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Lee Lee’s Little Angels Family Daycare | Local service

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Lee Lee’s Little Angels Family Daycare

Phone: +61 406 660 176


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24.01.2022 Using our self help skills today #familydaycare #beingindependant #greathelpers

24.01.2022 Being nominated in the Excellence Awards for doing what I love to do Its very humbling when you get recognised and valued for what comes naturally to me each and every day. #feelingvaluedandappreciated #familydaycare #doingwhatilove

24.01.2022 Life is great when your having fun with your best friend Childhood friendships helps to support childrens emotional and social development. Friendships help to increase a childs capacity for empathy and altruism. Having friends boosts happiness, well-being and self-confidence, and promotes a positive outlook on life #familydaycare #bestfriends #playbasedlearning #havingfuntogether

24.01.2022 Who remembers climbing ropes like this as a child, such great memories our little angel uses her skills as she reaches her goal #determination #strength #persistance #confidence #familydaycare #physicalplay #outdoorlearning

23.01.2022 What a wonderful find in our vegie garden a fantastic self seeded spikey cucumber. Common Name: CUCUMBER - AFRICAN HORNED CUCUMBER Scientific Name: Cucumis metuliferus Alternative Names: Jelly Melon, Kiwano, Rooi-agurkie, Rooikomkommer (Afr.), Mokapana (Tswana) I remember eating these with my dad when I was a child, so it brings back wonderful memories. Our little angels were very intrigued and eager to taste it #familydaycare #mygardenisgrowinglikecrazy #veryspecialfind #childhoodmemories #natureisfullofsurprises

22.01.2022 Sneaky Fathers Day gifts are being created by our little angels this week, when their dry we can add the necessary items dont tell Daddy can we keep a secret #fathersdaycraft #beingsustainable #touchesofnature #giftsfromkidsarethebestkind

20.01.2022 Today is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day. Celebrating the uniqueness and importance of the knowledge and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people #familydaycare #cultureandcommunity #craftsession #educateourchildren #showrespect

20.01.2022 My find this morning was these beautiful leaves, which we have created into nature Christmas angels #natureismypassion #naturecrafts #sustainableart #familydaycare #freecraftsforkids #christmascraft #carefortheenvironment

19.01.2022 Reading bedtime stories to our babies #familydaycare #learningthroughplay #magicmoments

19.01.2022 Todays challenge was to make a nature collage. Our little angels collected old marigold flowers that had dried, out dated cucumber seeds, dried passion fruit seeds (we have been collecting to regrow) and egg shells ( which are great fertiliser) we glued them into a piece of repurposed cardboard and created a piece of art we can give back to nature when we finish with it at the service #familydaycare #efdcs #naturecollage #returntonature #alwayslearning #beingsustainable

18.01.2022 Enjoying outside play today in our revamped teepee in a world of books and quite time then sorting shells with my best friend #familydaycare #outdoorlearning #sustainability #natureplay #beingoutdoorsisthebest

18.01.2022 Searching for birds is serious business #familydaycare #loosepartsplay #lovechildrensimagination

16.01.2022 I can catch a rainbow , such a beautiful morning when theres rainbows everywhere what a great excuse to make some beautiful rainbow fish and read the wonderful story #familydaycare #rainbowsaremagical #enjoyingthewarmsunshine #colourseverywhere

16.01.2022 A wonderful day to be outdoors doing what we love to do our little angels love watering the plants with the spray bottles, so today we added a bit of colour to our day Spraying with a spray bottle puts little hands to work and helps strengthen the tiny muscles that are in their hands. Pressing and releasing a spray bottle is much like the manipulation of scissors. Spray bottles can therefore help children build scissor skills too. #paintingjustgotbetter #colourourworld #familydaycare #alwayslearning

16.01.2022 Our little angel is learning about his world as he safely navigates his environment. He uses the fence as his secure anchor, standing on tipsy toes as he uses determination, and confidence to stretch up and reach his goal #familydaycare #learningeveryday #gettingstronger

15.01.2022 Today we made Christmas stars with sticks and wool wrapping we learnt last week with our NAIDOC activities #familydaycare #easycraftsforkids #sticksarethebest #sustainable #repurposedwool

14.01.2022 Hunting for dinosaurs is so exciting when you just see their tiny heads peeking through the nasturtiums #familydaycare #dinosaurgarden #theylovetoexplore #childrenloveit

14.01.2022 Our little angels have been extremely busy in the garden lately. We have been planting a wide variety of vegie and herb seeds , which have grown and are now needing to be planted out. We are always focusing on how to help others and be kind, so as our reflection we have decided to make a community veggie patch. The garden is there for anyone to take whatever they need and can use for their families #familydaycare #communitylove #sharingiscaring #freshveggies #freshherbsfromthegarden #grownwithlove #gardeningwithchildren #gettheirhandsdirty

13.01.2022 Making our mummys their very special gifts filled with love lots of sneaky art mornings making our beautiful gifts a secret. Rice filled heat/cold packs enfused with DoTerra oils, and our fridge magnets filled with handpicked natural lovingness #mothersdaygifts #familydaycare #madewithlove

