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24.01.2022 Nowadays many creatives work remotely from home, cafes, breakout areas, in shared workspaces, and on the go. While this may not be ideal for everyone, there are many benefits of working in well-designed and adequately lit environments. Take natural lighting in the workplace for instance, it can reduce eye strain; lessen the frequency of headaches and/or migraines; improve mood; decrease drowsiness; mitigate fatigue; heighten productivity; and ensure fewer mistakes are made. ...Bearing in mind circadian rhythms are affected by signals from the environment, it stands to reason that light (in all its forms) is the main cue for our internal clocks. A disruption of the sleep wake-cycle occurs when we restrict or deprive ourselves of sleep; limit time spent in natural light; expose our bodies to artificial light at night; and take up shift work. If you are a creative who wants to produce superior products, offer great service, and generate higher revenue invest in an office which will help you thrive creatively, productively, and socially. Do not settle for one which will contribute to a sleep disorder, obesity, diabetes, depression or worse.
23.01.2022 The way to conquer stage fright (also known as performance anxiety) is to practice, practice, practice. Not until you get it right but until you cannot get it wrong. Stage actors for instance spend countless hours rehearsing, memorising lines, and developing their character’s personalities and quirks. Given how nerve wracking and taxing live performances can be experts in the industry have put together some noteworthy tips for being physical, mentally, and emotionally prepar...ed: Shift the focus from yourself and your fear to the reason why you are on stage. Let go of negative thoughts and attend to only those which are calming and reassuring. Visualise your success. Your strength and ability to handle challenging situations will lessen feelings of self-doubt and low confidence. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation techniques have all been proven to calm and relax the mind and body. Test each one and see which has the greatest effect. Make a conscious effort to stand or sit in a self-assured, confident posture. Prepare your material in advance and rehearse reading it aloud. Connect with your audience by smiling and greeting people. Give up on trying to be perfect. Know that it is ok to make mistakes. Act not to impress, but to have fun. Be natural. Be yourself.
20.01.2022 Shrinvanti Roy is one of twelve finalists in this year’s Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival’s National Graduate Showcase. Her collection Use of Textiles in Art Therapy explores rhythm and repetition, and how these concepts can manifest in textiles and garment making. When you look at her collection you cannot help but notice the influence of nature and its earthy tones. Roy’s belief that everything started with nature and will eventually merge back into it, is refl...ected in her choice of colour palette. The gradual and at times subtle change in hue is said to symbolise nature throughout birth, death, and rebirth. Back when she was an intern for Arts Project Australia, the concept of therapy and healing was heavily ingrained in her mind. Having seen what the power of paint, dance, and music could do for those experiencing trauma or anxiety Roy wanted to know if physical garments could do the same. And so, her collection was born. Every individual piece is the result of a rhythmic response generated by a repetitive procedure. It is a manifestation of thoughts and experiences. To read more about this amazing fashion designer and how she sources and manipulates fabric for these pieces, click on the following link:
15.01.2022 Brain fog is a term used to describe mental fatigue. Though it may not be official medical terminology, there is no denying the impact it can have on an individual’s performance. A lack of concentration, forgetfulness, irritability, chronic fatigue, and mental flatness are the most common symptoms. The good news is brain fog is not permanent. If the cause is a result of:... Poor sleep. Make a conscious effort to switch off at night. Your body needs time to rest and recover. Lack of exercise. Schedule regular physical activity into your weekly routine. This will ensure good blood circulation. Stress. Do not wait until you are overwhelmed before you speak to someone. Saying no can also be a very powerful thing. Dehydration and poor diet. Limiting the consumption of processed sugars and refined carbohydrates in favour of more nutritious foods and water will help boost brain function. Whether you work in a creative industry or another profession, you will no doubt rely on your sharpness and mental clarity to do your job. What you eat, how often you move, the amount of quality sleep you get, and the way in which you think all play a part in the severity of this condition. So, do yourself a favour and become your own health detective. Identify and understand the root of brain fog to break the cycle and reverse its effects.
