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25.01.2022 LOVE YOUR GUT: MOVE! Sitting down and being still for long periods of time not only affects your mood, your energy level and your weight in a negative way, but also has a negative effect on your digestion. If you struggle with digestive distress in any way, then keep reading It’s time to move your body! Exercise helps to stimulate intestinal contractility and speeds up your digestion process. This means getting up and moving your body (even lightly) for a minimum of 15 minutes a day. For good digestive (and of course, overall) health, try to aim for around 20-30 minutes of light movement such as yoga, walking or swimming. These additional movements in the body can help your digestive system to operate more smoothly. After all, a happy tummy is a happy YOU! Want to know more??? Message me below #ltla #learntoliveagain #moveyourbody #guthealth #digestion #guthealthmatters #loveyourgut #healthy #healthyliving #yoga #exercise #walking #active #energy

25.01.2022 This post is from a good friend of mine Rae Hook. Her story is so inspiring and reminds us of the importance of good gut health. DO YOU KNOW WHY GUT HEALTH... IS SO BENEFICIAL? BECAUSE I DIDN’T!! IT COULD HAVE SAVED ME FROM YEARS OF SURGERIES, PAIN, INFLAMMATION & MEDICATIONS. I’m not really sure how to tell my story its only 5 pages longI wasn’t even sure If I could tell it but if I can help anyone out here goes here is one part In 2012 I went in for what was to be a routine surgery with no complications, but it was anything but. I woke up 5 days later after going into severe anaphylaxis on the operating table I needed 9 Adrenalin shots, I went into cardiac arrest for 38 mins & I put into an induced coma with my body on ice for 5 days as I had forgotten how to breathe. They didn’t know if I would walk, talk, how or even if I would wake up again. Due to my body shutting down for so long, it had to now learn how to work again. Since then I have been admitted into hospital more times than I can count & for several different challenges I now had to face & on so many different types medications it is crazy looking back now One of these complications was I had to have emergency surgery as my stomach kept blowing up in so much pain that I would be in hospital for weeks at a time. I was told it was called intussusception & my bowel was telescoping in on itself & getting stuck which also caused an ulcer. They also told me that it wasn’t common in adults as it usually occurs in toddlers if their bowels are still figuring out how to work properly, which is what was going on with me. This leads me to one of the many reasons I am reaching out today. In hope I can help you see how important your gut health is. After a successful surgery where they removed part of my bowel, I thought all would be good but It’s been nothing but pain, blockages, twists, hospital stays & emergency dept visits for the last 6 years. Last April they went further into investigation where the same surgeon said he found nothing. Only to be told he would put me onto the gastroenterology team who only called me last week after 14 months to tell me the investigation showed that I had IBS, signs also of IBD which are similar symptoms so more investigations. & I also have a low functioning bowel which will not heal as its due to surgery & that she would pass me onto a dietitian!!!! What I don’t understand or can’t believe is that not one medical professional or specialist in the years of emergency & hospital stays, test, examinations, investigations mentioned gut health or suggested looking into gut repair & I did see dietary team in hospital many times not once... Its only now by chance that I was introduced to Learn To Live Again & repairing my gut health & finding out what is reactive & inflammatory for me that I realise how much our gut effects every part of us. I had a lot of these signs below & if I only knew back then. It would have saved a lot of pain, surgeries, heartache & tears. I can now finally say I am in control of my life & Jackson has a happy healthy mum no longer in pain all time

24.01.2022 This is so informative and a really great explanation of our programs, why we use the supplements that we do and why gut repair is so important. It is fascinating.

24.01.2022 We all know the importance of water but are you drinking enough of it. When people are thirsty they will quite often grab a fizzy drink, a coffee, or sugary drink thinking this is what will help them get hydrated and quench their thirst. This is not correct. Just because you are drinking liquid doesnt mean you are hydrating. Not all liquids are created equal. You’ve probably heard most of your life that your body is mostly water. You probably didn’t know that just...Continue reading

24.01.2022 WOW, WOW, WOW I cant believe what a difference a few short months makes. I feel like a totally new person. Such an amazing program. Before : no motivation a...ching joints and body depression/anxiety brain fog lack of energy never have clothes to wear/don’t fit never want pictures taken bloated and unwell always hungry/bad food choices After: energy to burn healthy body/gut clear head happy/positive outlook on life clothes don’t fit, too big (need to update wardrobe) pain free sleep has improved never hungry real healthy food (no shakes) I have a little more weight to go so I am going to do another 30 day winter weight loss/gut health challenge. i would love to get a group together to help keep each other motivated. Who wants to join me.

