Lets meat up Greek Grill in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Greek restaurant
Lets meat up Greek Grill
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 414 848 435
Address: all over melbourne Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://letsmeatupgreekgrill.com.au
Likes: 411
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25.01.2022 So this happened today at Berwick Carols by Candlelight. SOLD OUT!!!
25.01.2022 Catch us next Saturday 11am - 10pm 2nd November Event organisers: Melbourne Street Eatz #livemusic #melbstreeteatz #carnivalrides #foodtruck #streetfood #outdoordining #marketstalls #craftstalls #facepainting #minigolf #authenticgreeksouvlaki #sofispritz #beerontap #lidsoldschoolgames #kidsactivities
24.01.2022 Let's Meat up Greek Grill will be celebrating Australia Day at Pioneers Park in Berwick. We'll have our popular authentic Greek Souvlaki available in lamb chicken or falafel. Kids meals and EFTPOS facilities too. @cityofcaseycouncil #caseycouncil #australiaday #ausday2020 #australiaday2020 #streetfood #greeksouvlaki #greekstreetfood @berwickrotary #berwickrotary #thekazoos #kazoos #woodchopping #cobbandco #whipcracking #amusements #facepainting #rovingentertainment
24.01.2022 Day 1 : Perfect weather, quarter mile sprints, vintage fashion show, exotic and classic cars and lots of satisfied bellies!!!
24.01.2022 Catch us tomorrow Sunday 1st March for this year's Mordi Fest 11am - 7pm Peter Scullin Reserve, Mordialloc We'll be next to the Beach Stage... Performances on 4 stages Kids entertainment Amusement rides Children's activities Craft beers Face painting Live music Youth zone Food & Wine Artisian Craft stalls 40,000 attendees Authentic Greek Souvlaki available in lamb, chicken and falafel. With chips in your souva. Homemade tzatziki. Homemade Greek chip salt. Open plate Souvlaki. Kids meals. EFTPOS facilities too. Perfect summer weather!!!! Wear a hat, sunglasses and bring your appetite. For more info ; Mordialloc Food, Wine & Music Festival - Kingston City Council https://www.kingston.vic.gov.au//Mordialloc-Food-Wine-Musi @kingstoncouncil @letsmeatupgreekgrill #letsmeatupgreekgrill #souvlakiwithchips #streetfood #souvlakitruck #mordifest #mordifest2020 #mordiallocfestival #mordialloc #mordiallocfoodandwinefestival #homemadetzatziki #foodtruck #greekcatering #weddings #foodtrucklife #instafood #greeksouvlaki #melbourneeats #melbourneevents #communityevent #foodtruckcatering #melbournefoodtruck #greekfoodmelbourne #lambsouvlaki #chickensouvlaki #falafelsouvlaki
23.01.2022 Day 2 : Perfect weather, quarter mile sprints, vintage fashion show, exotic and classic cars and lots of authentic Greek Souvlaki!!! #geelong #nationalvintageawards #geelongmotorrevival #hqholden #letsmeatupgreekgrill #vintagecars @ Geelong Revival Motoring Festival
23.01.2022 Private function. Thank you for choosing Let's Meat up Greek Grill as your caterer for this year's Christmas luncheon.
22.01.2022 Here from 3.00pm - 8.00pm #freeevent Start your #christmasgifts shopping today. Over 80 #craftstalls #livemusic 5.00pm #santaclaus appears on #firetruck... 4.00pm - 7.00pm #freefacepainting free balloon art $2.00 unlimited #jumpingcastle play. #handmade #madewithlove #letsmeatupgreekgrill #homemadetzatziki #cockatoocountrymarket #cockatoocountry #greekstreetfood #foodtrucks See more
