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Leeton Public School

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25.01.2022 Have you completed our parent survey yet? We really value the thoughts and opinions of our community. Please take the time to complete our Tell Them From Me parent survey. The link is available below. It is completely anonymous and provides us with important information that we use to continue our improvement journey and should take no more than 5-10 minutes. We are hoping to receive valuable information by having all our families represented in this survey data.... We look forward to your input. Thank you!

25.01.2022 There was all sorts of creative craziness and silliness happening in Primary today! It was fabulous to see so many of our students getting into the fun of the day!! #srcfundraiser

25.01.2022 Our school photo ordering opens today..... shoot keys were sent home with students on Monday ......make sure you contact the school office today or tomorrow if you need any assistance as ordering closes during our school holiday period.

24.01.2022 Our Kindergarten students are just a little bit excited about the Teddy Bears picnic today! Watch this space for further updates.

18.01.2022 Help us grow Leeton Public School - Tell Them From Me 2020 All parents and carers are invited to complete the 'Tell Them From Me' survey by clicking on the link below. Data from this survey will help decide our future directions by giving the school leadership team a snapshot of what we are doing well and what we can do even better. The ‘Tell Them from Me’ (TTFM) parent survey is your chance to provide feedback and help our school und...erstand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. The survey is conducted entirely online on smartphones, ipads, tablets, laptops or computers. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey is available for completion now, and will close on Friday 23 October. Although participating in the survey is entirely voluntary, your responses are very much appreciated. The data collected and the reports compiled from the survey responses will be instrumental in helping us to identify emerging issues and plan for improvement. A new Strategic Improvement Plan will be developed using the information gleaned from the TTFM surveys, so now’s the time to have your say on what you’d like to see the school focus on in the next few years... Thank you for your feedback and support of our school. See more

18.01.2022 Ashton and Beau have found four leaf clovers in the Infants Playground! What ‘lucky’ finds!

17.01.2022 We have launched into Science this week at LPS! To conclude their unit of work on the weather Kinder designed and constructed houses for Bluey that sheltered her from the rain, wind and sun. Stages 1-3 have had fun designing and launching rockets to zoom into the school holidays!

17.01.2022 Don’t forget Footy Colours Day tomorrow! Friday September 25, (week 10) we will be participating in Footy Colours Day. Students are encouraged to come along in footy colours, team colours or casual clothes for a gold coin donation. All money raised on the day is sent to the 'Fight Cancer Foundation- helping kids with cancer'.

16.01.2022 We really value the thoughts and opinions of our community. Please take the time to complete our Tell Them From Me parent survey. The link is available below. It is completely anonymous and provides us with important information that we use to continue our improvement journey and should take no more than 5-10 minutes. We are hoping to receive valuable information by having all our families represented in this survey data. We look forward to your input. Thank you!...

16.01.2022 K-2 enjoyed dressing up for footy colours day. We enjoyed participating in activities such as designing your own guernsey and a football find-a-word. We hope all the students and their families have a happy and safe holiday.

15.01.2022 Maths mixed with a bit of Technology and Athletics was the order of the day for Rodda today! The aim of the task was to build a jump ramp to launch the Sphero as far as possible. The students busily designed, constructed, tested and modified their jumps and experimented with different speeds. The students recorded the data from their jumps, which will be anatomised and graphed! So much learning in one activity!!! #learningthroughplay #learningtogether #respectfulresponsibleresilientlearners

13.01.2022 It may not have felt like spring today, but Tan were in the spirit today in anticipation for a beautiful spring break!

13.01.2022 Tan created their own mazes today in maths! They were aMAZing!

12.01.2022 Don’t forget Footy Colours day today at LPS.... wear your team colours for a gold coin donation.... Mrs Thomason has her clothes ready! #gocats

09.01.2022 French, Lester and Bland have recently written persuasive texts to Mrs Thomason asking if we can make cupcakes in the kitchen and guess what, she said....YES!! So today we had lots of fun making them and eating them!!

07.01.2022 Not only did Kindergarten have a fabulous time on their Teddy Bears Picnic today, but they also enjoyed sharing their learning with them too!

06.01.2022 As of late this afternoon there has been a slight change to our Borambola excursion plans. STAGE 3 will attend Borambola on Wednesday 14th - Thursday 15th October (week 1) STAGE 2 will attend Borambola on Monday 19th - Tuesday 20th October (week 2)... All parents of students attending the excursion were sent an email this afternoon with updated notes and payment options. We appreciate the patience and flexibility of parents as we do our best to provide this excursion for your children. These certainly are trying times!! #weareresilient

06.01.2022 K-2 is feeling very silly today with their crazy hair and silly socks! We have some very creative hair stylists!

06.01.2022 Jump Rope for Heart is well underway and it’s great to see so many children out in the playground skipping with big smiles on their faces. Leeton PS has already raised over $6000 and completed lots of hours of skipping this week! Keep up the great efforts and if you haven’t signed your child up yet, it's not too late. Register your child online so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program

05.01.2022 URGENT EXCURSION INFORMATION - ACTION REQUIRED We have just received information that our planned excursion to Borambola CAN go ahead with specific COVID safe guidelines. A MEDICAL INFORMATION NOTE has been sent home today with all students who paid a deposit (this will be followed up with an email to parents shortly). THIS MUST BE COMPLETED BY TOMORROW. ... If you have difficulty with completing the information, please call the office tomorrow. Please note, it will be easier to click on the link via the email. (Best done in Chrome browser). Payment details will be sent home tomorrow.

04.01.2022 We were so proud of our Year 6 students today. They managed to conquer their nerves and participate in the first round of Transition to Leeton High. There were lots of positive comments on how well behaved and delightful our students were. A huge thank you to Mrs Crelley, Mr Crosbie and all the other LHS staff who made today a fun, happy and caring experience.

03.01.2022 Crazy hair and silly socks day tomorrow!! November 20th. Show up to school with the craziest hair silliest socks and SunSmart casual clothes for a gold coin donation. Can’t wait to see all the ideas!

03.01.2022 How amazing is this art display that our K-2 students made as a part of our STEAM day earlier this term..... Learning really does give us wings to fly!

03.01.2022 Down the school holidays road, we go! We hope everyone has a fun, safe and restful break!

02.01.2022 Our Aboriginal Dance Ensemble has been invited to participate in a welcome dance as part of the opening to Sunshine Supergirl Stage Production being hosted at the Griffith West End Stadium from October 7th. Originally, the plan was for a combined dance group from Leeton schools to perform at the event, but with COVID protocols preventing students from more than 2 schools gathering for activities we have filmed our students performing two dances - ‘Dance of the Murray Cod’ and ‘Awaken’. These videos will be collated with videos from other schools and screened during the opening of the production. Congratulations to all the students involved!

02.01.2022 Our Year Six students had an enjoyable day at their first on site transition at Leeton High School today. Thanks LHS for making our students feel welcome and excited to return again next week!

01.01.2022 Jennings had all the tricks covered during their skipping session today! Talk about impressive skills! Extra house points on offer if you can master the skipping pretzel!!

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