Les and Lee Legal Reasearch Centre in Quirindi, New South Wales | Education
Les and Lee Legal Reasearch Centre
Locality: Quirindi, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6746 3515
Address: 2 George Street 2343 Quirindi, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 https://corpau.blogspot.com//bill-of-rights-1688-valid-in-
24.01.2022 The new proposed changes to the Public Health & Wellbeing Act 2008 are nothing short of repugnant. AG Jill Hennessy has exceeded her powers and Chief Commissioner of Police Shane Patton is acting utlra vires.
23.01.2022 Live at Police Headquarters at 313 Spencer Street Melbourne Australia reporting THEFT of Rain-making Control Act 1967 archives ; PLUS RECRUIT VIC POLICE to join... the 70 NSW whistleblower cops called COPS FOR COVID TRUTH ; plus report Conspiracy admitted by Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt that the government is lying about flu stats and failing to do the required surveillance of flu viruses { bumped into Channel 9 reporter at the start of live and gave him the NSW police whistleblower document} MY EMAIL [email protected] MY MOBILE +61434178638 - here is the link to the SEVEN PAGE WHISTLEBLOWER letter from Nsw cops at my team’s new website www.chasetruth.club. Then the Rain-Making Control Act 1967 can be found at https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au//rain-making-contro/016 Plus Here is the latest admitted lies of the Australian Government in failing to monitor flu cases in 2020 https://www1.health.gov.au//Cont/ozflu-surveil-no13-20.htm #chasetruth See more
23.01.2022 Hi I am looking for more Court cases re Trespass I have a few on my No Trespass sign as below, I am looking for some more recent, preferably Council related. Thanks in advance.
22.01.2022 The omnibus bill in Victoria was passed today, BY THE LOWER HOUSE
21.01.2022 This is extremely important to comprehend. The two laws.. One applies on land One applies at sea Never the two should cross. ... How did we get a legal system? Our law is supposed to be, lawful. See more
19.01.2022 Anyone want a copy? (Photocopy) Found it in a second hand shop. Keep the bastards honest ! Photos of Table of contents in comments ! ... I’m thinking it’s pretty good knowledge to pass around !
15.01.2022 The Federal Court of Australia says Scott Morrison’s Immigration Minister acted unlawfully .. in conduct which can only be described as criminal. Are you goi...ng to sack him, Mr Morrison, or is engaging in criminal conduct consistent with your ministerial standards? Full judgement here: https://www.judgments.fedcourt.gov.au//si/2020/2020fca1354
13.01.2022 This is the very act, that makes the landmass of Australia, an ocean and this act, gives birth to the legal system. Thanks so much Gough Whitlam, the pm of the... labor party in 1973. This is just one of the 403 acts he created, to remove you the people and your wealth and destroy the commonwealth, from within. See more
13.01.2022 Good afternoon all. There is a number of things i need to highlight and point out, that most seem to forget or ignore about our lawful constitution. The gover...nment is a corporate body, with absolutely no, i repeat NO, adherence, to our lawful constitution, at all. Its all lies and deceit, to fool you! Many, this last year, have tried to argue with me and others, that they can do this and that, under this section and that section of the constitution! Let me tell you now, they can’t! At all. Fact. They are in breach, of every section of the constitution. Fact. They have no right under any section of the constitution, to do anything! Fact. Not one single person, elected, meets section 44. Not one politician is lawfully elected. Not one. How can they then use something they are in breach of, to rule you? Fact. You attend a vote, every 3-4 years, to elect a board and a CEO. The board is the cabinet. The CEO is the pm. None of this is yours! It does NOT REPRESENT YOU! You actually have no say in it! You think you do, but you don’t. Fact. You do not have a Governor General. You have a puppet! Yet another breach. Fact. The Australian government is in breach of every single section of the constitution. Fact. To all those who think they can use this section or that section, as justification, your wrong. Very wrong. You can’t use section 51 as a justification for anything. The Australia act, was created under section 51, but how so? It is in breach of every other section of the constitution! Fact. How many forget or ignore these simple words.. section 51 says, subject to this constitution! Not one person, elected, is subject to the constitution! Not one and thats been the case for decades, not years. Not one, meets the requirements of section 44. Fact. The constitution, created the states, 106, 107, 108 and 109, therefore, the states, cannot escape the constitution, but many, will try and tell you otherwise! A blatant lie. The enemy is within. You know the enemy! They are all criminals! Every single one is, no matter how much you like them or look up to them or believe in them, they are all, criminals! Every single political party, is unlawful, unconstitutional and breaking the law. The enemy is within, people! The most dangerous, insidious, enemy of the people, is in plain view and yet you argue about it and have an opinion about it and cannot unite as one voice about it. Until you realise and do unite as one, with one voice, on one thing, nothing will change and it all will continue to get worse! Focus people!