15.01.2022 Makeup artists are confronted with, and challenged by a myriad of different faces, skin types, expectations, and temperaments every day. Like the rest of us, they gain experience from trial and error. Aspiring makeup artist and those starting out in the industry may benefit from the below do’s and don’t to avoid making the most common newbie mistakes: Listen to your client and ask to see examples of the style they are referring to. This is crucial because everyone interpr...ets a look differently. Never ever make up a face in poor lighting because when they step into a better lit atmosphere it will look dreadful. Be sure to choose the right colour foundation. It is imperative the face, neck, and chest are the same hue. Contouring must be properly blended and not at all visible. When using a concealer to highlight, be sure to apply it from the tear duct down to the nostril and up to the end of the eye. Eyebrows frame a face which is why you must always fill them in. It is never okay to experiment on a client’s special day. This is what trials are for. Flashbacks in photos are typically caused by SPF in moisturiser or foundation and silica found in loose powder. It is in your best interests to purchase products that do not have these as ingredients. Hydrate a client’s face, under eye area, and lips before applying makeup. This will prevent concealer being patchy, blending will be much easier, and lips will appear soft instead of chapped. Satisfaction is key. Which is why you should always make a point of asking your client if they are happy with the end product. If not, do what needs to be done to make them 100% happy with their makeup.
10.01.2022 The availability and sophistication of CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) software has changed the way designers approach their work. Some might even go so far as to say hand drawing and manual drafting are becoming a lost art. However, when you consider how many creative professionals still rely on pencil and paper especially in the initial stages of a project, it becomes apparent that each technique is suitable at different stages of design. ...For instance, the old-fashioned approach is best utilised when forming ideas; playing with materials; exploring possibilities; conveying the intended concept or potential of a product; tweaking or drafting different alternatives during the collaboration process; and when money is an issue. Computer software applications offer greater accuracy and precision; will flag dimensional or structural errors; can switch between scales; enables mixed media presentations; allows the charting of a design from drawings on paper to 3D models and virtual reality; triggers automatic updates within files; and makes saving and sharing seamless. Of course, there will be those who favour one technique over the other. But until technology makes further advancements, designers across all industries can benefit from the two coexisting.
09.01.2022 Knowing your life’s purpose means living a more meaningful existence. An individual who lives a purpose-driven life typically: Stays focused on what matters most in life. Harnesses their true passion to drive them towards greatness.... Is clear about what they want. Will not waste time on futile endeavours. Feels content and fulfilled. Connects deeply with others who share the same values. Lives with integrity. Inspires trust and faith in others. Possesses an element of grace. Allows people and events to change their life’s path without resistance. Takes pleasure in living a purposeful life, enjoying every minute of their experience. Accepting who you are, where you have come from, and where you are going may be challenging. But the benefit far outweighs the struggle. Why. Because living each day to the fullest positively impacts on our relationships and those we encounter. So, do yourself a favour and make finding your purpose a priority.
08.01.2022 Our bodies bear the marks of our growth from birth, through childhood, and into adult life. But many also choose to express their story via the intricate art of tattooing. Anyone who has experience going under the gun knows all too well how much thought and consideration goes into the design and placement of a tattoo. Those that have them will say they are a personal and permanent way of remembering the trials, tribulations, and growth which have impacted greatly on their lif...e. If you are yet to take the plunge or simply admire them on others, broach the subject of your curiosity tactfully. Not everyone wants to explain their story. Open a dialogue but do not be pushy. The stigma surrounding body art has of course lessened over the years, but a prospective employer may not hire a candidate with obvious tattoos. It does not mean that you are any less qualified than the competition or that you should conform to the norm. Rather, it reflects the personal preference of the person interviewing you and quite possibly the culture of the company. Your body is your canvas. Do with it what you will just remember that the only person you need to please is yourself. When you are content with who you are and what you stand for the right people will be attracted to you.
06.01.2022 Not every meeting should be held offsite, but here are a few very good reasons why you should consider it as an option. A change of scenery has been shown to positively affect morale. Quality ideas are more likely to be generated when there is a change of perspective or physical environment.... Events on a calendar increase motivation because it causes individuals to think, discuss, and plan for the occasion. Routine office interruptions can be avoided which means attention can be focused. Working together on strategic initiatives contributes to shared feelings of success. Networking face-to-face allows you to pickup on non-verbal cues such as hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Seeing others in a different light develops a sense of camaraderie. Individuals tend to accomplish more when there is a deadline on decision-making. Teams are bound together when they share an experience more so than a common goal. Venues offsite generally have access to different and/or newer technologies.