22.01.2022 So this happened today!!!!
20.01.2022 When everyone wants a piece of you!!! OPA!!!!!
18.01.2022 Catch us this weekend for your favourite souva. Available in lamb, chicken or falafel. Homemade tzatziki and our famous homemade Greek chip salt. We'll be in the PITS area amongst all the noise. Over 150 bikes and cars performing the quarter mile sprint.... Over 500 Shannon's Classic Car Show. Vintage Caravans and Boats on display. And of course the National Vintage Fashion Show. Plus perfect Spring weather. #geelongmotorrevival #vintagecars #quartermileracing #geelong #geelongwaterfront #geelongevents #shannonsclassiccarshow #motorcyclemecca #supercars #vintagefashion #vintagecaravan #vintageboat #letsmeatupgreekgrill #homemadetzatziki #falafelsouvlaki #souvlakiwithchips #authenticgreeksouvlaki @ Geelong Revival Motoring Festival See more
18.01.2022 With over 1200 Ford Motor Vehicles on display and hundreds of vehicles pre-registered for judging!!!! It sure will be ripper of a day!!! With over 8000 people in attendance. This Sunday 16 February 9.00am-3.00pm Sutcliffe Reserve Plantation Road, Corio... This year, the All Ford Day is going 80s! While all models will be on display, there will be a special display showcasing 80s vehicles to celebrate an era when Ford Motor Company had a significant influence on style. The event includes entertainment, celebrities, Ford Industry Display stand and an auction. The proceeds are used to finance community projects and support the Geelong Museum of Motoring. The team from @letsmeatupgreekgrill has your appetite covered with our amazing Authentic Greek Souvlaki available in lamb, chicken and falafel. EFTPOS facilities available. @allfordday @fordaustralia @aussie_ford_muscle #fordmustang #fordclassic #fordvintage #fordlover #allfordday #allforddaygeelong #geelongevents #geelong #mustang #streetcar #streetfords #visitgeelongbellarine #visitgeelong #fordmuscle #fordmusclecars #fordhotrod #fordracecars #fordenthusiast #fordcobra #fordgt #fordperformance #ford #fordracing @fordsgeelong #fordmodels
17.01.2022 The beauties still coming
17.01.2022 Annual Greek Carnival Apokries 2020 Sunday 23 February 2020 11am - 4.00pm 57 Madden Road, Heatherton... A Greek traditional and fun day for the whole family. Jumping Castle Petting Farm Traditional Carnival Parade at 2.00pm Chocolate throwing at 3.00pm Prizes for the best dressed Get the kids to wear their favourite character costume Gold coin donation Over 170 Mannasis Dancers Come hungry #letsmeatupgreekgrill has you covered with our Authentic Greek Souvlaki available in #lambsouvlaki #chickensouvlaki and #falafelsouvlaki #homemadetzatziki #souvlakiwithchips #perfectweather @kingstoncouncil #manasisdance #apokries #apokries2020 #greektradition #keepingthegreektraditionsalive #2020 #greekstreetfood @ Hellenic Senior's CLUB
16.01.2022 2019 Manningham Carol's by Csndlelight Record attendance, Weather held up, And lots of mouths were fed by LMU!!! #carols2019 #letsmeatupgreekgrill #souvasondemand #untilnextyear
16.01.2022 Catch us today, while listening to country music.
12.01.2022 At 6.45am Mother Nature is sure showing her natural beauty. Who's bringing their #ford Just perfect for @allfordday #allforddaygeelong #allfordday #geelong #geelongevents #letsmeatupgreekgrill #homemadetzatziki #streetfood #souvlakiwithchips
11.01.2022 Illuminate the River 2020!!!! The show must go on despite Melbourne's miserable weather performance. Laser light show, water jet fountains, pyrotechnic flame show, fireworks all with choreographed music on show today!!!! River show commences at 9.00pm... The Boulevard, Maribyrnong River, Aberfeldie 5.00pm - 10.00pm Roving performers, carnival rides, live music, kids zone, face painting, jumping castle, pop up activities for the whole family......AND #letsmeatupgreekgrill will be there to satisfy your hunger!!! #souvlakiwithchips #falafelsouvlaki #homemadetzatziki #streetfood @cityofmooneevalley @costco @westgatetunnelproject #mooneevalley #cityofmooneevalley #illuminatetheriver #mooneevalleyfestival #mvfestival #rovingentertainment #rovingperformers #livemusic #kidszone @essendonfields @essendonfieldsairport #watershow #laserlight #laserlightshow #maribyrnong #maribyrnongriver #laserlightbeams #waterflameproduction #laserspecialist #fireworks #pyrotechnics #waterjetfountain #familyfriendly #freeevent #facepainting #carnival #waterflame @ The Boathouse, Maribyrnong River
09.01.2022 Ready to feed the Cockatoo Community Authentic Greek Souvlaki. OPA!!!
09.01.2022 Catch us tomorrow for an Authentic Greek Souvlaki. Available in lamb, chicken or falafel. Kids meals available. EFTPOS facilities available too. Fireworks at 9.00pm.... Event from 6.00pm - 9.30pm Arrive early!! @cityofcaseycouncil @carolsbycandlelight_aus #caseycouncil #christmas #cityofcasey #authenticgreeksouvlaki #foodtrucks #homemadetzatziki #berwickcarolsbycandlelight #berwickcarols2019 #christmas2019 #edwinflack #bringyourappetite #letsmeatupgreekgrill #goldcoindonation #freeevent #rotary #rotaryclub #rotaryckubofberwick #communityevent #fireworks #christmasfireworks See more
07.01.2022 Only 1 hour remaining. Here until 4.00pm
07.01.2022 Catch us today 10AM - 4PM Free entry Free kids rides Free Sensory Garden Free Homegrown Workshops... Unlimited youth thrill carnival rides $38 Youth Space Roving entertainment Artisan Maket Main Stage attractions And so much more See more
