Lets Talk Coaching | Businesses
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25.01.2022 And I also referred to a further post, originally published via the Network of Consulting Professionals which I'm an actively passionate member of. Here it is: https://lnkd.in/fqz9zBH
24.01.2022 Knowledge is power, it is said. How well can you leverage the power of your knowledge and information? To enhance your credibility, visibility and "standing" with those stakeholders that really matter? Interested in a technique that holds such information "in your top pocket"? What if you became known to those in rooms you are not (yet) present in as a source of such valuable information that always helped make you and them "look good" in front of their peers and bosses? ... You can read or hear all that in this week's blog at http://bit.ly/2dIbJkj See more
23.01.2022 Do you know how much power we unconsciously give our minds to influence how we perceive things? These are the stories we tell ourselves all the time. Whats perception and whats reality? Does believing something make it real? Or right? Read or listen to how these factors influence our thinking, our behaviour and our outlook in this weeks blog at http://bit.ly/2rrswiZ
23.01.2022 Most people leave their job because of the boss. Lack of consistent leadership, ego, lack of fairness, favouratism, tolerating poor performance, not listening or taking people seriously and not being given a chance to learn and grow (even contribute) feature prominently. Poor delegation is found across many of those attributes. Many struggle with delegating due to unconsciously held limiting beliefs or fear of letting go, depending on others and then carrying the can for... them getting it wrong. Often promoted to lead erstwhile peers emphasizes being seen as an overhead rather than a doer. Yet most people enjoy being empowered, given the authority to act to make meaningful contributions; inspiring them with pride to do more and even better, so that everybody wins. Leveraging these positive forces help overcome the perceived negative ones is what this weeks post is all about. Read or hear it at: bit.ly/1Ore1wc See more
22.01.2022 Collaboration or Competition? Whats your philosophy? Is it all or nothing for you, or is there something in it for everyone? Does it have to be I win you lose? Or could you see that you too can benefit from a larger pie? How does your position on scarcity or abundance affect your thinking? And your outcomes? Read or hear more about this topic in this weeks blog post from Lets Talk Coaching at http://bit.ly/2oAdoMw
22.01.2022 Every initiative or project, personal or professional has stakeholders whose interests can support or interfere with the success of your best laid plans. Do you know who your stakeholders are and what their expectations are? If not, how can you know ally from foe and how can you possibly meet or exceed their expectations or convince them of the value of your initiative?... How well do you leverage the use of a stakeholder map to help achieve all of the above? Read or hear all about the do's and don'ts in this week's blog: http://bit.ly/2aIkqgl
22.01.2022 Distractions. Dragging you away from the goals you aspire to. Wasting your time. Robbing you of your results and money. Losing you clients and opportunities. What have they lost and cost you this year? How much do you allow them to feature in your life? What can you do to manage them? Self-Awareness and someone holding you accountable is the key. Your coach will call you on such behaviour and prevent you from sliding and escaping back into your comfort zone. Read or hear this weeks blog at http://bit.ly/29g9GlW
20.01.2022 Reflecting on the roles you play as a (young or older) person, employee, leader or entrepreneur to what extent are you truly making a difference in or towards your lifes work? You can read or hear this weeks blog exploring those notions at http://bit.ly/2qTFx5Z
19.01.2022 You know how we allow fear to take control, particularly ahead of important meetings or presentations? What if you could employ a technique that helps you eliminate these butterflies? This weeks blog focuses on how an age-old trick can help put us back in control. So we can rock n roll. The way we know we can. Every time. You can read or hear it at: http://bit.ly/2wGgtOy
19.01.2022 So your new-years reflection has you wanting to change jobs and you now have a few interviews ahead. Do you, like most people in this situation, feel the growing fear in the pit of your stomach when you think of that interview coming up? You know, that sinking feeling in which your raging mind-chatter reminds you of all the scary stories youve heard of interviews gone badly wrong? It can be quite daunting to have to subject yourself to the judgement of others whether youll ...be good enough to cut it, cant it? But it doesnt have to be that way. What its going to take for you to replace that very common fear with an approach of confidence is being very clear on what you want in terms of your career plan and what youre bringing to the table from your track record. That comes from solid preparation that allows you see yourself as an equal conversation partner that has just as much right to interview them to be sure this job meets your expectations. My strongest advice for that preparation? Find and work with the right coach that will challenge you, practice with you and hold you accountable to doing what it takes. This week's blog post bit.ly/1nit3yx shares some great insights into licking this common dilemma
