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25.01.2022 A craving for carrot and parsnip mash led to dinner of mash, green beans, fish with cashew mustard cream (yes, now that Ive made this cream itll feature in everything for a week ) and everything smothered in white pepper. Yes it matters. Only carrot and parsnip mash eaters would understand . #eatyourveggies #dinner
25.01.2022 Today’s afternoon tea along with a big cup of chai tea and collagen before I head into the gym to teach one of my teenage girl’s classes. AKA helping teens learn to love exercise and moving their bodies . #plantsandprotein #weweremadetomove #movejustforthefunofit
25.01.2022 Finding some mojo in the kitchen again, aka putting in some effort . Roasted pumpkin, steamed beans, baby gem lettuce, finely sliced panfried beef with a cashew mustard cream . #dinnersalad #foodwithflavour #homecooking
25.01.2022 Roasted apples, vanilla and lemon cashew cream and fresh blackberries . Dessert for breakfast this morning plus 2 big mugs of Melbourne Morning tea with collagen on the day bed in the sun after an early morning class = a great start to the day.
25.01.2022 Same same but different. Fruit and Collagen Hydrate aka Protein Water post training. This is my post training food routine everyday. I just vary the fruit depending on seasons, cravings and appetite. Food routines work for me, food restriction and food rules dont. All I know is that when I eat protein and fruit after training I feel good and I look forward to eating it, It never get tiresome AND it means less thinking and decision making around food. Life can be stressful, w...hat to eat should never be part of that stress in my opinion. I will never join the food rule and food restriction brigade but I am happy to help people with the food routine of eating more plants, aka fruit and vege because I have seen and experienced the wonderful physical and mental benefits this can bring. I have just opened up our second Plants, Protein and a little bit of Fun 14 day Free Challenge. For 14 days we get together and move our priority of eating more plants higher up the list to see if we just might feel a little more vibrant and energetic by doing so. Nothing is restricted. Ill leave those kinds of challenges to others who believe in them. This one is all about what we put in not what we take out. If youd like to join us and get some new meal inspo then message me an email address and Ill put you on the list. Details will be sent this week for a June 15 start. #eatyourveggies See more
25.01.2022 Now that was a salad! Dukkah crusted chicken with roast butternut, beetroot, beans, avocado, greens and drizzled with pomegranate molasses . Found my lunch for the week . I have coated 4 chicken thighs with dukkah and roared in the oven along with 4 big slices of butternut pumpkin. While that was roasting I have 4 small beetroots wrapped in foil cooking in the oven and a couple of cups of beans blanching on the stove top. Now at lunch time this week all I need to do is pull out the greens, chop a quarter of an avo, assemble all the fun stuff and drizzle with pomegranate molasses and add some salt to taste. When your food has flavour, texture, contains fat and protein and is full of plants, your body is satisfied and your brain stops looking for fun foods because eating this way ALL of your food is fun!! #nowthatsasalad
25.01.2022 Brunch. Nitrate Free bacon, mushies and spinach with a drizzle of pomegranate molasses. Chances of not sharing...zero . #sausagedogs #tryandresistthatface #plantsandprotein
24.01.2022 Roast pumpkin, broccolini, cos lettuce, cucumber and lamb salad with horseradish mustard dressing . Lunch today and yesterday and tomorrow too if Im honest. A tray of roast pumpkin and some blanched broccolini done while I make dinner and along with ensuring I have a cooked protein source on hand = interesting, tasty and satisfying lunches = not feeling the need to look for something nice after lunch! When lunch is nice I find lunch is ended with a full stop instead of a few commas as afters are required to give that feeling of satisfaction and the taste buds appeased. Plants, protein and a little bit of fun is a model that works for me and has done for years. It never gets old and is simple. Its just the fun that varies . #giveyourbodywhatitneeds #plantsproteinandalittlebitoffun #eatyourveggies
24.01.2022 Give your body what it needs and make it taste great. This is a nutrition strategy I teach and one I have lived for many years that helped me to kick binge eating, overcome food obsession, drop body fat and stay lean year round. It refers to eating food that gives our bodies maximum nutrition but also making sure we enjoy the food we are eating so as not to compensate or look for something yummy to eat later. So after many many years of practice giving my body what it ...needs it automatic, it’s just something that I do , every single day, every single meal. It’s non negotiable and I believe it’s the least I can do for my body in return for the fact that it just keeps on going, it keeps on trucking even after all the dumb shit I’ve done to it over the past 45 years. But I’ll be honest, the and make it taste great bit, definitely took a dive over the past month. My food has been sooo boring . And much of it never even came together as a meal. It was cups of tea with collagen with pieces of fruit far too often. It was chicken legs eaten standing up at the bench and a handful of snow peas and a carrot at way too many meals. Food with no fun and food prepared without love. So the line in the sand had to be drawn and the food prep needed to start again EVEN when I didn’t feel like it. So after that big intro, here’s lunch. Spicy Turkey Mince and Lettuce Wraps with beetroot, carrot, sprouts and avocado, mum’s relish and vegan cheese for FUN, x2. Yum A little bit of effort for a lot of gain. Now to keep it up. #foodprep #balancedmeal #plantsproteinandalittlebitoffun See more
23.01.2022 I cooked up the last of my home grown apples and built this little bowl of joy for breakfast. Gluten free porridge , stewed apple, cinnamon, vanilla and a little cashew cream. Oh and collagen powder of course. Yum . I have been eating the same breakfast lunch and dinner for the past 2 months it seems! Not that what I am eating is unhealthy but variety is important so I am going to join the troops starting Monday 15th June for the Next Plants, Protein and a Little Bit of Fu...n 14 Day Challenge. Its not a diet its simply a way to consciously eat more plants, eat balanced meals and expand our meal ideas repertoire. For me these 14 days will be about increasing my variety of plants and getting creative with plant based meal ideas again. Its free, come and join us if you like. Just shoot me a message so I know where to send the details. #giveyourbodywhatitneedsandmakeittastegreat See more
