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Laura Pringle

Phone: +61 409 062 192


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to load big map

24.01.2022 The first time I really started getting my shit together I couldn't believe how amazing it felt. I was always a 'so much to do but can't even be bothered' kinda gal. The kind of person who's car looked like a trash bin. The kind of person who ran around like a headless chicken if the doorbell went, throwing dishes into the sink and sweeping piles of stuff into cupboards. Debts, overdraft, disorganised!!! The kind of person who endlessly floated without focus. I starte...d watching YouTube videos on success mindset. I had come across it by accident whilst looking for something on mindset. I didn't know there was a difference in how successful people think and behave and that THAT Is the biggest reason they succeed! I realised that to really get my shit together I needed to start with the basics for a solid sorting my house out before i sorted my life out. Messy house, messy mind! At first I made lots of classic mistakes. I tried to do too much, which leads to you giving up halfway through.....or I would be cleaning a cupboard out and then get distracted by something much more fun...or sometimes I just lost sight of why I was getting my shit together in the first place and just watched tv instead. It took a while but I eventually got it. Instead of clearing out the whole house I just did one small thing a day, like a drawer. It was so quick and easy to do that I had no excuses not to make it happen. It didn't feel like I was doing much but after a few months my whole house was organised...and it wasnt painful to do!! Yay!!!!! I would also not let myself get distracted, if I found something to do when I was clearing out a drawer, I would just write it down to do later, I stayed focused on the goal!!! Having your shit together means your head and life are less cluttered. It may take time to undo what you've done, but its absolutely worth it in the end!! No more living a life carrying half of your past and sabotaging your future!!! Having your shit together brings you right into your present moment....a present moment that you want to be in, being a person you are proud of! Love you Laura

23.01.2022 Wandering through the garden with the cats and I came across a gorgeous sprinkle of purple flowers that had fallen from a tree. I sat down and just enjoyed all the colours and lovely nature noises, witnessing and bathing in all the loveliness. It reminded me of the importance of taking the time to enjoy the fruits of what I've created rather than just create, create, create. I think I spent such a big part of my life stuck that when I learnt how to problem solve, smash thro...ugh personal limitations and blocks, I got carried away with creating! Sometimes we are struggling with what we have created in our past so we can't sit and enjoy what we have created or struggle to move on to create something new ...sometimes we don't know what we want to create in our future or how to create it so we can't move in to it. .......and even if we do start creating a life, relationships and a connection with yourself that are what you want ....none of it matters if you don't stop to enjoy it! What are you working on? Do you need to let go and leave your past creations behind to make room for a future? Do you need to connect with yourself more so you know what to create? Do you need to start working on some of the things that stop you from creating the life you want? Or do you need to take the time to enjoy what you create as you create it? Being and Doing! Best friends for life!!! For me......I'm taking some time to find the balance between birthing creations and enjoying those creations!! Love you Laura #selfcare #Intuition #presence #enjoy #life #gratitute #gardenwisdom #mooneebeach #liveyourdream #nsw #garden #cats #embodied #selfawareness #enlightened #consciousness

22.01.2022 What we THINK we deserve can be very different to what what we actually deserve! Do you know what you deserve? You deserve complete unconditional love. To be seen and validated. To be treated as an equal to every other person on this planet. To be met with kindness, consideration.......and most of all.........and yet most rarely (coz we aren't great at it yet) we deserve the space to be held for us when we are being our angriest, hateful, horrible, triggered, most f@cked up ...selves!! We can't expect this loving treatment from everyone (as it takes a very healed person to not make anything that other people do personal), but YOU DO DESERVE IT! The most important thing is that you are very honest with your self with what is and isn't ok with you!!! This is different for everyone so don't let anyone else set this for you. ......and don't just presume you are ok with things because you've put up with them for so long!!! If you decide you deserve something then that's the standard you set. It doesn't mean we don't allow for a good bit of humaness but it's what you are aiming for and you recognise the cut off. It's up to you to stop taking what you don't deserve, stop waiting for someone else to 'realise'. You also wanna make sure you show up to that standard too! If you are kind you set the biggest chance to receive kindness back! Are you getting the relationship you deserve? Are you creating the happiness you deserve? Are you living the life you deserve? Are you facing the potentially scary truth of no longer accepting what you don't deserve? The minute you start to think you deserve better, you probably do!!! I love you! I know it can be hard. I've been there. But I promise you what awaits you on the other side is worth the climb!!!! Laura

