Armstrong Lazenby | Sport & fitness instruction
Armstrong Lazenby
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25.01.2022 You always think that life just happens to you. No! Every moment, whether you realize it or not, you are constantly creating your future out of your past. Like a spider that weaves its web out of its own body, you are constantly causing the environment, emotions, problems, and results that you experience as life. The place where this creation happens is the present moment.
23.01.2022 Before: - forward rounded shoulders - spine compressed - inflammation (skin puffiness and redness) - stressed... - up and down energy After - reduced ego - reduced body fat - increased muscle - reduced inflammation - clear mind - not stressed - balanced energy every day - improved hair cut. (I cut my own hair. But the hair cut service is currently unavailable since I never became a hairdresser) You can receive accommodating health and fitness advice/ personal training to improve your own posture, health, fitness, muscle, and body fat.
22.01.2022 SUPER EXITED! New content, great things are happening.
20.01.2022 Here's 4 tips on how to lose weight: 1. Do any exercise you you ACTUALLY like. Whether it's walking, or playing sport, or hiking. 2. Drop any feelings of anxiety and discontent around your body and how much you weigh.... 3. Try 10 minutes of yoga or Pilates before breakfast. It'll make you want to eat healthier for the whole day. 4. Make friends with fit people you want to be like. This will quickly change everything for you. Checkout my website for more tips!
20.01.2022 I've heard someone ask about how to start exercising. Not everyone came from a family that does exercise, but often people want to change that. A good place to start is with sport. If that doesn't suit you just yet, or you want to build up your fitness to be able to do sport, then try exercising with a friend. It's how I got back into fitness after taking time off for a year or so. At the time I was studying personal training, and I wasn't exercising. A friend got me into th...e gym, and I started feeling a bit better. I made a video recently for a client with 7 exercises. It's a good way to get started, by yourself or with a friend. Comment below or send me a message and I'll send you the link to the video I uploaded to google photos :) #instaworkout #instatoday #instafitness #instaabs #instawork #workout #today #fitness #gym #love #time #video #post #week #music #goodworkout #postworkout #workoutclothes #minute #chest #personaltrainer #personaltraining
18.01.2022 Try and let go of the OPINIONS Let go of the BELIEFS Let go of the conclusions you have about YOU ... Because theyre the very things that have prevented you They are preventing you from seeing your DREAM Don't compare yourself with anyone else YOU have potential inside you, that no one else has. Let go of all the limiting thoughts Let go of what you think is possible for YOU Open your mind to all the possibilities If you could let go of all the baggage youve accumulated in your life And wake up in the morning as though BRAND NEW With a clean slate Every incredible possibility would be free to pour into your life! If you have had enough of where you are and are ready to go all in and say YES!!!! Then this is for you I'm running a 12 Week Online Program in November to help people do just that!!! >> 'Create your NEW LIFE for weight loss & body confidence. A course to weighing less, stressing less, and loving more.' What you want to create, what your vision is for your life. (Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, emotionally) Foods to nourish your body so that you FEEL healthy Follow along Yoga videos for self love Expect to lose weight Say goodbye to cravings, panic, stress, anxiety, and self doubt that keep you in a constant fight against your body! Releasing any blocks and negative emotions that are stopping you from achieving what you are wanting to create Stepping into a new identity Taking massive aligned action & setting goals for the future Rewire limiting beliefs Creating new daily habits/rituals Reunite with the trust, worthiness, and self confidence you crave Comment below "yes" and I'll privately send you the details. I truly believe... YOU can choose a new life for yourself YOU have the strength in you Feel what it could be ~ Army
18.01.2022 "Its easy to hate and its difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things goes. All good things are difficult to achieve; and all bad things are very easy to get." Confucius #quote #confucius #memes #health #mind #body #soul
15.01.2022 Tryouts for a TV show!
15.01.2022 Sprinting brings out weak points and really shows how much overall progress someone has made. Running, walking, and standing are what people do most and training for betrer sprinting will bring the best end results for most goals. This is total performance. Body control, straight spine, strength, mobility, health. 4 months. Chris was very stiff and you can see he is unsure about landing on the ground and hesistant. Now hes much more athletic, mobile, stronger, better posture, and lost about 10kg.
14.01.2022 How long does it take to tone your body? Seeing results in a short amount of time in really important because it keeps you motivated. A rewarding thing to hear is when a client says they got a compliment from other people noticing their body changes. Although it's good to be toned, there's other benefits you'll get. Other areas of your life like work and lesiure can improve. ... When it comes to body tonings, you're looking at working the muscles, getting your heart rate high, and keeping controlled meal sizes. The better you do and the more effort you put into doing these things, the quicker you'll see changes in the mirror. Initially you need to be patient for a few weeks and put in the work. This is why I created my online coaching platform. It keeps you going in those first few weeks while you might not see changes instantly. This is the time that most people either give up, or lose hope, or put in less effort. I track clients progress, and make sure they're completing the exercises with quality. My online platform and coaching techniques allows me to do this. And that's how you're going to see changes. You'll be energized to push yourself hard. Sign up with link in bio or below:
