Laura Banks | Personal coach
Laura Banks
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21.01.2022 Have you read the book The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks? In it, Gay talks about Upper Limit Problems. He describes them as being the glass ceiling we subconsciously place in front of our potential. When we hit our upper-limit we end up self-sabotaging.... Upper-limits can play out in so many ways, but there are a few that I see come up more often, especially when I'm working with women who are stepping into a new level in their vision for their business. I've been having lots of conversations about this, as I've been talking with new clients this week and we're starting to look to 2021, so I've decided to go live this Friday, 30 October, at 12.30pm ADST in the Mindset, Magic + Mechanics Facebook group to talk about the top three ways I see upper limits playing out when you're stepping into a new level in business - and how to move through them. It's free to join, just click the link below, and if you can't make it live you can catch the replay.
14.01.2022 The power of Masterminds for me isn’t always in learning more. I’ve been in masterminds where I knew exactly what I needed to do. So why invest in myself & business in that way? The difference that made a difference has been this: Having objective eyes on my business. Someone who is committed to me & my business can see my blind spots & opportunities I can’t (because I’ve got a story that has stopped me) has been so powerful for me. Here’s an example: when I first started co...aching I was adamant I was a life coach. I truly believed I wasn’t qualified enough to be a business coach, in spite of: A degree in business with 10+ years in business strategy & development, strategic planning, event management, communications, marketing & PR & working in online businesses helping them scale, pivot, grow their revenue, launch courses & lots more. It was being a part of a mastermind group, having a coach & group of women see me without my own *stuff* & call me on it that made me realise: I actually LOVE supporting people with the coaching, strategy & stepping out practical actions for them to grow their business. My coach & that group of women saw all I could bring to the table, where I was playing small & called me on it. They saw something in me that I couldn’t. They believed in me & held me in that vision so I could step into it. Thank f*&k for that. Supporting women in their first 1-3 years of business to bring their vision to life in a way that feels good & gets results is such a joy. Seeing them in their highest potential, the opportunities they can’t always see for themselves & holding them while they lean into that is the most rewarding work. Creating a container for women to connect & support one another rise is truly magic. That's why I created the Mindset, Magic + Mechanics Mastermind. To give you the mindset & business coaching, strategy and practical support to build momentum in your business and bring your vision to life. I've just introduced a new 8-month extended payment plan for the Mastermind, making this the most affordable way to work with and receive 1:1 support to bring your vision to life. Find out all the details at the link below, or send me a DM and we can jump on a call.
14.01.2022 What messages are you sending to your subconscious? Our subconscious is always listening for the commands we're giving it in the language we use. Our self-talk (both inner and outer) matters.... Do you say "I've got this" one day and "I'm terrible at this" the next? Do you let yourself dream of what you want one minute and then in the next list all the reasons why you can't have it and it will never happen? Think of your subconscious like your inner GPS. Are you giving it clear directions to get you where you want via the most efficient and shortest route, or are you taking the *scenic* route, detouring, getting lost and going around in circles? Drop an emoji below if your inner GPS needs some new programming! If you want to learn how to tap into your subconscious superpowers I’m running a free and live training next week. Link below if you’d like to join us I’d love to see you there!
12.01.2022 Often when I talk with my clients about generating massive momentum and results in what they're working on, whether it be in their business, their career, relationships, a personal goal they've set for themselves or any other part of their life, it can feel...well, icky for them. The energy around generating momentum and results can feel very forceful. Like you're striving or pushing. Hustling hard. Especially if we feel like we're not making progress. Eugh. The energy of tha...t makes me feel gross even writing about it. And so...what if we flipped the conversation? What if generating momentum and results could feel good? What if you could ditch the feeling of frustration from not making the progress you want to see toward your vision? If you're not seeing the momentum or the results you want in your business or life, I've got one question and a few tips to help you shift that, in a way that feels good. I'll be going live in my Facebook group at 10am AEDT tomorrow, Friday 9 October. You can join here: There's a way of doing life and business that feels good for you, gets the results you dream of and is as unique as you are. Let's find it.
10.01.2022 I'm running a free masterclass tomorrow, where I'm going to share the powerful three-step formula to ditch self-doubt, claim your vision and bring it to life (faster than you think). You’ll learn: How to make sure your conscious and subconscious mind are working in alignment (and toward your vision).... How to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of bringing your vision to life and not be derailed by negative emotions like fear, self-doubt and failure. How to deeply embody your vision on the subconscious level (it’s one thing to consciously want your vision, a whole new and freaking powerful ball game to embody it at the subconscious level) How to easily identify (and take!) the action you need to make your vision come to life in a BIG way that feels deliciously easeful and fun. Your vision isn’t meant to stay in your head or heart. It’s time to start living it. It's happening at 10am ADST and there will be a replay available if you can't make it live. Join us here: I'd love to see you there
05.01.2022 So thrilled to have an article in the latest issue of Inspired Coach magazine. I share my top tips on mindset mastery to help coaches - or anyone in business really - thrive.