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LEAN Qld in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 438 767 109


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25.01.2022 It is time for Australia to commit to net zero emissions by 2050. Recent moves by China, Japan & Korea mean 60% of our trade is now with countries committed to this goal by mid-century. See my Nikkei Asia op-ed on this new wave of Asian climate leadership. Kevin Rudd

23.01.2022 No sense what so ever!

23.01.2022 Well deserved, a victory for science led policy!

22.01.2022 Public consultation will soon conclude on a proposal to rename Camooweal Caves National Park to be known as Wiliyan-ngurru National Park reflecting the language... of Traditional Owners, the Indjalandji-Dhidhanu People. This project is a positive step in our truth telling journey and track to treaty, recognising First Nations Peoples’ significant and ancient connection to our country.

22.01.2022 Congratulations to all our new, and returning, Ministers.

22.01.2022 Since 2015 we have increased renewable energy generation by 300% and we are on track to hit our target of 50% renewable energy in Queensland by 2030. We’ve esta...blished CleanCo, Queensland’s first publicly owned renewable energy generator and are investing an additional $500 million in building and operating new publicly owned renewables. A vote for Labor in South Brisbane is a vote to keep the Palaszczuk Labor Government, so we can continue to deliver our economic recovery plan for Queensland - including the clean energy boom, creating thousands of jobs for Queenslanders. Thanks for the support Matt!

22.01.2022 Collaboration is key The Queensland government hopes the reforms will lead to more biodiscovery activities. These will often rely on the knowledge and practices of Indigenous people. As well as custodians of Indigenous knowledge, others involved in the biodiscovery process include:... scientists researching the properties of native biological materials businesses that commercialise new products consumers who buy the products government officials who grant regulatory approvals.

21.01.2022 The men running this show have so much ambition for themselves, and yet so little for our country.

21.01.2022 880,000 jobs lost + $3.4 trillion lost from the economy = Scott Morrison's climate inaction.

21.01.2022 Media have reported today on the draft ALP National Platform that is under discussion by the National Policy Forum. As we expected the Platform will not include specific carbon emissions and renewable energy targets. LEAN supports this, the targets we campaigned for back in 2014-15 need to be reviewed. Interim targets to get us to net zero by 2050 are essential but this is not the time for finalising that and the Platform is not the place.

19.01.2022 Neoliberal policy costs jobs and conditions, not protecting the environment.

19.01.2022 In case you missed it, this was the start of the week. A great outcome.

19.01.2022 More shade what’s not to like!

18.01.2022 Susan Templeman MP and I are moving a motion about koala protection

18.01.2022 Says it all really.

18.01.2022 Some information about hydrogen as applied to transport.

17.01.2022 Let’s make it the way we do business, reuse or recycle all the materials.

17.01.2022 Well worth a read!

14.01.2022 LEAN is excited that this morning the Newcastle Herald covered the launch of the Hunter Jobs Alliance today. HJA was born of conversations between the AMWU - Au...stralian Manufacturing Workers' Union and LEAN, it now includes 13 unions and local community environment groups and is ready to work together to make sure that communities set to be impacted by the shifts in the global energy markets are not left behind. We are proud of this intervention. See more

14.01.2022 Congratulations to our new Environment Minister.

14.01.2022 It might be the biggest whodunnit or what-dunnit in Australia. More than 2 trillion litres of water enough to fill Sydney Harbour four and a half times has gone missing from our largest and most precious river system the Murray-Darling Basin.

13.01.2022 Townsville’s place at the forefront of the coal wars have made Hill, who is a member of the ALP, a prominent figure in the party’s schism over coal and climate. In 2019 she told a forum run by Labor’s Chifley Research Centre that the city’s mantra was we stick to our guns: we support mining. It is remarkable, then, that Hill now says clean energy and not thermal coal will be at the forefront of Townsville’s future economy.

12.01.2022 I’m sharing this photo of me, Sally McManus and Jackie Trad for two reasons. Firstly, because it represents a really happy memory: we were all together up in Qu...eensland at a union event, basically celebrating how good it was to be in a room with so many warriors for working people and the working class. The second reason I’m posting this photo is because yesterday, people I won’t even name *because they are scumbags* literally tipped a pile of shit outside the Parliament House in Queensland - and put Jackie Trad’s face on it. Jackie is someone who I have only got to know through activism. I met her on a street march against electricity and state asset privatisation in Brisbane several years ago. I had the honour of working directly with her as part of the Labor Environment Action Network campaign that resulted in Australia’s largest investment in solar infrastructure in far North Queensland. And I spoke alongside her at a series of events in the long, bitter, necessary and literally LIFE-SAVING campaign to legalise abortion rights in Queensland - a campaign she fronted with a truly inhuman level of bravery. If you’ve ever seen the kind of hateful propaganda the anti-choice lobby put out, imagine something a thousand times worse and you might come some way to understanding what Jackie weathered with grit and determination every day. So to see someone I know as the fiercest possible advocate of working people, community rights, climate action and feminism subjected to such pathetic, hateful, childish garbage like the shameless fugly slut comments on social media that appeared a couple of weeks ago, compounded with the unspeakable attack on her yesterday is not only enraging on a personal level. It actually causes me to lose hope in the potential of society to ever get it together and deal with its problems. The people who put Jackie Trad’s face on a pile of shit think they are environmentalists. Funny, but none of them were in the room when a group of us were with Jackie strategising to win - actually win - renewables investment in Queensland. Dumping garbage and making pissy Twitter comments is so much easier. This goes beyond the Queensland election for me. It shakes my faith in the basic capacity of people who say they want change to look at the world as it is and commit everything to what it takes to actually make change happen. You know, like Jackie does. I have no interest in the petty, self-righteous excuses of anyone who was involved in or supports that appalling action yesterday. If there’s anyone reading this who is of those people, please let them know I have no interest in them at all. They are irrelevant to the project of social change. And that pile of shit in the street says more about them than it ever will anyone else. You can read the article here:

12.01.2022 They're not doing it because it's popular. They're not doing it because the science supports it. They're not doing it because the economics support it.... So why are they doing it? Is it because the Gas Industry donated $426,000 to the Liberal and National Parties at the last election? Is it because Morrison hand picked a Gas Company CEO and paid him $267,345 to tell us that his industry needs Government subsidies for our economy to recover? Or is it because Liberal and National Party Ministers have been promised lucrative jobs the moment they leave office? The reality is we don't know, but we know they don't care.

