Lauren Woodward | Health & wellness website
Lauren Woodward
Phone: +61 466 539 138
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25.01.2022 I’ve missed this... Being with friends. Hugging and hanging together. Laughing and enjoying life. Loneliness is hard.... Speak up and reach out. Call a friend. Hug your parents. Grab a takeaway coffee with a friend. Life is beautiful, COVID sucks. Keep it all in perspective! Thank you for spending time with me today See more
25.01.2022 We have a dream Of a world where we accept we are part of nature, not above it Of a world where we live within our resources, not taking all from the past, nor leaving a disastrous legacy for our future...... Of a world where we accept a natural balance... using the energy from the sun for our major needs Of a world where we adjust populations to the numbers the land can nourish in dignity and with opportunity for the fullest development of all Of a world where we repair the mistakes of the past and create new beauty in those areas laid waste by greed and ignorance. Of a world where we accept that we did not inherit this earth from our parents but borrowed it from our children This is our dream - Buddha’s House
22.01.2022 D E T A I L S #outfitdetails #ootd #workoutclothes #gymsharkwomen #healthymindhealthybody #strongnotskinny @ Sydney, Australia
20.01.2022 For both active and inactive people, the hips are one of the most common problem areas in the whole body. A contributor to low back pain and sometimes also knee pain, tight hips deserve more attention than they’re often given. But if the risk of pain and injury isn’t enough to convince you (perhaps you’re the more performance-driven type?) then what if I told you that tight hips could be holding you back from achieving full potential in sprint speed, deadlift strength, Olympi...c weightlifting power etc! So what happened to make us all so hip-immobile? No prizes for guessing this one we simply spend far too much time perched on our bottoms, the biggest muscles in our body! The modern sitting position weakens the glutes and tightens the hip flexors, meaning overcompensation to gain range of motion, strength and power in other positions from the lower back and the knees. This video is one example of what you can do to regain that lost mobility and sustain it! I highly recommend you perform this exercise before training (during your warm-up) to help prepare your hips for exercise! #tuesdaytips #tuesdaytransformation #tipsforsuccess #weightlifting #olympiclifting #heavylifting #hipmobility #stretchforsuccess #warmupideas #movementismedicine #onlinetraining #workoutanywhere #mobilitychallenge #lowlunge #exerciseroutine #strengthcoach #strengthandconditioning
15.01.2022 I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen someone perform a terrible REAR DELT FLY. What I commonly see is people choosing a weight that is way too heavy and then using momentum to swing the arms out, rather than genuinely lifting from the delts (shoulders). Maintaining a tight core, straight back, and slight knee bend, this exercise targets the posterior deltoids (rear shoulders), and major upper back muscles including the rhomboids and trapezius.... Scapular retraction occurs during this exercise causing the shoulder blades to pull in toward each other. This helps strengthen muscles negatively affected by poor posture. PRO TIPS; 1 Control the movement - both concentric phase (opening out wide) and eccentric phase (bringing the arms back down together) 2 Utilize your core - you should not feel this in your lower back 3 Less is more - start with lighter weights before deciding you’re the new hulk. Drop a comment if this has been helpful to you! #fullbodyworkout #fitgirlvideos #personaltrainerlife #workoutideas #wellnessfitness #weightlosscoach #bodytransformations #weightlossprogram #sweatisfatcrying #exerciseguide #lifeofacoach #instagraminfluencer #fitnessblogger #strongerthanyesterday #personaldevelopment #enjoythejourney #dumbbellworkout
14.01.2022 RECOVERY SETS THE TONE FOR TOMORROW’S WORKOUT! I’ve learnt this the hard way many times (including today) when continuing to push through situations, rather than listening to my body and pausing. In the fitness industry, it’s easy to feel like we have to be this insanely obsessive trainer who works out 6 days a week plus teaching classes plus coaching 1:1 clients... and there is no denying that most trainers are disciplined and passionate badasses that love FEELING GOOD. ...But my friends, we gotta draw the line. Learn from my current illness... give your body the rest it needs for it to perform its best. It does SO much for you each and every day that you probably don’t give it credit for. We are all guilty of this! And if you do get sick, it’s NOT going to kill you to take a day or two off from your program. You will NOT reverse all your fitness goals from a couple days off, but you will likely put yourself in a worse position if you push through. So remove your guilty conscience too! Getting sick is a humble message from the body to slow down. The silly season is upon us and it’s a time of reflection and gratitude. I am grateful to my body... for both the good times and the bad, and all that it does for me. Recover today for a better tomorrow Signing off now, going to sleep for the next 12 hours #recovery #restandrecover #fitnessprogram #restisimportant #8hoursofsleep #listentoyourbody #gratefulformybody #gratefulformyhealth
