Lesley Matthews Tutoring in Jimboomba, Queensland | Tutor/teacher
Lesley Matthews Tutoring
Locality: Jimboomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 400 490 325
Address: 21 Roberta Ct 4280 Jimboomba, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Week 1, Term 3 Term 3 begins next week. Welcome to all families who have been with us for some time and those who are new to this tutoring scene. This might be a good time to recap some of the basics things to know about how we work. Where a student is struggling with concepts being taught in their year level class, we search for the missing understandings upon which the current work is meant to build and work on that. Much of what we do is filling in foundations in order... to prepare the base for future learning results may not show in assessment results for some time, but they will show eventually. Often improvements in self-esteem and a more positive mindset will be the first noticeable improvements. This micro business runs on a small profit margin. Fees have not gone up for more than seven years, as we want the service to be available to as many families as possible. Keep in mind that my husband and I fill the roles of janitor, cleaner, yard-worker, secretary, teacher-aid, bookkeeper, teacher, purchasing officer etc, etc and that there are many hours of work of one sort or another standing behind the one-on-one sessions provided. There are only 38 working weeks available in which we are able to earn our living and only the hours before and after school each weekday to work in. It is essential that fees be paid for every scheduled lesson whether or not your child attends Private schools and sporting clubs etc do not provide refunds for missed days the budget won’t allow for it. It is the same with us. Without adherence to this rule, the service cannot continue as we will not meet our overhead costs and make a living. Please, if you cannot continue with tuition (for whatever reason), to enable us to fill the vacated position smoothly with no loss of income, provide us with a minimum of two weeks’ notice (fees are due during those two weeks even if the student is unable to attend). If I haven’t answered your queries, please give us a call or drop us an email or text. As far as I can see, there are no holidays or student free days during this term and the term is 10 weeks long for all public and private schools. If this is not the case, please advise and fees will be adjusted. Term 3 invoices have been emailed. I look forward to seeing each of you at the appointed time in this coming week, starting July 15. Enjoy what remains of the school holiday. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
24.01.2022 If the pencil has already been put there prematurely, please let's provide all of these experiences anyway to have fun, relieve the stress, build fine and gross motor muscle and develop problem solving skills.
23.01.2022 Dear Parents, Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mums. We hope you are enjoying time with your family and being celebrated for all you are and all you do. With the planned reopening of schools set for Monday 11th and 25th May, we intend to fully reopen the Learning Centre from Monday 25th May. Australian Tutoring Association has advised us not to open fully until restrictions are lifted from schools. Only a few students are attending - working outdoors and following social dista...ncing rules. In order to help us plan and get ready to reopen, please let us know your intentions: If your child starts back to school on Monday, and you would like to also return to tuition from 11th May please advise us. If you are not planning to restart tutoring from 25th May, please let us know so that your child’s spot can be reallocated to another family. If you are planning to return as soon as your child is back at school, please let us know, now. If you have any questions or if you need to let us know your intentions, please email or call us on 0400490325. Invoices will be prepared once it is clear when schools will reopen and who intends to recommence tuition. Until we see you again, take care of one another. Kind Regards, Lesley Matthews
23.01.2022 Welcome to anyone checking out this page for the first time. Be assured that there will be spots for one-on-one tutoring available in Term 2 even though we are not exactly sure on the method of delivery just yet. If you are interested, please watch this space or give us a call on 0400490325 to register.
