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23.01.2022 Mathematician story 9 George Polya (1887 1985) George Polya was born in Budapest on December 13, 1887. His Jewish father Jacob worked as a lawyer and also had a position at university. Polya studied philology at the beginning of two years in university, and then tried other subjects but in the end he compromised to study mathematics. At that time there was the leading mathematician, Lipot Fejer as a full professor at the age of thirty-one at the university. Polya described ...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Office location: 3 Harkness St Woollahra Suite 703/ 8 Help St Chatswood.
22.01.2022 New Year New Start. Lets go to the next level. Aim High with Levinsons Maths tutoring
20.01.2022 Tuition that can change your future potential.
20.01.2022 New Year New Start. Let's go to the next level. Aim High with Levinson's Maths tutoring
19.01.2022 Mathematician story 3 I would like to lead you the journey about the life of Sir Isaac Newton. On Jan 4, 1643 Isaac Newton was born in the hamlet of Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He was the only son of a prosperous local farmer who died three months before he was born. A premature baby born tiny and weak, Newton was not expected to survive. When he was 3years old his mother Hannah remarried well-to-do minister, Barnabas Smith, leaving young Newton with his maternal gran...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Mathematician story 4 Arthur Cayley (1821 1895) Arthur Cayley was born on August 16, 1821 in England. His father Henry was one of the merchants working in St Petersburg and his mother, Marie Antonia was believed to have Russian ancestors. After his fathers retirement, the family settled in Blackheath, England. Arthur entered the senior department of Kings college at the age of 14. Later Cayley went up to Trinity College, Cambridge in October 1838, and won a college schol...arship. In the highly competitive examination Cayley came the first in his year and became Senior Wrangler of 1842. Not only mathematics but Cayley also was interested in reading novels, and he appreciated architecture and painting. He also loved travelling and enjoyed scrambling in the Alps. Cayleys academic successes led to his election to a Trinity minor fellowship which lasted 7 years. During this period, Cayley published wide range of mathematical subjects. After his fellowship he was admitted to Lincolns Inn in April 1846 and trained as a barrister. He was called to the bar in 1849 and had a peaceful office in Lincolns Inn where he pursued his mathematical work when not engaged in conveyancing. Cayley devoted in invariant theory studying the effect of linear transformation on algebraic expressions such as binary forms. For a number of years Cayley continued his research with his job. In 1863, he was elected to a new professorship at Cambridge. In September 1863 Cayley married Susan of Greenwich, who gave birth two children, Mary and Henry. Although Cayley researched many works and the list of his publications extends to over 800 items, he wrote only one book himself, A Treatise on Elliptic Functions, published in 1876. In his works there are many brilliant ideas which we know with exciting possibilities. He introduced the notion of abstract group as opposed to permutation group, also he wrote about determinants and matrices which went to Frobenius to deal with them. Cayley took a particular interest in the education of women. He influenced the council of the institution(Later Newnham College) as a chairmen to allow women to become a member of Cambridge University. When Charlotte Angas Scott entered Girton in 1876, the college had been open for 7 years. Her success was a break-through for the higher education of women in England. She sttended Cayleys lectures and wrote her thesis under his supervision. Because of the rule at Cambridge, she achieved doctorate at the University of London in 1885. Cayley was elected an honorary fellow of Trinity in 1872 and served on the Council of Senate. He presided over the London Mathematical Society once and the British Association for the Advancement of Science at another. Honorary degrees arrived from universities and academic societies, notably first a Royal medal and then the Copley medal of the Royal Society. He died on January 26, 1895 at the age of 73. See more
14.01.2022 Mathematician story 2 Joseph-Louise Lagrange (1736 - 1813) Lagrange was born in Turin on January 25, 1736. As a boy he intended to be a lawyer but gradually decided that he would prefer to study sciences. He accidentally read an article written by the British astronomer and mathematician Edmund Halley arguing the superiority of calculus over Greek mathematics. This accelerated his study and acquired a great success that by the time he was 19 he had been appointed professor of... mathematics at the Royal School of Artillery in Turin. In 1755 Lagrange applied the calculus of variations to mechanics, and it offered a general procedure for solving dynamical problems. He communicated with these results with Euler who was greatly impressed. Throughout 18th century in Europe, the scientific academies encouraged research into celestial mechanics and there were prizes for the answer to specific questions. In 1764 Lagrange entered a competition to determine the gravitational forces that caused the moon to present a relatively