21.01.2022 Conscious relationships!

16.01.2022 Your mind at it's worst will tell you stories. Stories about who you are and what's happening around you. Those stories may or may not be based in truth and so believing everything you think is not a way to live. At it's best the mind stays open, it recognises stories so you don't have to go getting lost in them, and it turns intuitive signals into helpful, supportive thoughts! Your emotions at their worst will shut you down. Either because you hit your capacity of what you ...can cope with feeling so you get stuck in that difficult feeling.....or you can't process those emotions so your body stops feeling altogether. At your best you process all emotions without getting stuck in them or having feelings about your feelings . You are alive and feeling! An open and strong mind and a full emotional capacity are what stop you resisting life! Stop you trying to control people and circumstances. You don't need that person to calm down before you listen, you don't need that thing to go the way you THINK you want it to go. Only when you are not attached do you truly understand surrender and a way of living in your absolute aliveness!!!! Relax! It's all working out!! Love you all Laura

15.01.2022 Do you ever feel like you are behind? Or feel like you need to control when, how and if certain things happen? Are you rushing or feel pressure to be successful, find your soul purpose, make something of yourself or just simply manage? Collectively we have set a pace which does not allow us to stay deeply connected to ourselves and create action externally from a natural happening internally.......and the mad part is we think that natural pace is lazy!! BONKERS!! The best S...H!T comes when we aren't forcing, struggling and pushing. You need spare time and the flexibility to honour yourself on the tired days, the bad days, the sad days, the just don't f@cking feel like it days. There's no prize at the end. No amount of success, money or anything else will truly make you happy in yourself. Practice what it's like to take the pressure off. Go at YOUR pace. Release the idea of who you are from how much you do in a day. From that healthy, rested place comes natural and effortless action. It's freaking liberating....and weirdly more productive than chasing your tail!! Love you without all your bells and whistles!!! Laura

12.01.2022 I'm thinking of creating a new programme for couples or individuals. I would love to know what programme you would like me to create next!! ........a wallaby crashed the party, but that's perfectly fine with me!!!

12.01.2022 I love connecting, communing and communicating with all living things. Plants being one of my favourites! All living things talk....they just don't use words. We can sense their personalities, their needs, their wants......and its epic. You see nature so differently. You realise they are really alive! They really feel! How we communicate and interact matters!!! They can share with us their wisdom.... ancient epic wisdom that can teach us how to care for our planet. ... Any living thing that is seen, heard and honoured (including their needs) flourishes!!!!! They become more vibrant. They are more connected to us and we are more connected to them. Try talking to your house and garden plants, or plants out in nature. Just sense whatever you sense. Your mind will doubt it.....understandable....talking to plants doesn't make logical sense. Just don't listen.....connect and receive images, impressions, maybe you just 'know'. If that seems too difficult, try just offering the plant a feeling of love. Your way is the right way Laura #plants #nature #connection #communication #talkingtoplants #enlightenment #consciousness #intuituve #sensing #god #motherearth

10.01.2022 Humility is a quality that changes lives. When you meet someone with humility, you feel yourself relax, you notice that you open up, you feel like you can say anything and be yourself...why?.... Because you know you are being fully seen, accepted and not judged. ... Our walls only come down when we feel safe. Every caregiver (including coaches) should do their deep inner work around humility. Humility to me is when you realise how exactly equal you are to every human and so you drop all that seperates you. The only judgment left is the power to discern. You KNOW you're not better or worse than anyone because your self acceptance is not grounded in to a 6 or 7 figure salary, having a certain body, being the best, having the most followers on Facebook. Humility grounds you into accepting being human along with everyone else. It allows you to accept crtisism without being defensive. You learn and grow with this openess in a way that pride will never let you grow!!! You stop trying to be something or someone and you just become. You don't give for a reward, you give because someone needs something and you can give it. It's not an act of kindness it's just a natural thing that you open to. Today, be human and humble. Let your ego fast. Notice what happens when you let go of needing to be anything. Love you Laura