18.01.2022 Business all struggle to find and keep good people. Blitzing an interview is about enjoyably and enthusiastically convincing them you are a competent and good people. How? Confidently covering their expectations by you finding out their needs or issues and matching your attitude, skills and expertise to fulfilling those needs. Finding out: a) What are the key problems they are trying to solve? b) Who are the relevant stakeholders that matter (allies & foes)?... c) What do satisfied or exceeded expectations look like? By: Asking the right questions Listening with all your senses Clarifying and understanding what theyre looking for Taking time to match and focus your expertise Show them you have the ticker that will make their problem go away. Weaving stories and dimensions into your answers. Great preparation gives confidence. Blitzing is a mindset you can learn and practice. Read or hear the post at: bit.ly/1PJVNXw
17.01.2022 Is your career thinking and your leadership emphasis all in the head? You know, full of hard intellectual facts, numbers, plans, processes and results? Or is there room for some heart around your purpose, your interests (also in others) that drives your outcomes more holistically? Inspiring others to want to follow you? And what role do you allow your intuition to play? This is the playing field for this weeks blog Head, Heart and Tummy. You can read or hear it at: http://bit.ly/2p0j8iT
15.01.2022 Speaking with ease, especially in public, isnt an inborn skill but an inbred skill and most often learned over time. Contrary to popular myths, you do not have to be an extrovert, have English as your first language, be good at language, be of mature age and confidence, or have a front office role with loads of time on your hands to develop superior communication skills. Becoming a great speaker & communicator simply requires leveraging your innate strengths(also of the introvert), honing your non-verbal communication, playing into your age and your personality and ultimately treating everyone like you would in a front office role. In the end, you will confidently win people over to your agenda. Read or hear this week's blog post at bit.ly/1KAnbLD
13.01.2022 Is your professional and personal credibility sufficiently visible to those that matter, so that they will want to "pull you up" into the roles you aspire to? This week's blog explores the approaches and strategies those seeking to climb the corporate ladder can best leverage to assure their corporate growth and success. You can read or hear it at: http://bit.ly/2sKOlLh
13.01.2022 In my previous post I referred to a "Mindfulness" blog that I said I'd "republish". Here it is: https://lnkd.in/fCkQBXG
13.01.2022 Hi everyone! I'm sure most of you know, but I am a photographer! I have my own photography page where I am going to start posting more content, in particular h...ow everything is going with writing the book! It's such a process! If you'd like to follow along my page is Chris Cincotta Photography! I'd love to have you all along for the ride over there as well! Also, can't wait for tomorrow mornings tour! Have a great weekend everyone! #melbourneiloveyou
12.01.2022 Absolutely loved addressing the Network of Consulting Professionals dinner meeting on Goal Setting & Planning last eve. Why? Because they so hungrily lap up any CPD to enhance their ability to better serve their clients for their success. Www.thencp.com.au
12.01.2022 You may have noticed that I’ve been off the blogging air for a while. Well, after a sabbatical, I’m back after researching next level focus areas where coaching now enables even bigger breakthroughs in business (&) life. Research finds we are becoming progressively bored with the narrowness of the incessant (greedy) growth and success emphasis. At a personal, corporate & political contribution & leadership level. Seeking more depth of purpose, meaning & lasting change in... what we do - for the right reasons. How much money can one individual (like Bill Gates) actually, spend? When you’ve made all the money you need and want, have and done everything, what then? People are looking for more than just the money. I found Mindfulness helps transcend the superficial into the meaningful in what we do. At work. In our business. In our life. I’ve learned that SQ (spiritual intelligence) is the next phase after IQ & EQ. So, starting with a republish of a blog I wrote almost 4 years ago Mindfulness: Pleasure only in Leisure?, and a more recent blog The Difference Between Insight, Foresight and Hindsight, I plan to progressively expand on the business and personal value of this transition. So watch this space. I'm privileged and inspired to be back. See more
12.01.2022 Sick of the incessant election spin, slogans, excuses and attacks rather than leadership vision? The blatant short term re-election focus, obvious toeing the party line while deferring to power factions and corporate donations? Wheres the leadership courage, the trust credibility and interest in what the Nation needs long term? How relevant the parallels to the prevalent short term, ego and power focused I win you lose approach so apparent in our business world? Where ...short term results, greed and influence a la Enron, FIFA, Mossack Fonseca etc prevail. No matter how extensive or small the organisation embroiled in these games, each and every one comes down to the choices made by individuals. If you are a leader, what choices have made you and which are you making right now? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem? Read or hear more at: http://bit.ly/28O4IO2 See more
