L'Barkery in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Shopping & retail
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 418 298 242
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25.01.2022 The first of our USA squad @gunnerdafrenchie show him some L’Barkery love exciting times #lbarkery #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkerypudsquadmembers #lbarkerytastetester #lbarkerytreats #lbarkeryusateam #frenchie #frenchies #usafrenchies #frenchbulldog #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #frenchbulldogs #frenchbulldogsofamerica
24.01.2022 Less than 24 hrs to go.. for the chance to have $1000 donated to you fav rescue group . The more tags the more followers increases the chances You would have noticed we flooded tributes to our fallen squaddie @a_frenchie_called_winston and as a tribute L’Barkery will be donating $1000 to a rescue in his honour .. which rescue you ask ? Well follow us repost this and tag your fave rescue . You can enter as many times as you wish . Entries close Sunday 11th October 2020 5 pm. #lbarkery #lbarkerysquad #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkerypudsquadmembers #donate #donatetoday #rescuedogsofinstagram #reacuedog #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #adoptdontshop #adoptdontshop #adopt #adoptadog #adoptadogsavealife
22.01.2022 Nom Nom Nom - - - KRE20 FOR $$ OFF @bark.nmeow... - - - #hairlesscat #sphynxcat #sphynx #sphynxofinstagram #cat #kitten #nakedcat #catsofinstagram #sphynxswag #sphynxlife #sphynxlair #sphynxtagram #sphynxaustralia #sphinx #sphynxcorner #catsofbrisbane See more
20.01.2022 Cino’s in the sun ..People tell me I’m spoilt...... #puppicino #strawberries #mondaybreakfast #lbarkery #mondaysarentsobad #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkeryforlife #staffy #staffygram #staffylove #staffymoments #staffysofinstagram
20.01.2022 Why do we choose @lbarkery?? Well, never have I ever seen a company devote so much of themselves to their products. Aunty Lia gives and gives and gives and still works so incredibly hard behind the scenes to keep creating more healthy products for our pooches to enjoy. They are all Human grade quality, which means, they are good enough for the humans to eat! Would you want your dog having anything else? My mum has tried the beet latte puppicino and she loves it . We also hav...e gone through so many enrichment toys and due to Nev being a bulldog he gets bored so easily, we thank the lord every day that we found @lickimat!!! We’re using the slow mo lickimat here which we won in their Halloween competition. To grab some @lbarkery products use the link in my bio to @bark.nmeow and code NEV20 if you’d like to check out some goodies to add to your enrichment fun!! International shipping available #bulldog #bulldogsofinstagram #gotchobani #puppy #lbarkery #bulldogs #bulldoglife #britishbulldogs #britishbulldog #britishbulldogsofinstagram #canineenrichment #enrichment #britishbulldogpuppies #shareabull #igbulldogs #englishbulldogsofinstagram #squishyfacedcrew #igbulldogs_wordwide #dogfoodie #dogfoodporn #dogfood #bulldog_feature #wrinkles #wrinklybulldogs #enrichment #canineenrichment #lickimat #dogtreats #dogenrichment #wrinklydogs #foodie #foodstagram
19.01.2022 We love seeing the difference we make through our products @betty.and.earl Earl has arthritis in most of his joints it's worse in his front shoulders and back knees; he is almost 14 yrs old. We have been adding enduro to his food for months and since then his movement is soo much better. I that we've been able to use Enduro to support him naturally and can see the benefits... Get @lbarkery Enduro from @fetchconnection and use BETTYEARL20 for 20% off. #maltesexshihtzu #olddog #lbarkery #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkerypudsquadmembers #enduro #arthritissupport #naturalsupport
17.01.2022 We thank all those that made nominations for their fav rescue .. @qldstaffyrescue had the most nominations we are happy to announce that $1000 will be donated in memory of our fallen squaddie @a_frenchie_called_winston who was a rescue himself #lbarkery #qldstaffyrescue #rescuedogsofinstagram #dontshopadopt #dintshopadopt #furbaby #dogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog
