Legendaddy in Gold Coast, Queensland | Business service
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 403 683 718
Address: P01 Stocklands, Pacific Pines QLD 4211 4211 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Eliminate all your excuses and conquer! I love training in the rain with Legendaddies, not because I love training in the rain but because of what it symbolises... a no excuses attitude. We had 13 legendaddies show up this morning, all of which woke up to rain and darkness at 5am or earlier (including myself) and yet every single one of them made the decision to get their butt down to the gym, knowing they would likely be training in the crappy weather. ... How many people do you know who will do that? For most people that would be the reason why they shouldn’t go! I do not blame anyone for making the decision to stay in bed on a morning like today. However for those who do ask the question What if?, and then take action on it those are the people who are going to win long term It’s not about training in the rain, it’s about turning your excuses into reasons to do the work. If you begin to do this in one area of your life and experience the positive effects of it, then this mentality will start to spread through the other areas of your life. How much better would your relationships/health/career/business be if you set aside all your excuses and just did the work and loved the process!? So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who is done looking for the easy way and is ready to do the work to become the fit, healthy leader of yourself and your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
25.01.2022 Epic epic epic session this morning! At 7am me and a group of 16 Legendaddies, and 3 of their kids made it from Snap Pac Pines to the top of Midway Terrace (a big hill in the neighbourhood for those who don’t live in our neck of the woods) and back again whilst holding an extra 5kilos, plus doing exercises at the top (hopefully we didn’t wake anyone up prematurely... ). It didn’t matter how fit you were, and it didn’t matter whether you’d been in the group for 3 weeks or 12 ...months, we got everyone to the top and back. Men who never thought that was possible made it a reality this morning. And I truly love it when the kids get involved too because at the end of the day these men aren’t here to just lose weight they are here to become the best possible role models for their families, and having their kids see them get involved with this , and them having an idea of what did is doing each week, is going to totally change their perception of health, and not just physically, but mentally as we continue to prove the importance of having awesome people around us Massive well done to all of the boys, and I’m so glad my ankle held up and allowed me to do this run for the first time since March #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
24.01.2022 Have you ever hiked for 6 hours straight? Yesterday me and 25 Gold Coast fathers conquered 15km (some did up to 20km) of rocky, steep, unrelenting terrain out the back of Mudgeeraba. It was gruelling.... One climb went for 5km, and every time we rounded a corner we thought this has gotta be the top, only to be met with another steep, rocky incline. It’s one of those experiences where the challenge of it can really get to you if you allow it to. You start asking yourself the question; Why am I here? Why do I do this to myself? The answer for each and every one of these GC dads is; because I need to be the most mentally and physically fit version of myself that I can be, if I’m going to excel under the pressure of being a full time working father who needs to set the example of how to be a strong and confident person for my kids You see it’s not about the challenge, it’s about who you have to become to overcome it. And these GC dads are the role models their kids need to ensure that they become the strong and confident people they need to be as they grow up #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Polly's Country Kitchen
22.01.2022 This is Perry. A father to 3 beautiful children, including a brand new baby boy He’s a long standing member of the Legendaddy Brotherhood, and he originally joined to lose weight. ... Like a lot of dads he remembered a time when he was fit and full of energy, and he knew he needed to get back to that so he could be the kind of father he wanted to be for his daughters and his newborn. So he came down on day 1 expecting to sweat his ass off (and he did) but what he didn’t expect was to find a community of brothers who thrived off the success of one and other! He didn’t expect to find a place where he could come, totally be himself, and feel part of a team. Perry has been with us for 4 months now, and yes he’s in great shape now, he’s lost over 12kg, but more importantly he’s excited about the process And when you can get excited about the actions you’re taking, the results you get are merely a bonus. You will keep showing up, and not just to see a particular number on the scale, but simply because you love it. When you get to that point that’s when your life actually changes, because now it’s just what you do So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who is in need of a LIFESTYLE transformation for yourself and your family and not just a quick fix then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
