Sisterhood Empowerment South West Sydney in Campbelltown, New South Wales | Social service
Sisterhood Empowerment South West Sydney
Locality: Campbelltown, New South Wales
Phone: +61 423 890 490
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25.01.2022 6.30PM @ Liverpool Public Library 170 George Street LIVERPOOL Are you sick of feeling isolated and lonely?... Finding it hard to make ends meet? Struggling with Addiction? Broken hearted? Want more for you? Your family? You children? At SISTERHOOD We believe in helping those who are broken, who have lost all hope and fallen on hard dark times. Tonight’s topic is expectations What do you want to see differently in your life? 15 For all woman.... of all walks of life , , For more details call Andrea 0423890490
24.01.2022 SISTERHOOD TONIGHT @6.30PM Liverpool City Library 170 George Street LIVERPOOL... Are you ready to leave the past behind and step into your future We got you. Just Come as you are.... All YOU need is a Willingness to change
23.01.2022 We all met as strangers, we knew nothing about each other and over the 15weeks we’ve opened up, we were real, spoke the truth, put in the effort and made a commitment to make changes for US and our loved ones. Is safe to say now we are family ... We got each other’s backs. We love, support and celebrate one another. Congratulations to my beautiful Sisters on your graduation.... you’ve all come so far. My wish for each and everyone of you is that your life becomes everything you ever dream it can be. and be true to yourselves. Thank you to sister Barbara for blessing our Sisterhood with this beautiful Taonga of Rangimarie. Sis we love it she is absolutely beautiful We kick start a new rotation next Wednesday. Our 15week program is free and for all women. Reach out for more details 0423890490 . Get around badass women who get it. At you are loved not judged When you know the core root cause of the problem then we can heal it... fix it
23.01.2022 Week 2 Expectations... Tonight we set our expectations high for the life we deserve... We got real and we went deep... We refuse to live a life below what we deserve and below our true potential We each made a commitment to increasing our effort for change. For a better us and smashing the shit out of our goals. At SISTERHOOD we are focused on our hearts desires not our fears
22.01.2022 Beautiful night with our Liverpool Sisterhood So amazing to have new ladies join us every week. We are stronger together Allow your passion to be your purpose
18.01.2022 S I S T E R H O O D T O N I G H T 6 30pm 170 George St Liverpool Library We all go through challenges and we all experience the loneliness of pain but we never have to walk this journey alone.... No matter your religious background, your past, your flaws and mistakes - SISTERHOOD is here for YOU Every Wednesday night at 6.30pm We would love to meet you. Come as you are
17.01.2022 SISTERHOOD EMPOWERMENT BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD We have taken some hits in life... But if we remain in the ring the victory will be ours... We know who we are fighting for... our children, our families & future generations Join us every Wednesday night Free 15week program For more information message us or call Andrea 0423890490 See more
17.01.2022 Sisterhood Liverpool Tonight was the last session for this rotation - The Revolution - Celebrating the progress and growth that is being made, has been made and will continue to be made...what we have come to refer to as 'the onion' peeling back the layers so the empowered beauty can emerge...Watching our beautiful sisters come into their own is an honour and a privilege And yes Andrea Moana the heart is for you..thank you for being you and making this possible