14.01.2022 At Utah Olympic park we were lucky enough to do the zip line, bobsled and alpine slide!
13.01.2022 It's easy to get stuck in your head with meditation, so that's one of the reasons I meditate in the lotus position. You can start in the half lotus position, with 1 leg crossed ontop of the other, then work on your flexibility over the years. I can become painful, but meditating like this makes it more of a mind and body practice. You'll always see statues of the buddha sitting in full lotus. There's a different energy flow through the body this way. Meditation is usually ...always comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time, no matter how far you progress. There might be times where its easier, and sometimes harder. Maybe physically or mentally. But there will always be challenges. It's not that when you progress with meditation that you'll be more comfortable. And it's also not that only when you are comfortable should you meditate. That's not the point. #meditation #spiritual #falungong #falundafa #portmelbourne #home #lotus #fulllotus #meditate See more
13.01.2022 Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.
12.01.2022 The big problem today is that most people dont love themselves. Society never teaches that it is possible to love ourselves. When you dont love yourself, you become cynical and negative towards life. ... If you get back in touch with the loving state you were in as a child, you will settle down and feel peaceful and relaxed within yourself. For a few minutes every day, just sit by yourself and feel overflowing love towards yourself. Feel what a wonderful being you are. Feel how much you have taken yourself for granted. Melt with the feeling of love for yourself. If you practice this everyday you will see that where you were once hard and self centered, now you have become soft and loving. When you deeply settle down within yourself with peace and love, bliss will explode in you.
09.01.2022 When things aren't going your way, remember to drop any feelings of discontent for yourself or what's happening in your world. Feeling good in every moment just because, is creating a future for yourself where you feel good every moment, just because
09.01.2022 Ok this recipe! Checkout and try this. 1.5 cups filtered water, 2 cups of kale, 2 green apples chopped, half a cup of parsley leaves, 1 cucumber, 2 bits of celery, 1 piece of ginger, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice! This is good to have for breakfast or lunch
09.01.2022 I will be teaching at this online event. It's a great practice for relieving stress and improving energy. Hopefully I'll see some of you there
07.01.2022 Checkout this awesome article I just read on losing weight fast! Really helpful for getting started, or you're just feeling stuck.
07.01.2022 Time reading to become more tranquil is always well spent. Keep improving yourself and remove the things you're getting caught up in. Falun Gong in Melbourne & Victoria #meditation #zhuanfalun #falundafa #falungong #read #reading #spiritual
06.01.2022 Need some motivation? This will help!
04.01.2022 Trying new things.
03.01.2022 Start your day RIGHT Yes, Im talking about that FIRST hour of the morning from when you open your eyes, until you need to get in your car for work! Heres how I start my day. ... So I actually take about 1.5 hours to get ready in the morning .... but here it is right: I get up and go for a 30 minute walk. I then take some vitamins and get into the shower. My shower is around 10 minutes and then I need get out, get dressed and get ready takes about 25 minutes all up (including shower!) Then I'll sit down and not do anything, just listen to some birds for 15 minutes and then I roll out my mat and do 15 minutes of yoga, easy as yoga. Then I just cook myself breakfast which is usually a smoothe so that's not really cooking but making I guess! That takes around 10 mins to make and eat and clearn up, and then I feed my tropical fish named charles and edward. AND THEN ... I can leave the house. If you just roll out of bed and not give some time to take it easy before doing stuff then it's hard to do good stuff for the day! Start your day right, take care of you body!
02.01.2022 If you need some motivation to do your workouts this week then just start the warm up! There will never be a perfect time, so just get started even if you're not 100%. Most of the time once you've done a warm up you feel better and want to finish. If you haven't been able to stick with a plan, or something went wrong, then just try starting again. Always remember to just start again, and you'll feel better about going into it. It sounds simple, but It can help. I can remember... training from 13 years old, waking up at 5:15am, 6 mornings a week to train for 1.5hrs. Twice a day. I can't remember once, out of the thousands of sessions I did in my teens that I actually wanted to do. I would say what I used to do was extreme, and I do enjoy my workouts now. If you'd like help with your workouts and full body toning then send me a message! Online coaching is available on my new training platform. #instaworkout #instatoday #instafitness #instaabs #instawork #workout #today #fitness #gym #love #time #video #post #week #music #goodworkout #postworkout #workoutclothes #minute #chest #personaltraining #personaltrainer
02.01.2022 I used to have so much stuff that I didnt need! I live in a place that isn't that big, and so the more stuff I had, the less room I had, and it got really small After a good few hours of throwing stuff out, things were much more simple and easy on a daily basis, and it just felt better. I like to call this half minimalism, where you don't go hardcore and throw EVERYTHING out, but basically most of what I haven't used in the last 6 months, got thrown out! Highly recommended for health and wellbeing
01.01.2022 Trying the escape room
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