21.01.2022 Have a think about this idea. What are your thoughts?
21.01.2022 Hello Everyone, The last tutoring days of the year (including any holiday sessions) have come and gone, and we are all done until Tuesday 28th January 2020, which is the first day of the State School Term. Some private school students will commence on Wednesday 29th. Rob and I would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your child/children in 2019. We wish you the very best for Christmas and the New Year. We hope and pray that you and your family will... be truly blessed over the coming weeks and that everyone will have time to rest and revitalise ready to make the very most out of 2020. Please remember to return your Request for Placement in 2020 Form preferably before Friday, January 13, to provide me with the information I need to make up a new timetable for the New Year. I’ll be in contact again a little before that to remind you. Until next year, have a very restful and special family time and we will see most of you again in 2020. To those who are moving on, we wish you and your child/children all the very best in the years to come. Feel free to offer any feedback that you think would be helpful. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
19.01.2022 Hi to those parents considering enrollment in 2020, YES, we do have a few places available in the New Year. Please make contact, preferably before January 10th and throw your hat into the ring seeking a placement. Let’s have a chat about your child’s needs and plan for a one-on-one personal program to support his/her learning. Give me a call on 0400490325.... We look forward to hearing from you. Rob & Lesley Matthews
16.01.2022 Week 4, Term 3, 2019: Hi Everyone, Can you believe it? We are four weeks into Term 3. Everything is going well and all students are making progress. Learning Strategies: So far, we have talked about the strategies 1. Set Goals, 2. Get Motivated, 3: Read, Read, Read and 4: Intentionally Use My Senses to Learn. Week 5 strategy will be 5. Ask Questions Wonder.... Multiplication and Division Tables: In week 1 we worked on the 2x table, Week 2, it was the 5x table and in Week 3 the focus was on the 3x table and this week (Week 4) we have looked at 4x tables. Next week we turn our attention to 6x. For students whose classroom teacher specifies a set of tables to be studied for homework each week, we will work on that set in the lesson. Spelling: Students who have spelling as a regular part of their homework are welcome to use my Spelling Practice Sheet. It provides activities to make the practice more effective. If you are interested, please ask me about it next lesson. It would help if I could see your child’s homework as I have a variety of styles of practice sheet, one to suit each homework situation. Catch-Up Saturdays: As fees are due for all lessons even when they are missed for unavoidably reasons, we offer the opportunity for students to catch up. The catch-up day date for this term is Week 9: Saturday, September 14th. Appointments can be made by phone call, text or email. Until next time, Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
16.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Latest news is that initial tests from staff and students at Parklands Christian College have returned negative. A second set of tests have been conducted this week and they too have returned negative. As a precautionary measure, the school has continued to be closed for the rest of this week. So, unless more information comes to light advising otherwise, we will recommence tuition on Monday 10th August. Invoices will continue to be issued monthly until this cris...is has passed. Parents have been credited for days when our service was unavailable to you. August account with credit applied where applicable have been emailed. Be assured that the regular and thorough use of disinfectant and hand sanitiser is taking place within our Learning Centre and all will be clean and safe when you return. In the meantime, stay safe. We look forward to seeing each of you in the coming week. Please LIKE this page. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews See more
13.01.2022 Hi Tutoring Family, I hope you are not finding the current restrictions too taxing and are finding creative ways of doing life within the new normal. Please use this strange and challenging time to reassess what is truly important and take the opportunity to learn new things. Many of you have collected work folders for your child to engage students until the school holidays. I recognise that worksheets are not wonderfully engaging and not the best way forward, but with the ti...me pressure, this was my best answer to the need at the time. There is every possibility that the current restrictions will continue into next term, with no attendance at school or tutoring, so it is essential that we find alternative methods of engaging in our tutoring sessions. Be assured, I am onto it! You will be notified of the options I can make available as soon as I have completed my research and experimentation. We can work it out. Stay tuned. In the meantime, please follow the guidelines provided by the authorities and take very good care of yourselves and your families. I believe that this time can be extremely valuable to all of us as we reassess our priorities and our capabilities. As for me and my house we will exercise our faith and trust in God. We encourage you to do likewise. We will be praying for each of our students and their families. God Bless We will be in contact again soon Lesley & Rob Matthews
12.01.2022 Week 8, Term 4, 2019 I hope you have enjoyed the lack of newsletters this term. I’ve been pondering the most effective way to deliver news to parents. Facebook posts and emails have not proved wonderfully successful in the past and neither have handouts. It seems that we are all so very busy and somewhat immune to printed information. Please, if you have an idea about how to communicate successfully, let me know: What sort of communication are you most likely to read and act ...upon? This is an experiment. I am delivering this newsletter by email, Facebook and handout. Please help me out by letting me know which way/ways worked for you. Our Learning Centre Term ends on Monday December 2. At that point my current timetable will be scrapped and a new one will be formulated for 2020. Next week I will send some more information about how that works and a form for you to record your needs and preferred lesson days and times for 2020. Holiday appointments: I have been asked about holiday lessons and decided to offer some Wednesday lessons to those who would like to take the opportunity during the holidays. The fee for these lessons is $70 per hour. The time spots are 8:00, 9:00, 10;00, 11:00, 12:00, 2:00 & 3:00 on Wednesdays, December 11 & 18 and January 15 & 22. If you have an interest in this possibility, please give me a call on 0400490325 to book your child’s spot. Some bookings have already been made. Kind Regards, Lesley Matthews See more
11.01.2022 After Lockdown: Hi Everyone, Parents may have some new perspectives on their children’s learning since the up-close-and-personal time provided by the school shutdowns. Please share any newfound understandings, especially if you believe they will help me support you child’s learning. If your child has had difficulty with any concept in his/her work from home material, please let me know so that we can endeavour to clarify the matter. All students are set to be back at school o...n Monday 25th May, so I will expect everyone back at Tutoring from then on. The timetable remains as it was before shutdown unless a change has been discussed and a new agreement has been established. If you have not yet received you invoice, it will be sent out by the end of the week. When making a payment by online funds transfer, please make sure you add an identifying reference to ensure the payment is credited to your account. So, here we go again. I look forward to seeing each one as the week unfolds. Kind Regards, Lesley Matthews
09.01.2022 As I was preparing for the coming week, I found these glasses in my school room. If they belong to your child, please call to make a claim.
