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24.01.2022 I don't need a lot of motivation to join on a hike up Fred's. It is my favourite hike in the region. However, weather in the lead up to the "Ups and Downs of M...otivation" Active Leadership session, had me contemplating cancelling. The sky was smothered in dense cloud cover (and I had envisaged photographs with the full moon rising against a cloudless sky over Townsville), and it felt heavy like rain was not far away, which would mean slippery rocks on the final scramble to the summit. But the enticement of hiking Fred's again easily won over my concerns (and my motivation to be active in nature hiking, far exceeded my motivation to sit at home on a Wednesday night). Despite cloudy skies, amazing views and photography opportunities were in abundance as always. The Active Leadership sessions are a great opportunity to gain perspective and reflect, while being outdoors, soaking up nature and experiences right on our doorstep.

22.01.2022 Water is so therapeutic and the Townsville area offers an abundance of locations to enjoy being on, in and around water. Today was a perfect day to spend time at Riverway Lagoon for a one-to-one Active Learning Session on rebuilding confidence after an injury.

21.01.2022 ‘Setting & Achieving Goals’ Working toward your goal doesn’t feel like work when you surround yourself with great mates. #kayaking #kayakingadventures #settingandachievinggoals #learn #leadership #learnleadership #townsville #thisisqueensland #paddlewomen

20.01.2022 What do acceptance, wisdom and awareness have to do with service delivery? This morning I delivered a Learn Leadership session via zoom for around 70 members of the JCU Student Services staff on how to intentionally create Active Service Delivery. We discussed how accepting what we can control, developing the wisdom to chose how to respond and being aware of our intentions can preserve wellbeing for ourselves and those we interact with. Becoming actively intentional about h...ow we choose to contribute to the circumstances we engage with allows us to navigate the ever changing nature of a service delivery environment. Thank you Megan and Julie for the invitation to speak with your teams #jcustudentservices #jcu

16.01.2022 ‘Don’t fixate on the problem; evolve into the opportunity’ was my main message at the AHRI (Australian Human Resources Institute) ‘Reflecting on 2020’ event last week. AHRI is a great community that provides opportunities for HR professionals to come together throughout the year to discuss strategies and share experiences. I‘m always happy to be involved with AHRI activities and didn’t hesitate when invited to be a guest panel member for their final Townsville event of the ...year. Insights from fellow panel members, Kim Carlyon from Learning Partnerships and Raelene Eves from Mater, and AHRI convenor Deborah Robson, made for an interesting mix of perspectives that will hopefully help keep the conversations going as we all navigate through the changes 2020 has handed us. Sharon Warren #ahri #townsville #humanresources

14.01.2022 Many Peaks Hike - Learn Leadership Active Learning Session Learning about 'Managing the Ups & Downs of Motivation' in beautiful natural environments on a gorgeous evening hike with lots of wildlife to stop and spend some time with along the way. Ok we didn't stop to spend time with the snakes and kept a distance from the spiders but did have a lovely time with the green tree frog.

13.01.2022 Bucket list item 20 - TSV Pinnacles Pictures rarely capture the presence within the moment, the vastness of the landscape or the sense of accomplishment tha...t you achieve on trips like this. But we take them, because they trigger the memory within us. Many Thanks to Learn leadership team and Townsville hike and explore and the other participants that joined us on the Freds Peak Motivation tour. Many insights from Chrystie Watson on the influences of external stimulus upon intrinsic motivation and a few Gems from the input of other participants. 2 key points for me were 1. To tackle the hard tasks when you are feeling strong. Thanks Dave G for that lil' gem. 2. How much is your external environment affecting your internal motivation yup I got a bit of work to do here - maybe clean up my desk a little . Whilst the moon did not appear for us at the top it did make for some spectacular viewing through the cloud covered sky ... That just Motivates me to do it again next month !! Bucket list item 20 - TSV Pinnacles See more

10.01.2022 The Learn Leadership Active Learning Sessions are all about creating learning experiences through outdoor activities. Wednesday night's hike up Fredrick Peak was definitely an experience to remember! What an awesome group of adventurers. It has been wonderful to read their posts on what they learned from this session on 'Managing the Ups & Downs of Motivation' and to see the photos they have shared on the Learn Leadership FB page. More hikes like this one to come as Learn Leadership continues to work with Michael Pugh from Townsville Hike & Explore to create these incredible experiences. Photo credits: Jo Hurford, Michael Pugh & Chrystie Watson