06.01.2022 Daydreaming is often perceived as a negative. However, research suggests those who let their minds wander throughout the day may have a more efficient brain than those who do not. The ability to zone in and out of conversations and tasks when appropriate, then naturally tune back in without missing important points or steps is an indication of an increased capacity to think. If the content of the daydream leaves you feeling refreshed, energised, and productive it has done it...s job. Uncontrolled, obsessive worrying or rumination will not lead to creative breakthroughs. It will have a negative impact on mental health and wellbeing. Needless to say, the key to flexible and creative insights is to regularly distance yourself from the problem, to give your mind a mini break from streams of information and engage in quiet contemplation.
06.01.2022 Professional makeup kits are a financial investment and take a considerable time to build. When starting out in the industry or going it alone as a freelance makeup artist, your best strategy is to focus on quality, aim for mid-range pricing, and stick to the essentials. The advice from industry leaders is simple: Ask yourself what sort of makeup artistry do I really want to do? Then choose products based on your target client base. ... Do not fall for the illusion that higher prices guarantee better quality. Clients have all different skin types and tones so consider purchasing palettes rather than individual pieces. Read and watch product reviews on reputable blogs and vlogs before purchasing something you are unsure of. Buy in bulk when it makes sense. Because the less you spend on disposable tools, the more you can invest in quality makeup items. You work hard for your money. So why not take the time to alleviate some of the financial burden by making cost-effective quality your top priority.
03.01.2022 N and O are two distinct letters but when put together the word no can have a significant impact on the relationships you have with yourself and with others. Say no too frequently and you run the risk of being isolated, having a negative persona, and missing out on valuable opportunities. Say no too rarely and you may find your schedule is overloaded and feel pushed to your limits. If an individual’s wellbeing relies on finding a balance between the extremes it is no wo...nder equilibrium only exists when you can recognise the pros and cons of saying no. Learning how to decline an invitation or request without experiencing guilt is paramount to achieving personal fulfillment and superior interactions with those around you. The more you practice and master the art of mouthing no, the easier it will be to fill your life with activities and people who bring true happiness into your life.
02.01.2022 It is no secret that creatives and students congregate in coffee shops. But did you know that the right type and level of noise can change the way our minds function. According to research data, individuals scored better at out-of-the-box thinking when there was a moderate level of ambient noise equivalent to 70 decibels. Environments with a decibel either side of 70 say 50 or 85 appeared to inhibit creative cognition and therefore task performance. If you are wondering to harness this information to boost your own artistic output, consider stepping out of your comfort zone. Burying oneself in a quiet room and staring at the same boring walls will no doubt seize creativity. So why not see if modest background noise found in bustling coffee shops provides enough of a distraction for you to think more imaginatively. To test this theory, 70 decibels should be loud enough to keep you from concentrating too intensely on a problem or project but not overwhelming as to completely distract you from the task at hand.
01.01.2022 Twenty-one year old Mary MacInnes does something truly amazing with the clothes of lost loved ones. She turns them into bespoke memory bears. For the family that is left behind, it gives them something to cherish rather than be saddened by the memory of an old garment. While we can all agree nothing will ever bring back the person we have lost, having a physical reminder of the precious times you shared together makes living without them a little bit easier. The fact that you... can include items such as jewellery or ashes and a customised pocket in the back to store letters and special mementos means each bear is uniquely yours. For MacInnes, it is both and honour and a privilege to create a beautiful keepsake. Unlike other artists who may be scared to justify why they charge the amounts they do, MacInnes is not. In a Facebook post last October she clearly states: I need to clear up some confusion. I do not sell bears. I sell a sewing service. Allow me to explain. I spend 5-6 hours (longer on graduation and uniform bears) planning, cutting, creating, and sewing each bear. I am paid for my time. Once stuffing, eyes, noses, buttons, ribbon, interfacings, cost of machines, maintenance, insurance, embroidery and embroidery threads and business overheads etc. are subtracted I work for minimum wage. This is a sewing service which I love offering and am privileged to be able to. I do not sell bears, I sell a service. I am paid for my time. If this resonates strongly with you, stick to your guns. Those who want your services will pay for them. If you would like to read more about this artist and view the wonderful creations she has made thus far, click on the below link:
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