Lenswood & Forest Range Community Association | Community group
Lenswood & Forest Range Community Association
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25.01.2022 ANY IDEAS? The Community Association is looking for low cost but fun ways to entertain everyone who attends a community picnic towards the end of the year. Bring your ideas to the general meeting this Wednesday night, 11th March 7.30 at the Forest Range Hall.
24.01.2022 MORE MEMBERS A reminder that membership to the Lenswood Memorial Park for 2021 is open for renewal or commencement. The Park is a great community owned asset, and the management committee is keen to make more improvements with financial support from community members. A membership form can be found at: http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au///Membership-2021-3.pdf
23.01.2022 WINTER The formation of an island on the edge of Noddys Dam, is always an indication that we have had good fall of rain! Winter weather finally arrived last week with over 85mm of rain recorded for the event.
22.01.2022 FOREST RANGE HALL The hall at the Forest Range Recreation Ground is a quaint, two storied, corrugated iron building, built after the previous hall, sited on the other side of the oval was burnt on Black Sunday 1955. Improvements have been made to the hall and the recreation ground in recent times and the facilities are available for community use at minimal cost. See booking details at: http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?page_id=42... Take the opportunity to check out the hall this Thursday night, 5th March at 7.30 pm when Chris Johnson will be telling the story of J & AG Johnson, Oakbank Brewers. There won't be BEER but the hosts, the local History Group, will be providing supper. See more
22.01.2022 CENTRAL RECREATION GROUND Sun coming up behind the few remaining Manna Gums, on a frosty morning, at the Central Recreation Ground at Forest Range. We would like to add more photos of our district to our website gallery. http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?page_id=5370... Please send images to LFRCA email [email protected] See more
21.01.2022 FIRE RESISTANCE We all remember the images of flames leaping above the former Lobethal Woollen Mill last December. Many may have observed some recent landscaping on the Mill Road corner. The Mill Road Pocket Forest is a bushfire recovery project which aims to establish an innovative demonstration site showing how home gardeners/property owners (including those who have been fire affected) can create a fire safer/fire retardant garden. https://sites.google.com/view/mill-road-pocket-forest/home Kim Jordon will be speaking about the project at our AGM this Wednesday night 22 July 7.30pm at the Forest Range Hall. All welcome. Social distance seating.
21.01.2022 DOUBLE TAKE People sometimes question why there are two doors at the entrance to the hall at the Lenswood Memorial Park. The buildings original use was for football club change rooms. Inside the hall, there are two more doors on the far wall. They opened to the shower block. With the decline of the football club in the early 1960s, the building became the hall. The shower block became the kitchen. Another shower block was built behind the kitchen when football restarted. Now, some time after football again declined, the kitchen has been extended into the second shower block!! To learn what might be the next incarnation at the park, come to the AGM on Monday 3rd August at 7.30pm at the park club rooms.
20.01.2022 RUBBISH COLLECTION It has been reported that Adelaide Hills Council is considering implementing a user-pays collection system aimed at reducing the increasing cost of land fill. The payment system would be in addition to council rates paid by residents. If you have thoughts or questions on this proposal, come to the Community Association meeting this Wednesday night and have a discussion with our local councillors and other residents. Wednesday the 24th of June, 7:30pm at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road, Forest Range. Social distancing seating.
20.01.2022 FOREST RANGE POST OFFICE The Post Office on Lobethal Road is in a rustic building, made available by the generosity of the Martin family. The Forest Range Recreation Ground Committee operates the agency. The office is open for one hour each weekday from 9am. Local fruit, vegetables, jam and honey is often available for sale. A portable defibrillator is mounted on the front wall.... A unique experience can be had by making a call in the phone box! See more
20.01.2022 PICKET FENCE The second stage of surrounding the Bill Joyce Oval with a picket fence, will soon be under construction, thanks to the Lenswood Ranges Cricket Club gaining further funding for completion of the project. The current dry conditions may well be to the advantage of the contractor. Congratulations to the Cricket Club for their foresight and their efforts to make things happen. Lenswood Memorial Park AGM Monday 3rd August 7.30pm at the club rooms.
