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The reconnective path.

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23.01.2022 When we feel governed by things outside ourselves, the instinct of humans is to resist. Over time, and with conditioning, many learn to submit, and even to become a facilitator of the very governance they initially resisted. Much of this power play happens in early childhood, so the submission is seen as part of the self, and is unquestioned by the adult mind. It is only through awareness of self, and the unveiling of unquestioned beliefs that we can truly transform.... However this change can only happen at an individual level. Each awakening soul, helping to gently influence those around them with their new resonance. Force will never truly lead to true awakening, as force only causes resistance and submission, which is the very things we are hoping to free humanity from. By doing the work within ourselves, connecting to our souls guidance, and having gratitude in each moment, we will serve to guide those around us. It is through our own personal actions and frequency, rather than logic and information, that will see the world begin to transmute the old ways , and move into the new age of wisdom, harmony and love.

11.01.2022 I’m too sensitive , I’m overreacting I just shouldn’t say anything Why can’t I just be normal? Anyone else caught themselves saying any form of one of these to themselves? Every time we deny our emotional states they only clamour to be heard even louder. Allowing the feelings to come up and pass without judgement is a skill that can be learned and practiced. ... (See note at bottom of post) When we feel unheard by ourselves, it reflects back to us in the world around us. Yes, we often get conditioned to suppress our emotions around others in order to fit in, but that doesn’t mean we should then also deny their existence to ourselves. What I’m saying doesn’t mean we can should just express any emotion that takes our fancy at any moment. That could be chaos . But if our body and mind know that once we are in an appropriate setting, we will create space and time to allow those emotions to surface and release, a system of trust is built. And the harmony created within ourselves when we feel truly heard, then becomes what is reflected by the world around us. Note; When learning to allow the emotions, it is essential to also learn not judge them. There is no need to create a story around the emotions, simply pick a time to sit quietly, and ask your body and mind to bring the feelings to the surface. Do you feel like crying?,..... cry Do you feel like growling to yourself?..... growl Do you feel like laughing? ...... laugh ! Do not try to find your why in this exercise.... that’s not what it’s about. It’s about opening a trusting communication channel with body, mind and spirit, to allow tension and suppression to release. Words are not part of this communication, they only translate it into another energy form, thereby growing the energy, rather than releasing it. It takes practice, and sometimes it takes a few goes for anything to even come up (remember we’ve been conditioned to keep it suppressed. So be gentle with yourself during this process) But the more you do it, the better you get at it, and the more self trust it creates.

11.01.2022 Here is an interesting article for your Sunday. Scientists Explain How Intuition May Be The Highest Form of Intelligence! This article was published 2 years ago on May 26, 2018 By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution Staff Writer....Continue reading

08.01.2022 This picture made me laugh But there is much truth behind the humour. Mindfulness and gratitude in the present, is truly our greatest source of power.... Now for the other more difficult, less discussed issues this picture brought up for me ..... (I’m going to preface this next bit by saying, I believe in psychic phenomena and past lives. My experiences, awarenesses, and abilities in this life have left me with no other option or explanation other than to believe. If this isn’t something you resonate with, I understand! And give you advanced notice that the rest of this post probably isn’t for you ) Being told what is in your future, can change that future. There are many possible timelines available in any given moment, and psychics can usually tune into the most likely option. But just the awareness of that option can be enough to steer us onto an altered path. Here is a positive example of this phenomena (if only a fictional one) ........When the oracle in the matrix tells Neo he is not the one she sets him free of expectation, and in doing so allows him to become The one. A negative (again fictional) example of this, is a person being told they will meet the partner of their dreams in 6 months........ They go home after the reading full of positive energy and hope for the future. So when their friend rings to ask them to a bbq that evening, they decline, warm in the knowledge that soon they will be with their perfect partner. Sadly by declining this simple invitation, they do not meet a new friend, who in turn would have been the catalyst for their meeting of their future partner. There are similar pitfalls to delving into past lives...... By simply being consciously reconnected with the past lives we visit in a regression, we can attach to, or activate old patterns and traumas. That isn’t to say looking into the past is all bad, but doing it as a tourist activity seems counterproductive. Looking into the past with the intention to understand a current recurring cycle however, can bring new insight, and freedom from subconscious spiritual patterns. But this work can only be done well, if the subject is mindful of their behaviour in the present. Mindfulness in the present allows us to see the cycles of behaviour needing to be addressed and healed. I use all these tools in my healing work, and have seen so many positive outcomes. But going back to the original point. Presence and mindfulness are the key. Without them future and past are simply stories we are telling ourselves, to avoid the reality of the now. Yikes that was a long one. The guidance to write it was strong. Happy Sunday

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