22.01.2022 What’s stopping most of us from living the life we really want, and the being who we really want to be? Yesterday me and a group of 31 Legendaddies began our journey from the base of Mt Bally on the Gold Coast, and reached summit safely at roughly 9:30am. In order for this to happen many of these men had to overcome their fear of heights, many of these men had to overcome their fear of injury. This trek is no joke, and it took a big leap of faith for some of the boys to rea...ch the top. There were points where fear threatened to stop them in their tracks. Isn’t that what happens to so many of us in our lives? We have goals, we want them dearly, but fear of the unknown, and fear of failure or loss immobilise us and cause us to settle for who we are today and what we have today... It’s a recipe for regret, because everything you are dreaming of is on the other side of your fear! If you’re a father and you want to be in great shape so you can really enjoy what life has to offer and be an amazing role model for your family so that they can follow their dreams one day too, then you can have that! Despite how busy/tired/unmotivated you are. Yes it will likely cost you a lot of time, effort, and energy, and yes you will probably screw up a long the way and have to adjust and try again, but the possibility is right there for you IF... You are willing to risk failure along the way, and if you are willing to get uncomfortable. You only get one crack at life, and you only get one shot and showing your children how to live it too. Do not take it for granted! So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who is in need of a lifestyle transformation for yourself and your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #tea @ Gold Coast, Queensland
20.01.2022 The difference between success and failure. This morning we had 14 Legendaddies rock up to the gym for our first session of the week, for 3 of them it was their first session. We’ve been training together for 15 months now and the sessions have gotten progressively more difficult to the point where a lot of guys who haven’t trained with us before need to take a few breathers throughout the workouts in the beginning. ... This morning all 3 of our new legends ended up feeding the bushes... I don’t tell you this because I’m proud of the fact that they threw up, I know some trainers get off on that... I tell you because of what happened next... These men, who are all complete newbies, who had never met anyone in the class before, who hadn’t trained in years and years, and then threw up on their first day, all came back through the gate to complete the session! And they all left with a smile on their face. Being the best, or beating the guy next to you does not make the difference between success and failure, getting your ass back up WHEN you inevitably get knocked down... THAT makes the difference between success and failure. It doesn’t matter what your goal is or what area of your life you’re trying to improve, your ability to role with the punches is going to determine how far you go So if you’re a dad who has been knocked down a few times, and has struggled to find the determination and motivation to try again then I dare you to take a chance on yourself and apply too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Snap Fitness Pacific Pines
20.01.2022 How you approach anything is how you approach everything. If you’re the kind of person who routinely aims to beat their previous record whether it’s in the gym, on a run, at work, or at home. If you’re the kind of person who challenges them self to find that last 3% of effort when you think you’ve given it your all...... It doesn’t matter what area of your life you do this in chances are that is simply who you are. It’s the standard you hold yourself to and it’s just how you conduct yourself. People who are truly successful in life tend not to be good at just 1 thing. They’re usually in good shape, they usually have great relationships, they’re typically happier than most people. And it’s not because they were born great, and it’s not because they never struggled in any of these areas (they probably struggled in all of them at 1 point or another!) it’s simply because they hold themselves to a high standard. Sure they could take it easier and get the job done. Sure they could slack off a bit because no one around them really cares. But that’s just not who they are, and that’s the reason why their lives are vastly different from everyone else’s. Is it easy to do? No... Can anyone do it? Yes! How? The best way is to do it alongside like minded people with the same goals. If you surround yourself with people with these same standards then naturally you will start to life your game as well. So right now if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who needs to raise his game and not just become healthy and energetic but also become the confident leader of his family, then here is your chance too own that result by joining our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