13.01.2022 Nature at its best when you see not only a mummy snail, but a mummy and a baby very exciting for our little angels #familydaycare #wondersofnature #loveseeingtheirhappyfaces

13.01.2022 Magical reindeer food, made with love today we combined rolled oats, bird seed, coconut, peppitas, chopped up lemon myrtle leaves, rosemary, daisies and red bell flowers to create a mixture which smells delightful and is kind to our environment , all we need to do now is create our tags and finishing touches #familydaycare #homemade #christmasideas #reuseandrecycle

12.01.2022 Our budding artists keeping busy today I just love when our little ones are now big enough to write their own names, so special #familydaycare #beingcreative #paintingoutsideisthebest

12.01.2022 Due to our little angels experimenting with plants, we have a lot of cuttings, which need putting into the soil. Today we planted out our rosemary, which we grew in water, absolutely full of roots ready to continue their growth in the soil. We then decided we would put in some rosemary cuttings straight from the adult plants to see which ones will grow quicker in the soil. Our dill, and sage are ready to move out also, which our little angels grew from seeds #familydaycare #experimentinginthegarden #getthechildrenoutside #greenthumbs #learningeveryday

12.01.2022 What a great find, when you get a bowl full of fresh tomatoes we planted from seeds originally Our little angels enjoyed the delicious home grown tomatoes which tasted amazing. We then learnt about the life cycle of tomatoes as we saw more seeds, yellow flowers, green tomatoes and lots of red tomatoes a fantastic morning of learning #familydaycare #fantasticgardeners #gardeningwithchildren #homegrownisbest #learningaboutnature

12.01.2022 Do you want to build a snowman our Aussie version, puffy paint on recycled cardboard box, pine cones, peppercorns, paperbark, leaf nose. #familydaycare #christmasart

10.01.2022 We had our first gelli baff experience this week, and what amazing stuff it is The process of the water slowly turning into a fantastic sensory experience kept our little angels engaged and focused in their play. #familydaycare #sensoryplay #beststuffever

09.01.2022 Writing letters to Santa #familydaycare #christmasiscomingsoon #gettingexcitedforchristmas

09.01.2022 With all the rain filling our pots and containers with magical rainwater what do you make ? Why rainbow stew of cause adding the touches of spring flowers, rosemary and love #familydaycare #springishere #magicalmoments #letthembekids

09.01.2022 My big helper this morning as we finished off one of our Fathers Day gifts #familydaycare #fathersdayideas #giftsfromtheheart #homemadegiftsarethebest

07.01.2022 Todays fresh pick of snow peas #fantasticgardeners #gardeningwithchildren #freshisbest #learninginnature #familydaycare

07.01.2022 The excitement yesterday when I discovered surplus flour back in my local shop its been quite awhile since weve had the luxury of making fresh playdough. The children really appreciated this simple, so rewarding sensory activity, enhanced with our fabulous DoTerra oils #familydaycare #simplethingsinlifearethebest #doterraessentialoils #nothingmoresatisfying

07.01.2022 The excitement of our day watching not only a truck, but a big digger busy scooping out the yard across the road #familydaycare #whodoesntlikediggers #makethechildrenhappy

06.01.2022 When your waiting for your friends to join you in play, you simply give your friend Tiger a swing #familydaycare #childledplayandlearning #caringforeverything

06.01.2022 The outcome of our experiment: 2 pieces of Rosemary the same length, 1 placed in water the other was planted directly into the potting mix, a massive difference #familydaycare #weloveexperimenting #gardeningwithchildren #growingherbsinwater

04.01.2022 Children learn so much from the simple things in life imagination, problem solving, creativity, hand eye coordination, patience, fine motor skills, dexterity are only a few #familydaycare #loosepartsplay #woodoffcutscomeinhandy #sustainability #beingresourceful

04.01.2022 Today is National Simultaneous Storytime our little angels made their handprint chickens, and beautiful sequin tiaras as they watched and listened to Whitney and Brittney Chicken Divas a very colourful entertaining book about a pair of colourful chickens.#familydaycare #nationalsimultaneousstorytime2020 #childrenlovestories

04.01.2022 Our little angels absolutely loved their visit to the farm this week best day ever #familydaycare #communityconnections #whiteridgefarm #adayatthefarm

04.01.2022 Embrace every minute of everyday

03.01.2022 I just love incorporating nature in our learning I found this amazing part of a palm tree this morning, and used it as our base. We tied fishing line to the shells which had holes in them and the children then hung them on the tendrils. A great activity using so many skills in our creating #familydaycare #learningthroughnature #resourcefulactivity #alwayslearning #beingintouchwithnature #mindfulinmay

03.01.2022 What can I say #loveisbeautiful #childrenareprecious #familydaycare #littlefriends #showinglove

03.01.2022 The magic of sand #familydaycare #verycalming #sensoryawareness

01.01.2022 Such concentration for our little angel #familydaycare #greatpencilgrip #busywritting

01.01.2022 Our little angels are very vigilant checking our crop of tomatoes are bug free #familydaycare #childrensgarden #wehavegreenthumbs #chaseawaythebugs #alwayslearning

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