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Lavender Connection

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25.01.2022 How are you manifesting Abundance in your life? For me abundance is happiness, joy, love, peace, contentment and health. Anything were my soul feels free to dance and radiate bliss energy. I encourage you to think about how you will find your abunDance today . .... @lavender_connection . . #abundance #joy #love #peace #happiness #contentment #bliss #souldance #connectwithyourself #selfcare #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

25.01.2022 Are you consciously aware of your day to day life? For many of us we have adapted to habits and safety to what is easy and familiar to us...... When we truly start to listen to ourselves and be honest we can understand and trust the flow of life. . . @lavender_connection .... #liveinflow #trust #behonestwithyourself #gratitude #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

24.01.2022 Contentment is a feeling of peace and of beauty that lives inside our hearts. It fills our mind and body with a sense of calm and allows us to be guided by the present moment. When we find contentment we find gratitude for what we have and the grace of all beings. . . @lavender_connection .... . #contentment #peace #grace #calm #gratitude #selflove #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

22.01.2022 When you take the time to connect and observe your body and your mind, your begin to witness what is actually happening. You start to see what is behind the emotions you are having and what is behind your body’s reactions to situations. You can then begin to understand why you are uncomfortable and start to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. . . @lavender_connection ... . . #observeyourself #bethewitness #thoughts #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

21.01.2022 We all have the important task of honouring ourselves and taking full responsibility for our own decisions. To learn from our choices and grow as individuals to create respect for who we are. . . @lavender_connection .... . #takeresponsibility #growthmindset #decisions #choices #honouryourself #respectyourself #selflove #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

20.01.2022 So often we catch ourselves saying and thinking negative thoughts. We have this internally dialogue where we play over and over again the same negative self talk. I have now learnt when I recognise I am in this pattern to say to myself: l love and approve of myself It is amazing how the body responds when we replace our negative self talk with positive affirmations. .... . @lavender_connection . . #positiveselftalk #ilovemyself #iapproveofmyself #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

18.01.2022 The five Reiki Principles or Precepts, are a practical reminder on how to affirm the right attitude each day to get the most out of our life. . . @lavender_connection . .... #reikiprinciples #graditude #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

16.01.2022 When we can look at ourselves and know we come from a place of love, we become beautiful both inside and out. It is important to not only a acknowledgement the physical self but also the inner self so we can really accept who we truly are. . . @lavender_connection ... . . #youarebeautiful #youareunique #showyourselfsomelove #acceptance#selflove #selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

15.01.2022 Energy can come in many forms but primarily it provides us with vitality and fuels our body and mind everyday. Focus on connecting to your own energy - how does it feel? Take a moment to be.... and ask yourself how is my energy right now ? For when we have low energy our body is unable to work optimally and we feel tired and withdrawn.... Take time to do something for YOURSELF that will leave you feeling invigorated and alive. I find positive energy in: #yoga #reading #music #reiki #bath #meditation #singing #massage . . @lavender_connection . . #connect #energy #life #feelalive #fuelyourbody #vitality #selflove #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

15.01.2022 Open yourself up to vulnerability and the possibilities of life. For when we have courage we are able to face our fears and navigate through life’s difficulties to grow and evolve. Think about what you might need courage to overcome? .... . . @lavender_connection . . #couragetochange #facefear #couragetogrow #vunerability #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

14.01.2022 When we give ourselves permission to set health boundaries, we honour who we are. We start to understand that it’s important we give ourselves time to grow in a loving environment. . . @lavender_connection .... #setboundaries #selflove #changestartswithyou #respect #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

14.01.2022 Beauty is all around us, if we only made the time to see it. When life gets busy and we feel like we are expected to go at a fast pace to keep up. Maybe stop and remind yourself that is is okay to just be present in the moment and witness what is actually happening around us. . . @lavender_connection .... . #bepresent #slowdown #betheobserver #beautyiseverywhere #taketimeout #selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

14.01.2022 When we take time to hold space for ourselves and find that place of peace and calm, we can start to live a full life. We invite self awareness and time to reflect to understand ourselves. . . @lavender_connection ... . . #bethewitness #holdspace #reflect #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

14.01.2022 The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to tune in and listen to the messages your body is sending you. Trust and be guided by the intelligence of your own body as it shows you what it needs to heal. . . @lavender_connection .... . #listentoyourbody #innerquidance #messagesoflove #healyourbody #bepresent #introspection #selflove #selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

13.01.2022 When we take time to really see what is happening through the lens of our eyes, we can begin to witness the beauty of our surroundings. We become grounded to Mother Earth and all its magnificence and then start to comprehend the feeling of truly being awake. . . @lavender_connection .... . #seethrough #eyes #bepresent #mothernature #feelinggrounded #gratitude #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

13.01.2022 There has been a period of change that has occurred not only on a world scale but within ourselves. We have been forced to think about how the way we live impacts on others and the landscape where we reside. The change has brought people together to reflect on how we are contributing to our own beliefs and habits and how they now may be realigned for the good of humanity. . . @lavender_connection ... . . #changeisgood #humanity #changestartswithyou #transformation #mothereath #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

11.01.2022 Witnessing the feeling of being free allows us to see the possibilities that present themselves everyday. . . @lavender_connection .... #feelingfree #beingpresent #beautyiseverywhere #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

10.01.2022 This is an invitation for us all to think about want is important in our journey. A perfect time for introspection for the coming year and what we will welcome into our life. . . @lavender_connection .... . #lifejourney #bepresent #starttheyear #introspection #selflove #selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

10.01.2022 Each of us are influenced by woman in our lives. We have strong, independent, brave, kind, loving, inspirational, beautiful, intelligent, supportive woman around us to encourage growth and expansion. We are all connected, we are all one and we come together as woman to lift each other up. We are sisters UNITED caring for one another. . . @lavender_connection ... . . #choosetochallenge #lifteachotherup #internationalwomensday2021 #youarebeautiful #sisters #showyourselfsomelove #acceptance#selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

08.01.2022 When we take the time to cleanse and clear our chakra system, it is inspiring how quickly we can start to feel more positive and aligned. All of our energy centers start to respond and our life becomes more uplifted and valued. . . @lavender_connection .... . #chakrahealing #chakraenergy #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

05.01.2022 Connect with your beautiful memories of a time or place that makes you smile. That lights up your body and gives a feeling of gratitude for where you are now in your life. . . @lavender_connection .... . #connect #memories #gratitude #mindset #life #feelalive #mothernature #explore #selflove #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

03.01.2022 As I feel the gratitude for this truly beautiful land we call our home. I also honour the journey of how we got here. Take some time to reflect and understand what this land means to you . . @lavender_connection... . . #motherearth #honortheland #australiaday2021 #respect #timetoheal #selflove #selfcare #maketimeforyou #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmaorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast

02.01.2022 When we find acceptance of ourselves and acceptance of each moment we allow ourselves to surrender to what is. We give ourselves permission to be and allow love in for ourselves and for others. . . @lavender_connection .... . #acceptance #acceptyourself #love #selflove #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #distancereiki #romiromi #mirimiri #naturalhealing #traditionalmorihealing #energyhealing #empath #chakrabalancing #yoga #meditation #reikiballina #wellness #lennoxhead #northernriversnsw #goldcoast See more

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