12.01.2022 Think of an extraordinarily good communicator you know. What makes them so good? Is it how they connect so easily and quickly? How they can tune-in? Like a magnet, attracting people towards them? Always positive, encouraging, friendly, uplifting? Rarely confronting or threatening, yet diplomatically assertive, right? How? By listening with all your senses, including with your intuition (tummy). Recognize whats in it for them. Not talking, but asking questions to keepin...g them talking. Picking up unconscious level vibes from what comes out of their eyes; their body language, gesture and animation. Whats not being said. Feeling influential rapport at a tummy level. Playing back to show you understand. Winning over their trust; warming to you; eating out of your hand, without being consciously aware of it. I believe thats not inborn but learned and coached. Agree? Read or hear this week's blog post at bit.ly/1Tonj4c
11.01.2022 You may have noticed that Ive been off the blogging air for a while. Well, after a sabbatical, Im back after researching next level focus areas where coaching now enables even bigger breakthroughs in business (&) life. Research finds we are becoming progressively bored with the narrowness of the incessant (greedy) growth and success emphasis. At a personal, corporate & political contribution & leadership level. Seeking more depth of purpose, meaning & lasting change in... what we do - for the right reasons. How much money can one individual (like Bill Gates) actually, spend? When youve made all the money you need and want, have and done everything, what then? People are looking for more than just the money. I found Mindfulness helps transcend the superficial into the meaningful in what we do. At work. In our business. In our life. Ive learned that SQ (spiritual intelligence) is the next phase after IQ & EQ. So, starting with a republish of a blog I wrote almost 4 years ago Mindfulness: Pleasure only in Leisure?, and a more recent blog The Difference Between Insight, Foresight and Hindsight, I plan to progressively expand on the business and personal value of this transition. So watch this space. I'm privileged and inspired to be back. See more
11.01.2022 How well can you hold the power in rooms of significance to you? Rooms mostly full of mature, senior and seemingly powerful players. You know, to confidently play the agendas so as to influence and better suit yours? To read the "politics" and play them in your favour? Is that an art or a skill? Born or bred? Think of some people you really admire for this ability. What attributes do you notice that they leverage to make them so good? Which would best suit your personality... and your cause? How might you practice them? Who will help you fine-tune them? And who will hold you accountable so you cant chicken out? How would you best prepare? What risks are you willing to take? What would add to your confidence to "have a go"? Read or listen to this weeks blog article at http://bit.ly/2eblzJ3
11.01.2022 I have an interview with ABC Great Southern Radio in Albany, WA tomorrow Sat 25th at 8h40am AET on "Fair Dinkum Transparency. Really?"
10.01.2022 ilure, setbacks? It is as common as a footy ball bouncing the wrong way, right? Yet most of us still see adversity as a problem. The truth is that we have (coachable, supportable) choices.... We can focus on the roadblock and wallow in the negative inertia, allowing the incredible power of our self-talk to further poison our (lonely, ashamed) lack of progress. Or acknowledge that failure is a necessary learning springboard for EVERY success and go over, round or through the adversity preferably with the help of others. Finding the options, perspectives and inspiration promised by the prize. How badly do you want it? You can read or hear more at: bit.ly/1MhlVZl
09.01.2022 Are you frustrated by the long times it sometimes takes to get decisions made in your organization? How do you respond to such situations? Get increasingly irritated by being held up waiting for approval? Or do you just get on with it, make the decision yourself and justify it by knowing more often than not youll seek forgiveness and get away with it? This weeks blog explores these scenarios and what you can do about it. Read or hear it at: http://bit.ly/2utK6VC
09.01.2022 How much energy does friction between your front-office and back-office functions consume in your organisation? This week's blog delve's into this age old dilemma. You can read or hear it at http://bit.ly/2gn6Nn0
09.01.2022 Weve all experienced the discomfort of obviously unhealthy pride and ego, havent we? Sometimes even squirmingly so, right? Think about how destructive that can be. On outcomes. On relationships. Personal and professional. Think about the pain, the angst, the loss of value they can create. Some of you can taste what Im talking about, cant you? And how often might you yourself be one of the perpetrators? Want some strategies on how to recognize and arrest this common beh...aviour? http://bit.ly/2bXvbLv