22.01.2022 To all new and breastfeeding mums, I just want to tell you that you are amazing and are doing a great job. I know having a new baby is quite overwhelming but j...ust want to let you know that you have such an important job and keep going. Sometimes life is hard when you are sleep deprived and the house is a mess but that it ok you have a very important job and life is only like that for a short time. Embrace every moment of it because your babies grow so fast. I just want to let you know that it is very important to look after yourself and eat well because you need to be the best you can be for your baby's sake. When you are overwhelmed, sometimes it is easier to just grab something quick and easy to give you a quick burst of energy only to find out later the baby reacted to what you ate. I have been there in the past and had no idea how much your food choices affect your baby. If I knew back when I had kids what I know now, I probably would not have had a colicky baby who reacted to everything I ate. I also would have had more settled babies. We have had quite a few mums start on our program and has noticed a great improvement in how much better and more settled their babies are. My latest mentee Sarah has recently had her beautiful baby Lily and was struggling with colic and lack of sleep. Lily was quite unsettled would have Sarah up every 3-4 hours and also reacted to quite a few things that Sarah was eating. I am happy to report that Sarah has started back on the program, (she has previously been on the program and did very well and lost quite a bit of weight) Because she is feeding Lily, she needed to differ her program to make sure she was eating enough to make sure she was able to produce enough milk. In a very short time Sarah has noticed that Lily is much more settled, less reactive to what she was eating and has been sleeping through the night. Sarah is also getting more sleep and has been surprised that with the greater amount of food that she is eating, she has still managed to lose weight quite a bit of weight already. Our programs cater for all walks of life from breastfeeding mums to elite athletes, those that want to lose weight or just want to repair their gut, those that are vegan to vegetarian. If you would like to find out more about the programs that we offer or would like to just be added to our private Facebook group that talks all about health and wellness just reach out. #breastfeeding #newmums #mumsandbabies #LTLA #learntoliveagain #eshadwight

20.01.2022 Another great interview by one of our wonderful Mentors Tynan, interviewing Ollie who is also one of our LTLA mentors and an Elite athelete.

18.01.2022 #FantasticFriday Huge double thumbs up to for Donna Rosser who has transformed not only her life but her body. She has lost nearly 25kgs since March. Your effort has been awe inspiring. I bet you are loving to go shopping now. I am super proud of how well you have done. High Donna!!!

18.01.2022 #WellnessWednesday Speak only kind thoughts to yourself. Speak to yourself like you speak to someone you love and respect. You are your biggest c...heerleader. #love #selflove #selfrespect #kindnessmatters See more

17.01.2022 Day 7 and week 1 update with the 30 day winter Weightloss challenge

17.01.2022 YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU EAT, YOU ARE WHAT YOU DIGEST These days most people tend to have problems with digestion and this is for good reason. In general, we ea...t too many processed foods, don´t move enough (or at all), suffer from poor sleep and are stressed for a good portion of our day. All of this can lead to digestive problems. Digestive problems are the root cause of many diseases and food intolerances. Having digestive problems is not something you should be ashamed of but rather, something you should take seriously. A change of lifestyle is the most efficient way to get your digestion back on track so you can absorb all the good nutrients of your food to get you feeling your best! Before you eat, stop and check to see if the food you are about to consume is full of fibre and beneficial nutrients. If it’s not, then chances are it’s going to hinder your health and cause you digestive distress. It’s time to love your gut again! Fix your gut and you will fix your symptoms. To learn how to FIX YOUR GUT #LTLA #eshadwight #guthealth #learntoliveagain #gutbrainconnection #realfood #digestivehealth #digestion #healthyeating

13.01.2022 #FantasticFriday A big thumbs up to Lynda Cox for your 10kg weight loss and turning your health around. Not long to go now. You have been truly inspiring. Keep up the great work.