23.01.2022 For my love of food, there is an equal love of movement and exercise. I am back sharing the Kettlebell love with a new Skills and Drills program starting on February 24th. Are you looking to learn a new skill? I had never been able to embrace the "training at home" thing until I found the kettlebell. With training now being about learning a new skill and with the style in which it was used being able to keep me engaged, all that changed and a quick home, holiday or outdoor... workout became the new norm. If you have an interest, want to refine your technique or are looking for a training discipline and plan you can quickly execute at home then come along. 9am Mondays for 6 weeks. Spots are limited to 6. Message me or click the link for more details or to purchase the program. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/kettlebell-skills-and-drill
23.01.2022 Brunch Swiss brown mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, lemon zest and thyme with Chicken, nitrate free bacon, pinenuts, plenty of salt and white pepper . I dont overthink food these days but I do live by my mantra of give your body what it needs and make it taste great. I went heavy on the chicken because #sausagedogs always convince me to share my meals with them . #plantsproteinandalittlebitoffun #eatyourveggies
23.01.2022 Mandarins galore and enough kale to sink a ship! Organic and grown with love by me . This lot is off to the gym in the morning to share (if I remember to get it out of the fridge at 5.30am ). The only thing better than eating home grown produce is sharing home grown produce . #growyourownfood #gardeningistherapy #eatplants
23.01.2022 My dinner for the last 3, 4... ok 7 nights . Fennel and broccoli soup. It may not look photo worthy or even sound photo worthy but it certainly tastes photo worthy. I fried off a fennel and 2 sticks of celery in olive oil then added 2 broccoli stalks and a few florets plus a few cauliflower florets, simmered the lot in around a litre or so of chicken bone broth and when veggies soft I blitzed it in the thermo with a tablespoon of cashew butter and a dash of almond milk. If you can eat dairy you could just use cream. Dont forget to add white pepper and salt when serving . #eatyourveggies
23.01.2022 It’s so easy to say I can’t be bothered when it comes to dinner for me but I made myself make this spicy coated fish with stir fried vege. I coated the fish in a mix of cornflour, turmeric, cumin, coriander and salt and panfried. Then using what I had on hand, carrot, homegrown pak choy and water chestnuts, stir fried with ginger became the plant portion to this plants and protein meal. If I could eat soy I would l have drizzled a little sweet soy on top of those vegies . #fastfood #healthyfood #eatyourveggies #plantsandprotein
22.01.2022 Playing with flavours today. Roast carrot, cauliflower and chicken salad with kale, mint, dill, pomegranate, olive oil and lemon. It was nice but it was missing something. Maybe the lemon juice should have been a vinegar . For me life is about experimenting. Food, exercise, life, work, parenting. Sometimes I have a win and sometimes I learn something so that’s also a win . #foodwithflavour... #teachyourselftocook See more
22.01.2022 Away for the weekend means no cooking. When I’m away from home I assemble food or plate it. Fast, simple, delicious and convenient. A selection of healthy, functional and tasty foods I find fun, arranged and enjoyed for lunch or dinner. Protein can be the tricky thing when not cooking. My go to’s, hot smoked salmon (pictured) or Beretta Prosciutto. This was enjoyed with a bottle of San Pellegrino and a killer view . #proteinplantsandalittlebitoffun
22.01.2022 Late lunch, early dinner or afternoon tea? Don’t know, I don’t label my meals I just eat when I’m hungry . Super fresh, super simple, minimalist food this arvo. Asparagus, yellow zucchini, prawns, lemon, basil, vegan feta and don’t forget the white pepper . #plantsproteinandalittlebitoffun
21.01.2022 Can you call it a salad? Not sure and doesn’t matter, I’ll just call it lunch . Roasted carrots and cauliflower, fresh corn, panfried spiced chicken, lots of coriander and avocado. I’ve been food prepping again because I know it’s the only way for me to eat well. And the only way for me to have energy is to eat well so it’s kinda important to me to keep up my food prep habits even when I’m not busy. Because I’m only preparing food for 1 these days it’s too easy to skip mea...ls or not eat enough nutrient dense foods like veggies so a little bit of prep the day or night before sorts this out for me. Roasting a tray of carrots and cauliflower, cooking up a few cobs of corn and pan frying a pack of chicken tenderloins in coriander, cumin and turmeric doesn’t take me very long and it means I have lunches or even dinner done for a few days. #simplefood #foodprep See more
21.01.2022 I know some people get grossed out at fruit in savoury meals and I once did but not these days. This is exactly what I felt like eating for lunch today. Poached prawns, avocado, mango, baby cucumbers, red capsicum, salt and white pepper. I would have added black olives but I polished them off last night. I didn’t feel the need to dress this salad as it had a generous serving of avocado hiding in there . #eatfoodyoulove
20.01.2022 Faced with moving my training business online with 12 hours notice at the start of this week, she’s been one heck of a crazy busy week and I’ve become one of those people I never thought I’d be....someone who forgets to eat!! As a foodie I never could understand people who would say I forget to eat and then is blah blah.. o’clock. This week it’s only when my brain stops working that I have pondered when was the last time I ate. So here’s lunch at 4pm . Mushrooms, spinach,... baby kale, olives and chicken. Chased by a big arse serve of sweet potato fries. Gee all this brain power I’m using chews through the carbs so loading I shall go . See more
20.01.2022 Looks like guacamole but tastes like the tropics! One of my favourite ways to get in an extra serve of veggies mid morning on a sunny day. Swipe to see the volume of plants this bad boy contains prior to it being blitzed. Frozen mango, pineapple and cucumber with non frozen mint, spinach, lime and collagen. I recommend a splash of coconut milk too even though I didnt add it. #plantsandprotein #eatyourveggies