15.01.2022 Tomorrow night - Every Thursday at 6.30PM If you are looking to be empowered, inspired, overcome challenges, heal your heart and make changes in your life then SISTERHOOD is for you... Sisterhood empowerment program is FREE 15week program. A place where you can meet up with woman who will help you overcome any challenges you are facing. At Sisterhood you will be welcomed, feel safe, be supported, encouraged and NOT JUDGED. A place where you can find solutions to the challenges you face. Whether it's dealing with drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, unemployment, homelessness, debt, abuse or any other trials that are stopping you from living a happy, healthy and full life. Come along and experience our life changing SISTERHOOD empowerment program. You are not alone. We are here to support, encourage and empower each other For more details about contact 0423890490
14.01.2022 Tonight’s topic we discussed We were honest and real about how jealousy has manifested in our lives. The problem with jealousy is that it masks other dysfunctions, feelings, symptoms, attitudes or behaviours that are even more hurtful to us and those closest to us. ... ...We’ve all experienced rejection at least once in our lives Who doesn’t want to feel accepted & loved?? I remember when my husband rejected me. I was filled with jealousy, rage, Low self esteem, felt worthless and broken. I couldn’t go to work, I isolated myself and drank alcohol to fill the void. Jealousy is often shielding deep-rooted feelings of blind rage, possessiveness, insecurity, distrust, paranoia or shame. Tonight we are learning to be strong by opening up, identifying, exposing and understanding our feelings and the core root of jealousy. How about you? Do you struggle with jealousy? Did you miss out on that job or promotion? Were you rejected as a child? the black sheep of the family? #JoinTheSisterhood What I’ve learnt through SISTERHOOD is the healing process takes time. Opening up and confessing is part of the healing process. Sisterhood is about not staying the same and healing from the inside out
13.01.2022 6.30 FREE 15 week program designed to uplift and empower women from all walks of life. We offer a SAFE SPACE with NO JUDGEMENT
12.01.2022 SISTERHOOD LIVERPOOL T O N I G H T @ 6.30PM 170 George Street Liverpool Library What will be your LEGACY... The Decisions you are making today will Impact your tomorrow. ... JOIN THE SISTERHOOD FOR CHANGE AND A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOU & FUTURE GENERATIONS
10.01.2022 Powerful night with incredible women who have so much courage to confront and expose what’s been hidden and brought hurt & pain for far too long Being real, opening up & being VULNERABLE takes real COURAGE... It's not weakness.... Being vulnerable is the beginning of change ... Turning pain into POWER Empowerment and Freedom came tonight for our beautiful ladies Every Wednesday 6.30pm At Liverpool Library #jointhesisterhood #JoinTheBrotherhood #manup #LegacySisterhood
10.01.2022 L I V E R P O O L SISTERHOOD EMPOWERMENT Liverpool City Library Every Wednesday @6:30pm... Everyone has a story & your story is important.... At SISTERHOOD not only will you make friends and be surrounded by amazing bad ass woman. You’re overcoming generational dysfunctions, bad habits, past trauma, and finding healing and wholeness
09.01.2022 Another powerful night with incredible women who have so much courage to confront and expose what’s been hidden. Causing pain and brokenness in us and our lives. At SISTERHOOD it’s a safe place to open up and identify, expose and understand our dysfunctions and the core root
08.01.2022 SISTERHOOD LIVERPOOL We Are On TONIGHT 6.30 Liverpool City Library 170 George Street... If you are looking to be empowered, inspired, overcome challenges, heal your heart and make changes in your life then SISTERHOOD is for you You’re never too far gone for SISTERHOOD ..... And it’s NOT too late Tonight there’s an opportunity awaiting you! Come as you are. We’d love meet you SISTERHOOD is a place where you will feel nurtured, supported, heard and seen.
