Leo Sydney Asian Himalayas | Non-profit organisation
Leo Sydney Asian Himalayas
Phone: +61 476 164 548
Address: 120 the crescent homebush west 2140
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24.01.2022 For all my Lions FB friends. Now you know the International convention has been cancelled in Singapore. The question you ask is what next? As I understand it ...the International Board will meet in early April. This will be a virtual meeting. One of the decisions will be the International Convention. Staff have been looking at the alternatives over the last month or so, including the availability of venues and the cost of moving the site. You may not realize the amount of equipment the the Convention division has to ship to the convention. With the cancellation of flights this becomes difficult to manage. On top of that is the election process and the constitutional requirements. Of course we have border shut downs and, the restrictions of non residents entering many countries. I will let you know as soon as I do if any decision that is made in relation to the International Convention.
24.01.2022 Lest we forget!
24.01.2022 Again the original International Mega Twining Program Focused On Hunger Relief 2.0 I am with you as the coordinator of this program - we want to record again like last time - Now we have got a few more countries with whom we will complete this program in all countries - We are going to do this with Leo friends from #15 country we will go forward with everyone's support... *#REGISTRATION_OPEN_FOR_ALL INTERNATIONAL MEGA TWINNING FOCUSED On Hunger Relief 2.0- Dear Leos Leaders, Leo Clubs from different lota of countries are organising an International Mega Twinning Project, scheduled to be held on September 11th-18th, 2020. Organizing Committee Member: 1. Leo Ismail Alvi - Imm. Past President Leo Club of Chittagong Chittagong Metropolitan Leo District 315-B4, Bangladesh 2.Leo Newana Tandukar District 325-B1 Nepal 3.Leo Khaja Pasha past Multiple districts president Leo District 320 , India 4. Leo Melli Anna District President LDC 417, Madagascar 5. Leo Micheal Taiwo Leo Club Dopemu Lagos Nigeria. District 404B1,Nigeria 6.Leo Isuru Sapuarachchi Leo Club of Piliyandala Leo District 306 A2 Srilanka 7.Pakistan : Sawan Ahmad Multan Galaxy Leo Club, Leo District 305-N1, Pakistan. 8.Australia : Leo Kshitij Budhathoki President Leo sydney Asian himalayas leo Dist,201N5 Australia In this regard, we cordially invite all leo clubs from different parts of world to join this International Mega Twinning Project, Focused On Hunger Relief - Dry/Ready Food Distribution Program. Interested clubs can join us by replying/ sending email in below mentioned information. Last Date of Joining will be September 2nd, 2020. We will share details of the project with them. Required information of registration mentioned below; Name of Club: District: Country president Name: WhatsApp Numberworld resident: Email address of President: Looking forward to welcome Leo Clubs from the world Details: Leo Ismail Aziz (Alvi) Leo Club Of Chittagong Metropolitan LDC 315-B4, BANGLADESH Organizer-(Food Distribution Program) Ph: + 8801677297033 Whats app- +8801677297033 Email: alviismail44@gmail.
22.01.2022 One of the most important ways to reduce the likelihood of transmission of Coronoavirus is to practice good hand hygiene, by washing with soap and water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser. This is an important protection against both the spread of seasonal influenza, and COVID-19. There is also a general COVID-19 Federal Government Hotline on 1800 020 080. This is operational 24/7.
21.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day While it is important to spread awareness about the importance of mental health today, it is also important to highlight the incredible organisations that are there to help should you or someone you know not be OK. Today, not only ask your family, friends, co-workers or colleagues are they OK, but follow up, listen and make sure they seek professional help.
20.01.2022 Congratulations to LEO RUTH SPENCE (Central Queensland Leo Club in 201Q2) on receiving an INTERNATIONAL LEO OF THE YEAR AWARD from Lions Clubs International. Great recognition of her passion and commitment towards Leos.
