secular, science-based, non-violent, democratic and inclusive.

21.01.2022 These are the Five Things We Cannot Change (from David Richos book of that name). All things change and end. Plans do not always work out.... Life is not always fair. Pain is a part of life. People are not loving and loyal all of the time. ------------------------------------------------------- But through accepting these five things as facts we get a clearer picture of what is possible for us. At times I have found the need to recite the following to myself as a mantra. ----------------------------------------------------------- Although all things change and end, things move in cycles and renew themselves, furthering evolution. Although plans do not always work out, we sometimes sense a larger plan at work through synchronicity that opens startling possibilities. Although life is not always fair, something in us remains committed to fairness and refuses to be unjust or retaliatory. Although pain is a part of life, we have ways of dealing with suffering and thereby we expand our powers to handle future pain and help others in their pain. Although people are not loving and loyal all the time, nothing has to get in the way of our acting with loving-kindness and not giving up on others. No human action can take away another human beings capacity to love. ------------------------------------------------------------ As resilient beings, we are motivated toward growth. There is a vitality in us, a sparklea bonfire, actuallythat cannot be extinguished by any tragedy. Something in us, an urge toward wholeness, a passion for evolving, makes us go on, start over, not give up, not give in. To accept the things we cannot change does not mean that we roll over but that we roll on. David Richo

20.01.2022 A fun fail with Zoom men's group last night. We were trying the breakout rooms. I was facilitating but not hosting, we split into groups of 3. Right after entering the room I was notified that something happened to my audio and Zoom would have to restart. When I came back I was in the main room and the host was in a breakout room and couldn't tell I needed help. I was stuck out there for the hour that the other men were in the breakout room. Glad it happened to me and not to... one of the other participants. I just waited until everyone came back. And we learned something about needing to stay in the host mode for the breakout groups. Otherwise I think everyone had a great meeting talking about the 5A's of Love. Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, Affection and Allowing and where they might have used a little more of one or more of those when they were growing up. Yay!

20.01.2022 A fun fail with Zoom mens group last night. We were trying the breakout rooms. I was facilitating but not hosting, we split into groups of 3. Right after entering the room I was notified that something happened to my audio and Zoom would have to restart. When I came back I was in the main room and the host was in a breakout room and couldnt tell I needed help. I was stuck out there for the hour that the other men were in the breakout room. Glad it happened to me and not to... one of the other participants. I just waited until everyone came back. And we learned something about needing to stay in the host mode for the breakout groups. Otherwise I think everyone had a great meeting talking about the 5As of Love. Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, Affection and Allowing and where they might have used a little more of one or more of those when they were growing up. Yay!

16.01.2022 Nice piece in the Examiner about Tasmen, Men with Heart and even the Launceston Men's Community.

16.01.2022 Join us at the Ida Birchall room of Pilgrim Uniting Church, 34 Paterson Street, Launceston. Every Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. "Although suffering is a part of life, we have ways of dealing with it and we thereby expand our ability to handle future pain and to help others in their pain." David Richo, The Five Things We Cannot Change.

16.01.2022 I keep thinking that its probably hard to make it to fifty-seven years old without a fair share of grief and some shame about what I could have done better. These thoughts dont help that much as I am reminded of the son I lost to suicide about four months ago now. The only thing that helps, I find, is to work on being better at being me. I want to be the kind of man who doesnt let unhelpful beliefs I picked up in childhood keep me from showing love and giving care especially when it is needed most. Im working on it.

14.01.2022 Amazing experiment that shows so many hidden connections in a community.

14.01.2022 I've been working for a while on finding something inside myself that proves my inherent worth. Because I believe that, from the day I was born, I knew that I mattered. But I think that I was only able to hold onto that knowledge for a while. Somehow, early in my childhood, the knowledge became a question. And in my life, sometimes, it has even been a denial. However that happened, the knowledge is still there waiting to be found and held as a fundamental truth. This truth is... a little ball of sunlight that has lain buried in garbage and dirt, in the worst of the false beliefs I was taught or taught myself, in the things I said and the actions I took in my darkness. Now I'm pulling that little sphere out of the muck, cleaning it off, polishing it up and letting it shine so everyone can see it. The light that proves I matter! I am worthwhile! I am here to take my place in the lives of everyone around me. To give love and be loved.

