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25.01.2022 Higher motivation in employees leads to better work performance. This is no secret. However, there are ways to effectively manage motivation to accelerate team strength and productivity. Positive psychology is a powerful tool that can inspire teammates to motivate themselves, so the burden is not completely on the manager. In fact, managers who understand that they alone are not the catalyst for team change often do much better in leading their teams. Inspiration should be o...utsourced to those who are really benefitting from the work that your organisation does. Here is a great example. Harvard Business Review published a study on a growing body of research that shows how effective different types of motivation can be. It showed that the best way to inspire others is by having customers, patients and clients spread positive word about your organisation all on their own. A radiology patient showed a photograph of an x-ray to a team of radiologists who didn’t even work with this particular patient. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/want-to-boost-motivation-i
24.01.2022 Here’s a great positive psychology case study on learned optimism. Aussie Optimism The program is an after-school program that helps children of all different ages. It helps young people build their skills and use the principles of learned optimism to make a great start in life. The Aussie Optimism team uses positive psychology models to encourage young people to build their strengths. It also encourages them to look towards the future, rather than simply solving problems in ...the here-and-now. The program has has helped hundreds of young people reduce mental health stress, recover from depression, reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviours and more. Young people who go through this program are less likely to drink or smoke when they grow older because they feel supported and loved. Positive psychology models fill the gaps in people’s minds and hearts where there might otherwise be nothing but negativity. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/aussie-optimism-program-gi
24.01.2022 Want to build greater job satisfaction and commitment in your team? Then you need to ensure everyone feels connected and engaged. These are just two of five factors that help people flourish at work. When this happens, the organisation blossoms and the people within it are engaged and motivated to succeed. So
23.01.2022 If you know locals in Bali and can send anything to support them, please do. Our friends there cannot go out, cannot visit their temples, have no source of income. We are helping where we can. But the more of us doing this the better. Get in touch with anyone you know and support them however you can. Bali took a huge risk opening up for tourists. Now it's hurtling towards a coronavirus disaster http://www.abc.net.au//bali-opened-up-to-tourists/12700730
23.01.2022 When people ask me how to overcome anxious or negative thoughts, I suggest they read Learned Optimism. It's a pragmatic, helpful introduction to the skill of cognitive reframing. It's easy to read, yet is based on a solid research foundation. In Learned Optimism, the ''father of positive psychology" explores pessimism, learned helplessness, explanatory style and optimism. He then discusses how these thinking patterns impact our lives. Drawing on more than 25 years of researc...h, Seligman describes how optimism can become a learned attitude. He describes a range of techniques people can use to think optimistically. Because these are drawn from robust research studies, these are techniques OD and HR practitioners can teach with confidence. Reading Seligman's book will help you understand, apply and teach the thinking habits of optimistic people. Leaders, trainers, counsellors, coaches and Human Resources professionals are amongst the people I most commonly recommend it to. If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
22.01.2022 Interested in how leaders can apply positive psychology? Here’s a great summary of the techniques Kim Cameron has developed during his research into positive leadership.
22.01.2022 Just reflecting on our health care here in Australia and feeling grateful. Our system saved my arm and hand even though my accident (2 years ago now) occurred overseas. We can access mental health support on the public system when our lives/businesses crash and burn. We have an amazing national record so far with Covid19. And we will have access to vaccines, systematically rolled out, for free. I am truly inspired by the system and the people in it. https://www.abc.net.au//scott-morrison-national-/12881428
21.01.2022 Positive deviants are people who disrupt habits in their industry in positive ways. These people do things differently to everyone else. They are the catalysts for positive change often prompting ripple effects which influence thousands of people. Here’s an example of positive deviance used in a life-saving way.
20.01.2022 Teaching conflict resolution can be challenging, particularly when your group members have poor emotion regulation skills. Make your task easier by including 3 essential topics in the first section of your course. - Emotion regulation skills - Boundary setting techniques - Reflective thinking using the ‘what, so what, now what’ model... If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
20.01.2022 You probably know someone who lives by the mantra: ‘be positive’. And it seems that person has a point. Optimism is good for you on a number of levels. For example, optimism can positively impact your health. Here’s some proof supporting this claim. There was a huge study conducted by Jama Network Open over the course of 14 years. More than 230,000 people were studied across 4 different continents to find a link between life outlook and heart health. After the giant study end...ed, the researchers published a stunning result: optimists are 35% less likely to have a heart attack than pessimists. This finding has huge implications for the future of your health. And it is not only useful in the health field. After working with positive psychology trainers or coaches, many professionals have learned how to apply the principles of learned optimism at work. Why not do the same yourself? If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
20.01.2022 For many people, pandemic change is triggering fear of failure and anxiety about the future. How can we deal with this, when the future seems so unpredictable? Watch the full video below.