19.01.2022 Day 3 of the 25 reps for 25 days challenge. No massive landscape in the back ground today guys, just me in my living room talking about why I don’t usually like to do these challenges! But why this one is important
19.01.2022 Sometimes the hardest thing isn't achieving your goal it's letting go of the things that are stopping you from getting there. All my life I've been a people pleaser. I take great pride in being liked, and I base a lot of my self esteem around it. I'm not saying it's bad to want to make others happy, but when that means you hold your tongue when you should have spoken up, or you allow yourself to become stuck in place because you don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings, that...'s when you've got a problem. This is your life and you have to live it in a way that you feel is right for you. Not everyone will agree, and you have to accept that fact and move on. It's hard, especially when you do attach a lot of meaning to what other people think of you, but as leaders in our own lives we have a duty to ourselves to stand for what we believe in as individuals. Even if that means telling hard truths to people we care about. So if you're holding onto something that you know is holding you back or stopping you from giving 100% so you can level up and become the man you need to be then it needs to go. At the end of the day mate you must be ok with yourself, and own where you're at. Once you have that you're free, because the only way you can feel judged is if you judge yourself. Stand firmly in your truth brothers. Everyday is your day #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
18.01.2022 DAD OF THE WEEK! I’ve been honouring a member of the Legendaddy team with DOTW for the last year and half and yet I’ve never showcased their epic work outside of the private Legendaddy group before So every Monday I’m going to share the achievements of a father who has created an outstanding result for himself and his family ... This week Legendaddy @bennytimmis has been acknowledged with the DOTW award. He was introduced to the team in September of 2019 by his mate Jason, who had also made a serious change in his health. Like a lot of dads he’d set his needs aside to focus on work and family, but because he had spent years looking after everyone but himself he’d packed on weight, had less energy, and found himself getting angry at even little things. Ultimately I’m not prioritising himself he was having a really hard time doing as good of a job as he wanted to do in his work and family life, and this all had a major impact on his own personal wellbeing. But he made a commitment, and came to us at 123kg, still low on energy, but he kept showing up, he kept surrounding himself with men who would hold him to a higher standard. Before long he was holding himself accountable going for extra walks, and little circuits at home. He attended multiple team adventures with us, and completely shifted his attitude. These days he’s just dipped under the 99kg mark (a first since he was in his teens) he’s calmer than ever, he’s hiking with friends, playing with his daughters, he’s full of energy, and he’s actually leading other men in the group to improve themselves Good on you Ben you absolute legend #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Snap Fitness Pacific Pines
17.01.2022 Epic boxing session with a group of epic Legendaddies to start the day today Until you have a reason to wake up early and be on your A game you never will be. Find your WHY, and find equally motivated people to hold you accountable.... #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Snap Fitness Pacific Pines
17.01.2022 Epic Monday Morning Session! The brothers absolutely killed it this morning. We had 16 fathers wake up before the sunrise to gather and push themselves to their limits. I know that to some of you that isn’t immediately appealing ... But here’s why I can show you literally dozens of examples of fathers who have completely transformed their health despite thinking this was impossible initially... It’s simply because when you are encouraged and supported to give an effort that you thought you had lost the ability to give long ago, you feel that power and confidence return again. Remember how is used to feel when you would run as hard as you could or play a game of football with maximum intensity as a younger man? That’s probably something you haven’t felt in quite some time, and you’ve told yourself that you never will again. Well I’m here to tell you that you absolutely can. I see it every single week, when 30, 40, and 50 year old men hit the gym and smash out a workout together that would leave most 20 year olds for dead. It’s not because they’re freaks of nature it’s because they are immersed in an atmosphere and surrounded by people who are doing it too. If you want that feeling back in your life the opportunity’s there for you, but you’ve got to take it back for yourself So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who wants that feeling back and you’re ready to create the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Snap Fitness Pacific Pines
