Lenka Thompson, Macedon Ranges | Community
Lenka Thompson, Macedon Ranges
Phone: +61 425 786 377
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25.01.2022 #Kyneton #HaveYourSay #Wayfinding #StreetTrees Put a few things in an email, post or phone call to Macedon Ranges Shire Council by 26 Feb about how you want our Kyneton town centre to look, feel, operate. https://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au//Help-shape-Kyneton%E2%80%99s- Mine include:... More investment in active transport infrastructure so people are encouraged to walk and ride to shop. Increase street tree canopy, especially at Piper Street, Kyneton and Mollison Street, and the Bowls Club to cool footpaths for walking. Use local artisans to install and beautify our urban landscape with indigenous sculpture and Tangurung historical plaques. Wayfinding needs to be audited from each of Kyneton's 'Gateways' to ensure the street signage is directing visitors to key attraction in the town centre. More places to sit along these main streets.
24.01.2022 #AustraliaDay2021 #InvasionDay #DayOfMourning #26January Uncle Rick Nelson's smoking ceremony this morning atop Leangarook (Mount Alexander). A moment of silence to reflect on today and a smoking to cleanse the mountains spirits and the visitors who attended. A moving event that I feel really goes to the heart of how we can learn to "walk in two worlds" that make up this wonderful country we call home.... Thank you to Mount Alexander Shire Council for live streaming this.
23.01.2022 #SustainableDevelopment #HabitatRestoration #Planning Just after the #LG2020 Penë Rice and I went to have a look at the Glen Junor project in #Gisborne. We came away from the tour inspired as to the new way of developing land. Restoring, revegetating and respecting the land so that everyone and everything could be welcomed back to what had become a denuded and desolate landscape. This, we thought, was the future of how all new developments should be in Macedon Ranges Shire C...ouncil. It put environment front, centre and on a pedestal, where it should be, and it does it in a way that encourages wildlife to return and people to be immersed in their environment. #CrGrahamNeil is proposing to take this project out of the #GisborneFutures land plan which will also take the project out of the #CommunityConsultation process. I think this is wrong and I think the project should stay in the consultation process, where the project can be scrutinised by the community. Only then will the community will be able to decide whether it should be part of the future of Gisborne or not. This motion takes away our right as a democratic society to decide the future of our area and set a precedent of what we want land developers to do. Councillors Cr Annette Death, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Cr Anne Moore MRS South Ward, Cr Dominic Bonanno - Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Mark Ridgeway for Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Jennifer Anderson for West Ward, Cr Janet Pearce, West Ward- Macedon Ranges Shire Council have a very lasting decision to make with this somewhat throw-away motion, "That Council remove the land located at 284 Kilmore Road, Gisborne, known as Glen Junor, from the draft Gisborne Futures project. This is to include removal of the site from the proposed settlement boundary and draft Gisborne Structure Plan." There is no background or reason to this motion where a reasonable and well informed decision can be made.
12.01.2022 #RenameHuttonStreet #Indigenous Went leafletting with Harry this morning - Hutton, Ebden and Yaldwyn Sts now delivered as a starter. Look out for the magic that was created by KGMG Creative and printed by Kyneton Copy Centre It was great to meet some locals who shared our concern about the lack of Indigenous recognition in the area. Well done to Harry for keeping going with this campaign. I will be talking to the #Tangurung next week about next steps to finding some pote...ntial names - looking forward to it Sign the petition https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/renaming-hutton-street
04.01.2022 #LetterToTheEditor #Taungurung #McDonalds Kyneton is such a magic town - I have always thought this while growing up in Castlemaine and visiting it over my life time - the people who help create it's unique place in the Ranges is something to be celebrated and supported. Our local ideas, artisans, primary producers and industries are what make people want to see and be in Kyneton. This is also what I want to protect and enhance. My family and I are currently driving home from... northern NSW and the towns that have had a positive and real impact on me are those which have their own character - lively shop fronts and friendly owners who are proud of their wares. Definitely not those that are strewn with generic monotonous brands which mask what and who we really are. Here is my letter to the Midland Express this week. I was very happy to see it made the cut. There were other letters seeking to abolish the McDonalds and Service Station planning permit - this is a community speaking out. We have to listen to those who want to protect and enhance our lifestyle and surroundings, not destroy it by buying into multi-national barabrism that does not see us for who we are. Taungurung Land & Waters Council have a big stake in this application as the area for development has "High" cultural significance.
03.01.2022 #CouncilMeeting #CommunityEngagementPolicy #GisborneStructurePlan #ConflictOfInterest Wed 27 Jan 2021, 7pm https://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au//Council-Meeti/Minutes-Agendas... Notice of Rescission Cr Janet Pearce, West Ward- Macedon Ranges Shire Council That Council’s decision at its Scheduled Council Meeting on 16 December 2020 in relation to ‘PE.1 Application for extension of time for Planning Permit PLN/2015 2-4 Davy Street, Woodend’ viz: That Council refuses to extend the time allowed under Planning Permit PLN/2015/204 to complete the development be rescinded. Notice of Motion #CouncillorNeil That Council remove the land located at 284 Kilmore Road, #Gisborne, known as Glen Junor from the draft #GisborneFutures project. This is to include removal of the site from the proposed settlement boundary and draft Gisborne Structure Plan. AGENDA 1. Recording and Live Streaming of this Council Meeting 2. Present 3. Apologies 4. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 5. Mayor’s Report 6. Petitions 7. Adoption of Minutes 8. Record of Meetings of Councillors and Council Staff 9. Deputations and Presentations to Council 10. Director Planning and Environment Reports PE.1 Application for Planning Permit PLN/2020/165 198 Mount Gisborne Road, Gisborne Development of a telecommunications facility and removal of native vegetation (temporary impact to native grasses) PE.2 Planning for Melbourne’s green wedges and agricultural land submission PE.3 #CommunityInformationGuides PE.4 Draft Woodend Community Centre Master Plan 11. Chief Executive Officer Reports CX.1 Community Engagement Policy CX.2 Shortlisting candidates and recruitment of #ChiefExecutiveOfficer 12. Director Corporate and Community Reports CC.1 Councillor Code of Conduct 13. Director Assets and Operations Reports AO.1 Draft Malmsbury Botanic Gardens Masterplan 14. Notices of Motion and Rescission No. 09/2020-2021: Councillor Pearce No. 10/2020-2021: Councillor Neil 15. Urgent Business 16. Confidential Reports
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