11.01.2022 Your body is telling you it needs help. I know mine was. I could easily tick about 8 or 9 of these listed. I am so happy that has all changed. I have found he...lp, let me help you too. #ltla #learntoliveagain #eshadwight #gutrepair #healthybody #healthymind

10.01.2022 Had a wonderful lunch catch up with my beautiful friend (and mentee) Lynda. it has been a while since we have seen each other and all I can say is wow. Lynda is... doing so well on the program and she has noticed improvements in her painful skin condition. She is starting to shock her Drs. who told her the program wouldn’t help her skin without her steroids. He is now telling her to keep doing what she is doing because it seems to be helping her. She has also managed to lose 10 + kilos. The Drs. didnt expect that either. Well done hun I am super proud of you. You are proving your Drs. wrong. See more

09.01.2022 Wow can’t believe this was 9 years ago. Had the best holiday in Fiji. I was thrilled that I lost weight before this holiday but I am so happy that I found LTLA ...because I will never go back to this size again. I no longer suffer the aches and pains anymore. I am so much happier and healthier than I was back then as well. #ltla #learntoliveagain #learntoliveagainwithsusan #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney See more

08.01.2022 Love my Collagen!!

08.01.2022 Hi everyone, Have you wondered how your gut health can affect your brain, your moods and even your thoughts? Well here is a bit of an explanation that I thought I'd share from our favourite naturopath, Esha Dwight!... Read on as it will really help you understand how you can lift your mood, not to mention well being! Your gut has a lining and when this lining is not working well and the body is taking in more toxins than it is eliminating, the lining becomes weak and allows toxins to leak though. This is called ‘leaky gut’ or ‘intestinal permeability’. Poor food choice, stress and medications can all damage the gut lining. You can have symptoms like bloating, gas, or diarrhea however not everyone will have symptoms when they have a leaky gut. When the gut lining is weak and more food allergens and toxins are leaking in, there will be an increase in bacterial toxins in the blood. This can then lead to permeability in the blood-brain barrier - now this is a bad thing. The bloodbrain barrier is basically a protective barrier. It controls what gets from the bloodstream into the brain, and what does not. For example, there are things that the brain needs to survive (amino acids, water, glucose) and these need to get through the barrier. However, the barrier also needs to be strong and stop many harmful things, like viruses, viruses and infective agents, from getting into the brain. This helps protect the brain from getting an infection. So where am I going with this? Those toxins that have come through the gut lining can now cross through that once-protective barrier and cause inflammation within the brain. This is just one example of how the gut can impact the brain and cognitive function. So be kind to your mindthink about the connection between the gut and your brain all the time. YOU are so worth it! AND you don't have to suffer - there are answers however you just need to understand what to do... If you’d like more info, send me a message or have a look at our webpage,

07.01.2022 First of all, let me say that I can’t believe I have a smile on my face while I have a huge snake wrapped around me. Secondly, I can’t believe I got that big an...d didn’t really realize how big I actually was. It was September 2018, after hitting rock bottom. I was in constant pain, depressed, very unhappy, and needed to make a change and finally make my health and well-being a priority in my life. I was sick of how I felt and I made a promise to my daughter when she left for a working holiday overseas that I would be fit and healthy when she got back. One day in early September 2018, a wonderful lady and her husband came into work and we got chatting. She told me about this weight-loss and gut repair program that she and her husband were on and I wanted to know more. A week later I joined LTLA. I must say that this program has been a lifesaver. Overall, I have lost so many centimeters, and have lost 25kg, which I never thought I would be able to do because I had such a huge amount to lose. I thought that now that I had hit menopause that I was destined to be this size forever. My joints were in constant pain, (living on pain meds), I suffered from constant brain fog, anxiety, depression, etc. I am happy to say my health had dramatically improved in quite a short time. I was sleeping better, losing weight, thinking clearer, off my pain meds, and had no more bloating. My outlook on life is so much more positive and happy and I was able to keep that promise that I made to my daughter the day she got on that plane. I am not saying that making such a drastic change in one's life has been easy, I had a couple setbacks along the way but ultimately with the help of my wonderful mentor Annie, my sheer determination to succeed, got me to reach my goal. I have also found my passion in life by becoming an LTLA Mentor. I now have the privilege of helping others get their health back. I really love helping others feel good about themselves and make a positive change in their lives. If you are sitting on the fence about taking the next step, what have you got to lose? You too can become another LTLA success story. Reach out if you would like to be added to our (LTLA) Community Facebook Group. LTLA is an amazing gut repair and weight loss resource and will show you all the results we are getting. Everyone in our group has had success and has a secret about how they did it. It is a closed site and only members can view messages Now is the time to reap all the wonderful benefits this program provides. Drop an emoji below for more information or if you would like to be added to our group. #ltla, #learntoliveagain #guthealth #gutrepair #weightloss #weightlosstransformation#ificandoitsocanyou

07.01.2022 #FantasticFriday Massive thumbs up to Lynn Miller on your weight loss, 10kgs is a huge effort. Keep up the great work. So proud of you.

