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Learn & Grow OT in Mackay, Queensland | Occupational therapist

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Learn & Grow OT

Locality: Mackay, Queensland

Phone: +61 418 370 474

Address: Mobile OT Service 4740 Mackay, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 || Social Skills || If you have or know of any children aged 3-6yrs who may have some difficulty with anxiety, sharing, identifying/expressing feelings, and/or overall social skills, and may benefit from this group program, contact us for more info Commencing Week 1, Term 3! Limited spots available.... NDIS and FaHCSIA (HCWA) providers. Private health rebates and Medicare EPC plan rebates.

24.01.2022 || Chores || Children (especially Kinleys age) aim to please! Research shows that allowing your kiddos to assist with day-to-day home jobs not only teaches general life skills, but encourages physical skills, executive functioning, as well as social-emotional aspects within the family unit, such as appreciation and respect for belongings ... So start supporting these skills and get your kids helping out Trust me... your kids will thank you in the future Feel free to pm me if youd like to know age appropriate chore ideas or recommendations on how to actually have your child become involved in such a horrible task

24.01.2022 || Primitive Reflexes|| The Palmar Reflex || As a parent, Im sure you can relate to the Palmar reflex of a baby! This is where your infant will grasp on to anything that even slightly touches their hand or unintentionally grasp their hands while suckling in those first few months (I blame my hair loss on my childrens palmar reflex!) The palmar reflex should disappear when an infant is around 4 months old. If not, a retained palmar reflex can result in ongoing develop...mental challenges. In children, a retained palmar reflex might look like: difficulty doing up buttons, shoelaces, zippers poor pencil grasp increased hand fatigue during writing and scissor tasks poor handwriting show a Babkin response (movement of the mouth or tongue) during fine motor tasks struggle with directionality (e.g. writing letters backwards) Our client, Raiden, doing OT exercises to inhibit his palmar reflex. Isnt he super cool Side note: Lauren and I are very passionate in primitive reflex inhibition and looking to provide a professional development workshop to address these and educate our educators. Stay tuned on our Facebook page for more info!

24.01.2022 || SENSORY 101 || I’m sure you’ve all heard the term sensory processing (SP), but I wonder how many of you understand what SP actually is and how it can effect our behaviour... Firstly, let’s list each of our senses:... - sight - hearing - taste - smell - touch - vestibular - proprioception SP is the way our body’s RECEIVE, ORGANISE and RESPOND to different sensory input from the environment You will look at our world and how a lot of us behave so differently

23.01.2022 It’s Monday Let’s all check in... how are we feeling today?

22.01.2022 || Pets || Poor Kinley has been a bit under the weather this week, resulting in some much needed rest time at home. Lucky for her, she has her little companion, Alex, by her side to keep that beautiful smile on her face Pets are not just awesome friends for when we arent feeling well, but they are such wonderful support to developing childhood skills:... social/emotional skills including self-esteem, compassion life skills such as learning responsibility even communication skills Id love to hear what pets you have at home?

22.01.2022 Still relevant

21.01.2022 Its Monday Lets all check in... how are we feeling today?

21.01.2022 On a different subject... The day is finally here! Round 1! Were keen Parramatta Eels supporters and hoping for a better season this year Lets go boysssss! Whats everyone elses team?!

20.01.2022 Lets all give this a go

20.01.2022 I just had to share this with our followers... My husband, Brad, is a personal trainer who runs a (brutal) spin class a few times a week. One of his long term attendees is Mikey, a DS man who is always willing to give it a go. Brad had Mikey up the front for a couple of songs last night which (Im sure I can speak for everyone there) supported us through to the end of the class with his confidence, fun and aura of energy ... It just goes to show that the energies you give off has a huge impact on others, even at their hardest time (for us last night, aka: Brads spin class ). Thanks for pushing us all through Mikey, and thanks for being one of a kind Note: If you go through the comments on the Swiftefit post below, youll see a video of Mikey entertaining us with his dance moves

20.01.2022 WERE BACK! After some time away from social media (slack and time poor, should be the best way to describe it )... Im so eager to continue sharing my forever growing knowledge of childhood development. So firstly, lets introduce a new post topic... || Dress ups || An activity that continues to live through the ages Play is the work of a child, and children benefit so much through dress-up play! ... Emotional development Executive functioning, memory and problem solving Social skills including empathy Imagination Life skills Speech and vocabulary Dressing up is so much fun, you can dress as anyone Me (Hannah) with my kids Kinley and Chester, dressing up as... I dont even know what we were, but it was so much fun!