08.01.2022 Most leaders agree that one of their biggest challenges is finding and keeping good people. Do you know what one of the biggest causes of those good people then to leave the organisation is? Their boss. Every coach will emphasize that if you're a leader - that's you. Are you part of the solution or part of the problem? So whether in business, community or politics etc let's get out leadership right first, before we point the finger and try and find fault anywhere else, OK? If you want to know more about this critical playing field, you can read or hear this week's blog from Let's Talk Coaching right here: http://bit.ly/2a8YAS4
05.01.2022 Acknowledged to be an authority in our field, most of us truly have something to say. Yet how many are willing to overcome the fear of writing and publishing it, let alone publicly speaking it? Embedded in the common fears we all have (like fear of failure, fear of being found out or fear of rejection) lies the fear of being judged. Particularly by peers. Like am I good enough, or other similar limiting beliefs that hold most people back from overcoming obstacles in the way... of your compelling success. Ones where you are allowing the price to displace the value and energy of the prize. Like a dog worrying about the fleas (doubts or issues) instead of the joy of the hunt (your purpose). Having someone hold you accountable to changing your beliefs will change your underlying thinking which will change your actions and hence your outcomes. Read or hear this week's blog post at bit.ly/1WRS13z
05.01.2022 Do you know at what times of the day (or night) you are at your absolute sharpest? You know, at your highest possible level of performance? This week's blog post looks at "energy mapping" to help you establish those best, most personally productive periods for you every day. #energy #performance... https://bit.ly/2I23rE5
03.01.2022 Managers often struggle to learn to lead. Why? Because doing and delivering, effectively and efficiently was valuable. Leading is seen as an overhead. They try to keep doing and leading, until they run out of bandwidth, often wanting to be coached for a time management problem. Coaches quickly pick up that their problem is usually lack of delegation letting others have a go. When asked the questions Where in your career were you able to kick ass and What did you hat...e most? Most will quickly cite examples of great empowerment and freedom to deliver great results. Or conversely where they were micromanaged or bored or underutilized. Checking the prevalence of each of these situations in their current leadership style has the penny drop every time. Why? Because it becomes personal. The question now is When will your penny drop? Read or hear the full blog post at bit.ly/1St6Vfz See more
03.01.2022 How well are you feeding your goose that lays your golden eggs? Or are you just milking it? If I challenged you on what you invested in your own Continuous Personal or Professional Development (CPD) so far this year outside of any courses your company sent you on, what might you respond? And last year? You can read or hear more around these questions in this weeks blog: http://bit.ly/2qTJEOq
03.01.2022 Are you one of those impatient bosses who is notorious for jumping in? Do you finish people's sentences when you think you know what they're going say? Do you jump to conclusions way too quickly and long before people have had a chance to have their say? This behavior is incredibly frustrating and disempowering. Even the most impatient person can became a great communicator by becoming aware and increasing your sensitivity. Want to know how? Read or hear this week's blog post at: http://bit.ly/1UThHu1
03.01.2022 We all know how powerfully supportive allies can be. And also how destructive our foes can be, right? In business. In our careers. And in our life's work. This week's blog explores some vital approaches both from a career perspective as well as within the context of organisational change. You can read or hear it at: http://bit.ly/2g9lwQm
02.01.2022 We live in an era of me Our focus is driven upon ourselves. We often look at situations and think what works best for me, what can I get out of this. This is obviously not a healthy way to live and can alienate people from our lives. In a workplace such attitudes can create serious issues of mistrust and effect our careers. Approaching such thoughts from a different perspective, where we begin to think not just of ourselves, but others can lead to positive outcomes in both our personal and professional life. So is it not time you joined the we generation, you may be surprised where it may lead. Want to know more? Read or hear this week's blog post at http://bit.ly/1t3urrB
02.01.2022 Gossip in the workplace increases alongside discontent, unfulfilled expectations and when people feel excluded or dis-empowered. Add to that an individual need for significance and a low self-worth and gossip follows. Ultimately, gossip is a barometer of leadership style. Inclusion, empowerment, consistency and opportunity can negate or even eliminate the need for gossip. Meanwhile, it is possible to use gossip one of the fastest moving communication types - to spread good ...news by thinking ahead to plan the right approach to leverage gossip to do the influencing work for you. Read or hear this week's blog at bit.ly/1U2m1eg
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