08.01.2022 - Our topic - We exposed Heaviness When you feel the weight of the world upon your shoulders.... depression, suicide, anxiety, sadness, emptiness, loneliness, self-harm to name a few.... Too many lost lives to ... the hurt too much.... No hope and too tired to fight anymore My sisters are so courageous and honest. WE were REAL and talked about what’s heavy in our lives.... WE Identified the heaviness and darkness in our lives.EXPOSED & COMMITTED to deal to the demons in our house. Leaving no room for this dysfunction to rear its ugly head again We choose & is a place where iron sharpens iron. We sharpen each other and be there for each other is a place of Victory & Breakthrough
08.01.2022 - FREE 15WEEK PROGRAM Every Wednesday Night Sisterhood Empowerment Womens group All ages and walks of life are welcome... SISTERHOOD is a group of woman reaching out and empowering one another. SISTERHOOD is a safe and supportive environment
06.01.2022 What a great night sharing solutions, thoughts and creative ideas on how to empower, uplift and encourage one another. At SISTERHOOD We are solutions focused & we work together to identify dysfunctions and restore life If you want to move forward.... you got to give up the shit that weighs you down
06.01.2022 SISTERHOOD EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM Sisterhood will support you and strengthen you to breakthrough any challenge you are facing in your life Sisterhood will help you understand your emotions, beat overwhelm, manage stress, regain confidence and you will feel more in control of your happiness... Sisterhood will help you overcome any shame and guilt holding you back Sisterhood will help you heal The better you feel, the better you will perform in all areas of your life.... A better YOU, a better parent, leader, lover & role model
06.01.2022 2 - What is Sisterhood is a group of woman reaching out and empowering woman. No matter how big or small your challenges are we want to help you to release your worries in a supportive environment where you can share openly without judgment. ... Sisterhood is a Support network that goes beyond one hour weekly meetings. My motivation for Sisterhood is my love for people and to see people live happy, healthy and purposeful lives Join Sisterhood FREE 15week program Sisterhood is for Woman of all ages and walks of life. Come along and check it out
05.01.2022 170 George Street Liverpool Library @6.30PM F R E E 1 5 W E E K P R O G R A M... SISTERHOOD Is a self -empowered program for all woman, from all walks of life. WOMEN who are still facing personal challenges SISTERHOOD is TRANSFORMING women to overcome For more information call 0423890490 See more
05.01.2022 SISTERHOOD LIVERPOOL Awesome night with the ladies talking about dysfunctions. Our life experiences shape us, our realities, relationships and what we pass down to future generations.... BUT The dysfunctions in our life and our family bloodline can stop with US!!!! Tonight we..... IDENTIFIED EXPOSED UNDERSTOOD
05.01.2022 Pain travels though family...being passed down from one generation to the next.... Until someone says IT ENDS WITH ME Are you strugglingSuffering in silence Join #SISTERHOOD #MANUP... FREE 15 week program This is where the healing begins STOP the pain being passed down onto your children and future generations W E A R E B R E A K I N G GENERATIONAL & COLONIAL CURSES We are so proud of our sister who shared her powerful story of restoration in her family. She’s the interruption into her family bloodline and it ends with her 0423 890 490
03.01.2022 Sisterhood Liverpool New Rotation starting this Wednesday...Liverpool Library @6pm Sisterhood is a safe, non judgmental group of women who are overcoming life's challenges together by supporting each other
03.01.2022 S I S T E R H O O D - L I V E R P O O L Tonights topic EXPECTATIONS BORN TO BE REAL ... If you are looking to be empowered, inspired, overcome challenges, heal your heart and make changes in your life then SISTERHOOD is for YOU 15 All women welcome. U are Loved NOT judged Locations and more information Call me on 0423890490 #SisterhoodEmpowermentSydney MAN UP program also available for Men
03.01.2022 SISTERHOOD TONIGHT 6.30PM Liverpool City Library in the Silver Room 170 George Street Liverpool This 15 week Program is FREE... 0423 890 490 Are you stuck in a damaging cycle and want to BREAK IT Do you want to raise your kids DIFFERENTLY Sisterhood can help you... if you as a PARENT genuinely want to improve your life and your family WE ARE HERE FOR YOU COME as YOU ARE and CHECK US OUT.... All WOMEN from all Walks of life WELCOME We have the TOOLS and SOLUTIONS to BREAKFREE from any challenge you are facing
02.01.2022 If you are in the Liverpool TONIGHT @6.30PM Come& Check out our FREE 15Wk Program 170 George Street Liverpool Liverpool City Library... If you are looking to be empowered, inspired, overcome challenges, heal your heart and make changes in your life then SISTERHOOD is for YOU At SISTERHOOD you will be welcomed, feel safe, be supported, encouraged.... NOT JUDGED WOMEN Reaching out to WOMEN
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