07.01.2022 Tips for success

07.01.2022 Listen to your body, it gives you the warning signs that it needs help.

06.01.2022 Week 2 update of the 30 day winter weight loss challenge.

06.01.2022 #ThrowbackThursdayThursday Ok I just wanted to share some things that I have noticed. Before LTLA... no motivation aching joints and body depression/anxiety brain fog lack of energy never have clothes to wear/don’t fit never want pictures taken bloated and unwell always hungry/bad food choices After LTLA: energy to burn healthy body/gut clear head happy/positive outlook on life clothes don’t fit, too big (need to update wardrobe) pain free sleep has improved found my passion. (Helping others transform the health) If you have been wanting to lose weight and transform your health in 2021, now it the perfect time start. My only regret was that I didn’t find this wonderful program earlier. #ltla #learntoliveagain #newyearnewme #NewYearsResolution2021

06.01.2022 LOVE YOUR GUT: EAT REAL FOOD The most essential part of loving your gut and getting your digestive health back on track is to eat real food! But you may be won...dering what the heck IS real food? Try to eliminate processed foods from your diet as much as possible as these burn out the digestive tract and cause bad bacteria to over populate your system. The easiest way to support your digestion is to eat real, fresh whole foods (preferably organic whenever possible) that are packed full of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, enzymes without artificial colours, preservatives and unnatural chemicals. Our bodies are not meant to process artificial foods made in a lab that are difficult to digest. We are designed to eat and absorb real food grown from the ground! Have you had something fresh and nutritious today? When you Join LTLA you learn how to FIX YOUR GUT and understand what REAL foods are. Contact me and we can get you started on the road to good gut health and healthy eating. #ltla #learntoliveagain #gutrepair #guthealthmatters #weightloss #wholefood #realfood #healthcoaching #digestion #healthyeating

05.01.2022 Today I just started a 30 day winter challenge. Getting ready for my summer body. It isn’t too late. You can too. Who wants to join me. #summerbodiesaremadeinwinter #winterchallenge #weightloss #weightlosschallenge #learntoliveagain #ltla #letmehelpyoutoo #eshadwight

04.01.2022 Did you know...... Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun. In other words, they chase the light. You might already know this, but there is ano...ther fact that you probably do not know! Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy and rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds? This is an interesting question.Isn’t it? Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind? Well, that’s incorrect! This is what happens: They turn towards each other to share their energy. Nature’s perfection is amazing. Now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. Many people may become low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, sometimes, become depressed. How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers i.e."Supporting and empowering each other". Nature has so much to teach us. Wishing everyone a "Sun flower" trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days. Spread will come back to you...

03.01.2022 The Benefits of Simplifying Your Meals & Mono Eating Feeling bloated, tired and brain fog after eating is not natural, so looking for methods to improve your... digestion can positively affect not just your physical health but also mental clarity in many ways. There are a lot of techniques to help resetting your digestive function, but on this post we will focus on mono eating, one of the main techniques used on our LTLA program to achieve optimal results on gut repair & sustainable and safe weight loss. Mono in greek means alone or single. For that reason, mono eating means eating only one type of food per serving. It also means not drinking and eating at the same time. It can sound a little bit too extreme, but actually this is something that parents do instinctively when introducing solid food to their babies. The mother's intuition informs her that it is not best to give a lot of combined foods to a baby. Also if look into nature wild animals generally mono eat, and do not drink while eating. So, this is something that we naturally used to do but was left behind by modern civilisation. But what about nutrient deficiency ? Okay, I understand your question. Thank you for asking! So... Eating a good variety of vegetables, proteins and fruits is definitely very important to make sure we are providing our body all the necessary nutrients. But a very interesting fact is that, most cases of nutrients deficiencies are linked to inefficient digestion, and not lack of that specific nutrient on the diet. Which means that to address nutrient deficiency, we need to heal the lining of the small intestine, so it can absorb nutrients more effectively. If you have started the program, you probably got surprised by how simple the meals are, only one type of vegetable and on type of protein for main meals, only one type of protein for breakfast and only one type of fruit for snacks. Easy, simple and mono. Symplifying your meals will not just significantly improve your digestion, but also: 1 Do not make you feel tired after each meal (Productivity at the workplace drops since most people will feel tired and sleepy). Usually this is a sign that you’ve over worked your digestive system by eating foods that do not mix well together hence the body needing to expand more energy to complete the digestion process. 2 Become better at detecting which foods we are allergic to or have high sensitivity to. As you are eating one food at a time you recognise more the effects of that specific food on your body. 3 Improve Your Palate Food & Appreciation. When we are used to eating foods prepared with so many ingredients and combination of so many food items, our tongues get used to this new taste and loses the taste of the individual foods. 4 Simple life! No need to worry about fancy recipes and spend too much time in the kitchen. Now you not just have more energy to enjoy with family and friends, but you also have more time. Do it if assisted by a professional and taking the right nutritional support. It is also important to rotate food items we consume at different meals Image may contain: plant and food Reach out if you would like more information or if you would like to be added to our wonderful Facebook community. Our Facebook page if full of helpful information about all things Health, Weight loss and Gut repair and so much more.... #weightloss #gutrepair #monoeating #simplifiedeating