12.01.2022 Vale Peter Simpson.

11.01.2022 Today is World Curlew Day and what better time to officially launch our fabulous Migratory Shorebird Directory! Listing all the most important wader sites aroun...d Australia hasn’t been easy, but we know it’s vital because habitat is key. Populations of many species of migratory shorebirds have undergone substantial declines over recent years. As an example, numbers of Eastern Curlews have declined by more than 80% over the course of just four decades. Halting this decline and reversing the current trend must happen now if threatened species are to avoid extinction. To achieve this, decision-makers and stakeholders around Australia need to be able to easily access information on the importance of sites for migratory shorebirds. The directory provides this crucial link which was not previously been available. The future of these birds is in our hands. You can now download your own copy of the Directory here: Eastern Curlew by Shelley Pearson Photography

10.01.2022 The PMs gas lead recovery is just more bad management of the economy.

10.01.2022 Clearly the right and prudent thing to do!

09.01.2022 This #WorldEarthDay2021 I announced the Palaszczuk Government will task our climate advisory council to explore new opportunities out of US President Joe Biden’s upcoming climate summit.

09.01.2022 Since the Palaszczuk Government launched Containers for Change over 2 years ago nearly 4 billion containers have been returned. Today in Parliament we receive...d briefing on some of a great results so far: Over $392 million has been refunded back into the pockets of Queenslanders. Over 700 people have been directly employed Litter surveys show a 48% reduction in beverage container litter since the scheme started.

09.01.2022 This is a very good development. With Stirling Griff, Rex Patrick and Jacqui Lambie conforming they will not back the LNP’s attempt to devolve decision making to the states without due process (a senate committee and/or the completion the Samuel review at the end of October) or environmental gains. This provides the space for negotiations to continue and for Samuel to complete his review.

08.01.2022 Scott Morrison’s anti-renewables obsession is one of the biggest jobs killers around. We need cheaper, cleaner energy to support jobs in Australia. It would be a massive boost to manufacturing cheaper power means we could have Australian workers making more things right here in our own country.

07.01.2022 Rest In Power Simmo - a visionary union leader who always fought for his members, and fought for public ownership, and a future in renewables. We’ve lost a legend.

06.01.2022 Time to get the nets and drum lines out of the water and deploy worlds best practice surveillance to protect beach users.

05.01.2022 ICYMI For the past five years Queensland has been doing the heavy lifting when it comes to driving investment in renewable energy because it means jobs. And now as we unite and recover from the global pandemic, our new $500 million Renewable Energy Fund investment will mean more jobs and affordable, clean energy. ... Jobs in building, owning and operating renewable energy are essential to our economic recovery from COVID-19. Which is why the Palaszczuk Government is also investing in training and industry development including establishing a renewable energy training facility here in Brisbane. I’m proud to have set up CleanCo, a new energy company to build and operate renewables, owned by Queenslanders, for Queenslanders. And we launched Queensland’s first hydrogen energy strategy including grants to help get the industry up and running. Under the LNP in Queensland more than 2000 jobs in renewables were lost. They’re a risk to our economic recovery plan that we just can’t afford right now. From Jackie Trad.

05.01.2022 More than 2,700 tonnes of waste will be diverted from landfill with $625,000 of investment by the Palaszczuk Government to build a new Yepoon Recovery Centre at Yeppoon. We’ve partnered with 29 businesses and local governments, like the Livingstone Shire Council, to divert waste from landfill while creating more jobs and more industries. This is part of our plan to become a zero-waste society. Brittany Lauga MP Livingstone Shire Council... Meaghan Scanlon MP See more

04.01.2022 Cheaper power prices. Lower carbon emissions. Good secure jobs.

03.01.2022 See the link to Chris Bowen on the economics of climate and energy.

03.01.2022 The future is electric! We are adding 13 new fast-charging stations to Queensland’s Electric Vehicle Super Highway, making it the world’s longest electric ve...hicle highway in a single state. These stations will be completed before the end of 2020, bringing the total to 31 between Coolangatta and Cairns, and west to Toowoomba. Electric vehicle drivers will be able to travel further and visit more places in Queensland, which in turn will support local businesses and the tourism industry as part of Queensland’s plan for economic recovery. #qldjobs

03.01.2022 Biden moves on Climate Change and he expects the laggards to move as well.

01.01.2022 Active management is starting but more investment is needed.

01.01.2022 This patch of vital Bushland on Beckett Road in Bridgeman is at risk of being bulldozed. I've been calling on council to use their Bushland Preservation Levy to... purchase this land and save it from development for months now. Council have rightly knocked back this development before - but it's being appealed by the developer. Only purchasing it will properly preserve it. Council's own documents say that this land is important koala habitat and also provides an ecologically important link between Cabbage Tree Creek and Albany Creek. Brisbane City Council have the ability to protect this land, and they should be doing everything in their power to save it. Thank you to Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch MP for coming to have a look at this important spot with me.

01.01.2022 This could be us - except Scott Morrison helped goad the car industry to leave Australia and then, last year, claimed electric vehicles would end the Aussie weekend. Mark Butler

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