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Laura's Coaching in Perth, Western Australia | Personal coach

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Laura's Coaching

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Address: Clarence Street 6151 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 And sometimes even the home of two...

25.01.2022 Ups, someone felt a bit disturbed by us this morning! I love these guys, they are normally pretty relaxed. . #coomallopark #visitwesternaustralia #bluetonguelizard #weekendtrip

25.01.2022 Update: Someone has been growing recently!! Only eleven weeks to go (if she is on time)! I can’t believe it! And I can’t wait to meet the New Year‘s / New Decade 2020 / Vipassana / Yoga / Australian / Austrian / German / Piano teacher’s baby girl, which will be our daughter! And she is already so strong now! What an adventure!!! #lasttrimester #rockingpregnancy #anticipation #newmummy #pregnantbelly #proudofwhatmybodycando #twosoulsinonebody #grateful #bestdadever #

24.01.2022 I love this picture! . #family #babyinside #soonoutside #soexcited #pregnacyisamazing #whatyoucanalreadyfeel #babygirl

24.01.2022 I love it! Isn’t it true?

21.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to celebrate life and sisterhood! Happy Birthday, @mmanu2506 ! @ Bodhi J Spa Perth

21.01.2022 Spring is here!!! . #rainbowrosella #coraltree #week36pregnant #happy #discoversouthperth @ South Perth, Western Australia

20.01.2022 Hi cosmopolitans! Have you ever heard of the term Global mindfulness? I hadn’t heard about the concept until today in my EdConnect-Worshop Communicating with Culture. As we know, stereotypes are everywhere! And I guess, you have also been stereotyped before based on your gender, your appearance or your actions, haven’t you? It’s so important to be aware of how we think about others, if we don’t know them yet. Let’s never assume anything too quickly and ask ourselves what our cultural lenses are! Stay connected! Cheers, Laura

19.01.2022 How can you celebrate the International Day of Yoga better than with the Indian Consulate of Perth? #yoga #consulategeneralofindia #breatheinbreatheout #sundaymorning #babyonboard #prenatalyoga #yogalove #internationaldayofyoga2020 #internationaldayofyoga #leavingyourcomfortzone @ Government House, Perth

17.01.2022 Hello, you little character of a plant! I like your style! #discoversouthperth #wildflowerseasoniscomingsoon #dailywalk @ South Perth, Western Australia

16.01.2022 Hi guys, how are you? I have to be honest with you, I was in a little post-holiday-depression kind of state. A weekend away is better than nothing, but still not enough to feel like a new person. So far, my pregnancy has been a walk in the park and I am really grateful for that , but recently everything seemed to be too heavy, my belly hurt and I have to go to the toilet every 15 minutes which makes sleeping not really easier. But luckily I have learned one thing in t...he last few years: It’s okay to be not okay sometimes. So I just accept my mood, try to be kind to myself, rest more and think smarter not harder, how I can adapt to the situation in a more flexible way according to my needs. My motto: Be your best friend and act like it! I hope you are doing great and I wish you a wonderful rest of the week! Cheers, Laura See more

15.01.2022 My friends, it has been a while! Being a mum is a full-time job if you also need to eat, shower and connect to the outside world. I hope you are all well! Please feel free to give me a call if you feel like it! It is a nice distraction from the fact that the three of us can’t meet family and friends in Germany and Austria this Christmas. But as always we will make the best out of the situation! Feel hugged and don’t stress yourself! Laura

12.01.2022 6 STEPS TO BUILDING YOUR HAPPINESS AND LIVING THE LIFE YOU WANT By Miranda Murray Do you dream of being in control of your life (well as close as you can)? Are you ready to unlock your potential and align with your purpose! Me too!...Continue reading

12.01.2022 What a beautiful day trip to the Perth Hills! . #mundynationalpark #perthhills #waterfall #wildflowerseason #spring @ Mundy Regional Park

11.01.2022 Hi guys, how do you live your creativity? Do you take time for that? Today I started with a clay course and I have totally forgotten how much fun it is!!! I haven’t done this since Primary School! My inner child is totally enthusiastic! Also I welcomed two new piano students today and they are so keen to learn, which is just wonderful! What is your favourite creative hobby? Cheers, Laura

10.01.2022 Challenge accepted! Thank you @janina_koesling for the nomination and for all the strong and wonderful women being in my life! #womanempowerment #challengeaccepted #WomenSupportingWomen #WomenInspiringWomen

09.01.2022 Yes, that’s so true!

08.01.2022 Healthy mum, healthy baby! #pregnancy #loveit #mymainjobistofeelgood #onlythebestforyou #sofarsogood

07.01.2022 Hi guys! How are you? As America goes to the voting stations today, the question that comes to mind is this: Do you believe that your voice matters? The way you show up in one area of your life is how you show up everywhere so do you use your voice? Thanks for teaching us this, Sue Raffan!

07.01.2022 Such an inspiring woman: Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of "Eat, pray, love", and her message: "Always be kind to yourself and change your circumstances if they do not feel right anymore."

05.01.2022 Life is good at the Beach! Sending you much love, sunshine and positive energy!

05.01.2022 Already one month old! First time at the Beach!

05.01.2022 Welcome to the family, Ida Valerie Kern! Born on 5/10/2020 at 19:08 with 4205g after a 48 hours labour marathon and with tremendous support from my three lovely midwives of the Community Midwifery Program of WA! We are so grateful for the nurses, doctors and staff members at King Edward Memorial Hospital Perth. You basically saved our lives and we will never forget that! . @kemh_perth #communitymidwiferywesternaustralia #newborn #birth #firstchild #family #babygirl # #

02.01.2022 From next week on, I will be a mentor at Como Primary School! It’s such a beautiful school, over 100 years old, with more than 200 children from 45 cultural backgrounds! I am so excited!!! . #mentor #comoprimaryschool #edconnect #volunteer #workingwithchildren #excited

02.01.2022 Can you believe it? I am in week 40 now and there are only five days left until the estimated birthdate on the 25th of September! We are so excited and still can’t believe it that our little daughter will be born and in our arms soon!! A big THANK YOU to all our wonderful family and friends and support network for the lovely words, presents and thinking of us although being far away in Australia!!! It has been such a wonderful pregnancy, starting with t...he Vipassana retreat in January , the Yoga teacher course in February in Bali , the trip to Esperance and Exmouth in March with my parents , Richard being with me in home Office during the pregnancy because of Covid-19 , feeling safe here in WA and happy teaching my students German and Piano , having wonderful rewarding Coaching sessions and enjoying the Community Midwifery Programme of Western Australia! Wish me luck for a smooth birth! #firstbaby #week40 #babyinside #gratefulheart #thankyou #pregnancy See more

02.01.2022 What a beautiful day! . #spring #perth #discoversouthperth #seasonchange @ South Perth, Western Australia

01.01.2022 Yesterday, some Coaching friends and me enjoyed a wonderful movie night out! The Movie was called The Secret with Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas and it’s about the power of your own thoughts and the law of attraction! Highly recommended!!!

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