19.01.2022 Lead stress free life We are going to do mental health awareness campagin.Every month in different suburbs community centre. -Yoga/mediation -Story telling... -Providing counselling(first aid service) -Storytelling -Entertaining We all go through tough times and people help us through them. Other times we have been worried about other people’s mental health. Whether they are a friend, family member or colleague, there are many ways to support somebody you care about.Sometimes it will seem obvious when someone is going through a hard time, but there is no simple way of knowing if they have a mental health problem. Sometimes you don’t need to know. It’s more important to respond sensitively to someone who seems troubled than to find out whether or not they have a diagnosis.Although certain symptoms are common with specific mental health problems, no two people behave in exactly the same way when they are unwell. If you know the person well, you may notice changes in their behaviour or mood. Signs of depression People who are depressed may: * have low confidence * lose interest in activities they normal enjoy * lose their appetite * get tired easily * be tearful, nervous or irritable. At worst they may feel suicidal. Signs of anxiety People experiencing anxiety may: * have difficulty concentrating * be irritable * try to avoid certain situations * appear pale and tense * be easily startled by everyday sounds. Panic attacks Panic attacks are usually a sign of anxiety. Someone having a panic attack experiences a sudden and intense sensation of fear. They may breathe rapidly, sweat, feel very hot or cold, feel sick or feel faint. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) OCD is a common form of anxiety involving distressing repetitive thoughts. Compulsions are the actions which people feel they must repeat to feel less anxious or stop their obsessive thoughts. If it is a family member or close friend you are concerned about, they might not want to talk to you. Try not to take this personally: talking to someone you love can be difficult as they might be worried they are hurting you. It is important to keep being open and honest and telling them that you care. It may also be helpful to give them information of organisations or people they can reach out to. Get help - There are lots of services and people that can help and provide assistance. GP (doctor) Counsellor, psychologist, social worker School Counsellor Emergency Services 000 Community Health Centres Crisis support services like Lifeline, Kids helpline Seek support from family and friends, youth group leader, sports coach, priest, minister or religious leader etc. Strong people don't put others down. They lift them up. For further information contact us [email protected]
19.01.2022 How can you contribute to control COVID-19 outbreak? Attending short courses? I have completed two short courses 1. Infection Control Training - COVID 19 2. COVID-19 Awareness Program... Link for these are: https://covid-19training.gov.au/login.php https://taleem.me/courses/covid-19-awareness/ (Please enter code COVIDFREENP for free) Register and do this now.
19.01.2022 In line with health advice, from midday (12pm) today, the following non-essential activities and businesses will be temporarily shut down: o Pubs, registered clubs o Gyms, indoor sporting venues o Cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos, and night clubs o Restaurants and cafes will be restricted to takeaway and/or home delivery ... o Religious gatherings, places of worship (excluding small weddings and funerals that comply with the 4m2 rule, which can proceed). These are tough times, but we can get through this together by following the health recommendations. For up to date information, please visit: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au
17.01.2022 Charity night for Firefighters has been successfully completed.Australia is the second motherland for Nepalese staying in Australia. Australia has made everyone independent, educated and well-established. However, it is our duty to give something back to Australia, when it is in need. Our sincere thanks to Mark Coure MP , Member for Oatley + Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure, for supporting us for the charity and cultural night for fire fighters.Thanks to the special guest Hon.consulate General Deepak Khadka PDG Elvio Munzone, DG Jennifer Touzel, Cabinet Treasurer Peter Touzel https://www.facebook.com/149005528479543/posts/2833637410016328/?d=n
17.01.2022 Attending Leo District Forum 16 February 2020 @ Bankstown Sports Club .It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss communication, marketing and formulate a District Project. The Leo District will now begin consultation with each Leo Club in the region, to organise the Leo Project. Keep an eye out for the Google form! #weserve #Believeandachieve #Togetherwecan
15.01.2022 Government of Australia has decided it’s $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package today which Primarily seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed. Major Key Points of the Package are : 1. Casuals, self-employed and other workers who have lost their job due to the coronavirus will be paid at least $550 a fortnight under the jobseeker allowance.... 2. Anyone who has lost work because of the coronavirus crisis will be able to apply for the jobseeker allowance - which is up to about $550 a fortnight - and get an additional short-term top of $550, meaning many unemployed people will be eligible for $1100 a fortnight. 3. The boost to income support was one of several economic measures announced by the Morrison Government today, which together total about $66 billion. 4.The payments will be delivered by the Tax Office as a credit on activity statements from late April. The financial impact is so severe and uncertain that this second package is unlikely to be the last. It’s Operation, Implementation and Measures are yet to set by the government. The policy and it’s further measures and Technicality is in progress and updated in its due course. Thank You. Sources: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/health/news-story/ https://abc.net.au//coronavirus-economy-second-stimulus-pa
15.01.2022 This morning Lion leader Jon Copson was sworn into the position of District Governor of 201N5 by Lions Clubs International President 2020/21 Dr Jung-Yul Choi via a virtual induction oath.We would like to congratulate Jon on his achievements so far and look forward to him leading over 70 clubs here in Sydney and on Norfolk Island. Jon's personal District Governor theme this year is "By embracing diversity we can change the world". This is certainly very prevalent as we embrace great diversity in the LGA of Parramatta.