19.01.2022 This mornings post training refreshment. Frozen mango, raspberries, lime, mint and Collagen Hydrate which I use as a protein powder as it has added amino acids making it a complete protein. I have high pressure cleaning, gardening and a hike to do yet today. If I dont replenish after training I will likely hit a wall mid afternoon and this was a delightful way to replenish on this sunny morning . #plantsandprotein #collagen #posttraining
19.01.2022 Yesterday’s harvest. Purple, red and white, newly dug baby potatoes. I’ll be boiling or roasting some of these whole and whacking them in the fridge to eat cold the next day on my platters or in my salads. Did you know when you cook a potato and cool it you change it’s structure? Some of the carbohydrates or digestible starch in it becomes indigestible or what’s known as resistant starch. Resistant starch has many health benefits including improved insulin sensitivity, ...lower blood sugar levels, appetite reduction and it is a great food source (prebiotic) for your gut flora. So in short, that’s great news for your health and for your waistline. Yes you can still eat your potatoes hot, mashed or straight from the oven. All foods can fit into a healthy diet, it just comes down to quantity and balance. The cook and cool is a good little hack to have up your sleeve if you love your starch but live a relatively sedentary lifestyle. We teach you how to fit ALL foods into a healthy diet and how to match your nutrition to your activity level in our Learn to be Lean Program. The next 6 week program starts October 28. Link in bio to join. #eatthecarbs #learntobelean
19.01.2022 Chicken soup kinda night. This is my quick version of chicken and veggie soup when I want chicken soup at short notice and havent made a batch of bone broth or stock. This one isnt based on bones so perhaps it doesnt have the same health benefits as my regular soup but I believe any food made with fresh produce and made with love contains all the health benefits . So for a quick chicken and vege soup. Fry off 4 chicken thighs in some olive oil with ginger and garlic in a ...big pot. Once browned add 4 litres of water, salt to taste (I go heavy on salt), put the lid on and bring to the boil. Meanwhile finely dice 4 sticks of celery, 2-3 big carrots, 1/3 of a cauliflower and a big bunch of parsley. Add veggies to pot and simmer until veggies are tender. Pull apart the chicken and serve . Adding salt if needed and white pepper. Takes about 45 from start to finish and hits the spot on a wintery day in spring . See more
18.01.2022 I know this looks like dirty dish water but I assure you, mushroom and cauliflower soup with a cashew cream swirl tastes AMAZING . I stir fried some diced Swiss brown and white mushrooms in some olive oil then added cauliflower florets, some young celery stalks and homemade chicken broth. Simmered until cauliflower was soft then blitzed in a blender. Add salt, white pepper and some cashew cream or sour cream to serve. You wont regret eating this bowl of dirty dishwater I promise . #eatyourveggies #creamymushroomsoup
18.01.2022 A farmers market inspired brunch that will keep me going for hours today! Which is good because Ive got dogs to walk, gardens to weed, floors to clean and trails to hike today. Love a long weekend . Swiss brown and white mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, nitrate free bacon and avocado (which I didnt eat because my eyes were bigger than my belly ). #plantsandprotein #eatyourveggies #brunch
18.01.2022 Prosciutto and Rockmelon. A match made in heaven. All that’s missing is the bottle of San Pellegrino mineral water . #proteinandplants
18.01.2022 I feel its time . Plants, Protein and a Little Bit of Fun 14 day Challenge starts next week. As always, this is a free challenge, is open to anyone and is designed to help you focus on better nutrition via eating more plants, balanced meals and expanding your meal repertoire.... If youd like to join in, comment below or pm me your email address to register and I will email you the details for a Monday start. Once you have registered, head on over and join the closed Facebook group where all the fun happens. https://www.facebook.com/groups/proteinplantsandalittlebitoffun/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
18.01.2022 Its so easy to say I cant be bothered when it comes to dinner for me but I made myself make this spicy coated fish with stir fried vege. I coated the fish in a mix of cornflour, turmeric, cumin, coriander and salt and panfried. Then using what I had on hand, carrot, homegrown pak choy and water chestnuts, stir fried with ginger became the plant portion to this plants and protein meal. If I could eat soy I would l have drizzled a little sweet soy on top of those vegies . #fastfood #healthyfood #eatyourveggies #plantsandprotein
17.01.2022 Just because I am anti diet and pro body acceptance and there is a big movement around this, doesn’t mean that fat loss is a dirty word or that anyone should feel bad about wanting to lose some body fat. Obviously context is important here. I recently made some tweaks to my nutrition to drop a little body fat, not because I didn’t like my body, not because I didn’t think I was good enough at that body fat percentage and not because something in my life wasn’t working out an...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Can you call it a salad? Not sure and doesnt matter, Ill just call it lunch . Roasted carrots and cauliflower, fresh corn, panfried spiced chicken, lots of coriander and avocado. Ive been food prepping again because I know its the only way for me to eat well. And the only way for me to have energy is to eat well so its kinda important to me to keep up my food prep habits even when Im not busy. Because Im only preparing food for 1 these days its too easy to skip mea...ls or not eat enough nutrient dense foods like veggies so a little bit of prep the day or night before sorts this out for me. Roasting a tray of carrots and cauliflower, cooking up a few cobs of corn and pan frying a pack of chicken tenderloins in coriander, cumin and turmeric doesnt take me very long and it means I have lunches or even dinner done for a few days. #simplefood #foodprep See more
16.01.2022 Oops! Went a little overboard at the farmers market. But the colour, volume, variety and freshness got me a little excited . Im all ready to start consciously adding more variety to my food choices and getting creative in the kitchen again making healthy and great tasting plant based meals. I thought I would drag others along for the ride and run another of our FREE Plants, Protein and a Little Bit of Fun Challenges. We start 15th June. If youd like some support, accountability and inspiration to kick up the plant component of your nutrition and focus on eating balanced meals then youre welcome to come and join us. Just message me so I can send you the details. #eatyourveggies #plantsandprotein