17.01.2022 || Tongs || Kinley took the tongs yesterday while I was cooking dinner and decided to pack her toys away a bit differently yesterday. Using tongs or tweezers to pick up objects is so awesome for our little people...... Fine motor strength Hand eye coordination Crossing the midline Laterality Make it a game to encourage social skills - confidence, turn taking. Using tongs and tweezers in everyday tasks is a great prerequisite to using scissors... so lets get tonging and tweezing Thanks Kinley for giving us the idea to share this little tip

16.01.2022 || Gluing and Sticking || This is Chester enjoying a St Patricks Day activity yesterday, working on his visual-motor skills As you can see, hes concentrating HARD

16.01.2022 A few weeks back, I posted about developmental benefits of chores... The following blog was such a great read to extend on the subject! It discusses research behind what we should be expecting and how us as parents/caregivers can actually support our kiddos developing brains in this area of life skills. A great read for those parents who are a little unsure :-) ...

15.01.2022 || Toddler drawing || By around 18months your toddler would be showing interest in grasping a crayon or paint brush. If you havent yet tried it, definitely do! 5 reasons drawing is good for toddlers development: ... Fine motor development- Encourages the first stages of writing skills Visual tracking Hand eye coordination Concentration Builds confidence 2 reasons why it shouldnt go unsupervised... Pens make a great toddler snack Toddlers love experimenting by drawing on themselves Well done Arian and Chester

14.01.2022 FRIDAY FUNNIES Embarrassing moments... Kids say the silliest things... and while mostly harmless, sometimes those things can lead to some very embarrassing situations ... Id love to hear your stories! What was the most embarrassing moment caused by your children? Please share in the comments!

14.01.2022 Hi everyone! Please share to join us in the hunt for the missing piece to our team

14.01.2022 || Baking || Happy Saturday! Whos planning to do some baking this weekend? Did you know there are so many developing skills that can be supported by baking. Just a broad look...... Fine motor Visual-motor (otherwise known as hand-eye coordination) Cognitive functioning inc. following directions, memory, problem solving, and creativity Social-emotional inc. sense of entitlement and confidence Whats your role in supporting this activity: Safety first Sanitary handling Make observations and engage in conversation inc. describing what youre doing, posing questions (like where the food comes from) Model positive behaviour by Kinleys Meemar who is amazing and bakes with her all the time

13.01.2022 || Show & Tell || Kinley took her kitten, Alex, to school for show and tell last week and I was blown away with how much pride she had in presenting him to her class. It got me thinking about how the task of Show & Tell can support the brains of our little ones... Firstly, show and tell is an experience that grows with children as their knowledge and skills develop ... Skills supported include: social skills (listening, taking turns) communication skills descriptive language self-esteem and confidence sense of pride If your child hasnt yet had show and tell at school this year, I highly encourage getting in touch with their teacher to organise this! Just for laughs... whats the funniest thing your child, student or another child has brought in to class for show and tell? Friends of mine have had their children bring in frozen flies and frogs! Can anyone else beat that? Please share in the comments

13.01.2022 || Horizontal Drawing || We all know how important writing/drawing tasks are for fine motor development, but did you know that we use so many of the bigger core and extremity muscles and movements (aka gross motor) in order to create a stable base to support the smaller intricate movements of writing/drawing. Think about it... babies hit gross motor milestones first within their development timeline (e.g. rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking etc) and then when th...ey grow older, start using their finer muscles and movements more intricately. Horizontal drawing helps encourage so many gross motor skills like core strength, upper limb stability, midline crossing, motor planning, proprioceptive sensory input... the list goes on. My kids love the old school chalk on the cement, but there are so many other ways to encourage drawing on a horizontal floor. Send us a pm for more ideas Handy tip: changes in body position regularly when performing sit down tasks (for adults too) is so beneficial for concentration and awareness!

13.01.2022 The Peadys and the Swiftes enjoying some quality park time working on their gross motor and social skills We hope your school holidays are going as well as ours

12.01.2022 || Music || Some of you may not know that I was actually a piano teacher in my spare time before I had Chester and LGOT took over my prioritised time My love for music is why you are most likely to hear me singing and using music throughout my OT sessions.... When young children are consistently engaged by music, they benefit from many levels including social-emotional, creative and physical... And, of course, they will develop a life long love for music! There is so much research out there to back up how music can be therapeutic. Please enjoy a short clip of a Swifte late night jam sesh (I included my duet with Kinley because its easier on the ears than Chesters ).