16.01.2022 Completed a 21km bike ride with my own Legendary Dad this morning! The first 13km were on dirt Which is bloody good considering he hasn’t ridden a mountain bike at all in the last 8 years... (man he’s going to be so sore tomorrow ). So proud of this man, and so grateful to have him as my dad! Such an awesome role model to have in my life ... #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
15.01.2022 The way you start doesn’t necessarily define how you finish... But getting off to a good start does wonders for the frame of mine! This morning myself, my beautiful girl friend and a small squad of Legendaddies were up to watch the sun rise over the ocean from Main Beach. We kicked off 2020 by smashing out a workout in a world class location, with people we love and respect. ... Whether you’ve thought about how you want this year to go or not, if you do have a goal, and you’re committed to being able to say you’ve nailed it this time next year, the best thing you could possibly do for yourself is to surround yourself with the people who will encourage, support, and challenge you to succeed. The people who will get you out of bed for an early morning adventure instead of convincing you to stay out late drinking the night before. The people who will remind you of your strengths when you’re having a hard time. The people who will go out of their way to make it easier for you to show up and get after the things you say you want! Make finding those people your priority if you want to see a big change this year #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Gold Coast, Queensland
15.01.2022 To give you an idea of what being physically fit and energised will bring to your life. Here is a picture of me and a small team of Legendaddies, plus family, friends, and my beautiful girlfriend We’re at the summit of Mt Bally which lies in the Gold Coast Hinterland. We woke up at 4am on a Sunday morning to see a sunrise over the entire region. Picture that plus amazing company, people who are equally as committed and enthusiastic about being there.... That’s what being in good shape, and having energy, and surrounding yourself with people who also have those things will bring to you in life... Adventure! Experiences that you can only have from being in good shape physically and mentally. There’s a whole world out there that very few people experience because their bodies won’t allow them to or because they fail to see the incredible benefits of getting outside and creating some memories! I hear so many parents complain about how kids don’t play outside anymore, about how new generations just want to stay indoors and stare at a screen all day. Why would they do any different when they don’t see their parents creating real life experiences! Living a healthy life isn’t about being able to show off your rock hard abs, or being so strict that you can never got out for a meal. Living a healthy life is about giving yourself the opportunity to really experience the world around you. Don’t stay trapped in a body that isn’t going to allow you that, and make sure you teach the next generation the same values. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Gold Coast, Queensland
14.01.2022 ALWAYS TRAIN ON MONDAYS The Legendaddies smashing their Monday morning! Also the man behind the sled, Ranjith, completed 48km worth of Kokoda over the weekend and still showed up this morning ... The message really it to start your week with a win, because how you begin anything is going to have a massive effect on how you complete it. If you feel, sick, tired, hungover... or just plain don’t feel like training don’t let that feeling persist. See that feeling as a sign that you need energy, that you need to feel alive! Move your body and watch how big of a difference it makes We know it’s not always easy to convince yourself to go that extra step, but fortunately this team of amazing dads also knows a thing or two about getting started and making big changes in one’s health physically and mentally. So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who is in need of a lifestyle transformation for yourself and your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: S1) Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question 2) Answer a few simple questions and leave your number 3) Myself or a Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
13.01.2022 One for the kids Comment below if you think you’ve got a better one... #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #dadjoke #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend... #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Gold Coast, Queensland See more