19.01.2022 Wondering why you should explore mindfulness? This interview with Ellen Langer (my favourite Positive Psychology expert) gives a useful rundown on what we know about mindfulness.
18.01.2022 Overthinking is a huge barrier to productivity and achievement. While it's sensible to think things through, you can take this process too far. Signs you've move beyond critical thinking into rumination or overthinking include: Endlessly debating the pros and cons of an idea Continuously searching for new information, rather than making a decision Obsessing about small details... Creating multiple scenarios about the future in your mind Taking much longer than your peers to make simple decisions There are many triggers for overthinking. Behind most of them, though, runs a common theme. Fear of failure or social shame. Early childhood experiences can contribute to this type of fear. However, you're not a child anymore. As an independent adult, you can choose to change your habits. And this includes the thinking habits that lead to rumination and procrastination. Yes, overthinking is simply a habit. That habit might have formed as a way of protecting yourself from criticism, teasing or punishment. Seen this way, it's a sensible strategy. But it doesn't have to be your only strategy. If you're finding overthinking is becoming a problem, it's time to install some alternative behavioural options. Read more on my blog.
18.01.2022 Positive psychologists define optimism as a feeling of hopefulness and confidence about the future. It’s the belief that things will turn out okay. And here’s some great news. The thinking patterns of optimists can be learned. Even if you lean towards pessimism, you can change. Here are four ways you can embed optimistic thinking habits in your life. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/optimism-can-be-learned-h/
17.01.2022 The mind can physically turn back time, according to a mindfulness study completed by Dr. Ellen Langer. Langer and her team wanted to find out how many negative effects related to aging could be manipulated through psychological intervention. To conduct the 1979 study, Langer needed to place a group of senior citizens in a controlled environment that closely resembled an environment from 1959. She converted a monastery using furnishings and décor from two decades earlier. The... monastery featured a vintage radio playing Perry Como. An old black-and-white TV played episodes of the Ed Sullivan Show. Eight men in their 70s were used for the study. After passing through the doors of the monastery, they were taken back to 1959. The group was told to reminisce about the past and behave as if it were 1959. A control group in a comparable environment was told to reminisce but not act as if it were two decades earlier. A week later, both groups experienced improvements in their physical and mental health. The groups experienced better posture, memory, cognition, hearing, dexterity and vision. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/what-does-acting-as-if-yo/
15.01.2022 Having a fixed mindset is a significant barrier to learning. It creates defensive reactions to feedback, resistance to change and an inability to concede or collaborate with others. This is why positive psychology trainers and positively deviant leaders focus on helping people develop the growth mindset attitude. Growth mindset is characterised by curiosity, openness to learning and flexibility. For example, when Covid19 restrictions first hit Sydney, coffee shops experienced... a sudden drop in trade. Many cafés in my area shut their doors, only re-opening when Jobkeeper subsidies were introduced. But one café stood out. The owners went into solution focused mode. First, they introduced a new range of take away meals and streamlined service delivery. Next, they started producing funny videos, in which they sent themselves up and kept customers smiling. While other coffee shops floundered, this one flourished. Read more on my blog. See more
15.01.2022 How beautiful The Royal Melbourne Hospital Scrub Choir is back, this time with a rendition of The Pretenders' 'I'll Stand By You'. The clip was filmed by hea...lthworkers on their phones and edited together "to let the community know that we are here for them now and always". Dr Emma O'Brien, who leads the music therapy service at RMH, said it was also a way for staff to connect with each other. "You can see a lot of people have come home from a really full-on day on the COVID wards and they're using music to help them feel OK," she said. "To let them relax, let go and have a bit of a cry." What do you think? Dr O'Brien spoke to Sammy J on Breakfast this morning. Listen here: https://ab.co/2FhZaxb
15.01.2022 Great well-being courses are based on robust models and scientifically proven techniques. Make sure your well-being program includes these three tools from positive psychology. - Mindful attention activities - The agency and pathways thinking model - Flow theory... If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
14.01.2022 Did you know I offer online courses? Available 24/7 they're a great, affordable way to power up your skills. Topics include resilience, dealing with difficult people, negotiation skills, handling verbal abuse and improving your Linkedin profile. Enrol in a mini course for $55 or a full length course for $110. Check out the full course library below. https://www.learnwitheleanorshakiba.com.au/pages/courses
14.01.2022 Every individual strives for positive wellbeing. Workplaces aim for a thriving and happy work culture. This can be achieved more easily through the PERMA model. Developed by Martin Seligman, the PERMA model is an acronym for the five pillars of wellbeing: Positive emotions: good feelings Engagement: interaction with work, hobbies and other activities Relationships:
13.01.2022 A happy boss is not always a good one. Being a positive leader is about more than being a nice, friendly boss with an open-door policy. It is about fostering a positive climate, promoting communication and enhancing relationships. These key elements can help your organisation flourish and allow individuals to exceed expectations. Positive leadership is a concept developed by Kim Cameron, a professor of management and organisations. Cameron combined insight from the field of ...positive psychology to describe the traits and behaviour of the most effective leaders. He argues that positive leaders have an affirmative bias, focusing on strengths to increase potential. This is an approach that positive psychology trainers teach in their leadership programs. Positive leadership provides an evidence-based model for becoming a more effective leader. It enables leaders to see negativity as an opportunity for change and focus on increasing the positive capacity of an organisation or team. Basically, positive leaders transform negative situations into positive outcomes. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/positive-leadership-means-
13.01.2022 Many of the most powerful training techniques have their roots in therapeutic techniques. For instance, psychodrama techniques morphed into role play techniques. Solution focused questions moved from hypnotherapy into training room via solution focused therapy. Even the simple process of 'breaking into groups' comes from a therapeutic technique: groupwork. In therapy, groupwork techniques are used to help people address issues they hold in common (such as addiction or eating... disorders). The idea behind groupwork is that by connecting with - and supporting - others, an individual will find their own strategies for success. In training and organisational development contexts, the same idea applies. Thus, positive psychology trainers can benefit from adding a few standard groupwork practices to their toolkits. How can you do this? First, you must be clear about your role. During groupwork, your job is to guide the thinking and problem-solving activities of your group. You need to provide method and structure so the group can focus its energy and creativity on the issue at hand. The following techniques help you do this. Read more on my blog.
12.01.2022 Many people think mindfulness and meditation are the same thing. However, this isn’t really the case. Positive psychology trainers define mindfulness as a state of focused attention. It is a state which can occur any time you focus on the present moment. Meditation, in contrast, is a formal practice in which various techniques are used to consciously direct attention. The aim of meditation is to induce a mindful state. Additionally, mindful attention exercises are often used... during meditation. However, the two concepts are slightly different. Positive psychology trainers teach mindfulness techniques to help professionals improve their focus, reduce stress and boost creativity. This usually doesn’t involve mediating it means using simple techniques that focus attention. Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by bringing your attention to the present moment without any judgment. You remain aware of the surrounding environment, along with your body and thoughts, without any judgment. Positive psychologist, Ellen Langer, describes mindfulness as the process of actively discovering new things, while challenging your natural tendencies. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/mindfulness-versus-meditat
12.01.2022 We've all had upset customers or received feedback tinged by emotions. But sometimes we encounter a 'rant' evaluation or review that seems out of proportion. This style of feedback is lengthy and hostile. It often presents long lists of ‘evidence’ that a specific staff member is in the wrong. Its tone is outraged and retaliatory.
11.01.2022 Did you know Eleanor Shakiba runs trainers’ retreats in Bali? Join a group of like-minded professionals as you master the art of crafting teaching metaphors, building resilience and using tools from Positive Psychology to design cutting-edge programs. Find out more here: https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/bali-retreats/
11.01.2022 Anyone who has been in the training room with a participant who 'over shares' knows that self-disclosure can go too far. There’s a big difference between reflecting (a vital part of learning) and ruminating. Rumination involves obsessively focusing on negative events, without resolving or learning from them. Rumination blocks learning. When a group participant recounts an experience in graphic detail, they become stuck in the ‘what’ of their experience. This means they don’t... progress to the most important part of experiential learning: examining the question ‘what did I learn from this?’ Signs that someone is stuck in storytelling, rather than progressing to learning include: - Going into excessive detail about an experience, event or interaction - Repeating the same tale multiple times during a session - Failure to notice the reactions of other group members who will quickly start to shuffle or look bored when too much information is shared Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/over-sharing-the-downside-
11.01.2022 3 topics every women in leadership course should cover Prime your female leaders for success. Make sure your women in leadership program covers these positive psychology models: Positive deviance ... Resilience Self-determination theory See more
11.01.2022 Airfinity, a London-based science information and analytics firm, forecasts that the AstraZeneca and Oxford team will be the first to report preliminary data from a Phase III trial, probably around Sept. 19. It estimates that Pfizer will have preliminary data around Oct. 8, and Moderna around Oct. 23. Preliminary results for a fourth vaccine candidate, produced by Chinese firm Sinovac, may also be ready around that date. https://apple.news/AdfIfpS4-SSGuKXJK2j7A3w
10.01.2022 Most people associate the word 'deviant' with negative behaviour. Indeed, I was once asked to remove the tagline 'training for positive deviants' from my training materials. The client believed it sent the wrong message. Ironically, one of the participants in that client's group had looked up my LinkedIn profile and spotted my tagline there. "Why didn’t you mention the positive deviant thing?"
