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LearnTaiChi in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9797 9355


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25.01.2022 Mental Health is one of the largest health diseases that many people face. In the current situation of COVID-19 it has become even more prominent. Learning and ...practising Tai Chi can help with the coping of this disease. Now a days, all the electronics and computerised gadgets make everything move fast causing every individual to become immersed and busy. This leads to losing track of time and the way of life becomes more normal this way. However, the minute a person begins to slow down, they are unable to cope due to not feeling the excitement or drive. In Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is an indication of the Qi (energy) being depleted causing damage not only to the body/organs but to the spirtis. The kidneys are associated with willpower (zhi), heart with mind (shen), liver with ethereal soul (hun), spleen with intent (yi) and lungs with spirit (po). These are the five spirits related to the emotions of an individual. The lack of exercise and meditation leads to poor blood circulation causing nutrients and minerals to not be transported around the body completely to strengthen it. Therefore, practising Tai Chi in a group or on zoom or in class helps to calm the body and move specific body parts in unison which then enhances the flow of Qi and Blood. This circulation then provides a cooling effect as well was a warming reducing tension in the human body.

25.01.2022 Tai Chi classes are fantastic to learn new skills and re-learn numerous functions of the human body. It is important to practice daily and weekly to improve the... memory. Memory is not always based on your age but more how you keep the body healthy alive with blood circulating freely and allowing Qi to move. You are practising Qigong when you're doing Tai Chi because Qi and Blood are Yin and Yang partners, without one the other cannot function. Therefore, static qigong is more to do with internal skill of moving the energy which is highly and more difficult. Learn the simple external first before doing the internal as the simplest movements are the hardest. #taichigroup #australianacademyoftaichi #aatc #uniform #uniforms #psychological #mindpsychology #physiology #bodymodification #logo #lotusflower #lotus #bluewhite #navyblue #navy #strongbodystrongmind #healthcare #psychologicalfacts #strengthwork #legs #legworkout #relaxedshoulders #posturalspine #straightbacks #externalhealth #internalenergy #energyflow #mindfocus #skillshare #learntaichi

23.01.2022 Being an instructor with the Australian Academy of Tai Chi & Qi Gong is more than just teaching. You become part of the organisation and a team of people who the same interest in learning and going. Tai Chi is not only limited to movements but also internal skills that are integrated with traditional Chinese medicine theories and methods including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha and bleeding. This is a photo taken back in the 1980s where the instructors were taken to China for further training with Grandmaster Gary Khor and their dream was to practice on the Great Wall of China! It creates a different feeling, the Qi from the environment along with the Feng Shui. Join one of our classes on Class Bento, Zoom or Local. DM us or e-mail [email protected] #teacher #teachers #instructors #instructorbadge #instructor #instructorstraining #taichichina #taijiquan #taichimaster #squad #greatwallofchina #stone #1980s #fengshui #qigong #organisation #uniform #synchronise #medicine #integrativemedicine #internalmedicine #chinesedoctors #chinesemedicine #exercise #environment #mountains #trees #nature #belonging #eightinnnergates

23.01.2022 COOL CREW Waihi New Zealand Special Needs Students recently completed a six week course Introduction to AATC Tai Chi. A short form of mirror image movements foc...used on posture and integration of mind & body coordination awareness. The Academy traditional square stepping was practised also as a Tai Chi walking exercise. Slow flowing movements of harmony & balance from the Academy Lohan Form 'Focusing the Chi' was very much enjoyed by these students. A seated lesson of learning the wrist action technique to open and close the Tai Chi Fan resulted in a successful outcome. COOL CREW were consistent in bringing their sunny personalities and happy positivity to all the program lessons. See more