13.01.2022 Do you know there is a law that supersedes all governments? And if used correctly we can dismantle them all just with the stroke of our sovereign pen. It’s true... but only if you use it CORRECTLY. We can all do it! Too many out there think they are using article 61 Magna Carta correctly & they aren’t. Please keep reading to find out how to use it correctly & effectively. We absolutely need to unite as Australian men & women but protesting & petitions are not going to get the politicians removed & a reset on the system happening, only article 61 can do that. It’s actually playing into their hands. We don't protest that is what they want. Our Oath protects us but we can't break Common Law, a protest can be taken as a breach of the peace allowing them the excuse they need to use violence against the People. Protests are a form of begging. We don't beg criminals. They are the ones committing fraud & treason. Not us. We must remain honourable. Sadly all the people filling out My Will letters, cease & desist etc (I know you are trying to fight for us & it’s truly appreciated) are contributing to the problem & actually consenting to the illegal treasonous governments as they are basing their Will on the 1901 constitution. This is not our constitution, it is a fiction the government made up. Governments don’t make constitutions. The people do. They are lying to you as they do everyday on TV & in social media. You can’t beat government by playing in their rigged arena( legal system).You’ll never win over all in the long run. The 1215 constitution is a Sealed Treaty between the king & the people forever binding in perpetuity it cannot be changed, repealed or amended by anyone e crept the people at a constitutional convention of the people. We’ve never had one. The security clause (article 61) of Magna Carta is for us to have the power & lawful standing to fight the treason & remove all politicians, their heinous acts, statutes & legislation & restore our common law rights & create a government that serves the people, not the other way around. The security clause was put there by the Barons to protect the people. It was invoked on 23rd March 2001. In order to use Magna Carta you have to have taken the oath to be lawfully able to stand under it & use it. Keep reading to find out how. I can’t stress this enough. You can’t fight the current system with the current system. The pen is mightier than the sword. Governments have been committing treason against us with a pen for centuries & now it’s our turn but we have to do it correctly to supersede them. The only thing that will stop all tyrannical governments & all corporations/industries is article 61 Magna Carta 1215. All the people need to come together & stand under it & it will win. The government knows this which is why they don’t dispute any of our notices & are trying to discredit us in the media. Article 61 Magna Carta is the highest law in the Realm. Since the Barons invoked a.61 Magna Carta on 23 March 2001 all government & their legal system cease to exist & they became null & void, we are now in Lawful Dissent. Common Law under article 61 Magna Carta supersedes everything else when used correctly. It immediately means we have lawful excuse to stand against the Government legal system & control as soon as you take the Oath to protect your Sovereignty. To be clear it has nothing to do with freeman on the land. Sovereignty is the highest law & supersedes everything else. Learn the real Constitution & how to use it. Going through the current treasonous court & legal system is actually committing treason because it perpetuates them. By using them you are consenting they are lawful & they are not. Once we have redress, we the people reinstate true law. There is no waiting, time is short to protect ourselves, our children & our freedom. We need to be under oath, using article 61 correctly. We need to unite, not just as Australia but as a commonwealth & once & for all get rid of the treasonous governments who enslave us & reinstate common law & a government that actually serves the people as it should. We are starting our push for redress now & with enough of us under oath using article 61 correctly we can seize back our government buildings in Australia & around the commonwealth. There are 70+ countries that come under Magna Carta when you get through their lies & bs & We need to unite. Once we get our buildings back we can have a convention of the people & reinstate true law (court de jure) in our courts & government & elect people to serve the people, not the other way around. The people as a whole should always be in charge. They are preparing us for new world order (agenda 21). We are already owned by the Vatican & the UN is trying to take over the world. 1 country can’t fight the UN alone they are in all countries, we need to come together as a commonwealth & fight them together! Below are the links for thorough in-depth learning of how to truly use Magna Carta correctly. No one else is actually using it correctly. They are free & you are given & shown how to do everything correctly & why it is done that way. Joining does not compel you to take the Oath. You can look & learn & find out for yourself before you do it. Join up, learn it, action it & SHARE it! Practical Lawful Dissent Australia Practical Lawful Dissent UK/Canada/Commonwealth Practical Lawful Dissent New Zealand. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2580605148659033/?ref=share https://www.facebook.com/groups/754338414949984/?ref=share https://www.facebook.com/groups/2226222924335609/?ref=share Look up your straw man (dead entity) & how you were birthed on a ship & they fraudulently signed you up with citizen-ship (dead at sea) with a birth certificate (your all caps surname) to register you on the stock exchange to make them millions every year. This is where the governments money comes from, it’s their cash cow. How did they do this? By bringing in admiral law. They are a registered corporation to Washington DC & owned by the Vatican. A foreignly owned company. We aren’t sold out to China we are owned by the Vatican! They have no standing on the land in Australia only Norfolk Island. Their jurisdiction starts 200 metres off shore of our country which is why it’s admiral law (law of the sea not the land). The only true law that immediately severs you from all this treason is taking an oath via the barons to stand under article 61 Magna Carta 1215 constitution. Don’t believe me? Research all of it for yourself while the truth is still out there.