13.01.2022 The greatest obstacles are in your own mind. We all have dreams and aspirations in life, and yet very few people achieve them. We all (myself included) have reasons why we’re not where we want to be; I didn’t have the best education, I wasn’t born into a good family, my parents never taught me how... yet we’ve heard of extraordinary people coming from some of the lowest places in society. I’m not trying to say that that makes achieving our dreams any easier for us but it hig...hlights the fact that all of our excuses are just that, no matter how true they are. And the only thing ever holding us back is our own fear. For example: If I draw a straight line along the ground and I ask you to walk perfectly across, it would be a piece of cake for you, but if that line became a ledge, a foot wide, with cliffs on either side would you still walk it? Is your ability to walk in a straight line any better or worse than it was before? Nope! But now your brain is screaming danger, you hesitate, and you find a reason why you can’t. And that’s exactly what happens in all areas of your life. You have the means to achieve something great, but greatness never came without risk. That fear of losing what we already have is what holds us all back. The difference between the people who succeed in life and those who don’t is that they’ve learnt to manage that little voice in their head, and step out of their own way. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
13.01.2022 - 100 burpees - Several hundred push ups - Several hundred jump squats - Plus planks, star jumps, high knees, abs amongst other things...... Nope these aren’t athletes, and nope they aren’t 20 somethings with heaps of free time they can use to work on their fitness, and nope they aren’t guys who have heaps of experience with the gym and exercise. This is a team of ordinary fathers of varying levels of fitness who are all committed to showing up every single week and pushing themselves beyond what anyone else would expect of them purely with the goal of becoming the fit, healthy, and strong leaders (mentally and physically) that they need to be for their families. Every single one of the men in this picture have just completed a workout that was several times more challenging than what most fit young gym goers are going to do in their training sessions today, and that’s the reason why these men are going to become the role model their families need, because despite all the excuses they could be using, despite the fact that most guys in their position would doubt whether it was even possible they’re still pushing themselves to their true limits So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who is in need of a lifestyle transformation for yourself and your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
11.01.2022 Here are a few scenes of the Saturday beach bootcamp with the Legendaddies And man we are so lucky to have this epic scene on our doorstep! Even when it’s overcast and a little rainy this is still one of the best places to be at 7am on a Saturday morning!... An epic location. Awesome people. And a good run around #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Main Beach
08.01.2022 Day 2 of the 25 push ups for25 days challenge. Smashed them out with Jacob Mountney at Page’s Pinnacle. Such a beautiful spot to chill and reflect, definitely does wonders for the head and soul Smash them out Morgan Mc Nally Josh Arnold
08.01.2022 WATCH OUT! THESE DADS WILL OUTWORK YOU! It’s getting close to 2 years of the Legendaddy Challenge now, and in that time I’ve seen some epic moments. But this has to be one of my all time favourites...... In early December 2019 me and 32 GC Legendaddies took part in our 4th Legendaddy Evo event. This included bashing through Nerang state forest carrying buckets of rocks, kettle bells, cargo ropes, ladders, 44 gallon drums, a man on a stretcher, dragging tires, pushing wheel barrows, and bush bashing earning points for completing each challenge. It took us 4 hours, and a hell of a lot of sweat but we did it. 32 GC dads went out of their way, and sweated their nuts off in the forest for 4 hours... Why? 1. Because in order to be mentally strong enough to thrive whilst under the pressure of providing for your family you need to learn how to push yourself to your limits. 2. And when you take on the challenge of building that mental toughness with a whole team of other dads it actually becomes fun So damn proud of this team, and looking forward to achieving new and greater goals together in 2020! #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Nerang State Forest
08.01.2022 Hi guys I don’t usually allow myself to get roped into the internet challenges, but when it comes to mental health, it’s a cause that’s super near and dear to... my heart. Diseases of the mind like PTSD, anxiety, and depression are worse than diseases of the body in my opinion. It’s hard to deal with your own ups and downs at times, and it’s even harder watching people you care about succumb to theirs. The hardest part about it is there’s no drug that truly fixes the problem, there’s no amount of time that can go by that will ensure that the wounds are healed, and no amount of help from anyone outside yourself can change your the way you feel in your own head unless you are willing to do the work on yourself change it. And that is a long road. But every great journey has started with a single step, and we can absolutely create awareness and support one and other during dark times. So in honour of that, and thanks to my pal Jacob Mountney here is Day 1 of my #25pushupchallenge. (Which remind me, where are your pushups today Jay!?) I will be conducting 25 push-ups for 25 days to help raise awareness for things such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. I want nominate my uncle Morgan Mc Nally and my brother in arms Josh Arnold if you want to do it it would be epic to have you guys join me every day as I know you both can appreciate the relevance of this cause, but it’s totally up to you guys The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25, post it up, and tag me in it *If you want to nominate someone else go for it, but this is about us showing our daily support for all the men and women out there who struggle mentally, because we all know that feeling. #SUICIDEAWARENESS