03.01.2022 In LTLA we teach people to ‘body-accept’ There is a gap for both men & women between both ends of the ‘body image spectrum’. Down one end of the spectrum, th...ere is body dissatisfaction or even body hate and then at the other end, there is body love, self love. Sometimes, if you have been caught in the body hate or dissatisfaction end for a while, it is a big leap to get to the stage of total body love. For some it takes work to get to the true body love state so the next best step is working towards being ‘neutral’ - this can be the key to achieving some amazing results in your life. By becoming 'body-neutral' you can work towards a comfortable middle place on the spectrum moving more into the area of respect, worthiness and honoring the amazing body we have been gifted. Imagine going about your days or weeks without such a strong focus on the negative aspects of your body? Imagine the space it would free up in your mind to do more productive things. You can free up that mental space with some simple techniques. If you are struggling with New Year’s goals or resolutions, have a read of some of the goals below and watch how it can start you on a pathway to creating a more healthy perception of yourself. #LTLA #learntoliveagain #newyearnewyou2021 #healthyyouhappyyou #eshadwight #guthealthchangeseverything #guthealth #weightlosstransformation #weightlossprogramme #weightloss

02.01.2022 I just want to give a huge shout out to Manuela Miari. She has done an amazing job turning her health around. When she began the program she had many health ...issues including severe bloating, fatty liver, lots of pain. Over the months Manuela has learned to eat for her bodies needs and now look at her, she is looking fantastic. I couldnt believe how tiny she was when she came in to my work one day. We discovered in a very short time that her body bloated after eating meat and certain proteins so we changed her over from the Standard Weight Loss program to our Vegetarian program. She is thriving. She is surprising her Dr's every visit. Not only has she lost nearly 15 kgs (Over 30 pounds), she has reduced her fatty liver, shrunk her bloated tummy and after her last visit to her Oncologist she was happy to report that all her blood tests are normal and her white and red blood cells are good. Manuela, is very close to hitting her goal weight and is so happy how this program has turned her health and life around she is having her mum join the program so she can improve her health as well. I look forward to helping her too. If you would like to find out more how Manuela was able to turn her health and life around or would like to be added to our Facebook community to see the results so many others people are getting from this fantastic program reach out, just shoot me a message and I will add you. If you would like to join one of our programs I can help you with that too. #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #guthealth #askmehow

