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25.01.2022 What we have to do is change our beliefs that the outside world is going to determine our success. The only thing that’s going to determine that is the INSIDE world. The things that you BELIEVE and the ACTIONS that you take EVERY DAY are what shape your destiny.
21.01.2022 I need you to BELIEVE this! To TRUST this To KNOW this ... You are HERE for a REASON! There is no question, it is CERTAIN. If you accept this simple truth ......I mean truly accept it ... Your life will never be the same again. YOU MATTER my PRECIOUS friend. See more
21.01.2022 If you value your network, show them. If you want to expand your network, be the first to make the move. Little touches are all it takes to get going. Whether it’s these short videos, a quick DM, a LinkedIn message, make sure it’s personal and it’s meaningful.... Time is yours to use productively towards your goals or waste it. The choice is yours.
20.01.2022 How many times did you allow others to influence your decisions . Where to go to school, what to major in, and who to work for . You know what I’m talking about, those important life altering decisions that others have influenced, even dictated... . Ask yourself . Are you happy? Are you where you expected to be? Wanted to be? . Are you wishing you had taken control of those decisions? . Well, that’s in the past and I say F the Past . You have the opportunity to change all of that NOW . We have one go on this planet, so let’s make the best of it . I can’t tell you how many people I see living with regret. Pondering how life could have, would have, should have, only if. . Regret is painful, so let’s not leave the future to chance . It’s time to take back the CONTROL . It's time to write your own story . Remember you’re not alone, we’re in this together See more
19.01.2022 This is one of the hardest things to understand in life. Most people are in denial about this. I know, because I was oblivious to this for years.... You teach people how to treat you. KNOW YOUR WORTH! You should extend yourself the gift of the same love and acceptance. Only then will you know what you’re worth. Remind yourself of what you want from life and don’t EVER ACCEPT LESS! TAG SOMEONE who can use this reminder today!
19.01.2022 We have these three precious ingredients within us at all times and can access them at a moment's notice. We can choose to take small pauses during the day to step out of doing and into being. A moment to check-in and notice what state we are in. Take the time to see what kind of #energy you are bringing into what you are doing. Are you living in the present and at peace or already thinking about the next thing? Are you bringing #love to the people you interact with and to yourself? Are you consciously choosing #joy throughout your day? #Happiness is a choice and we are constantly deciding to move closer or further from it.
17.01.2022 Creative consciousness, on the other hand, is the awareness that, when you feel joy, love, or gratitude before your creation is made manifest& you combine that energy of joy, love, or gratitude with the intent of new informationit is that elevated frequency that can carry that thought. Just like a WiFi signal and router work in tandem, so your thoughts (thoughts send the signal out) & elevated emotions, (emotions draw the event in), allowing you to create a future from whol...eness, instead of from separation or duality. The mechanism, catalyst, and intersection of the intent of your creation that was generated from your internal world, and the manifestation of that intent in the external world, is created via a coherent heart and brain. When you start to witness events in your external life that came out of your internal world of thoughts and feelings, you begin to move outside of duality and polarity into wholeness and Oneness. Why? Bc now you have evidence that the thought or emotion produced the effect in your outer world. This is the beginning of moving out of the victim consciousness into the creator's consciousness. Instead of waiting for some light to shine on you &/or heal you, you choose to be the progenitor of your own inner light, healing, & personal reality. So why this process in the first place? When the soul descended from singularity, it was essential to forget where we came from so that we could experience all of the many emotions that life has to offer. When we begin to awaken to the creative powers that exist in raising our energy, then we can master, elevate, or transmute those emotions towards higher energies, which will take us to new adventures. See more
17.01.2022 The difference between a champion and someone who is average is who’s going to take that extra effort.. Who’s going to ask questions? Follow up? Who’s going to practice and do stuff on their own? Stay up late and wake up early to get more time in? Take responsibility and go the extra effort? Those are the people who are #champions, the people that #overdeliver...
14.01.2022 People plan in life but they forget one key thing. They plan their finances. They plan their vision. They plan their legacy. But they don't plan their relationships.... You see, people think they can have a long-term vision while they have short-terms relationships. Yes, that can work. But it makes everything so much harder. Almost every single smart man there ever was is backed up by a smarter woman in his life. Who are you planning to be in the long-term? Who are you going to build your empire with? Tag them below and let them know they are part of your plan for greatness.
13.01.2022 Who is your ideal client? A lot of us want to be in a business and share it with the world with no direction on who actually needs it. But you can’t sell to everyone because not everyone needs what you deliver. You need all of the pieces to go after YOUR ideal client. ... It’s time to start writing it down! Don’t try to cast a wide net, but instead go after exactly who it is you want. The world is big enough for your niche to be amazing. So who is your ideal client? Let me know in the comments! See more
13.01.2022 In life, no one ever gets anywhere by being comfortable. If you can put yourself into situations where you face adversity often... You will have an advantage over most people in the world. ... Comment below if you believe adversity is your greatest advantage in life.
08.01.2022 God knows your worth. He made you as his own child. In his own image and likeness. He loves and accepts you. You should extend yourself the gift of the same love and acceptance. Only then will you know what you’re worth. ... Remind yourself of what you want from life and don’t EVER ACCEPT LESS! #startups See more
01.01.2022 Respecting yourself comes down to know that you can trust yourself to follow through on the things you say you’re going to do. It’s about integrity - knowing you can trust yourself to do what’s right even when it’s far harder. At least in Western Culture, we have deep-seated values around this kind of behavior. And when we act in accordance with those values we begin to respect ourselves.... Doing hard things in service of something bigger than us a perfect example. Exercising your discipline and doing something hard is one of the fastest ways to begin earning credibility with one’s self. Taking cold showers, working out hard in the gym. These are all very powerful ways to prove to yourself that you’re worthy of respect. Because at the end of the day, if you want self-worth, you need only do things consistently that are worthy. See more