16.01.2022 All the colours on the trail today . I haven’t been in a while. Don’t know why. Sometimes my mind tells me it’s going to be boring and there are more productive things to do around home. Sometimes I believe what my mind is saying. When I do hit the trail, my body tells me that was fantastic and my mind chimes in, yes we should do that more often. ... That’s why it’s important to not let our mind rule the show and why there is a place in health for discipline, routine and non negotiables. A walk in nature is just as important to my health and fitness goals as a session in the gym. When your brain is wired like mine is, it’s possibly even more important than gym time when it comes to being healthy, happy and lean. Managing hormones is a big part of health and fat-loss and walks in nature play a big part of hormone management. 2 long walks in nature each week works best for me, around 1hr20min but short walks are also great if that suits you better. If you’re a woman who is edging closer to 50 or a women in general or actually I’d you are a person with 2 legs who is trying to improve your health, don’t underestimate the power of walking in nature. And you are probably going to have schedule them in or life may get in the way or like me, your mind might get in the way. #spendtimeinnature #movementismedicine #natureheals
16.01.2022 Some fresh air and low intensity exercise early this morning with lovely ladies and a pretty nice view. We always make time for our high intensity exercise in the gym but many of us who can’t run (me), don’t want to run and haven’t fallen in love with riding or swimming, neglect our aerobic fitness because to be honest, low intensity exercise in the gym can be pretty boring. So my answer to this is to hit the hills. This morning I just hit them early, with company. The ele...vation along with conversation heading up the elevation was enough to get a light puff on. It’s hard to get our head around the fact that exercise that isn’t hard is actually also beneficial. Or is that just me . Anyway, it was worth getting out of bed for. Looking forward to next Tuesday morning. Feel free to tag along. See more
16.01.2022 This failure was a delicious success! I planned to make a crumb for my fish from macadamia, lemon and basil. Yeah Nah, note to self- don’t put macadamias and basil in blender to blitz for a crumb, do it by hand . But when you’re working with ingredients as expensive as macadamias you make a plan B. And oh my what a delicious plan B it was. Macadamia, lemon and basil sauce/dressing/pesto? Don’t know what you call it so I’ll just call it frigging delicious. Took strength to not just eat the entire creation with a spoon and blow off the fish . So blitz macadamias, lemon zest, lemon juice, basil, olive oil, dash of water and salt in the blender to desired consistency. Then sit down and eat it out of the blender with a spoon, I mean spoon it over the fish .
15.01.2022 Dinner done and lunch tomorrow . Chunky cauliflower rice, roasted red capsicum, roasted pumpkin, mushrooms, kale, basil, lemon, olives with slow cooked lamb. #eatyourveggies #plantsandprotein
15.01.2022 The only good thing about my training session this morning was that I came home to this post training (with my Collagen Hydrate of course). Oh and I got to exercise my mental strength. It was a hard mental slog today but yesterday was negotiable which means today was non negotiable . #fruit #plantsandprotein #eatcolour #posttraining
14.01.2022 Faced with moving my training business online with 12 hours notice at the start of this week, shes been one heck of a crazy busy week and Ive become one of those people I never thought Id be....someone who forgets to eat!! As a foodie I never could understand people who would say I forget to eat and then is blah blah.. oclock. This week its only when my brain stops working that I have pondered when was the last time I ate. So heres lunch at 4pm . Mushrooms, spinach,... baby kale, olives and chicken. Chased by a big arse serve of sweet potato fries. Gee all this brain power Im using chews through the carbs so loading I shall go . See more
12.01.2022 An apple a day . Or in my case, 2 apples a day, everyday. Ive been eating my Galas for weeks but now picking my first Golden Delicious and Fuji. With the love that goes into these trees,(I hand water than and yes I talk to them) and the fact I pick them from the tree literally seconds before I eat them, they are even healthier and more delicious than the regular apple. True! I can taste the love in every bite . #foodismedicine #mothernature
11.01.2022 Check out those organic beans! Picked and blanched and eaten about 10 minutes later for lunch number 2. Doesn’t get much healthier than that or any tastier . #simplefood #eatyourveggies #homegrown
11.01.2022 How would you feel about sitting a test that you have failed or havent managed to pass many times before? How much emotional energy would it take? How much ...mental energy would you have to conjure up to convince yourself to sit that test again? How exhausting! Thats how I see dieting. Thats how I see eating for weight loss. Now imagine a test that you havent taken yet? A test that has no right or wrong answers and is open to interpretation. In other words a test you cannot fail! That makes me curious, somewhat excited and sounds like an adventure to me! Thats how I see nutrition and eating to thrive. Eating to thrive, to me, means having energy, having a clear and happy mind and being physically healthy. The by-product of eating to thrive for most people is fat loss. So..sit that test that you havent managed to pass before, that requires a lot of emotional and mental energy and is exhausting, for a very slim chance of passing it this time. OR Sit the test that you cannot fail, that as a by-product, has the outcome you are chasing anyway but that is exciting and is an adventure. Hmm.sounds like a simple decision to me. BUT lots of smart people do dumb things and will continue to do so. I know I did. Over and over again. Until I changed the way I thought about everything health, fitness and fat loss related. Nutrition coaching isnt about writing meal plans for people and telling them what to do. Its about helping them see things clearly and giving them the support and courage to do things differently. To take a leap and experience that there are many ways to get to the same destination. If you would like to try a different journey than the one you have been on for the last 5,10 or 15 years. Send me a message. I would love to help be your navigator .