01.01.2022 This article was written by our beautiful Naturopath and the person behind our wonderful program It is all about HEALTH! _________________________... We have lots of people come to us wanting to take their health to the next level. Some go on our programs and products and some just want to start with some basic things to make them feel better. Most people know these days to cut back on sugar or to cut back on their coffee, however what a lot of people don't know is how their body is going to react ... so here are some tips to help you on your way! If you are not on one of our programs and just dabbling with eliminating different foods from your diet such as sugar or gluten, withdrawal symptoms can be really horrible. Headaches, lower moods, less energy, more emotional or just feeling a bit off are common symptoms however this wont happen to everyone and we find withdrawals really only affects about 20% of people. When you don’t understand the symptoms of withdrawals and how the body reacts, it is easy to go back to the very food that you are craving and trying to eliminate. The upside is that the withdrawal symptoms wont last long and they usually only go for around 3-7 days, so stay strong and keep reminding yourself that even if you might suffer some temporary symptoms, the short- and long-term benefits of quitting the highly reactive foods far outweigh any short-term discomfort you experience when you first remove sugar and highly reactive foods from your diet! So lets go over some common foods / ingredients that cause withdrawals. There are others however these are the most common: Sugar - One of the most common foods that cause withdrawal symptoms is sugar. Sugar affects the brain the same way that nicotine, cocaine, and morphine do. I'll get a blog up on this however its all about our primitive brain and the reward system! Caffeine - If you are a big coffee drinker and cutting back to one or two a day then more than likely you will experience some headaches. A good quality Green Tea will be your best friend here! Processed foods when removing sweeteners, gluten flours, processed foods, and other addictive foods from your diet you will find you have strong cravings for certain foods to try and compensate. Just support your body and understand that the cravings will go quickly if you keep away from these foods. Hints & Tips: Water keep flushing the body with water. Add lemon juice to your water for variety however remember to always drink away from food... Herbal Teas increase your herb teas (not fruit or sweet teas) during this phase. Tulsi Tea is a calming tea and will help with withdrawals (most good supermarkets or Health Food Shops stock Tulsi Tea)... Protein make sure you are consuming enough protein (which includes plant proteins too) with your meals to help balance your blood sugar levels. If you don't know how much protein to eat with every meal just let us know and we can guide you... Nature we all know about negative ions... there is nothing better than a walk down the beach or among some tree's to make you feel alive again. Make sure you are getting get out in nature and walk. Ideally walk when there is ample sunshine to absorb some added vitamin D... Epson Salts Bath the benefits of Epsom salt baths are well researched. Epsom salt is made of magnesium and sulphate and magnesium is known to increase relaxation, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle and nerve function. Add 2 cups of Epson Salt in a warm bath and soak for at least 20 mins... If you need more help just let us know and we can add you into our Group that has lots of information on all things health, wellness & vitality!

01.01.2022 #FabulousFriday I just want to give a huge shout out to Colleen Maloney who has done a fabulous job on her weight loss journey. Not only has she got her health... back but she is turning heads. People cant quite get use to the change in her. How great does she look. Colleen embarked on her journey last August and is only 2.2kgs off her goal weight and only a small 3.3kgs to make it a total loss of 40 kg. I know she will smash it. Colleens journey has been no way quick one (much to her disappointment) but she steadily lost weight. That just goes to show that not everyone has the same journey. Some lose the weight very quickly and others lose it slow and steady. In her own words she is "Skinny and Proud". Well done Colleen, you have every reason to be proud. I am very proud of you too, and it has been an honour and a privilege to be your mentor and and travel this journey along with you. If you would like to find out more how Colleen was able to change her life or would like to be added to our LTLA Facebook community to see the results so many others people are getting from this fantastic program reach out, just shoot me a message and I will add you. If you would like to join one of our programs I can help you with that too. Just let me help you too. #weightlossjourney #weightlossgoals #guthealth #askmehow

01.01.2022 The liver is the most important organ in metabolising and detoxifying waste in the body including hormones, chemicals, drugs and alcohol. It is involved in the ...metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats & is responsible for synthesising bile for digestion of fat-soluble vitamins. - Woah right.. In todays society we are exposed to thousands of chemicals from many sources, which are claimed as "safe" though with increased exposure every day the toxic load on our body increases the risk of numerous health conditions. Bad liver function can result in sluggish digestion, fat intolerance, nausea, food intolerance, allergies, psoriasis , pms, immune dysfunction & chronic fatigue to name a few.. The best way to show your liver some love is by reducing intake of alcohol, tobacco, and medications (yes even panadol) & reducing exposure to moulds, cosmetics, fragrances, industrial chemicals, pesticides and preservatives. We can support the function of our liver with bitter foods such as rocket including broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, garlic, onions, turmeric, rosemary, legumes & green tea also provides the necessary nutrients. Some of the best nutrients and herbal medicines to aid in detoxing the liver are Silybum marianum (St Mary’s thistle) Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) Brassica oleracea var italica (broccoli) all found in the herbal product we take every day "Liver health". #betheverybestversionofyou #HealthyGutHealthyBody

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