09.01.2022 Found this helpful word of advice from a leading child psychologist. https://www.facebook.com/BadApplePressPublisher/videos/1422123611327076/?t=120
08.01.2022 How did it get to be Week 8 of Term 3? Learning Strategies: Since my last Newsletter we have looked at the following Learning Strategies: Be Prepared and Keep My Eyes on the Job... In weeks 9 & 10 we will consider: Believe in Myself and Know My Learning Style Multiplication Tables: Week 6 was 7x and , Week 7 was 8x and , This week (Week 8) we are working on 9x and Week 9 will be 12x and And in Week 10 we will look at square numbers (numbers 1-12 multiplied by themselves) e.g. 2x2, 3x3.12x12. (Unless your child’s teacher allocates a set of multiplication facts to study for the week. If I am informed, we will work on that set.) Younger students are working on Basic Number Facts numbers which add together to give each of the numbers between 3 and 10 We are considering the facts and their turn arounds (3+4= 7 and 4+3 = 7). Students in year 3 are building multiplication facts using blocks and noticing the turnarounds (2x3=6 and 3x2=6) Catch Up Saturday: Remember that fees are due for all scheduled lessons whether attended or not. So, if your child unavoidably missed a lesson, please make contact to organise a catch up. There may be a time during the week when a lesson time is available. Otherwise, there are some spaces left on Catch-up Saturday, which is the end of next week on Saturday September 14. Please call to book a spot. Personal/confidential Stresses on families: If there are circumstances putting stress on the family and particularly the child who is my student, please let me know. Such conversations are confidential. Having some understanding of the concerns that are placing pressure on a student helps me to be compassionate and avoid upsets. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
07.01.2022 The more our senses are involved in an activity, the more we learn from it. The same is true of all children from 1 to 100 years old.
06.01.2022 Dear Tutoring Families, We hope you have had a blessed Christmas and are enjoying some well-earned rest and recuperation after all the stresses, strains, joys and excitement of 2019. 2020 is looming on the horizon and there is some preparation I must do to get the tutoring year off and running. This preparation is for each specific student and I need to know which students I have continuing. I ask for your cooperation in that if you have not done so as yet, would you please ...return your Notice of Continuing/Discontinuing in 2020 and Request for Placement in 2020 Form ASAP and definitely by Friday 10th January (I have again attached the form). This will allow me time to juggle the requests in order to offer as many as possible their first or second preferences within the weekly timetable and to begin preparing timetables and folders for each student. I begin writing up the timetable in the week beginning Monday, January 13th and you will be notified of your placement the following week. Have a wonderful New Year celebration. We wish you a prosperous and Happy New Year. We look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you again in 2020. Please note that fees, have been adjusted, for the first time in 10 years and will now be $65 per hour. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
02.01.2022 Dear Parents, We regret to advise that on general advice from QLD Health, due to the current COVID 19 concerns in our area, we will be suspending tuition for the time being, planning to resume sessions on Monday 10th August. Though the likelihood of there being any problem is low, the possibility remains. Valuing the health of our students and their families, we choose to take this precaution for all concerned. We will inform of any changes to this plan as further informati...on becomes available. Please, stay safe. Kind Regards, Rob & Lesley Matthews
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