10.01.2022 Government Fraud, please share the truth. The Australian Government and their attempt to fool the people. The government in the Constitution is not the government or parliament we vote for. https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review
09.01.2022 ON THIS DAY 1900 ROYAL PROCLAMATION UNITING THE PEOPLE OF THE SEVERAL STATES INTO THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA [ A legible version of the Proclamation follow...s] 120 years ago , an elderly lady, Victoria, Queen-Empress of the most powerful Empire in the world, waited patiently at Balmoral in Scotland for a telegram announcing the results of a referendum in distant Western Australia. This was on whether the people wished to join the Commonwealth of Australia as well as advising of consequential addresses from both Houses of the WA Parliament praying that Western Australia might be included as an Original State of the Commonwealth. The referendum was passed by 44,800 Yes votes to 19,691 No votes, a decisive majority of 25,109. The news of this and the addresses came. The Queen was thus able to be ' satisfied that the people of Western Australia had agreed to join the Commonwealth', as required in the legislation. . Accordingly she issued the Royal Proclamation below. This declared that the people of the several colonies should be united into a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the commonwealth of Australia on 1 January 1901. TEXT OF PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION UNITING THE PEOPLE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, VICTORIA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND, TASMANIA, AND WESTERN AUSTRALIA IN A FEDERAL COMMONWEALTH. (Imperial Statutory Rules and Orders, revised 1948, Vol. II., Australia, p. 1027.) 1900 No. 722. At the Court at Balmoral, The 17th day of September, 1900. Present: The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. The following Draft Proclamation was this day read at the Board and approved: A. W. FITZROY. By The Queen PROCLAMATION WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament passed in the sixty-third and sixty-fourth years of Our Reign intituled, "An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia," it is enacted that it shall be lawful for the Queen, with the advice of the Privy Council, to declare by proclamation that, on and after a day appointed, not being later than one year after the passing of this Act, the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, and also, if Her Majesty is satisfied that the people of Western Australia have agreed thereto, of Western Australia, shall be united in a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the Commonwealth of Australia: And whereas We are satisfied that the people of Western Australia have agreed thereto accordingly: We, therefore, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, have thought fit to issue this Our Royal Proclamation, and We do hereby declare that on and after the first day of January, One thousand nine hundred and one, the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia shall be united in a Federal Commonwealth under the name of the Commonwealth of Australia. Given at Our Court at Balmoral, this seventeenth day of September, in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and in the sixty-fourth year of Our Reign. God Save The Queen!