unchanging face to the earth. He was the winner and received the Grand prize. Two years later he won again for a partial solution to a more complicated gravitational problem involving the planet Jupiter. In 1766 Lagrange became director of mathematical physics at the Berlin Academy. Lagrange was not required to lecture, instead he was composing memoires nearly every month ranging from probability to the theory of equations. In number theory Lagrange solved some of the questions made by Fermat including the famous theorem that every positive integer is the sum of the squares of four integers. In 1772, his third Gran prize from the Paris Academy and in 1774 and in 1778 again he won the Grand prizes for the study on the sun, moon, earth and the perturbations of comets. In 1788 Lagrange published his masterpiece, the Mechanique Analitique (Analytical Mechanics). Lagrange was known for his gentle demeanour and his diplomatic skills. At the Berlin Academy he remained in favour with the king unlike Euler. When he first settled in Paris he was doted by Queen Marie-Antoinette, yet later he managed to have good terms with Bonaparte. He was appointed Senator, a count of the Empire, and Grand officer of the Legion of Honour. Although he never met Euler but it was Euler who influenced Lagrange most. Any study of his work must be preceded by or accompanied by the work of Euler. He died on April 11, 1813 at the age of 77. See more
13.01.2022 First story about Mathematician: Leonhard Euler (1707 1783) Leonhard Euler was born in Basel on April 15, 1707. His father Paul Euler was a minister of the Protestant Evangelical Reformed Church and his mother, Margarete Brucker, was also the daughter of a minister. In 1720, at the age of thirteen, Euler matriculated into the faculty of philosophy at the university and mastered all the available subjects and graduated in 1722. The next year Euler entered to the faculty of t...heology but he began to study mathematics seriously. At that time he was introduced to a famous professor Johann Bernoulli who gave him valuable advice to start reading more difficult mathematical books on his own and to study them fervently. Euler received his masters degree in 1724 at the age of seventeen. He wrote a thesis on comparing the natural philosophy of Descartes with that of Newton. Also he entered a prize competition sponsored by the Paris Academy. Later Euler became a premier mathematician in Imperial Russian Academy, and married Catharina Gsell, the daughter of a Swiss artist then was working in Russia. They lived in a house near the river Neva. His 14 years stay in St Petersburg, he was mainly occupied with mathematical research. Eulers best known work of his formulation of the seven bridges of Konigsberg was made during this period. This marks the beginning of the branch of mathematical known as a graph theory. He entered for the annual prize offered by the Paris Academy and was the winner 12 times. In 1741, Euler accepted an invitation from the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, to move to the Prussian Royal Academy of Sciences in Potsdam (later it is called the Berlin Academy). But the different perspectives on science between the King and Euler made the relationship impasse, eventually Euler left Berlin and returned to St Petersburg. Eulers energies seemed inexhaustible. In pure mathematics his major fields were calculus, differential equations, analytic and differential geometry of curves and surfaces, number theory, infinite series, and the calculus of variations. In applied mathematics he created analytical mechanics, algebra, mathematical analysis, analytical geometry, differential geometry, and the calculus of variations. In mathematical physics he discovered the fundamental differential equations for the motion of an ideal fluid. He was the one of the few scientists of the 18th century to think the wave as opposed to the particle theory of light. He studied the propagation of sound and achieved many results on the refraction and dispersion of light. Euler wrote almost 900 papers, memoirs, books and other works. His influence on the development of mathematical sciences was not restricted to his era but to bring many outstanding mathematicians in 19th century. See more
12.01.2022 Mathematician story 5 Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) 50 years after the death of towering genius, Leibniz in Germany, a child was born in Brunswick who was known as the prince of mathematics. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss was born on April 30, 1777. Neither of his parents had much education, but Gauss had tended to trace his genius to his mother rather than his father. Gauss had shown an extraordinary ability in counting and arithmetic form in an early age. At 7 when he st...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Joseph Fourier (1768 1830) Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier was born on March 21, 1768 in Auxerre, France. His father Joseph, who was a master tailor originally from Lorraine, and his mother Edmie died before he was ten years old. Fourier started his education from Ecole Royale Militaire where he displayed special gift for Mathematics. He went on his study at the College Montagu and aimed to join either the artillery or the engineers but embarked his career in the church. He ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Learning is living.
