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Lauren Francis | Fitness venue

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Lauren Francis

Phone: +61 408 371 848


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25.01.2022 If youve ever felt like you cant exercise; if you think youre too old, too injured, too sick; you need to know that you absolutely can.... Amongst the amazing clients we are lucky to see every week are chronic fatigue sufferers, clients going through treatment for cancer, clients recovering from major heart surgery, clients working on rehab for knee replacements, 10 year olds and 86 year olds. We have the opportunity to work with these wonderful people and many others every day. And we absolutely love it

25.01.2022 Thank you!!! Today I taught my last mat Pilates class at the lovely Clarity Massage and Wellness Centre. After encountering a rainstorm on the school drop off the sun came out for class and was an absolute pleasure to spend it with some of my regulars. Thanks for welcoming me to the team Sarah and Julia - Ive had a wonderful time. Unfortunately been stretching myself a little thin lately - just now time to re-prioritise a few things!! xoxoxoxoxooxo We should never forget to try and prioritise fun and a laugh!!!! Todays class we made sure we used every prop available :) ;)

25.01.2022 Just 1 spot available in my Beginners classes at Infinity next Monday for any one keen on starting. My first group has graduated and all staying on for other classes now:)

24.01.2022 School holidays are the best!! Great time to recharge the batteries and balance out everything :)

23.01.2022 Accidentally very early to teach my classes tonight... better early than late!!!. Perfect though after a day gardening (weeding) the body is in great need of a stretch and roll. Lucky here we have all the tools :)

22.01.2022 So excited to be joining the team IvoryRose Physiotherapy for Her to add more classes to my schedule!!!!

21.01.2022 New class added to my regular weekly classes :) Contact us if your interested!

20.01.2022 Balancing : Level up. Lets test your balance! Safery first - take your foam roller close to a wall or something for you to place you hands onto for support and assistance when starting out!! Stand in the middle of a foam roller (check that it has a solid core otherwise you will sink ;) )... Stand and think tall!!! Your head should be straight over your chest, straight over your hips, straight over your feet. Allow your ankles to move and try to keep lifting the arches of your feet. Surprising requires lots of core strength too! Engage your Transverse Abdominus ('TA' or 'deep tummy muscles' as I usually call them in class!) Keep that 'corset' tight and stay tall. Keep breathing!!! If you have been lucky enough to be in one of my smaller Pilates classes you may have already given this ago. A fun one to practice! Added benefit calf stretch and rolling out your feet. Level up: Once you are comfortable with standing on two legs, shift your weight to one foot (keep standing tall - lots of core engagement required!) lift the heel of one foot. Breathe! Level up: Try balancing on one leg :) :D Hold on! Breathe! Stand tall! Core! Its possible with practise!! (Apologies for the quality of photo - I took them myself while balancing.... :P Something I dont recommend!!)

20.01.2022 I so very much needed this today!!!! Lovely to be taught so I can do and switch off. Yoga class with a view. Love where we live! Sun is hiding today - so get your sparkle from the inside :D. Always lifts me up to use my Sonic the Hedgehog mat too lol

20.01.2022 Spent an awesome afternoon at Kanti Yoga Adelaide with Flex Yoga and Massage for their Tune Up Fitness Roll and Release workshop! Came away with so many awesome... tips and tricks. Some new toys to add to the growing collection and a much needed roll session complete!!! Each course I do inspires me to do further learning and investigation (the human body is so complex!) :) I love my job!!! See more

19.01.2022 Happy Pilates Day for yesterday!! (First Saturday in May) I celebrated by sleeping in, washing dishes, washing clothes, having coffee and taking the family on a bike ride to the beach! Pilates is more than taking a structured class once a week - should be incorporate throughout your daily lives! :) Take a moment to think about your posture while your standing washing dishes, do a squat while emptying your washing machine instead of bending over to your front loader. While riding a bike your deep abdominals are helping you with your balance and make sure your checking in with your head, neck and shoulder organisation too. But .... just make sure you have fun too!! (Whoopsy this was meant to be a short post lol)

19.01.2022 My version of Mermaid. At a random North Shore Hawaiian beach, "Jedi on a rock" :)

18.01.2022 On the way to work last week and was so impressed with this little one braving the odds against it!! Just had to stop the car and take a photo. Choose to flower (even if you are attached to a weed) on a cold dreary day :)

18.01.2022 Feeling so inspired! Had a great session participating in a Pilates Reformer Masterclass with a special visitor from USA. So lucky to have a spot in the class at an awesome studio and learnt so much! Nice to be a student again :) Always learning and testing out those brain cells!

17.01.2022 From the EFM Health Clubs North Adelaide Facebook page, here is some video of my wonderful members from last weeks class. Always a such a pleasure to teach at the club and share my love of Pilates with them!! -------------------- Pilates at EFM ... What are the benefits of Pilates? Increased flexibility Improved posture Stronger core Join our wonderful Pilates instructor Lauren Mondays at 12:10!