20.01.2022 FOREST RANGE CINEMA Celebrate our relative pandemic freedom with the re-opening of the Forest Range Cinema! This Friday night 6th November at 8.00 pm at the Forest Range Hall. There will be a FREE ENTRY, OUTDOOR screening of the Australian classic, Young Einstein! The exciting adventures of an apple grower and inventor. Bring cash for the candy bar and seating suitable for sloping ground and clothing suitable for the south pole!... Also, there is a general meeting of the Community Association on Wednesday night 4th November 7.30pm at the Forest Range Hall. See the agenda at: http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?p=5673 See more
18.01.2022 Welcome to our new Facebook Page - check here regularly for new updates and remember our website http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/
18.01.2022 SWAMP ROAD Formerly named German Swamp Road, this end of the Lenswood Valley is far more scenic than the name might suggest. In recent times, changes to land use has seen a change in character to this stretch of land. Apple orchards have been replaced with vineyards, cellar doors, new residences, hire accommodation, - and more tourist focused businesses are planned. A recently completed project is Pavilions at Lenswood. Opened on the 25th March 2020, during the Coronavirus... pandemic, Pavilions at Lenswood features two self-contained pavilions, aimed at those who wish for a more enhanced accommodation option when experiencing the sights and attractions that the hills have to offer. Director, Aaron Haarsma plans to build two more pavilions and a home for himself. https://pavilionsatlenswood.com.au/ We look forward to the end of the pandemic and seeing more visitors come to the new attractions at this end of the Lenswood Valley. See more
17.01.2022 FIRST AID TRAINING A first aid course will be held on 27th August, 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, at the Forest Range Hall, 1263 Lobethal Road, Forest Range. BYO lunch. There are some spaces available. If all spaces are filled, the cost will be $116.60 per person. If you are interested in participating, please contact Claire Filsell. ... [email protected] See more
17.01.2022 VILLAGE GREEN The sound of leather balls on willow bats echoed around the cricket ground in front of the new picket fence at the Lenswood Memorial Park.
16.01.2022 HAPPY FEET The next FREE ENTRY, OUTDOOR Forest Range Cinema will be screening HAPPY FEET on Friday night 15th January 8 pm at the Forest Range Hall. Bring cash for the CANDY BAR, warm clothing for a cool evening and seating suitable for sloping ground. A unique way of getting together in these unique times
15.01.2022 IT'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT by the Hazelnuts - Artlist
15.01.2022 CENTRAL RECREATION GROUND Next to the Ford on Stony Creek is the Central Recreation Ground. In 1889 it was the home ground for the Central Cricket Club, later named Forest Range Cricket Club. At that time, the land was privately owned and was later placed in trust for community use. In the 1970s the trust handed the land to the Onkaparinga District Council. The recreation Ground is home for two war memorials, interpretive signs, a row of memorial ornamental trees, picnic b...enches, a memorial car park and open space surrounded by native trees. The land is owned by Adelaide Hills Council which has supported the Forest Range and Lenswood History Groups activities in the restoration of the memorials and the remediation of the environment. There will not be a ceremony at the WW1 monument this year, but the flag will be flying Lest We Forget. https://historylfr.wordpress.com//anzac-2020-service-canc/ See more
14.01.2022 MOUNTAIN VIEW The Lenswood and Forest Range area is surrounded by mountains! Nothing like the Swiss Alps, but it seems that any prominent peak approaching 500 metres elevation was given the nomenclature of mountain. Mt Lofty 727m, Mt Bonython 677m, Filsell Hill 617m, Marble Hill 615m, Mt Misery 560m, Mt Crawford 636m, Mt Torrens 585, Mt Charles 521m, and the dominant looking, Mt Barker, is a mere 360 metres above sea level! Many of these peaks can be viewed from vantage ...points along the roads in our district. http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?page_id=5558 See more
14.01.2022 LENSWOOD MEMORIAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS The kitchen at the picturesque park's club rooms has recently been renovated and now provides a clean, bright, food preparation area for the sports clubs and hirers. The work was mostly made possible by a generous grant from Onkaparinga Lions Club. Read more about the project:... http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?p=5527 See more
14.01.2022 MEMBERSHIP It is the time of year again to renew your membership or join our association. We appreciate the support that the community gives to us. Please download a membership form from our website. http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au/?page_id=573 Proposed activities for the coming year include The Forest Range Cinema, a community picnic, maintaining the Heritage Trail, more involvement with the Lenswood Centennial Park and having entertaining or informative guest speakers a...t meetings. We also continue to promote our district via our website and Facebook page. We welcome other ideas, especially those that help to bring the community together. Our AGM is on Wednesday, 22nd July, 7.30pm at the Forest Range Hall. See more
13.01.2022 GET TOGETHER A unique opportunity for members of the Lenswood and Forest Range community to get together in these socially isolating times, will be at the Lenswood Centennial Park from 9am on Sunday 13th September. It will be the inaugural event to attempt to control cape broom on the eastern side of the park. Bring gloves and morning tea and join in for a couple of hours of socialising with secateurs.