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05.01.2022 Mathematician story 6 Bernhard Riemann (1826 1866) The village of Breselenz lies near the city of Dannenberg, George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was born on September 17, 1826. At the age of 5 He was strongly interested in history and at fourteen he entered the senior class of the gymnasium at Hanover, but two years later he transferred to the one at Luneburg close to home where he studied until he was nineteen. The director of the school allowed him to use his personal lib...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Mathematician story 8 Emmy Noether (1882 1935) Amalie Emmy Noether was born on March, 1882 in Erlangen, Germany. Her father was professor of mathematics at the University and her mother, Ida Amalia, came from a wealthy Jewish family of Cologne. Noether attended the Municipal School for the Higher Education of Daughters until she was eighteen. Women had been allowed to enroll at universities in France since 1861, England since 1885 but Germany as late as 1900. ... Emmy Noether was determined to study and succeeded in attending courses in mathematics and other science subjects at Erlangen and Gottingen. In 1908 she completed her doctoral dissertation On complete systems of invariants for ternary biquadratic forms. For the next seven years she mainly did her research. At that time the new relativity theory caused sensational excitement and Emmy was one of the first to understand the implication. Despite her gender she became a privatdozent at the age of thirty-seven and three years later she received the honorary title of unofficial associate professor. Many outstanding mathematicians often make great contributions in their early age but Emmy Noether began to produce her powerful work in her forties. She developed a very abstract and generalised approach to the axiomatic development of algebra. Her revolutionary paper in 1921 on ideal theory where the concept of Noetherian ring originated is believed to be her finest work. Although Dedekind may have the basic ideas it was Noether who flourished the concept into full richness of the theory. By this time Noether lectured at the international Congress in Bologna in 1928, gave course at the University of Moscow and the communist Academy. At last she had been appointed associate professor at Georgia Augusta. A year later the Nazis seized power and one of their first acts was deprive Jewish officials including university teachers of their positions. Most members of the mathematical faculty at the Georgia Augusta were Jewish so they were forbidden to teach. For a time Emmy Noether continued to meet privately with students and colleagues. Before the end of 1933 she arrived in America with a temporary position at Bryn Mawr College. She stated with four students under her wing and taught them with mixture of German and English. She gave a course of weekly lectures on Algebra at Princeton. She was appreciated at Bryn Mawr and Privceton as she had never been appreciated in her own country. She was remembered as the first woman mathematician and died on April 14, 1935. See more
04.01.2022 Mathematician story 7 Augustin Cauchy (1789 -1857) The greatest French mathematician, Augustin-Louise Cauchy was born in Paris on August 21, 1789. His father did legal work for the Paris police and his mother came from a well-to-do Partisian family. In 1794 the family fled to their country house at Arcueil to escape the terror of the French Revolution. Arcueil was the place where Berthollet and Laplace had their estate so Cauchy had the benefit to meet them and also many fam...Continue reading
02.01.2022 To all yr12 students, good luck with HSC Maths exam this Thursday. Give it your best shot.
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