14.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/719831544759594/posts/2739248929484502/?d=n
14.01.2022 This year things are going to be done just a little bit differently...but all from the luxury of your home! Mark these dates into your club’s diary! Membership Initiatives & Development Saturday 30th May 2pm to 3:30pm (PDG Elvio and Team) Club Secretary’s Development Sunday 31st May - 10am to 11:30am (Paul & 1VDGE Sunil) Club LCIF Co-Ordinators Development Sunday 31st May - 1pm to 2pm (Genevieve & PDG Nigel) President’s Development 13th June - 10am to 11:30am (PDG R...on, 2VDGE Vin & Team) Leadership Development 20th June 10am to 11:30am (PDG Ron & Team) Treasurer’s Development 20th June 12:30m to 2pm (Cabinet Treasurer Peter) Service Development 21st June 10am to 12pm (PCC Warren & Team) Zone Chair Development revision 27th June 10am to 12pm (GAT, DG Team, Elizabeth & PDG Greg) DGE Goals and Message 28thJune 10am to 11:30am (DGE Jon, 1VDGE Sunil, 2VDGE Vin) Registration to the sessions will be via Google Forms with a link below for you to follow and register for 1 or multiple development sessions. https://forms.gle/22YQZF1FsrDYKYAQ9 See more
14.01.2022 FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT TAKING SOCIAL DISTANCING SERIOUSLY. This explains it really why we should be staying home. Now CA is officially on lockdown. Stay home. This post puts the Coronavirus in layman terms and helped me understand better. Maybe it will help you too! This is from an immunologist at Johns Hopkins University:...Continue reading
09.01.2022 "Parents are encouraged to keep their children at home"
09.01.2022 Australian EMERGENCY Notice; If you feel unwell, have a fever or sore throat. PLEASE do not go to the medical centre/family clinic or the hospital, please contact the communicable disease control branch directly. There will be a doctor who will visit your place of residence and do a check up on you, it will be free of charge. Do the right thing! Contact Numbers by State ... WA: 08 9222 8588 ACT: 02 6205 2155 NSW: 1300 066 055 NT: 08 8922 8044 QLD: 13 432 584 SA: 1300 232 272 TAS: 1800 671 738 VIC: 1300 651 160 (Copy paste share) #spreadtheword
08.01.2022 New club officers coming soon :- The success of each Leo club depends on the dedication of its leaders. By accepting an officer position, youth have an opportunity to develop leadership qualities and skills. Leo club officers lead club membership development efforts and plan service activities. Leo leaders should demonstrate integrity, possess the ability to communicate and inspire, and recognize the individual needs and interests of club members. Leo Club Officer Roles Leo C...lub Presidents manage club and board meetings, advise other club officers concerning their responsibilities and develop club members into a successful team. Leo Club Vice Presidents assists the president and assume the president’s duties if he or she cannot complete the term. Leo Club Secretaries maintain records of officers, committee appointments, members, attendance and service activities and update club information, membership records and service activity reports in Mycl Leo Club Treasurers receive and deposit all club money, disburse club funds when authorized by the Leo club board of directors and provide a monthly financial statement to the Leo club board of directors. Leo Club Board of Directors consists of the Leo club president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and three elected Leo club members. This group also executes the business of the club, including the authorization of all club expenses. Leo Club Advisors The success of a Leo club depends on positive involvement of Lions. Leo club advisors serve as mentors, motivators, counselors and role models. See more
08.01.2022 Glimpse from Charity night with firefighters
05.01.2022 https://fb.watch/1PGIF1AXLu/
03.01.2022 Real-time information.. Put your finger in the World Map to know the effects of Corona in the Country you need to know.. Fantastic concept https://www.covidvisualizer.com/
03.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/unicef/videos/611197326501423/?vh=e&extid=gEnhDWuFlbGqGmjk
01.01.2022 Our Clubs help deliver an average of 3000 environmental programs each year. From restoring wetlands to planting new trees, Lions are doing their bit to nurture our Earth. This Saturday is #LionsAwarenessDay2020. Why not ask your local Club how you can do your bit too? #WeServe
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