06.01.2022 ~ANY~COURT~WITHOUT ~A~JURY~PRESENT~ IS~AN~ADMINISTRATIVE ~COURT~ 'The law is absolutely clear on this subject. There is NO authority for administrative courts i...n this country, and no Act can be passed to legitimise them.' ~Halsbury's Law 2011~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One example, is from a Supreme Court Case, held some years ago Yesterday in the Supreme Court of NSW before Justice Hume [the duty judge], the following conversation took place: Justice Hume: "Ms Rafailidis, why is it that you wish to make a special appearance before Kogarah Local Court?" Ms Rafailidis: "I do not wish to file a defence in the matter your Hon., because if a defence is filed, I would subsequently be submitting to the jurisdiction of the court" Justice Hume: "That is correct, but unfortunately that is the procedure". Ms Rafailidis: "Your Hon. isn't lawful procedure to be judged by one's peers, being 12 men and woman who in swearing "So help me God", proceed to make a judgement based on their conscience and what is right? Is this not an inalienable right of every living man and woman as provided by the Magna Carta?"... Justice Hume: "Ms Rafailidis, the Magna Carta has been superseded by many Acts, The Supreme Court Act, The Judiciary Act....." Ms Rafailidis: "Your Hon., the Acts you mention are all Acts of Parliament. The Magna Carta is not an Act of Parliament and therefore can never be repealed by another Parliamentary Act. The Magna Carta is a Treaty, A TREATY between the people and the reigning Monarch which guarantees the Common Law rights of every living man under the Constitution. I do believe that as a judge, your Hon is aware that The Magna Carta is a part of NSW Legislation, Imperial Acts Application Act 1969, Section 43". Justice Hume: [SILENCE FROM THE JUDGE...............] [Acquiescence] Ms Rafailidis: "Your Hon., The Magna Carta will always be a part of Law, as we live in a democratic, common law country, The Magna Carta will be alive until life ceases to exist on Earth". Justice Hume: [SILENCE FROM THE JUDGE................] [Acquiescence] Courtesy of ~Danny Mak~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Commentary: Ms Rafailidis, could have presented three questions on the relevance of the Magna Carta, establishing the Justice as a second witness by acquiescence, and followed up with something like: "we have an agreement that, The Magna Carta, is to this day and beyond, a valid and standing treaty that offers protection at law, to all men and women within Commonwealth countries. ~M~ Below Pictures: 1st) An Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900, Imperial/United Kingdom, and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, Commonwealth, and : 2nd) One of Four original copies of Magna Carta 1297, This one held in Parliament House Canberra. [Why have these thing displayed as founding documents of law, if the government/administration is in contravention of them, therefore abhorrent? (Asking for a friend)]
06.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT- this is a fake corporate administration. A legal fiction at law. The parliament of the commonwealth is your true parliament. Do you know the difference?
05.01.2022 PART 19 - GOVERNOR-GENERAL: THE 78B NOTICE (LETTERS PATENT) GOVERNOR-GENERAL Under the Constitution purportedly created at Federation, Chapter 1 Part 1 General ...Section 2 purportedly enables the appointment by the Queen (Victoria) for a Public Office appointment of a Governor-General. The purported commission is obtained by the Letters Patent. I state that in relation to Letters Patent document (1900), any purported signed document must be exhibited with United Kingdom Hansard Records, or, the document will be challenged as a forgery, in breach of Articles I and Il of the 1688 Bill of Rights, such Articles making the Monarch of the United Kingdom subject to both Houses of the United Kingdom Parliament. Hawke’s Letters Patent (1984) Mr R Hawke was an Honorary Citizen of Israel, and as such, any document or instrument signed by Mr Hawke is herein challenged, inclusive of the alleged sale of the Commonwealth Bank (1991 Rudd’s Letters Patent (2008) By the time Mr Rudd became Prime Minister the Queen had been illegally and criminally removed January 2004 from specific Acts within Australia, thereby placing Rudd’s Letters Patent under challenge in this litigation The Judiciary Act 1903 The Judiciary Act 1903 at Section 78B demands a written notice to all Attorney-Generals, But, Section 88 (Judiciary Act) compels the Governor-General to do the notice. To all Attorney-General’s EXHIBIT IS MARKED BWS /..22 See more
03.01.2022 To ALL Politicians.
03.01.2022 Well, look here, Acting as! Its all an act and their highly payed ones at that...they keep telling you and you keep ignoring it..
01.01.2022 Australian Political& Religious Leaders. Treason Treachery and Sabotage. a book by renowned Constitutional Scholar - Dick Yardley. Complimentary digital copy t...o every Aussie Patriot Roll enrollment until 31 December 2020. Online enrollment link: https://www.cognitoforms.com//OurLawfulRebellionAussiePatr We recommend you view our T's & C's for full details of enrollment and offer. Redemption is by email after enrollment is confirmed. See more
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