11.01.2022 Same same but different. Roast carrot and cauliflower with sautéed mushrooms, kale, pine nuts, lemon zest and slow cooked lamb. A regular dinner of late but I switch up the protein depending on whats on hand. Simple never gets boring .
11.01.2022 Some words that I thought may be helpful for some who are struggling with motivation and consistency.
11.01.2022 Lunch number 2 today was kept small and simple. Panfried fish over roast pumpkin and my go to green sauce/dressing which is loosely based on a pesto. It doesnt matter that I cant cook fish well when this is sprawled over the top of it. Lunch number 1 was a platter of all the cut up veggies, olives and slow cooked lamb. I wonder if there might even be a lunch number 3 today! #simplefood
10.01.2022 I feel it’s time . Plants, Protein and a Little Bit of Fun 14 day Challenge starts next week. As always, this is a free challenge, is open to anyone and is designed to help you focus on better nutrition via eating more plants, balanced meals and expanding your meal repertoire.... If you’d like to join in, comment below or pm me your email address to register and I will email you the details for a Monday start. Once you have registered, head on over and join the closed Facebook group where all the fun happens. https://www.facebook.com/groups/proteinplantsandalittlebitoffun/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
10.01.2022 Glad I’ve found a way to serve up yellow zucchinis that I looove because I’m picking about 3 a day at the moment! Yet another reminder for me that simple food is delicious food. Slice thinly and fry off in a little olive oil, when starting to soften throw in chopped basil, lemon zest, salt and a little white pepper . I added home grown beans tonight and served it up with Moroccan inspired fish and cauliflower rice. #simplefood #homegrown
10.01.2022 I received this message from a client after our Making Muscles class. Proof you can still make progress in strength gains with minimal equipment training from home. This chickie moved from PT twice a week to online classes at home which allowed her to be very consistent and increase her training to 3-4 x per week and tada, shes reaping her rewards. More proof that consistency is king! Our online classes are taught live and taught to the individual using what they have avail...able and working around any injuries, limitations and to their fitness level. For $12 per week you can join us. #wearemadetomove #strongbodystrongmind #consistencyisking See more
09.01.2022 Yum! Chicken, sweet potato, apple, spinach, sage and almond meal. Lunch number 1 ready for the next couple of days . #foodprepforthewin #organisationiskey
09.01.2022 Fridge is nearly empty but found some asparagus and pumpkin and have lettuce in the garden so a salad sprung to mind BUT then I found Brussel Sprouts hiding in the crisper so something delicious was created. Roast pumpkin, pan fried Brussel Sprouts, asparagus, chicken and nitrate free bacon. A sprinkling of fresh lemon zest, white pepper and salt to finish . #plantsproteinandalittlebitoffun #eatyourveggies
08.01.2022 Back to the thermo today and back to an old favourite, Pina Colada Nicecream. Frozen mango, frozen pineapple, a small home grown cucumber, 1/2 a lime, a handful of mint and a scoop of collagen powder. A splash of coconut milk is a winner but I didn’t have any and it was still divine . #summertime
08.01.2022 Last night’s dinner is today’s lunch. It’s another nutrition strategy I’ve employed for years that helps ensure the food our body needs is always on hand and ready to go. Our lifestyle is the sum of our daily actions or habits. It’s important our lifestyle matches who we are wanting to be. If looking to change your body it ALWAYS comes back to changing your habits and daily actions. There are a lot of different roads that lead to the same place and the fun bit is you ge...t to draw the map . Dinner was sautéed yellow zucchini, asparagus and broccolini, salmon and a cauliflower rice with capers, lemon and dill. Oh and white pepper . #prepforleftovers #dinnerislunch See more
08.01.2022 This morning’s post training refreshment. Frozen mango, raspberries, lime, mint and Collagen Hydrate which I use as a protein powder as it has added amino acids making it a complete protein. I have high pressure cleaning, gardening and a hike to do yet today. If I don’t replenish after training I will likely hit a wall mid afternoon and this was a delightful way to replenish on this sunny morning . #plantsandprotein #collagen #posttraining
08.01.2022 Breakfast fun on a cold morning. Gluten free porridge with collagen and almond butter, raspberries and dark choc. Food for the body and the soul. I can feel a good training session coming on.