09.01.2022 Want learners to acquire skills that stick? It's time to add action learning components to your training. Action learning is a highly practical form of experiential learning. It involves completing a project, action or task and then reflecting on results. During action learning, your group participants question their actions and learn from their mistakes. This encourages them to develop their problem-solving abilities. More importantly, it builds skills that will last over time. Read more in my blog.
09.01.2022 Want to mend a broken relationship or raise morale in your team? Then you need to boost the positivity ratio of every conversation you have. This is the ratio of positive to negative feelings your trigger in your conversation partner. According to relationship expert, John Gottman, the flourishing relationships have a ratio of 5:1.
08.01.2022 Did you know Eleanor can run an online workshop for your team? Your session will be interactive and high energy, just like Eleanor's classroom training. Keep everyone safe by delivering this year's training online. Popular sessions include resilience, pandemic psychology, negotiation skills and leading virtual teams. Check out the full range of options here.
07.01.2022 The most effective kind of leadership is authentic leadership. This means that leading with your best self can strengthen teams and drive better results. Mindfulness is a powerful mental exercise that you can apply to your team whether you are a director, HR manager, team leader, or representative. Take action as a leader and develop mindfulness with your employees and peers. Plenty of research shows that working together to solve problems, learning more about each other and... being supportive of each other can drastically improve positive operations in the workplace. The more positive you are, the more lasting the effects of good teamwork will be. Here is a good example. Emerald Insight implemented a 3-year training program on leaders to see how effective action learning principles were in the workplace. The results of the study showed that mindfulness increased significantly among participants and it changed not only the mindset but the entire structure of some organisations. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/should-you-be-adding-mindf
06.01.2022 Did you know Eleanor Shakiba can run training at your workplace? Courses are custom designed to meet the needs of your team. Choose from topics such as positive psychology, leadership, breakthrough communication and dealing with difficult people. Find out more here https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/corporate-training/
06.01.2022 When it comes to positivity in the workplace, leaders play the biggest role. Helping to create an environment that promotes positivity leads to enthusiasm and opens new possibilities. In contrast, negativity feeds a restricted emotional space that limits possibilities for action. These theories are based on a study completed by Marcial Losada and Emily Heaphy. The researchers looked at the impact of positivity and negativity on emotional space. The study involved a group of 6...0 strategic business unit (SBU) management teams from a large corporation that specialised in information processing. The researchers also used coders to code the speech of the groups. The coders would mark a speech act as positive if the speaker showed encouragement or positivity. If the speaker expressed disapproval, the coders marked the speech act as negative. The coders also separated speech acts as inquiry-based or advocacy-based. The speeches were additionally coded as self when speakers referred to themselves or the group and other when speaking about external groups. The 60 teams were then separated based on their performance. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/how-to-measure-the-health/
06.01.2022 What happens when you put a Buddhist monk into an MRI machine and study the impact of meditation on the brain? You get the makings of a best-selling book. The Science of Meditation is a layperson's guide to the benefits of meditation. Based on solid research, it is a compelling read. Written by two experts in neuroscience, The Science of Meditation introduces you to a whole new side of meditation. It focuses on how meditation can impact both the mind and the brain. The author...s provide fascinating evidence that after as little as two weeks of meditation, you can reap positive benefits. These include lowered stress levels, improved memory and enhanced focus. If you’re interested in the background on meditation research, this book is definitely for you. Why is this one of my favourite books? Because it is crammed with anecdotes about scientists exploring the wonderful landscape of the human mind. If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
05.01.2022 Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to the here and now. Doing this can help you reduce stress, improve your focus and even reduce the age of your brain. So, would YOU like to experience the benefits of mindfulness? Here are four simple techniques to get you started. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/beat-stress-with-this-sim/