11.01.2022 Interesting! I have definitely experienced sensory overload from a parents point of view and can think of many examples of my behaviour and way Ive self-regulated in these circumstances (not all green choices either). Deep pressure and chewing are my personal calm during unpleasant sensory experiences , but sometimes the sensory experience becomes so much as a parent, you just snap, correct? Have a read of the post below and Id love to hear your experiences or discussion around this topic in the comments...!

10.01.2022 Happy Hump Day from the Mini Swiftes Be the reason a child smiles today

10.01.2022 It’s that time of year again where we can celebrate our awesome profession! #otweek2020 This year the theme is resilience, which has been something that almost all of us have had to practice during unprecedented 2020! OT is a very important profession in the community, particularly in these times of distress. As I’ve learnt (and as all other OT’s can vouch for), OT isn’t the easiest to explain to people so I’ve found an amazing explanation that might help shine a light on... why we are around and why we are celebrated this week In the light of OT week, I want to shine to my two amazing OT’s, Lauren and Amber. Two resilient OT’s that show passion and resilience in all aspects of their daily life

09.01.2022 || Scooter Boards || Everyone who knows me, knows that this is an essential item in my OT kit! They are brilliant for developing all sorts of fundamental skills: core strength and posture upper limb strength and coordination... motor planning bilateral coordination For a free handout on fun activities to do with a scooter board, dm our page or email me at [email protected] A great gift idea for kids and available at our favourite @kmartaus for $16 Happy Monday

08.01.2022 Very important to share

06.01.2022 Hey LGOT family! I am over the moon to introduce you all to our new Occupational Therapist, Amber Amber is a Mackay local who graduated her bachelor of OT at James Cook University last year. Her studies reiterated her love for childhood development when completing her uni placements and her passion has grown from there, where she is taking her position as a paediatric OT in her stride ... As a very family oriented person, Amber shares our passion for working with kids and their families, teachers and significant others so they can reach their full potential in all aspects of life A perfect fit for the Learn & Grow team Welcome Amber

06.01.2022 How beautiful is this Lets be honest... weve all laid on our toddlers lap and snuggled into them. Ill put a video of Chester and I from a couple months ago in the comments. Id love to see your toddler or childs reaction (I guess it could be funny with the older kids haha)

06.01.2022 || Kinetic Sand || Weekends are for messy play I was cleaning out my car this morning and going through my resources when this little nosey girl spotted the kinetic sand tub I couldnt say no to that face, especially knowing how awesome it is for tactile sensory processing and fine motor skills

06.01.2022 Just another way music can be incorporated in to learning

04.01.2022 || Leave Update || Hannah and Lauren will be on leave for two weeks over Christmas from 23/12 to 06/01. Please feel to contact us over the next couple of weeks for any enquiries

04.01.2022 Hey LGOT Fam It’s been a while since I’ve been on social media, hasn’t it! As you’re most likely aware, we’ve been super busy and seem to have a waitlist that feels like it never ends. WELL....I finally come to you with great news... I’m over the moon to introduce you to our new OT, Georgia ... We are beyond excited to have added someone just like Georgia to our team as she brings with her experience working in paediatrics, as well as first hand experience in being an amazing mum to her little side kick, Hank Georgia is a perfect fit to our team of OT’s and is super excited to support our families Please welcome Georgia

04.01.2022 Its not everyday we have time in the morning to have a photo before school Kinleys so excited for school today because her class have been creating a big world chain for harmony day and she gets to represent Mexico where her Aunty, Uncle and cousin live #harmonyday #worldpeace #cutepreppy #mexicorepresent

03.01.2022 Edit: NO SPOTS LEFT! ... but... If you are interested in the PALS program for your little one for term 3! Please give me a call as we are already taking a list for an additional session after the first each week. For more information, please call Hannah on 0418370474.

02.01.2022 Just another classic representation of dressing up this week for Kinley (aka Scallywag Chumbucket) The fun, laughter, pirate accent. Kinley had such an amazing pirate day at school last week to finish off term 2 See our post a few weeks ago about the benefits of dressing up for kids ... Just for a laugh, swipe across... whats your pirate name?

02.01.2022 Chester decided he wanted to get his tired sick mummy out of bed this morning at 4am ... So why not work on our upper limb and core strength while mummy has a nap on the kitchen floor Who else has an early riser/s?

02.01.2022 Good morning LGOT family A different kind of post today... This quote truly spoke to me this morning and I thought of many parents (both clients and personally) who would feel this too. ... It saddens me when parents feel insecure and the need to apologise for bringing their child along to things; which be real, weve all been there. Your children will ALWAYS COME FIRST. Tell yourself time and time again... NEVER feel guilty for their presence

01.01.2022 For anyone looking to get straight in to a speech pathologist in Mackay!

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