13.01.2022 SN (Steve) NORTON MEMORIAL TREE The Lenswood Memorial Park was opened in April 1949 as a memorial to those of the community who served in World War Two. Near the parks entrance gate is a tree, planted in memory of Stephen Norton, the inaugural secretary of the Park Committee. Steve was killed in a car crash at the age of almost 43. His eldest brother, William, was killed in WW1 and his youngest brother, Hartley, was killed in WW2. Their names are recorded on the two local ...war memorials. Next month, May 15, will be the 70th anniversary of Steves death. For more information about Steve, follow the link. https://lfrpeople.wordpress.com/2020/04/26/norton-steve/
12.01.2022 Keep an eye on the history of our region at https://www.facebook.com/LenswoodForestRangeLocalHistory
11.01.2022 GRAFFITI The toilet block in the Lenswood Centennial Park has again been graffiti attacked. This is after the area has had floodlighting installed. The Adelaide Hill's Council has been notified. Last year volunteers covered up the graffiti on the graffiti on the Lenswood Land Mark - Fred's Tank. Volunteers are continuing to keep the area in front of the display mowed. Fred's tank has been "decorated" for many years. Read about the history of the tank:... https://lfrplaces.files.wordpress.com//placesofinterest_-_ See more
11.01.2022 YOU HALL YOUR HUB Community groups and sports clubs are combing to promote awareness and involvement in our community at this event to be held at the Lenswood Memorial Park Hall on Sunday 25th October, 11am to 2pm. A presentation by CFS captain David Kumnick, using time lapse images of aerial photography, will show how the Cudlee Creek Fire spread through the hills. Bushfire preparedness will be promoted. Join us with this socially distanced social get together, around the sausage sizzle.
10.01.2022 TO AUTUMN By John Keats Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless... With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run; To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; - Photo: Forest Range
10.01.2022 SCAR TREE The scar on the roadside gum tree at the Lenswood Centennial Park, was not the result of bark being cut to make a coolamon or a shield. It is the result of a passenger bus full of marching girls crashing into it. They were travelling to perform at the Lenswood Apple & Pear Festival in 1965. Several girls were injured. A Civil Defence vehicle on display at the Lenswood Memorial Park was brought into action, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NidP32BOlm4&t=25s
09.01.2022 RAIN AND RUST It has been six months since the Heritage Trails steel sculptures were installed in the Lenswood Centennial Park. Thanks to the welcome rain in April, the silhouettes have now taken on their intended rusty patina. Being laser cut from heavy gauge steel, it should be another century before rust will cause the structures any damage. https://historylfr.wordpress.com/heritage-trail/
09.01.2022 YOUR HALL YOUR HUB This community get together, will be held at the Lenswood Memorial Park this Sunday 25th October 11 am to 2 pm. It is being organised by The Community Reference Group that is related to the Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery. Similar events are being held in other towns affected by the Cudlee Creek Fire. The aim is to promote the use of community halls and create awareness of community clubs and organisations. There will be a presentation by CFS captain, David Kumnick, at 12.00 noon, followed by a sausage sizzle.
08.01.2022 THE POWDER ROOM At the rear of the Forest Range Hall is a room where dancers would retire to and attend to their make-up. This probably was most likely to occur after dancing the Alberts accompanied by the Bill Scholtz Band. The Powder Room after many years of declining to become a storage room, has been repurposed and turned into a kitchenette. This has been assisted with a surplus cupboard bench being made available after renovations to the Lenswood Memorial Park kitchen.
08.01.2022 IMPROVEMENTS POSTED A group of Forest Range residents have put in time and effort to improve the amenity at the Forest Range Post Office. An additional entrance step has been built to improve safety and garden beds have been installed and planted with ornamental native shrubs.