13.01.2022 This is a constant daily reminder for all Thank you @mindspo
10.01.2022 DEATH BY ABS This gets ALL of the abs - front 6 pack, side obliques, deep set core muscles as well as your erector spinae (back core muscles)!! The slower you go, the harder it is... as you can hear, the breath is incredibly important throughout don’t hold it in!! ... All you need is a bosu... time yourself for 4x 30s sets! Drop a comment below if you use this exercise and let me know what you think?! #fullbodyworkout #fitgirlvideos #personaltrainerlife #workoutideas #wellnessfitness #weightlosscoach #bodytransformations #weightlossprogram #sweatisfatcrying #exerciseguide #lifeofacoach #instagraminfluencer #fitnessblogger #strongerthanyesterday #personaldevelopment #enjoythejourney See more
10.01.2022 Lat pull downs are a FAB exercise for building strong back muscles which will greatly improve an individuals posture over time. If you are looking for more of a challenge, lat pull downs are the foundation to a pull up... If you can perform 10-15 reps of lat pull downs (pronated - palms facing away) you’re likely ready to advance ... 4-6 reps of pull ups are a great beginner starting point #workouttips #latpulldowns #goodposture #postureexercises #givemewings #strengthandconditioning #pushyourself #physicaldevelopment #personaltrainer #sydneyaustralia #northernbeaches See more
09.01.2022 I’m in week 2 of my @sonnywebstergb Olympic lifting program ... I’ve got a long way to go but I believe practice will help me master the skills... plus I have a training partner/team who are rockstars! T O D A Y ‘ S H O M E W O R K 1. Mobility warm up (10 mins)... 2. W/UP lift - The first pull - 3x6 (10kg BB) 3. Pull to knee - 3x5 4. Snatch Deadlift - 3x5 5. Snatch jumps from the floor - 5x5 You can see that I am improving with each one of my reps. The neurological load of learning Olympic lifts is intense and you can work up a mean sweat with little weight involved. The skill and repetition is a workout in itself! #olympicweightlifting #weightliftingtechnique #pulltoknee #snatchdeadlift #hookgrip #powerup #tripleextension #olylifts #coacheshelpingcoaches #personaldevelopment See more
08.01.2022 After 6 weeks on my Olympic lifting program, I’ve started to link the complexes together to become the full snatch (20kg bar only) I am well aware that I have a long way to go to mastering this technique, but I’m happy with my progress and LOVE being a beginner again A simple reminder that we should never stop learning new things, no matter our age...... #olympiclifting #powersnatch #barbellcomplex #mobilitywork #womenwholift #techniqueoverstrength #challengeyourselfdaily #wodlife #progressoverperfection
06.01.2022 This time last year. Spending time in Hawaii with family. This year.... Spending time with family at home in Australia! I love Christmas time What are you doing for Xmas?!
01.01.2022 Look down at your body Whisper There is no home like you Thank you... - @rupikaur_ Thankful Thanksgiving 2 years ago today #thankfulgratefulblessed #thanksgiving2019 #abundanceandgratitude #holidayseason #weekendvibes #lovewhatyoudo #healthyliving See more
01.01.2022 10 Benefits of Using a Rowing Machine That Will Convince You It's the Cardio Dream . 1 FULL BODY WORKOUT: The major muscles in your legs, arms, back and core all must activate, providing a total body workout that will increase your body strength as well as your cardiovascular capacity. . 2 INTENSITY WITHOUT INJURY: With a rowing machine you can work at the highest intensity you like, with the lowest impact on your body... . 3 TRAIN OFTEN WITHOUT SORENESS: rowing allows you to raise your heart rate more times in a week without getting as sore . 4 WORKS ABS AND GLUTES SIMULTANEOUSLY: Your core crunches and relaxes as you glide along the machine, meaning you're effectively executing a continual mini sit-up. Plus, the motion as you shoot the seat back works your lower body. . 5 IMPROVES POSTURE: Rowing - if done correctly without slouching or over-compressing - requires you to be upright as you pull . 6 PERSONALIZATION: you can tweak the rower's settings to fit your ability . 7 YOU CANT SLACK OFF: There’s zero momentum on a rower, you have to work the whole time! . 8 GOOD BALANCE TO BODYWEIGHT WORKOUTS: The pulling action of the rowing machine is a good complement to HITT (high intensity interval training) that often includes plenty of push exercises . 9 YOU ONLY NEED 15 MINUTES: Short on time? A quarter of an hour is all you need, working at 85% of your maximum intensity . GREAT FOR MENTAL HEALTH: The rhythm and flow of the strokes is what makes it really good for your wellbeing . ARE YOU A FAN OF THE ROWING MACHINE? . #rowingmachine #rowingworkout #benefitsofrowingmachine #hiittraining #trainhard #cardio #lowimpactworkout #heartratetraining #beyourbestself See more
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