14.01.2022 Codependent? Abuser? Victim? Manipulator? Controller? Submissive? What would it look like if we had a chart of healthy and unhealthy boundaries? How about this?

13.01.2022 Looks like well have to shut down for a while. Thinking about electronic options but not stoked about it. If anyone has any ideas or feelings about it feel free to comment.

12.01.2022 I feel sad about the loss of in-person connection for our mens group. There is nothing that can replace the kind of attention and regard I feel through a hand on a shoulder or a warm embrace. I hope it wont be too long before I can experience that again. AND Im excited about the possibilities around new connections that can be made and old ones reawakened through teleconferencing. We have been limited by geography, until now, in finding larger numbers of men who can meet o...n a weekly basis in a way that brings the continuity and teamwork for doing real work on ourselves and for having meaningful support for each other. I am hopeful that men who have been working in leadership in peer wellbeing groups can now come together to create an ambitious program that will be available everywhere at a time when such an effort is so sorely needed. "Patience," said Slartibartfast again. "Great things are afoot!" (Douglas Adams, "Life, the Universe and Everything") See more

09.01.2022 As we deal with our environment in childhood, we begin to take on adaptive strategies in order to protect ourselves or reconcile with things that aren’t going the way they should. See if you recognise anything from the list on the attachment. Try to pay attention if any of these strategies looks familiar or brings up feelings. See you tomorrow!

09.01.2022 I feel sad about the loss of in-person connection for our men's group. There is nothing that can replace the kind of attention and regard I feel through a hand on a shoulder or a warm embrace. I hope it won't be too long before I can experience that again. AND I'm excited about the possibilities around new connections that can be made and old ones reawakened through teleconferencing. We have been limited by geography, until now, in finding larger numbers of men who can meet o...n a weekly basis in a way that brings the continuity and teamwork for doing real work on ourselves and for having meaningful support for each other. I am hopeful that men who have been working in leadership in peer wellbeing groups can now come together to create an ambitious program that will be available everywhere at a time when such an effort is so sorely needed. "Patience," said Slartibartfast again. "Great things are afoot!" (Douglas Adams, "Life, the Universe and Everything") See more

04.01.2022 The truth about our childhood is stored up in our body, and although we can repress it, we can never alter it. Our intellect can be deceived, our feelings manipulated, and conceptions confused, and our body tricked with medication. But someday our body will present its bill, for it is as incorruptible as a child, who, still whole in spirit, will accept no compromises or excuses, and it will not stop tormenting us until we stop evading the truth. Alice Miller

02.01.2022 If you think things could be better, you are right. You have tried it on your own. Now try it in a team. It works better for all of us when we share our journey. Join us every Wednesday evening, 6:30 to 8:30 at the Ida Birchall room of Pilgrim Uniting Church, 34 Paterson Street, Launceston.

02.01.2022 "Once we make our relationship choices in an adult way, a prospective partner who is unavailable, nonreciprocal, or not open to processing feelings and issues, becomes, by those very facts, unappealing. Once we love ourselves, people no longer look good to us unless they are good for us." ~ David Richo

01.01.2022 Ive been working for a while on finding something inside myself that proves my inherent worth. Because I believe that, from the day I was born, I knew that I mattered. But I think that I was only able to hold onto that knowledge for a while. Somehow, early in my childhood, the knowledge became a question. And in my life, sometimes, it has even been a denial. However that happened, the knowledge is still there waiting to be found and held as a fundamental truth. This truth is... a little ball of sunlight that has lain buried in garbage and dirt, in the worst of the false beliefs I was taught or taught myself, in the things I said and the actions I took in my darkness. Now Im pulling that little sphere out of the muck, cleaning it off, polishing it up and letting it shine so everyone can see it. The light that proves I matter! I am worthwhile! I am here to take my place in the lives of everyone around me. To give love and be loved.

01.01.2022 Nice piece in the Examiner about Tasmen, Men with Heart and even the Launceston Mens Community.

01.01.2022 Hey, we're meeting in person again! The Ida Birchall room at Pilgrim United Church. 34 Paterson St. Launceston. Every Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Hope to see you there.

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