07.01.2022 LENSWOOD GENERAL STORE & POST OFFICE The Lenswood 4 Square store was built with a residence by Tom and Vickie Leany in 1946 about the same time as Lenswood Motors began next door. The shop later became the Lenswood General Store and took on the role of Post Office. It has been operated by several owners over the years. https://historylfr.wordpress.com/shops/ In 2007 the shop was purchased by Donna and Andrew Mann and is currently operated by Andrew Mann. The store is open... on weekdays. While dispensing mail with cheerful conversation, Andrew also makes very good coffee to accompany his home-made baked goods. Andrew is a Mann of many talents and has held leading roles on community committees. When called upon, he will even catch a rough snake for you! See more
07.01.2022 COCK WASH CREEK The source of the creek is near the top end of the Lenswood valley, the northern end of Cold Store Road. Stony Creek joins Cock Wash Creek near Leslie Road and it continues down Swamp Road, through Cobbs Hill Vineyard and towards Oakbank where it flows into the Western Branch of the Onkaparinga River, north of the Oakbank Race Course. In the early days of settlement, the creek was known as Blackwood Creek and the lower end as Wash Creek. Are Lenswood residents comfortable with the current name? Email your thoughts to the L&FRCA secretary. [email protected]
06.01.2022 THE HOLLY TREE The holly tree at the Lenswood Primary School is resplendent with red berries. It seems like the holly tree has been there forever. It has been in the background of photos for many generations of students. It has provided shade for a water tank, canvas drinking bags, and has been decorated with Christmas festive lights! A superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it. If the holly tree were to die (nature forbid), would it herald the demise of the school?
05.01.2022 DOWNHILL The stretched-out field of cyclists in the Santos Festival of Cycling, peddled down Cold Store Road at Lenswood last Friday afternoon. Lenswood failed to win the Best Dressed Town Competition!!
05.01.2022 FRIENDS OF LENSWOOD CENTENNIAL PARK Having established the Heritage Trail, we are keen to continue our involvement with the Lenswood Centennial Park, with a view to improving the amenity for visitors. We have gained approval from Adelaide Hills Council to attempt the control of weed growth on the eastern side of the park. We have also registered our association with the Landscapes SA Board. We have been recognised as a volunteer group and are now covered by their volunteer i...nsurance for activities including pulling weeds, cut-and-swab, brush cutting and the like. We invite volunteers to join us for our first get together to attack the Cape Broom infestation. Sunday 13th September 9am to 12 noon at the picnic table below the car park. Please bring gloves and morning tea. Everyone is very welcome, even if just calling in for morning tea or to watch others at work! We also welcome further ideas to improve the park. https://www.youtube.com/watch See more
04.01.2022 YOUNG EINSTEIN The outdoor pandemic version of the Forest Range Cinema was well attended by young families. Sited next to the hall on a cool evening, the unique setting was complimented by fire pits, bean bags, rugs, cushions, pop corn and hot drinks. The film about a Tasmanian apple grower who discovered how to put bubbles into beer was well received by the local apple growing community. Our thanks to Adelaide Hills Council for providing funding for the sound system which helped to make a great show.
04.01.2022 BUSH WALKING Winter is a good time to explore the rugged country above Forest Range. A popular track in the Crawford Forest Reserve starts on Croft Road and follows the Prankerd Road/Mawson Trail/Stone Hut Road. Landmarks are Stone Hut and The Duck Pond. This track ends in the Montacute Conservation Park and joins George Road at Castambul. More hiking information at: https://www.facebook.com/Hillbilly-Hikes-411998572737608
03.01.2022 APPLE TIME The apple industry has characterised our community for over a century and has continued to be an important economic driver. Apple harvest is well under away and the quality of fruit being picked is excellent. This is very pleasing following two seasons of damaging hailstorms. Apples are selling very well along with many other supermarket items in this difficult time of social isolation. Lets hope that an apple a day continues to keep the doctor away!
02.01.2022 STROLL IN THE PARK New developments at the Lenswood Memorial Park include the recent completion of the picket fence surrounding the Bill Joyce Oval. The Hills Archers are now making the park their home and have been converting the old canteen into their clubhouse. The Park is proudly community owned and relies on financial support by community members. Support the park by renewing or commencing membership: http://lenswood-forestrange.org.au//up/Membership-2021.pdf
01.01.2022 Progress is being made at Lenswood Centennial Park in removing weed growth.
01.01.2022 MORE PICKETS The Forest Range Oval also now has a picket fence! Well, in this case, one panel of wooden pickets, made redundant from the fencing of the Bill Joyce Oval at Lenswood. The pickets now close off the dangerous access at the Forest Range Hall. They also help to contain young children attending the Forest Range Outdoor Cinema.
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