22.01.2022 More and more younger generation individuals are learning Tai Chi for health benefits and ways to prevent pain in their body. Each movement helps to contract an...d strengthen certain muscles that give support to the body whilst having control. Slow movement allows the person understand and learn how to use their body as opposed to just following movements. The more you practice, the more benefit you feel. The postural alignment especially on the cervical spine region changes and becomes more upright then tilting the head down. This brings the spirit of the heart up and the mind whilst increasing the blood flow movement. It prevents the development of any spinal column diseases. Tai Chi is very effective in healing body, the benefits are only known and seen when you learn and practice. Join our class today, all ages and people are welcome to join! #youngkids #youth #youthsports #youthsport #wushugirl #wushugirls #learningtaichi #youngtaichi #talent #natropathy #music #stepbystep #holdingtheball #dragon #stretching #bowstance #tstance #luohan #qigong #taichiclass #taichi #localtaichi #kidsselfdefense #womensexercise #womenssports #womenshealth #menshealth #chinesemedicine #meditation #mindfulness

21.01.2022 Last AATC Seminar! 3rd - 5th September 2021 -

20.01.2022 Outdoor Tai Chi! This exercise gives you more than just relaxation, it heals the body, helps internal organs move Qi and Blood in the meridians and strengthens ...the bones and the brain. It is deceptive but the physiotherapy of Traditional Medicine has more benefits than the eye can see. The Chinese literature explain the main meaning of performing the exercise. Outdoors allow your body to absorb the energy, the vitamin D and feel the vibration of the earth to become more connected. It stimulates Yang energy, the energy that keeps you going and awake with the ability to move. Using the entire body to exercise gives a whole new experience. Wearing Tai Chi uniform also gives you a different sensation and feeling. It psychologically tells you that you are doing Tai Chi and not just any random exercise or movement. This is a crucial part to actually understanding Tai Chi compared to what society stereotypes it. #outdoorexercise #sunshine #sunny #vitamind #outdoortherapy #earthing #groundingenergy #taichiclass #qigong #taichi #australianacademyoftaichi #aatc #khortaichi #Livingchi #essentiallifestyle #mustexercisemore #youngerbody #healthyperiods #peopleexercise #yinyang #blueandwhite #allages #chinesemedicine #internalhealth #biofeedback #mechanicalbody #flowingriver #instructors #inspiration #hotsun

19.01.2022 Practise Tai Chi every week with the Australian Academy of Tai Chi and Qi Gong! Not only do you learn Tai Chi, you also learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine... in relation to the exercise you do. Why the exercises or martial arts use certain acupuncture points to focus the body and mind. You also will learn the proper method andnmovements of Tai Chi as opposed to just following each movement without and guidance, step by step is the key with practice and repetition to improve memory. Memory is not reduced just because your old! For class details visit our website #weeklytaichi #weeklyclasses #weeklyclass #everyweek #everywhere #proper #stepbystep #learnproperly #guidance #taichi #qi #qigong #localclass #fivedock #churchhall #practice #healthyliving #health #cancercure #parkinsoncure #asthmaproblems #alzheimerscure #startnow #uniform #logo #aatc #khortaichi #khorlivingchi #socialgroup #healingtools

19.01.2022 Restore the balance in your body with Traditional Chinese Medicine Modalities including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion and many oth...ers. Please call to make a booking at the Medical Centre, for MediCentral Medical Centre send an e-mail to [email protected]. Details in the pictures below: Monday & Wednesday Afternoon 1:00pm - 6:00pm Call to make a booking Tuesday Burwood Dermagen Clinic - Call to make a booking Every Friday at MediCentral Medical Centre George Street. 9:00am - 1:00pm. #sydney #acupuncture #medicalcentre #healing #health #chinese #medicine #restore #balance #taichi #qigong