04.01.2022 Meditation involves focusing inward and honing your concentration skills. Practitioners have been touting the benefits of meditation for thousands of years. Now there is compelling scientific evidence that their claims are true. Indeed, it seems that regular meditation practice can change your brain for the better. In 2008, some Buddhist monks agreed to have their brains scanned. The purpose of doing this was to determine whether meditation alters brain function. The results...? Increased meditation leads to an ability of the brain to change and optimise in a way we didn’t know previously was possible (Josipovic, 2011). For example, regular meditation shrinks the amygdala (the brain’s fight-or-flight control centre). It also thickens your pre-frontal cortex (the part of your brain that’s responsible for concentration and decision-making). If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
04.01.2022 Many people think mindfulness is the same as meditation. However, this isn’t altogether accurate. Positive psychology trainers define mindfulness as a state of focused attention. This state can occur any time you focus on the here-and-now. Meditation, on the other hand, is a formal practice in which various techniques are used to consciously direct attention. Mindful attention exercises are often used during meditation which is why the two terms are used interchangeably by ...many people. In the human resources field, there’s increasing interest in using mindfulness techniques to boost employee wellbeing. This is because the benefits of mindfulness are well researched. They include reduced stress, improved creativity, greater problem-solving ability and improved immune function. Accessing these benefits does not mean you have to take up a formal practice such as mindfulness meditation. It can be as simple as doing one thing at a time and allowing yourself to fully focus on each task. Why not get some advice from a positive psychology trainer about practical ways to boost your mindfulness? It will benefit you and the people you work with. If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
04.01.2022 Build resilience and positivity in your workforce. Teach the skills of resilient thinking, using tools from positive psychology. For results that stick, be sure to include: - Hope theory - ABCDE model - Solution focused thinking... If you enjoyed this post, please share it and follow this page. More great resources are coming soon.
04.01.2022 Something to keep in mind before judging some of the seemingly ‘selfish’ or ‘aggressive’ behaviours that are being reported around mask (not) wearing. https://apple.news/AAqz7QD1lQTeYdJRIo-tu1g
04.01.2022 It’s hard to be creative when you’re stressed. In fact, a study on the cognitive science of creativity (by Arne Dietrich) has shown you need to be in the right emotional state to think creatively. Stress shuts lateral thinking ability down. So it makes sense that leaders who promote positive workplace cultures will foster creativity in their teams. Here’s an example of how being a positive leader creates a happier work environment. A study of leadership in the business Burt’...s Bees showed employees with positive leaders were motivated to learn more. They also were more creative. This happened when two conditions were in place. First, leaders showed that they valued and respected their employees. Second, they encouraged employees to have fun and engage in team-building activities. This broke up the pattern of everyday work and creativity levels skyrocketed as a result. This study is a simple example of the impact positive leadership can have on team success. It’s the sort of case study that fascinates positive psychology trainers, because it shows how easy shaping organisational culture can be. If you want a happier, more creative team, start applying the principles of positive psychology and learned optimism. There’s ample evidence that they work.
04.01.2022 Did you know Eleanor Shakiba runs public courses at the University of Sydney? You can enrol in a wide range of subjects with Eleanor as your trainer. Topics include women in leadership, building confidence and self-esteem, dealing with difficult people and the psychology of influence. Plus many more. See the full program here: https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/public-courses/
02.01.2022 If you want to unlock your creative talent, it is time to strengthen your curiosity muscle. Curiosity and creativity work together like stretching and aerobic activity. They complement each other and lead to better 'mental fitness'. This is why positive psychology trainers and researchers are so interested in the concept of the 'curiosity mindset'. Read more in the article below.
01.01.2022 I first heard about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in 1995. Back then, NLP courses were hard to find in Australia. However, I was intrigued and persistent. I kept searching until 1998, when I finally found a practitioner course in Sydney. Back then, I was sceptical about the transformative powers attributed to NLP. Read more in the article below.
01.01.2022 The terms ‘consensus’ and ‘consensus-building’ are buzzwords. Like all buzzwords, they are thrown around confidently by people who don't fully understand their meanings. This reduces the effectiveness of meetings and leads to poor decision making. So what is consensus and how can leaders, facilitators and HR practitioners help groups reach it? Consensus is a point of maximum agreement. The word maximum is important. Reaching consensus does not mean that everyone in the group ...fully agrees to the conclusion reached. However, when consensus has been reached, everyone knows their contribution has been taken seriously. Great facilitators and group leaders build consensus by using constructive framing and groupwork techniques. Here are a few pointers on how you can do this. Read more in https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/when-is-consensus-not-real See more
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