07.01.2022 Harvesting beautiful big beetroot this week from my garden which means Beetroot Dip . I roasted up 2 big beetroot in the oven (I quarter them then wrap in Alfoil and roast til soft), once cooled I peel and throw in the blender with roughly 1 heaped tablespoon of cashew butter, 2 heaped teaspoons of horseradish mustard, a drizzle of olive oil, a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt. Blitz until smooth. If it lacks zing add more lemon. If it lacks flavour add more horseradish ...mustard. If it lacks mouthfeel (texture) add a little more oil or cashew butter. I taught myself to cook and I dont use recipes but the above is a pretty good base to start from then see what your tastebuds think . #eatyourveggies #beetroot See more
07.01.2022 No eggs, no worries. I havent been able to eat eggs for almost 2 years now. They are such a delicious and convenient food but there are always options so when I was craving fritters today after a long hike, I whipped up these. Zucchini, pumpkin and buckwheat fritters topped with nitrate free ham and homemade beetroot relish. 1 cup of grated zucchini, 1 cup of grated pumpkin, 1/2 cup of chopped parsley, 1/2 cup of buckwheat flour and salt and pepper. Mix together and let sit ...for about 5 minutes or so and then mix again to form a batter. Fry off in batches in a medium pan. Then top with the fun stuff. Yes thats a lot of beetroot relish because I had a lot of beetroots ready for harvest all at once so I need to plough through my supply . #plantsandprotein #eatyourvegies See more
07.01.2022 My latest breakfast obsession, fresh pineapple . I buy the topless ones, leave them in the fruit bowl for a week or so until the smell permeates the kitchen then cut them up for breakfast and are constantly taken back by how amazing these natural little tropical beauties taste! #simplefood #mothernaturerocks
07.01.2022 How would you feel about sitting a test that you have failed or haven’t managed to pass many times before? How much emotional energy would it take? How much ...mental energy would you have to conjure up to convince yourself to sit that test again? How exhausting! That’s how I see dieting. That’s how I see eating for weight loss. Now imagine a test that you haven’t taken yet? A test that has no right or wrong answers and is open to interpretation. In other words a test you cannot fail! That makes me curious, somewhat excited and sounds like an adventure to me! That’s how I see nutrition and eating to thrive. Eating to thrive, to me, means having energy, having a clear and happy mind and being physically healthy. The by-product of eating to thrive for most people is fat loss. So..sit that test that you haven’t managed to pass before, that requires a lot of emotional and mental energy and is exhausting, for a very slim chance of passing it this time. OR Sit the test that you cannot fail, that as a by-product, has the outcome you are chasing anyway but that is exciting and is an adventure. Hmm.sounds like a simple decision to me. BUT lots of smart people do dumb things and will continue to do so. I know I did. Over and over again. Until I changed the way I thought about everything health, fitness and fat loss related. Nutrition coaching isn’t about writing meal plans for people and telling them what to do. Its about helping them see things clearly and giving them the support and courage to do things differently. To take a leap and experience that there are many ways to get to the same destination. If you would like to try a different journey than the one you have been on for the last 5,10 or 15 years. Send me a message. I would love to help be your navigator .
06.01.2022 My current lunch number 1 go to. Mango, avocado, cucumber and red capsicum with prawns and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses . The key to consistency around nutrition for me is to keep it simple. I find a flavour combination of around 4-5 ingredients, (1 is always protein, 1 is always fat and the rest are usually plants) that tastes great then I do it to death til I can’t stand to eat it for one more day then I find a new flavour combination and do that to death and repeat. Works for me . #eatyourveggies #makeveggiesfun #proteinandplants
06.01.2022 Eating all the colours tonight Carrot, celery, purple cabbage, red capsicum, bok choy (from my garden, water chestnuts, and roasted cashews, stir-fried with pork mince, fresh ginger, fish sauce and just a little chilli jam . #eatyourveggies #eattherainbow
06.01.2022 Breakfast in a wintery morning. Warm stewed apple and raspberry with whipped almond butter and a smattering of granola for crunch paired with 2 mugs of tea and collagen = delicious and happy start to the day
06.01.2022 Old fashioned food . Lamb and veggie stew with parsnip and carrot mash, green beans and of course white pepper. This was lunch. Most days I eat a cooked lunch (that Ive pre pre-prepared), its my main meal of the day. Once, a long time ago my focus around food was take things out, ie restrict. These days my focus around food is put in, ie nourish. I have found by focusing on putting in the things our bodies need, the things it needs less of seem to fall away of thei...r own accord. In other words, give your body what it needs and the cravings for the things it doesnt really need sort themselves out. Hence why I make the time to prepare nourishing food. And in winter I like to go back to my farm girl roots and put lots of love into homemade stews and soups . #nourishyourbody #homecooking #eatyourveggies See more
06.01.2022 Late lunch but worth waiting for. Pretty and delicious. Tri colour capsicum, celery, parsley, Sicilian olives, avocado, lemon and white pepper with grass fed steak. #plantsandprotein #eatyourveggies