07.01.2022 This is Apokries 2020!!!!
06.01.2022 Catch us tomorrow between 9.00am - 4.00pm. We'll be serving our Authentic Greek Souvlaki. #freeevent #manningham #communityevent #camelrides #ponyrides #pettingfarm #jumpingcastle #craftstalls #foodtruck #streetfood #letsmeatupgreekgrill #homemadetzatziki #liveentertainment #finnsreserve #facepainting
06.01.2022 #vintagefashions #letsmeatupgreekgrill #geelongmotorrevival #vintagefashionshow #geelongwaterfront #quartermileracing #authenticgreeksouvlaki #homemadetzatziki #falafelsouvlaki #perfectspringweather
06.01.2022 Catch Let's Meat up Greek Grill from 8.00am. Grab a souva and wonder around the grounds to view over 200 cars on display. Small Ford Sunday. 2nd February 2020 9.00am - 4.00pm... Gold coin donation. Location: Deaf Children Australia 597 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Trophies/ Awards at 3.00pm. #smallfordsunday #anglia #cortina #fordescort @bursonautoparts #burson @_rs.owners.club_ #rsownersclub @fordaustralia #fordcortina #rs200 #fordrs200 #letsmeatupgreekgrill #authenticgreeksouvlaki #greekstreetfood @letsmeatupgreekgrill #fordlover #fordcapri #fordsierra #funforthewholefamily #familydayout See more
04.01.2022 Christmas Eve : Carols by twilight festival Right next to Bunjil Place/Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Here until 10.00pm Carnival Rides from 4.30pm - 9.30pm The gift at 7.30pm... Fireworks at 9.30pm #letsmeatupgreekgrill #bestsouvainmelbourne #authenticgreeksouvlaki #Christmas #fireworks #bunjilplace #greekstreetfood #homemadetzatziki #cityofcasey #caseycitychurch #caseycouncil #christmas2019 #christmaseve #livemusic @cityofcaseycouncil @caseycity.church @itssimbamak @somer_smith @bellapaigeofficial @charlottejane #maxpawseyreserve See more
04.01.2022 Catch us tomorrow from 6.00pm - 10.00pm. We'll be serving our Authentic Greek Souvlaki with chips inside. Homemade tzatziki and our famous homemade Greek chips salt. Fireworks at 10.00pm!!! OPA #carolsbycandlelight #manningham #supportlocalfoodvendors #carols2019 #freeevent #streetfood #authenticgreeksouvlaki #letsmeatupgreekgrill #homemadetzatziki #manninghamcouncil #fireworks #christmas
04.01.2022 Join us on Saturday from 11am - 4.00pm. #letsmeatupgreekgrill will have their popular #authenticgreeksouvlaki available in #lambsouvlaki #chickensouvlaki and #falafelsouvlaki There will be #carnivalrides and meet and greet #cookiemonster #livemusic #toddleractivities #craftstalls #cheeseboard and so much more.
03.01.2022 T O D A Y M U S T A N G State Concourse Round Up All things Mustangs, Cobras, Shelbys, GTs We're here today 10am - 3.00pm. #mustangshelby #fordcobra #fordmustanggt ##mustangownersclub #fordmustang #authenticgreeksouvlaki #mustang64 #mustang64andahalf #lovemymustangs @ Dandenong Agricultural & Pastoral Society
02.01.2022 This weekend. #greeksouvlaki #geelongevents #geelongmotorrevival #letsmeatupgreekgrill #quartermileracing #vintagecars
02.01.2022 Yeah!!! The rain held off!!! See you @maroondahcitycouncil #maroondahfestival #maroondahfestival2019 next year. #freeevent #kidscarnivalrides #facepainting #sensorygarden #youthspace #rovingentertainment #artisanmarket #letsmeatupgreekgrill #authenticgreeksouvlaki #homemadetzatziki @ Town park, Croydon
01.01.2022 And this happened too!!!! There's a little bit of Greek in everyone.
01.01.2022 3 days to go!!!! Authentic Greek Souvlaki for all the boys with their mustangs!!!! Love my job when I'm surrounded with all these mustangs. Not sure how much work I'll be doing!!!! #mustang #mustangfanclub #mustangs #1969mustang #celebrating50years #mustanglovers #mustangshelby #imdrooling #onedayillgetamustang #fornownumberplates #foreyanumberplates #letsmeatupgreekgrill
01.01.2022 The loudest amongst the crowd!!!
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