17.01.2022 Postural alignment is one of the crucial and important aspects when learning and practising Tai Chi. The average person in the population does not have an aware...ness of how their posture looks nor do they practice good posture but live with pain. Adrian and Peter have been learning Tai Chi for several lessons and have improved on their posture becoming more upright, reducing the curve and imbalances of the body. Due to their previous work lifestyle, the postures are impacted from the same repetitive posture. Now in Tai Chi, they are finding relief from neck and back pain, breathing changes and they feel a lot better in terms of energy and blood circulation. Upright posture helps to promote better blood circulation as well which allows the Qi and Blood (energy) to flow freely warming the entire body when practising Tai Chi and Qigong. A moving meditation that is harder than it looks. #uprightposture #straight #straightback #neckpainrelief #backpainrelief #upperbody #ccurve #reduction #bloodcirculationboost #healthierspine #taichiclass #realignment #cervicalspine #spinalcolumn #taichiforallages #masteraaronkhor #masterkhor #chinesedoctor #chinesemedicine #musclerelief #restructuringbody #adaptation #muscletraining #awareness #mindfullness #bodyawareness #healtheducation #qigongpractice #wallexercises #squatting

17.01.2022 Today I'm talking about the wonders of Tai Chi ...

16.01.2022 You must do a China tour with the academy. Practising Tai Chi with a Grandmaster all the way in Tibet China. Due to the elevation, the oxygen is thinner and har...der to breathe but Tai Chi is what keeps the body in balance and shape with the movement of Qi and Blood. It is the blood that nurtures, nourishes and replenishes the nutrients and minerals whilst pushing the disease out. The Qi helps the flow and protection of the body whilst building up energy. Join our China tour next!!! #china #tibet #chinatibet #taichi #grandmaster #headmasters #masterdoctor #master #garykhor #khortaichi #livingchi #elevation #groupfitness #healthytravel #temple #tibettemple #uniform #white #uniforms #instructor #teacher #blood #qigongpractice #qienergy #energy #posture #singlewhip #fitnessgroup #workout #fightingstance

14.01.2022 Tai Chi is suitable for all people and all ages. The Australian Academy of Tai Chi is very well known for teaching the authentic art. Tai Chi helps athletes and... other people who are in other professions or sports. In this photo, the AATC hosted a Tai Chi international exchange on Saturday 7th September with Japan's largest Tai Chi organisation, the You Meiji Hachidan Nishiki Taikyojuken Yukokai. Fifty three of Japan's finest Tai Chi Instructors visited Sydney on a special cultural exchange mission leading up to the Sydney 2000 Olympics. #taichijapan #japan #exchange #cultural #culturalexchange #khortaichi #livingchi #martialarts #blackbelt #academies #schools #international #hachidan #nishiki #taikyokuken #yukokai #meiji #sydney #2000 #olympics #mission #grandmasterkhor #masterkhor #garykhor #painting #the #rainbow #weightbearing #uniform #instructors

13.01.2022 Tai Chi teaches you postural alignment particularly for the spinal column. The alignment comes from being aware mentally and mindful. The exercise teaches you t...o reduce any form of lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis. The method is being able to control each section of the spine from cervical, thoracic and lumbar to the sacral. Once the body is able to change the posture, headaches, back aches, pain in the lumbar and knees all begin to reduce as muscles are stabilising and holding the body. This gives the body the ability to heal and become stronger whilst strengthening the bones from weight bearing. #kyphosis #lordosis #scoliosis #backpain #backpainrelief #backpainreduction #upright #uprightposture #control #spinalcolumn #noheadaches #musclestrength #healthybones #mindfulness #taichi #taichisydney #superior #painremover #patience #qigongpractice #bloodflow #warming #meridianbalancing #bodymodification #healthyspine #aatc #khortaichi #livingchi #classexercise #beginner

11.01.2022 Tai Chi is suitable for all people of ALL AGES. The exercise is not just for the elderly but also for the YOUNGER population. Many of the movements the to relax and bring themselves to the current time. The relaxation enhances the free flow of blood which moves the Qi and Blood. The mind and heart then begin to synchronise as one is no longer feeling worried, anxious, sad or disrupted. Practising one movement several times allows the individual to feel and let the nervous system map out the impulses sending signals to areas of the body to move and contract. This is beneficial for people who has lost mobility as the body has the ability to heal and re-map itself. Tai Chi does not have to be performed standing. It can be learned and performed seated if the individual has difficulty or lack of mobility due to an illness or disease. The main core principles of the upright posture and using the body to guide the movements not the arms is important! For more information or to join our class visit our website or send us an e-mail [email protected]