06.01.2022 My kind of online shopping . Nope, not clothes or shoes or jewels....but yes tea. A shit tonne of it because I can’t buy it locally anymore. Whenever I suggest to someone to add herbal tea to their day to get their fluid intake up and they respond with I don’t like herbal tea, I know they’ve been drinking that cheap and nasty insipid stuff from the supermarket that tastes like dirty dish water. ... You haven’t had herbal tea until you’ve tried @madameflavour Real tea. Made from herbs and fruit and flowers in little silk bags called tripods. My favorites, pictured, are -Organic Mint with a hint of Lavender, -Lemongrass, Lime and Ginger -Raspberry, Hibiscus and Plum. I have this beaut large China mug that hold nearly 500ml. And I usually have around 4 cups a day. Now that is an easy and tasty way to get in 2 litres of water. In case you hadn’t guessed, I’m a fan #teadrinker
05.01.2022 Making veggies fun tonight by roasting sweet potato, yellow zucchini, red capsicum and cauliflower. Sautéed mushrooms and kale added a couple more veggies to the line-up and lemon, basil, olives and chopped walnuts added some flavour and crunch! Plus leftovers for days ready to add shredded chicken to or salmon if the I feel that way inclined . #eatyourveggies
05.01.2022 A trip to the farmers market yesterday sees us in fruit heaven today . Papaya and blueberries this morning. I eat a lot of fruit these days, it’s a good source of carbohydrate for me that doesn’t leave me bloated and tired like some other sources do. There was a time there when I had to follow a low carb diet due to illness and couldn’t eat fruit for years! So sad to miss out on apricot season and cherry season year after year . Never again . ... I always make sure I balance up my fruit with some fats and some protein. This morning was some dark chocolate and two big mugs of tea with collagen powder. Balanced meals was key for me when I set out to lose my 20kg of flab all those years ago and it’s still key to giving me freedom around food, eating what I love and still maintaining a lean (enough) physique year round. Our Learn to be Lean program is everything I learnt the long winded way when I lost 20 kilos, condensed into a user friendly more direct route approach. You can join our program anytime but if you’d like to be part of a group, we have one starting Monday 28th October. It’s online so you can join from anywhere. Learn how to eat what you love whilst getting lean AND most importantly, stay lean. Programs start from $149. Link in bio above. See more
05.01.2022 Life is good . Love me a daily ritual. Work, Train then fruit, collagen and Prana Chai in the sun (or at least in the fresh air) then off for a sausage dog walk. Always makes me feel grateful and never gets boring. Its the simple things . #maketimetobreathe #sittoeat #dailyhealthrituals
05.01.2022 Someone asked me the other day, why are you so happy today?.... Ah because the sun is out and mangoes are in . This was my lunch number 1 yesterday and my lunch number 2 today. (Yes I eat 2 lunches, it works better for me than adding snacks into my day). Mango, avocado, cucumber and prawns. Someone also said to me the other day you eat weird food! No offence taken . I love what I eat and it works for my body to help me feel energised, happy and lean enough . Get into the Kensington mangoes quick. They are in season but have a short season. #mangoseason #plantsandprotein
04.01.2022 A simple dinner inspired by the baby cos lettuce and big juicy lime I picked from my garden this afternoon. Rump marinated in lime, chilli, ginger and coriander, pan fried and served over a simple salad of things I had on hand. Cos, cucumber, capsicum, mushrooms and avocado. #freshfood #homegrown
03.01.2022 I had a query from a potential client yesterday who was keen to do the Learn to be Lean program but was concerned about the food on the program because she knows she can’t tolerate eating lots of raw veggies or those green smoothies. It made me smile and it also made me excited. It made me smile because I thought it was cute/funny that she thought she had to drink green smoothies, eat a pile of raw veggies and buckets of salad ( I am sorry if I gave you this impression). ... It made me excited because she already KNEW she couldn’t tolerate those things and that tells me she already knows how to interpret the feedback her body is giving her and she is listening. It made me excited because this is key to success when learning to create a lifestyle that sees your body thriving and which in turn allows it to burn fat and be lean (enough) for life. So to elaborate, in case anyone else has a similar concern. No you don’t have to eat salad and green smoothies unless of course you want to. You don’t have to down protein shakes unless you want to. You don’t have to eat meat..unless you want to. You don’t have to eat dairy..unless you want to. You don’t have to eat 6 small meals per day..unless you want to. Yes you can drink coffee. Yes you can drink wine. And yes you can eat cake :). And if you want to eat chocolate for breakfast, cheese and bickies for afternoon tea and ice-cream after dinner then we will find a way to fit that in too and still get you results. You have tried it the other way, eating things you don't like and taking out all the things you love and it didn't work did it? And giving more of your money to a different coach (me) isn't going to change that outcome if you try to do things the same way over again. Its a fact, like what you do and you will keep on doing it and repeat after me.... "CONSISTENCY IS KING". Here you are given the tools and the guidance to create the lifestyle to get you lean, the decisions of what you do and don’t do are entirely in your court. If you would like some very specific help to learn to be lean and are happy to sit in the driver’s seat alongside me, then sign up for our next group program starting Monday October 28th. Prices start from $149. For more details head here: https://leannelanepersonaltraining.com.au//learn-to-be-le/ or feel free to message or call me for a chat to see if the program is right for you.