16.01.2022 Sunday’s morning be like #lbarkery #sleepingbeauty #sleep #outofit #slug #britishbulldog #squishyfacecrew #squishyface #bulldogsofinstagram #bulldog_planet #mybabygirl #mybaby #onlyafaceamothercouldlove #thatface #thoselips
15.01.2022 need a beer and now it’s been a tough Monday How cute is little slinky!!! Dont forget you can add a yummy doggy beer to any box for an extra $10!... All boxes made to order Wholesale available. #geelong #greatergeelong #geelongdogs #dogofgeelong #grazingboxes #geelonggrazingboxes #dogtreats #localmade #geelonglocallymade #madeingeelong #supportsmallbusinesses #geelongsmallbusiness #spoiltdogs #dogsofinstagram #dog #doglife #doglovers #dogstagram #dogs #dogslovers #dogcafe #dogcafes #treats #spoiltdog #geelongwaterfront #geelongfoodie #eventsgeelong #wearegeelong #dogtreatsfordays #dehydrateddogtreats
15.01.2022 Hot off the press Whole egg powder meal topper Nature’s Superfood #lbarkery #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkerytreats #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkeryforever #healthypets #healthypet #mealtoppers #mealtopperfordogs #mealtoppersforcatsanddogs #newproduct #newproducts #dogsofinstagram #catsofinstagram
14.01.2022 If you love @lbarkery eggnog puppicino you’re going to love these amazing eggnog cookies! Order all your L’BARKERY goodies from @fetchconnection Don’t forget to use code LOUIS20 #lbarkery #lbarkerypupsquad #eggnogcookies #eggnogpuppicino #fetchconnection #supportsmallbusiness #onlineshopping #afterpayavailable #delicious #dogthatdrools #dogmodel #dogsofgeelong #dogsofmelbourne #dogsofsydney #dogsofqueensland #dogsofwesternaustralia #dogsoftasmania #dogsofsouthaustralia #dogsofnorthernterritory #dogsofaustralia #shoptoday
14.01.2022 The things mum makes me do for an @lbarkery prawn @lionelbubbyandfabio . . . .... Get yours from @bark.nmeow using the code LION20 for 20% off everything in store . . . . #lionelthestaffy #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkery #barknmeow #barknmeowdel #barknmeowteam #whyamidoingthis #thethingsido #fortheloveofprawns #prawn #staffy #staffygram #stafford #whitestaffy #instastaffy #treats #food #staffordshirebullterrier #instadog #pup #dogstagram #balance #patience #woof #goodboy #gooddog #dog #dogs #doggo #furbaby See more
13.01.2022 Nit sure what your doing this weekend Queenslanders ?? Well gues what this remarkable permanent pet markets are opening .. the best of the best handmade Aussie products will be showcased and YES our stockists @fetchconnection are represented there.. Crazy Aunty Lia will be mixing her magic tomorrow.. so come down check it out .. support them and give them a follow #lbarkery #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkerytreats #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkeryforever #lbarkerysquad #queensland #queenslandpets #petsofqueensland #dogsofqueensland #catsofqueensland #digsofbrisbane #brisbanedogs
11.01.2022 Catching up with old friends @aussiepetcollective This morning we checked out the @aussiepetcollective opening #brisbanedogs #dogsofbrisbane I finally caught up with one of my favourite humans Auntie Lia from @lbarkery #lbarkery ... #rescuedogsofbrisbane She made me a sundae then held it for me between her paws while I ate - that’s love #doglife #bestdogever I let mum pick up some supplies while I snacked, then I gave a round of kisses and pats to everyone there #dogmarket #dogfriendlybrisbane The only downside is mum wouldn’t let me pee on anything- rude #dogmum #rdmob I checked out the supplies when we got home and sadly there wasn’t enough so we might have to go back, Mum #rescuedog #rescuedogsofaustralia #dogsofaustralia #aussiedogs #happydog #aussiepetcollective See more