11.01.2022 Welcome our youngest members in our Tai Chi Class @laurajmcquilkin and Lila. Inspired by the secrets of how Tai Chi heals the body and helps improve mental and well-being, did they decide to join along in the journey. Laura does energy work through a number of different modalities and energy healing. Practising Tai Chi helps her rejuvenate and relax her mind, body and spirit. Lila is age 10 and was inspired after watching the Disney show Mulan where she practised Tai Chi by the water next to the cherry blossom tree. Lila did great today in class and was very relaxed! Here, you can see Tai Chi is not for the elderly but for all people of all ages in health and mobility. The healing aspects of Tai Chi are progressive and change with time just like Traditional Chinese medicine. #youngkids #kidstaichi #mulan #singlewhip #aboriginal #childrensfitness #taichiforkids #martialartskids #wushugirl #wushugirls #wushukids #youngtaichi #inspiration #relaxedkid #kidsmartialarts #kungfugirl #kungfugirls #qigong #energyhealing #younggeneration #newgeneration #healthychildren #healthychild #confidence #relaxedbody #wellbeing #happiness #mentalwellness #taichi #taichiforkids #taichiclasses

08.01.2022 What is Qi Gong ? and what does it mean? Find out more in the article below by Master Aaron Khor. The pronunciation is Chi Gong not Quee Gong which has no meaning at all.

08.01.2022 Lohan Qigong Exercise in Stone Forest Kun Ming China by Master Aaron Khor. Try follow the exercise:

07.01.2022 Learning together and practising with the same uniform creates a big difference in your health. It helps to change the mindset as well as observation and percep...tion. Now a days technology causes too many individuals to lose their ability in perceiving things correctly or know how to use their body with the right coordination. #taichiforall #relaxation #relax #healthandwellness #mentalwellbeing #unison #synchronicity #classroom #classes #class #fivedock #localclub #elderlyexercise #youngexerciseathome #resistancetraining #healthtransformation #nurturing #jointexercises #lifechanging #anxiety #relief #cure #illness #mentalillness #qiandblood #bloodproduction #upright #posturalalignment #meridian #acupressure #

07.01.2022 Learning Tai Chi at a young age prevents many oncoming diseases and pain in the body. Tai Chi teaches you to re-learn control and coordination whilst activating... and moving all the joints in the entire body. Each movement is done sequential with control and precision until the brain recognises the movement and creates new neural pathways in the nervous system network. The slower the movement, the more control you have over the monkey brain that constantly chatters and talks to you. The slower the movement, the better the healing process and building of new neural network pathways. The slower the movements, the more you teach the brain to slow down time rather than fastwarding. The slower the exercise, the longer life and better benefits you get in feeling calm, patient, relaxed, mindful and strong with the entire body. #youngkids #youngkid #wushugirl #wushuboy #lohan #luohan #qigong #lowstance #bowstance #dragon #precision #taichiinstructor #taichigirl #taichiman #younggeneration #exerciseismedicine #20s #flexibilitytraining #strengthtrainingforwomen #strengthandconditioningcoach #balancedlifestyle #martialartist #martialarts #unison #teaching #learningcoordination #groin #groinstretch #chinesemedicine #chinesemartialarts

05.01.2022 A wonderful experience for Special Needs Group doing Tai Chi with our Instructor in New Zealand. This group here is learning how to do the Academy Greeting and ...Pushing the waves. This is their third lesson and are always happy with smiles throughout the class. The group that is being taught is called the "Crew Club" at Memorial Hall Waihi New Zealand. For Tai Chi lessons with the Academy, check our website for details or send us an e-mail [email protected]