07.01.2022 Well done LEGENDS! On the weekend 7 Legendaddies took it upon themselves to trek through 48km of bushland to not only challenge themselves physically, and as a team but to also honour the ANZAC’s who fought in Kokoda Papua in WWII. The brothers completed their trek in just under 13 hours, starting at 1pm on Saturday and finishing around 2am on Sunday morning. ... Despite having differing levels of fitness on the team they made a decision to get everyone over the line together, and they did just that Major well done to @jasonmurphy131172 @donnienoyes @zerovanilla @rishidadhe @aaron_muirhead Ranjith and Tony for your incredible dedicated, and team work Truly proud to see how far these dads have come as individuals and as a team of like minded men The day is yours boys. Congratulations! #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence @ Gold Coast, Queensland
07.01.2022 These 4 dads have lost 150kg between them... That is the number that is going to catch your attention because it is a pretty incredible statistic, but these pictures only show a tiny fraction of the real change that has occurred here. The pictures don’t show you who these men were when they first walked into the gym over a year ago. The pictures don’t show you all of the fear and doubt these guys held onto, and often ignored because it was too hard to face. The pictures don’t... show the change in how these men deal with their challenges then vs now. Losing the weight is obviously a positive thing, it’s what everyone focuses on, because it’s the most visual change, but it’s really only the tip of iceberg. In order to create this visual change on the surface serious changes need to occur below the surface... Each of these men had to learn to believe in themselves, each of these men had to learn to value themselves, and each of these men had to come to the painful conclusion that if they did not change then they would likely be heading towards an early grave and laying down a similar path for their kids, and they had to own this in order to change. It’s been over a year since each of these fathers were the guys you see on the left. The change they’ve experienced has been far from just physical but mental and emotional too. Exercise, and health in general is now just a part of who they are. It’s something they encourage and model for their kids every week, and because of this they’ve completely changed the trajectory of their family’s life. So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who needs a lifestyle transformation for yourself and your family then here is your chance. Come and join my team of over 50 GC dads for the next 28 Days for FREE, and find out what’s possible for you and your family *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Complete the questionnaire and leave your number Step #3: Myself or a member of my team will call you to make sure this is right for you #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic @ Snap Fitness Pacific Pines
07.01.2022 Who you could have been. This is Jason. He’s been a valued member of the Legendaddy team for just over 12 months now. He’s 48, and today he’s in the best shape he’s been in since he was in his 20’s. That’s an amazing thing to be able to say right? If you’re like Jas the thought that that could be possible in this stage of your life may seem totally insane! ... But I want you to ignore the picture on the right for a second and look at the man on the left. Back when Jason was that guy he had no clue (and neither did we) that there was this entirely different person somewhere inside of him. A guy who’s not just in great shape, but who also has energy to spare, a man who’s motivated, a man who can go months without touching a single drop of alcohol, and a guy capable of surrounding himself with friends who bring out the very best in him. Both the scary and amazing thing is: had Jason not decided to take that 1 tiny step, to put himself out there, and to come down to the gym and meet me and the legendaddies for the first time 12 months ago, he would still be the man on the left, the total opposite of who he is today. His life would be vastly different, and he probably would have continued on that self destructive path until it finished him. The point here is you and I have no idea what we are capable of. We’ve got no clue who or what we are capable of being. It doesn’t matter who you are you have the ability to completely change your life but you have never tapped into your full potential. Jason has done an amazing thing here but I guarantee you that there is another man within him today who is even greater than who he is right now. It’s in unending pursuit of that next version of yourself that is going to give your life meaning. Don’t miss out on who you could have been. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