10.01.2022 When I first started discovering I could heal, I remember rushing home every night to share with my partner all the weird and wonderful things that had happened in my day. Looking back I can see it was just too much for him. Maybe if i had had more empathy or tact, or he had been more open minded....maybe then we would have been able to navigate a path, but we were young and let's be many people 20 years ago and even today, would have been ok with their partne...r coming home and saying things like "do you know you can smell disease? Like today i totally smelled cancer and it smells like grass FYI"...or "today all these words just came out of my mouth and it was like it was my clients wisdom but coming out of me, freaky huh?" .....or the time I really freaked him out "a small boy, who is a ghost by the way, just asked me to walk him down the corridor as he's scared of passing the place he died. So I walked him to the other side. Nice kid" (for context, we lived in a converted cotton mill in which they used to send small children into the machines when something got stuck...occasionally the machine started up again and crushed them) I remember the day when my partner said "you're crazy you are. Keep talking like that and they will take you away to the funny farm" (that's what us Scottish folk call a mental institution.) I remember considering that I might actually be crazy. I think you have to. But I felt it somewhere deep inside. There's no way I could know the things I know. I couldn't guess that accurately every single time. Then my 20 something year old brain figured that maybe i was crazy but being crazy felt right so even if it meant I was carted away I was gonna do it. He moved out of my apartment and I continued onto a journey that has forever changed my understanding of what is and isn't possible. Be true to yourself!!!! Don't put anything or anyone above that. Love you Laura See more

08.01.2022 To all my fellow women..... One of the most amazing woman I know in Los Angeles has put together a completely free series for following your truth and living on purpose!! The speakers are amazeballs and she even invited little old me to speak! I am so passionate about people finding their way in the world and feeling connected to themselves! If you want to join us, head to @claudia.whitney and click the link in the bio. ... LIVE ON PURPOSE: Discover who you are, follow your truth & unleash the woman you're destined to be hosted by @claudia.whitney. The interview series will start on Monday, October 19th, and when you sign up, you'll get inspiring interviews with women sharing their wisdom sent to your inboxeach day. I’ll share my biggest life lesson and lots of life purpose wisdom! Come play!! Laura

04.01.2022 There are parts of myself that I don't like. Parts that I know are not in balance. This is the truth for all of us. Whether we care to admit our flaws, take a good loving look at them or lie to our own faces and keep pretending they don't exist.......they exist!!! ... Maybe you are jealous under that cloak of easy going.......maybe you are insecure under all that confidence, maybe you are jugmental of yourself and others, maybe you are an eternal victim if you really admit it. The part of ourself that is 100% conscious is always self aware. So we can hide, we can run, we can pretend to be something else to the world outside....... but inside where it counts, you can't can only disconnect and turn your back on the most f@cked up, broken and vulnerable part of yourself........... .......and that part of you....... needs your love, support and help the most!!! Don't disconnect from the worst parts of yourself. Don't cover negativity with positivity, don't defend your behaviour with excuses, don't blame other people for how you feel and react. Embrace radical self honesty! .......radical self honesty is equal parts liberating and deeply uncomfortable. It's meant to SUCK....I mean really suck! You are gonna have feelings when you start if you are hard on yourself, if you don't have much tolerance for imperfections...then you want to work on being your own best friend. And just so you know (because for the longest time I didn't) it's not personal. Even though everything you see will be about doesn't mean anything other than you are human and all your behaviours and traits are learnt coping mechanisms. You are not a sh@t matter how many sh@t qualities you currently posses. The sooner you look the sooner you heal. Can you be honest with yourself? What are you pretending is fine but is actually not? What are you coping with that you actually can't? What behaviours and traits do you have that suck to admit? How do u show up for yourself when you see a part of you you don't like? Life gets really different when you learn that perfect filter is the problem......not all your imperfections. Love ya Laura

03.01.2022 The future of business is conscious business! As well as working with individuals and couples, I work with epic humans in business. Conscious people create conscious business and it continues to blow my mind how business can look! A few days ago I spoke with a client who has over 100 employees. We have been working together for a few years now and she continues to blow my mind every time we speak. She welcomes her staff to explore when they are triggered. They aren't forced... to explore it (Some companies that I won't name have introduced this and force their staff into self awareness....not cool dude!!!!), they just know that if they do feel triggered by an email, something someone said or by any other means, they can explore it!! An employee came into her office and shared that she was triggered. She listened and realised her employee had a point. The employer saw something that she hadn't and as an employer she was open! I also work with a few music artists who are sharing Consciousness/God/Universe/Source through their music! They are restructuring the way they work and tour to honour their needs (music artists are often worked to the bare, bare bone) and sharing their open hearts with the world!!! I work with soooo many businesses exploring self awareness, consciousness and honouring our humaness........... It's freaking EPIC.....and frankly reassuring that a very promising future awaits us!!! To all the businesses making room for your humaness and your employees humaness......I freaking love you!!! You know who you are!!!!!! Laura

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