02.01.2022 An apple a day . Or in my case, 2 apples a day, everyday. I’ve been eating my Galas for weeks but now picking my first Golden Delicious and Fuji. With the love that goes into these trees,(I hand water than and yes I talk to them) and the fact I pick them from the tree literally seconds before I eat them, they are even healthier and more delicious than the regular apple. True! I can taste the love in every bite . #foodismedicine #mothernature
02.01.2022 Roast pumpkin, basil, mushroom, prosciutto, lemon zest and pine nuts through a zucchini ribbon with pork fillet. #dinner #eatyourveggies #plantsandprotein
02.01.2022 Summer My friend Renee introduced me to blackberries for the first time about 2 years ago. She told me of memories she had picking fresh blackberries as a child and spoke fondly of them. They are frigging delicious and now my favourite fruit. Everytime I eat them not only am I getting a huge hit of vitamins and nutrients and a taste sensation but I also get the accompanying thought of my friend. Blackberries come with a story for me. A pleasant story. Food is so much more than fuel . #summer #berries #simplefood
02.01.2022 Looking for a last minute Christmas gift for a friend, family member or for yourself? My book Protein, Plants and a Little bit of Fun outlines a simplistic and realistic approach to healthy eating that can take a weight off your mind whilst also taking some weight off your body. For the rest of 2020 it’s just $20. You can purchase in my shop on my website. Postage is $5 or Dunsborough Locals, drop me a line and I can deliver . https://leannelanepersonaltraining.com.au//protein-plants/
01.01.2022 No eggs, no worries. I haven’t been able to eat eggs for almost 2 years now. They are such a delicious and convenient food but there are always options so when I was craving fritters today after a long hike, I whipped up these. Zucchini, pumpkin and buckwheat fritters topped with nitrate free ham and homemade beetroot relish. 1 cup of grated zucchini, 1 cup of grated pumpkin, 1/2 cup of chopped parsley, 1/2 cup of buckwheat flour and salt and pepper. Mix together and let sit ...for about 5 minutes or so and then mix again to form a batter. Fry off in batches in a medium pan. Then top with the fun stuff. Yes that’s a lot of beetroot relish because I had a lot of beetroots ready for harvest all at once so I need to plough through my supply . #plantsandprotein #eatyourvegies See more
01.01.2022 Honestly, do we need another diet program? This is a thought I have every day and its generally followed up by a "sigh". Do we really need more diet and nutrition information? Do we really not know how to eat or what to do to be healthier, happier and leaner? Every day I tell myself I don't want to be part of this noise that is somewhat deafening these days, around food, nutrition, diet and weight loss BUT....... AS LONG AS THERE CONTINUES TO BE PEOPLE OUT THERE BLASTING FROM THE ROOFTOPS ASKING YOU TO DO DUMB SHIT IN AN EFFORT GET A SMALLER ARSE THEN yes I will continue to be part of the noise and continue to be the voice of reason. My thoughts are that no we don't need any more information, HOWEVER, I continue to get oodles of questions and have a multitude of conversations everyday plus hear and read so many stories of people who: A. don't have a clue where to start. B. are trying too hard and hence are not able to follow through. C. have the information but just aren't putting it into action. My Learn to be Lean program is designed to be the last nutrition program you sign up for. Unlike other programs that ask you to do highly restrictive and quite simply "weird shit" that will get you a very quick weight loss result, this one is designed to be different. Instead of getting you to hold your breath, toe the line and stick to a calorie or carb restricted diet "at all cost" for 6 weeks. We actually teach you how to apply principles around nutrition, exercise and lifestyle AND THEN listen for feedback from your body. The only way you will be long term lean (aka losing fat) is to create a lifestyle that you can live consistently AND happily. If when you read that line above, you thought "oh that sounds too hard, I just want to do the breath holding thing because its quicker, then you will still be where you are now in another 12 months or worse, even further from where you would like to be. - The next round of Learn to be Lean starts as a group on Monday 28th October but if you like to play solo, you can start anytime you like. - If you have an inbox of unused nutrition plans and menus, - If you have started on a Monday for the last 47 Mondays and stopped by Thursday, - If you know you want to make changes but just havent managed to get there on your own yet, Then come join us and work through this step by step plan to help you build the lifestyle that YOU can live and that can also get you lean. Sign up is online, see link below. Options vary from online group accountability to One on One weekly consults with me. Just under 8 weeks until the silly season will begin. Now is a really good time to learn and practice your new lifestyle. I hope I get the chance to work with you and help you short cut the stuff that took me decades to learn! https://leannelanepersonaltraining.com.au//learn-to-be-le/
01.01.2022 New product from @gelatinaustralia. Collagen Hydrate. They have added 2 extra amino acids meaning it is now a complete protein, along with coconut water and a very subtle raspberry flavour (no sweetener). This product is designed to be used as a protein water helping people who need or want to increase their protein intake. I havent made a smoothie in donkeys but wanted to try the product so did raspberry, banana, cucumber and spinach with 1.5 scoops of collagen. I also ...tried it in pink tea. A herbal tea I drink sometimes. I have been a stockist for Gelatin Australias Collagen products for 3 years now as its a fantastic product that I use daily and couldnt source in Dunsborough. I am currently offering free delivery locally to anyone who needs to keep up their collagen intake but who is currently isolating. Just send me a message if I can help. See more
01.01.2022 A farmers market inspired brunch that will keep me going for hours today! Which is good because I’ve got dogs to walk, gardens to weed, floors to clean and trails to hike today. Love a long weekend . Swiss brown and white mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, nitrate free bacon and avocado (which I didn’t eat because my eyes were bigger than my belly ). #plantsandprotein #eatyourveggies #brunch
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