16.01.2022 What do you do when your back has flared up after a 1hr flight, but your next flight should have been a 2 hr wait but has been delayed by 3 hrs so u have a time to kill before sitting for another 10hrs??? STRETCH!! Onlookers in Melb airport be dammed. Next time I'll try rally an actual class to teach I think if we sit for that long again. After my stretching (standing rolldown, mermaid/side bend, lower back stretch, thread the needle, glute and hamstring stretch, my boys ran amuck doing their own thing. Turns out it was their version of high plank, crawling, pushups and creating a pyramid. Kids learn by visuals and role models!!!!

14.01.2022 Here at Infinity we pride ourselves on doing the little things well - teaching you the foundations of movement before moving on to the Instaworthy shots. Beca...use if you dont have the foundation right you cant build up to the next level correctly. Call us on 0422418647 to find how our we can teach you Pilates, well, right!

14.01.2022 As I shared with one of my classes this week, we arent looking for text book movement in class - but to move the best for your body at this time. If we can improvee upon last class thats a bonus. As always - focus on fun!

14.01.2022 Yr 4 school excursion to Morialta Falls today. Feels like we walked up and down many more than the 60 floors that my Fitbit thinks!!! My stellar group of 5 kids did amazing and picked the way. Now for a well needed evening with my foam roller (taking my own advice for once!!).

14.01.2022 This view tonight! Even a lovely rainbow on the wall to greet me before teaching classes xoxoxo Perfect way to end a day!

13.01.2022 Love teaching my PPS classes at Infinity :) Great chance to participate in a small class to really work on those niggles or get that extra challenge. But always we have fun :D :D

12.01.2022 Take a minute!!!! But take this minute (or 2) for yourself! We are so busy taking care of everyone else (I feel all parents nodding at this) sometimes (always???!!!) we can neglect ourselves. Today I stopped at a spot that I drive past many times in a week - instead of rushing to the million other things that need doing and focusing on the terrible traffic - I took 5 minutes to go for a walk and found some ducks. 5 minutes - thats it. Reset myself to take on the rest of the day. Lovely city we live in xoxoxo

11.01.2022 Xoxoxoxo we need to look after not just our physical health. Be kind and be mindful of your words

11.01.2022 Yesterdays view from my lunch spot. I had mentioned to my Pilates class that Id go down to the beach to enjoy the weather - thats one thing off my to do list!!! So lucky to have a job that I love!!! Even managed to squeeze in a bit of a run too :)

11.01.2022 Above all learn how to breath correctly - Joseph Pilates. The breath can facilitate movement as well as stillness. Put it into practice - try an equal ratio /... even breathing exercise "Sama Vritti". Using only the nose, Inhale for four counts - Exhale four counts. What do you notice about the experience? Grounding, Calmness and Centering await you! #pilates #pranayama #iampolestar #samavritti #josephpilates See more

10.01.2022 Shonee won immunity on last nights episode of Survivor All Stars in a balance challenge. Her secret? Pilates :) :) Although she hasn't done it for over a year - Pilates principles stay with you ;) ;)

10.01.2022 New Beginners classes starting soon from Monday 14 Oct at 7.20pm. :) Come in a join us!!

09.01.2022 Having to get out of the pool to go to work, first world problems. Lucky I luv my job!!!! :) After a very frustrating week was great to put the always massive 'to do list' to one side and take a break with the kids during summer school holidays.

08.01.2022 What the????!!!!!! I didnt teach the kids this! They absorb everything and watch when you dont realise they are!!!!! :D so impressed! Love that they were experimenting with the Pilates Ladder Barrel.... Oh but if I had actually asked them to do it......

06.01.2022 Was great to see the article in the Sunday Mail last weekend in Adelaide about Pilates and its benefits. Im pretty biased when it comes to singing the praises of Pilates in general as it really is for everyone - but really shows how great it is when its used as part of injury rehab.

05.01.2022 This is a great article and something I cue and focus a lot on when I'm teaching. We all sit way too much (and are hunched over phone screen or driving but that's a story for another day). So we really need to make sure we work on our hip extension and glute strength to help balance everything out. Ever notice getting up from the couch after chilling out for awhile and your hips feel like they are a bit tight and you have an awesome hobble for the first few steps??? (I do some days!!!)

04.01.2022 Having a great time covering this months Pilates mat classes for the lovely members at such a shiny new EFM!! Great class and Ive just walked out in time to catch the sunset. Yay!!

03.01.2022 Feet are everything!!! Im getting to know my feet much better now after many physio and podiatrist visits and learning a lot. I just wish that I would learn from a textbook rather than from my own pain experience??!!!! :D After a night of dancing in heels (first time in a year??) rolling out the feet with a tennis ball is heaven right now (this is now my daily homework and have a big selection of rollout tools but tennis ball is the nicest today.) Usually I would stand to do it for increased pressure, but today I'm in the hammock :) Still works!!! Take the time on your feet - relax - it's worth it! Had a great night out and many, MANY laughs. Surprised I even managed to remember the Nutbush!!!

02.01.2022 Today was struggletown in the heat after day 2 of a constant headache (lucky I luv my job!). Car air on hardly made a difference on way home from work today (2.30pm tough day lol) so called into Liquorland and stood in their cool room a little too long making my selection!

02.01.2022 A great reminder :)

02.01.2022 Yes, a consistent Pilates practice will have health benefits for you!

01.01.2022 We need em more than ever when we start feeling stressed!

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