08.01.2022 Drinks anyone @shelby.the.doxie Got those arvo essentials ready! Who is keen to join me for some drinks and nibbles? . . . .... . #wetnose #barked #dachshundsofinstagram #dachshundoftheday #dappledachshund #petsofinstagram #petstagram #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #sausagedog #sausagedogofinstagram #sausagedogsofig #miniaturedachshund #minidaxie #officialsausagesquad #pawsome #pawsomedachshunds #pawsomeweenies #photooftheday #poochcorner #pupflix #pupfluencer #dogsofbrisbane #dogsofaustralia #brisbanedachshunds #dogfanaticss #friyay #essentials #lbarkery #sassywoof See more
07.01.2022 Nothing better than a @lbarkery hot Toddie puppicino after dad finishes work! Available @fetchconnection #lbarkery #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkeryforever #lbarkerystockist #corgi #corgisofinstagram #corgilove #corgilover #corgilovers #corgilicious #corginstagram #corgination #corgicommunity #corgigram
06.01.2022 TEAM @lbarkery is there any other @kreacherthesphynx - - -... - - - #hairlesscat #sphynxcat #sphynx #sphynxofinstagram #cat #kitten #nakedcat #catsofinstagram #sphynxswag #sphynxlife #sphynxlair #sphynxtagram #sphynxaustralia #sphinx #sphynxcorner #catsofbrisbane #lbarkerypudsquadmembers #lbarkerypudsquadmembers #lbarkerytreats #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkeryforever #thebest #theoriginals #healrhydoesnthavetobeboring See more
06.01.2022 I had the best day of my life A couple weeks ago. I gots to meet the nicest lady to all the doggos #crazyauntylia Lia is the amazing force behind @lbarkery and loves all us doggos big and small like we her own She treated us so well with SO many snackies and pats. So I showed mah loves for her with a nose boop. We tight now @lets_talk_about_ruby ... @zeus_and_tipp_adventures came along too... furfamily day! Was so good I even puked on the way home from excitements. Can’t wait to see you again Lia! #lbarkery #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkerytastetester #crazyauntylia #headquarters #bestdayever #rottweiler #rottweilersofinstagram #rottiesofinstagram #rottweilerlove #rottweiler_feature #rottweilers_of_instagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #happilyfureverafter #dogsofinstagram #dog #dogstagram #dogoftheday #doglife #dogheaven #doggo #squadgoals #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthydog #boopmynose
06.01.2022 Bubby didn't seem to appreciate being woken up . We may need to bring out the @lbarkery kittichino to put him in a better mood . . . Get your kittichinos from @bark.nmeow with 20% off using the code LION20... . . . . #notamorningperson #notamorningcat #dontwakemeup #dontwakeme #lbarkery #leavemealone #notimpressed #kittichino #barknmeow #morningkitty #devonrex #cat #goodmorning #bignight #instacat #catstagram #devonrexcatsoninstagram #kittygram #catsofinstagram #catsofinsta #catlife #catlovers #catlover #meow #catoftheday #cats_of_instagram #sunday #kittygram #catsofaus #melbournecats #catsofinstagram See more
05.01.2022 Humans grade Check our these bad boys just when we thought our Green Lipped mussels couldn’t get any bigger #lbarkery #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkeryforever #healthylifestyle #healthydog #healthycat #rawfeddog #rawfooddiet #rawfeddogsofinstagram #rawfeeding #rawfedcats #rawfedcat #rawfedcatsofinstagram #rawfedcommunity
04.01.2022 DOGS ON THE GREEN Come say hi to Crazy Auntie Lia she will be mixing it up and handing out treats with @fetchconnection tomorrow Benowa primary school tomorrow between 9am till 1pm Dogs Friendly Event #doglover #dogmarkets #dogsofinsta #lbarkery #lbarkerysquad #lbarkerytreats #goldcoast #goldcoastqueensland #goldcoastmarkets #dogfriendly #dogfriendlyqueensland #dogfriends #dogfriendlyqld #markets #qldmarkets #marketsqld #goldcoastdogs #dogsofthegoldcoast #brisbanedogs #dogsogbrisbane #dogsonthegreen #dogsonthegreengc
01.01.2022 Now this is creativity @corginamedpeaches #lbarkery #lbarkerynutrition #lbarkerytreats #lbarkeryforlife #lbarkerypupsquad #lbarkeryforever #halloween #halloweentreats #halloweenpets #halloweenpet #halloweendog #halloweendogtreats #corgi #corgisofinstagram #corgilife #corgination #corgilove #corgicommunity
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