05.01.2022 Congratulations Kevin Bee - An enthusiastic Brisbane instructor who inspires many

04.01.2022 Grandmaster Gary Khor started the Academy back in 1976 and has trained many Instructors over the years. Many of them followed him to China and practised Tai Chi... on the Great Wall of China whilst learning the history and roots of where it all started. The Instructors wear the Navy Blue Uniform which is the colour of the Academy with the Lotus Flower Yin & Yang logo. InstructorsTraining Courses are available to become an instructor with the Academy. Courses are offered in locations all overNew South Wales, Queensland & Western Australia. Company Instructor Course: Pre-Requisite: Attended one year of Tai Chi Classes. Obligation: Instruct classes for AATC for 2 years. Involves monthly Instructor Training plus regular weekly Tai Chi Classes. Tai Chi Instructor Short Course: Involves 6 months instructor course training (includes weekly classes and monthly individual review) External Instructor Training Course: External professionals wishing to teach Australian Academy of Tai Chi Shibashi 1 - level 1. The course would includes instructions on Shibashi 1 - Level 1, movements, techniques, contraindications of movements and benefits. Applicants need to purchase a Shibashi 1 Book and DVD and spend 2 weeks practising on their own prior to being graded. Certificate and License is dated, renewal is upon expiry date. For more information, contact your local Instructor, head branch or Head office in Sydney. Contact Us: [email protected] #aaronkhor #garykhor #grandmasterkhor #grandmaster #training #instructors #instructorbadge #instructor #trainingoverseas #learning #leadership #leader #qigong #longevity #belonging #passion #joy #happiness #taichisydney #taiji #taichiquan #blue #navyblue #greatwallofchina #greatwall #china #graspingthemoment #spring #flow #medicine

03.01.2022 Tai Chi classes have started for term 2! You can join our classes any time without having to start a new term, each class teaches you the basics in detail to u...nderstand your body more. Self awareness, body control, meditation, relaxation and strengthening the body are only a few of the thing you'll learn. Combine your exercise with traditional Chinese medicine with master @aaron.z.f.khor Join and Book Now!

02.01.2022 Three tips/reminder for practising Tai Chi from Grandmaster Gary Khor: 1. Always keep the body upright 2. Exhale and let your weight sink down into your legs 3.... Always stay relaxed and comfortable To learn Tai Chi join us in our local classes or online Zoom. Local classes: Online Zoom enquire: [email protected] Bento Classes: Tai Chi is a way of life and practising the motor and neural controls. This helpsnincrease the bone strength and muscles while the ligaments and tendons can stretch. People who lose control of their bodies from deterioration of the nervous system due to illnesses can benefit from Tai Chi. Illnesses such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiplesclerosis etc, back pain, shoulder, knee, hip pain as well can be improved from learning Tai Chi. Tai Chi increase the blood circulation in the body which enhances the movement of nutrients and minerals nourishing, replenishing the internal organs. The spleen is a core organ in the human body from a Chinese medicine perspective that helps with digestion and growing of the body. #chinesemedicinepractitioner #doctor #taichiclass #grandmaster #khortaichi #qigong #qi #illnesses #disease #preventativemedicine #integrativemedicine #health #emotions #training #bloodproduction #movements #shibashi #china #greatwallofchina #exhale #sink #uprightposture #relaxing #bodyweightworkout #garykhor #massage #acupuncturepoints #leadership #healingenergy #essence

01.01.2022 Tai Chi can be taught and performed in more than one way. One of the main purposes in Tai Chi is to teach the body awareness of all the joints, ligaments, tendo...ns, muscles, nerves and sensation of cold/hot in the body. This is done by meditating while moving, keep the mind calm and relaxed. Whilst keeping the mind relaxed, the breathing of the individual should be calm with no high intensity of forcing the breath. In this picture, Grandmaster Gary Khor and Master Aaron Khor are teaching movements to a nursing home. Many of the people here are unable to conduct certain movements however, once they follow and try the brain begins to activate the nervous system creating a new pathway for them to regain control. Whilst doing this together as a group, the emotional symptoms change bringing the 5 spirits back up strengthening the body giving will power and strong spirit to do exercise. The exercise increases the body's immune system from the movement of blood. When Blood moves, Qi moves which then creates warmth to the body. Any questions or inquiries about classes, please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

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