04.01.2022 YOU’RE CAPABLE OF WAY MORE THAN YOU THINK! This tyre flipping madness was shot yesterday morning during our first Legendaddy class of the week. The man you see here is called Serg and along with 2 other men this was their first ever Legendaddy class. ... They went from doing absolutely no exercise at all to doing tyre flips, battling ropes, kettle bell squats, shoulder presses, pushups, and that’s only half of it... If you’d asked them a week ago if they thought they could have gotten through that they would have laughed and said NO CHANCE!. So why is it that the very same men in the very same shape were able to conquer a workout that most dads would have considered was way out of their league? Two things: 1) They had the courage to bet on themselves and walk through that gate and into their first session. 2) They had a dozen other Legendaddies backing them all the way, not just telling them what to do but actually getting stuck in themselves and showing these new legends what ordinary dads can do when they literally give it everything they’ve got Trying to do this on your own isn’t impossible, but it is way harder, and no where near as fun. You don’t get that sense of comradery with other dads in the same position. You don’t get that feeling of accountability on days when you don’t feel like going. And you don’t get the inspiration that comes with watching dads just like you hit goals you thought weren’t possible for a dad. This isn’t for everyone. Only dads who are totally committed to making a life long change for their families is going to fit in here. If you’re a dad on the Gold Coast and that sounds like you then here is a chance too join our team of over 60 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
02.01.2022 Amazing session with the Legendaddies tonight! At the end of the class we do an exercise called the circle of gratitude. Whilst we stretch we go around the group and everyone says one thing they’re grateful for. The purpose of the exercise is to just give the boys a chance to reflect on what’s going well in their life, as opposed to just defaulting to focusing on what needs fixing. One of the legends spoke about how in the last 3 weeks since he’s been coming he’s built up th...e fitness and the confidence to actually get out on the field with his sons during footy practice, something he’d always wanted to do but had just kept telling himself he didn’t want to embarrass his kids with his lack of fitness. Today he has no such feelings. He’s totally confident he can keep up with his boys and get out there with the other dads. And it’s simply because for the last 3 weeks he has been coming down and not just working out but pushing himself to his absolute limits, completing workouts he thought he never would have even attempted, and now the thought of kicking football around seems like child’s play! You create confidence by pushing your boundaries, and expanding your comfort zones. There are plenty of easier ways to lose weight but there is no other way to change your life. You have to expand what you believe is possible for yourself, and the only comes from finding your limits, and taking just one extra tiny step past them each time. So if you’re a father on the Gold Coast who doesn’t just want to lose weight, but wants to create total self confidence, and set an amazing example for your family then here is a chance too join our team of over 50 dads for the next 28 Days for FREE. *ONLY 10 FREE SPOTS AVAILABLE!* So, if you’re ready to change: Step #1: Click this link below: http://bit.ly/answer1question Step #2: Answer a few simple questions and leave your number Step #3: A Legendaddy team member will personally call you for our 1-on-1 consultation. #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
02.01.2022 NO MAN LEFT BEHIND! The Legendaddies completing the final lap of the field this morning. Many of the boys did an extra lap to support a new Legend Tim as he did his last round We only push ourselves as far as our environment demands. ... That’s why when you’re tired and you know you should make the choice to do some exercise, or when you’re feeling lazy and you know you should be preping up some food for the week, you lower your standards because it doesn’t feel like it’s essential. Yet you bust your butt at work every week even though you don’t feel like it, because your environment demands it! Everyone needs accountability otherwise we let ourselves off the hook all too easily. But when you’re surrounded by people who want to see you succeed and will encourage and motivate you to take the steps towards that success it becomes so much easier to make the decisions you know you should be. Because your environment demands it. And in time you begin to demand it of yourself #workout #fitness #fit #cardio #fitdad #dad #father #gym #muscle #motivated #workethic #beastmode #focus #legend #highstandards #team #environment #selfconfidence
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