10.01.2022 Watching paddlers coming into Geoffrey Bay yesterday after their toughest leg along the windward side of the island. Absolute respect for these incredibly brave and skilled paddlers who tackled the NQ Ocean Paddle Series Magnetic Island Loop. As my first time paddling in one of these events I took on and completed the 10km short course. As I expected I was well behind the rest in my kayak as they powered ahead on their surf skies (looks like there might need to be another... craft added to my growing family of outdoor equipment ). Chatting with the other paddlers (lots of social time throughout the day ) made for an interesting day as each of us had a different experience. Some powered through the full loop sprinting to the last moment, others got cheered in as they rocked up to the end of a leg completely shattered, some opted for a water rescue when things got too crazy, some did as much as they could and pulled out when they’d had enough and others dropped in and out of the legs as they chose which sections they felt they could take on throughout the day. I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to this fun and exciting world of adventure events. Hats off to Joel, Tamara and the whole team for water safety, timing, setting up and taking down at the start and end of each leg, shuttling crafts, gear and paddlers around the island and I’m sure much much more done to bring the event together while giving everyone a fantastic experience, keeping the mood light and relaxed with their smiles and enthusiasm. @nqops North Queensland Ocean Paddle Series

09.01.2022 More pictures from the Wed Night Frederick's Peek. I have seen these rock formations numerous times from the base and the comfort of my mountain bike. Never thought I would hike up to the very top.... in the dark. Have to agree with Megan, it was one of the scariest yet extremely rewarding experiences I have had. Eliciting emotions from just a change of pace just being on my own two feet, awe at nature, peace and calm to adrenaline spikes scrabbling around and up steep rocks very close to the edge. Dont look down.

09.01.2022 This time last year my mum and I headed out for one of our mother daughter adventure treks. We were meant to be doing the Kokoda track but when plans fell through for that we decided to take on the Thorsborne trail north to south along the magnificent Hinchinbrook Island. Little did we know that before we’d even get to the island we’d meet fellow Canadian explorer, @julesrydermonkey making us a group of three for a fantastic and very sweaty few days of trekking, camping, swi...mming and more trekking (and sweating) . Age is no barrier to adventure and great company makes the journey so much sweeter. I’ll be returning to do this trek again mid 2021 as I offer a Learn Leadership Active Learning multi-day adventure experience for a small group of people. Drop me a message if you are interested as I’ll only be taking five people.

07.01.2022 -Setting & Achieving Goals- Logic is our ability to regulate our emotional reactions so that we are better able to respond to the circumstances we are facing. As I train toward my goal of paddling my kayak from The Strand to Magnetic Island and back, I’m developing my physical, mental and emotional fitness so that I can navigate and reason my way through whatever experiences I face along the way.

07.01.2022 The ladies from Moksha Room Townsville really set the bar high on their Learn Leadership Staff Development day this week at the Outer Limits Adventure Park Developing greater awareness of how we interact with each other, improving our decision-making and intentionally directing our energy toward well-being were just a few of the topics I covered with this amazing team while they had a great time engaged with active learning. Sore smiling muscles and laughter all aroun...d at the end of the day is always a good sign For their next session they want to hop in the kayaks - can’t wait! @moksharoom @outerlimitsadventurecentre

06.01.2022 -Setting & Achieving Goals- Absolutely brilliant 1-to-1 paddling technique session with @clint_robinson_performance yesterday afternoon. Felt much more stable and confident in my kayak even in the windy choppy conditions off The Strand. Learning and practicing the right techniques will make a huge difference to my paddling experiences. Definitely worth spending time learning from a wealth of experience and passion for the sport. ... Strand to Magnetic Island paddle coming up soon

06.01.2022 Castle Hill is a favourite exercise gem for many Townsville locals, myself included. On Friday participants of the Learn Leadership Active Learning Session took the time to appreciate their surroundings and learned about how becoming more aware of the sensory impressions they are focusing on can be useful for managing motivation.

05.01.2022 Fantastic video created by Alex Lang from footage he took on a recent Learn Leadership Active Learning Session up Castle Hill.

05.01.2022 Fredericks Peak hike at sunset and return hike at night! Active Learning and Hiking is a powerful combination. Thank you Chrystie Watson and Michael Pugh for the scariest and most rewarding hike I’ve done so far.

02.01.2022 Meeting at 5pm this afternoon for this last Active Learning Session for the week on 'Managing the Ups & Downs of Motivation' Send me a message if you want to come along

01.01.2022 -Setting & Achieving Goals- Today was the day for me to achieve my goal of paddling my kayak from The Strand to Magnetic Island and back. Conditions went from brilliant on the way over to Maggie to spectacular for the return trip to The Strand

01.01.2022 What a fascinating year it has been talking with professionals from all around the world and a wide range of professions from military, healthcare, artist, IT managers and architects, geologist, private investigator, writer, veterinarian and more about their experiences with applying Stoic philosophy in the workplace. While the ‘ink is still drying’ on my PhD thesis, I am straight into developing new Learn Leadership initiatives that integrate my research findings. Can’t wait to share my insights in 2021

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