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25.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY-FIVE CUE THE MAGIC... Life is playfulness....... we need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us. - Flora Colao (B. 1954) - Writer and Therapist Do you see the Universe as friendly and caring and wanting you to have everything you desire? This practice is all about having FUN (you may realised you have been doing this with regard to health for quite some time and found that it really WORKS)! We all know that The Universe can’t just drop things in our lap while we snuggle on the couch eating chips; we have to intend, give gratitude and take inspired action. The Universe is always giving us clues and cues, reminding us to be grateful. Today, if you’re really pay attention, there will be cues everywhere for you. There are literally hundreds of examples! So put your Gratitude Goggles on and play a game of eye spy! For example: If you’re single and looking for a relationship, you might see a couple, madly in love and think thank you for my perfect partner. When you hear or see an Ambulance, you can be grateful for your perfect health and safety. If you pass someone who says Lovely weather today! you can pause and give thanks for the sunshine or the beautiful breeze. If you see people queuing at the bank or ATM, you can say thank you for my ever increasing income or thank you for the money to pay my bills. Anything that draws your attention can be taken as a cue to feel gratitude! MAGIC PRACTICE # 25 Cue the Magic Repeat Count Your Blessings Choose at least SEVEN cues from your day and say Thank you for................... as if it was already yours, or if you are reminded of what you already have in your life to be grateful for. Repeat the Magic Rock practice before bed
24.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY-SEVEN THE MAGIC MIRROR... The appearance of things changes according to the emotions, and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves. - Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) - Lebanese Poet and Artist You can spend your life running around fixing external problems and complaining about situations or other people. If you make gratitude your way of life, your world will change because YOU changed. Negative feelings about yourself cause the greatest damage to your life. They will go with you whenever you go and magnetise more dissatisfaction and disappointment. If you have followed the 26 practices so far, then you have changed. Sometimes the changes in yourself won’t be so obvious, but the changes in your external world will give you clues. Every time you look in a mirror today, say to your beautiful self the words Thank you or at least think these in your mind. Give thanks for YOU just as you are! You May even try saying THREE things that you like about yourself or are grateful for. MAGIC PRACTICE # 27 The Magic Mirror Repeat Count your Blessings Every time you look in a mirror, say THANK YOU and mean it more than you ever have. Be brave and say 3 things you’re grateful for about yourself. Repeat the Magic Rock practice before bed
23.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY SEVENTEEN THE MAGIC CHEQUE ... In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen. - William S. Burroughs (1914-1997) - Writer and Poet We previously practiced gratitude for money we’ve already received and continue to receive on Day 5. When you think about financial abundance, do you think about actual cash being earned or given? Or do you remember to include things like friends unexpectedly paying for your meal, service providers giving you loyalty discounts, items you need to purchase being loaned or given to you? What about tax returns, pay rises, sales on items you need, lowered interest rates and even lottery wins? There are so many circumstances that will provide money that we need to be grateful for. Today’s practice involves printing off a blank Magic Check (Cheque) and filling it in for the exact amount for one thing you REALLY want. It is important to have a desired item or experience to help you really feel more gratitude. It is a good idea to start small eg new shoes, and then work your way up to bigger ticket purchases You can copy the Cheque from the photo I’ve included. MAGIC PRACTICE # 17 The Magic Check Repeat Count Your Blessings Fill your Cheque in with your name, today’s date and the exact amount. Hold your cheque and imagine purchasing the specific thing you want the money for. Feel as joyful and grateful as you can that you have received it. Carry it with you or place it where you will see it often. Repeat the visualization twice more today. Keep it in a prominent place and when you have received the money or the item, replace it with a new amount for a new purchase and repeat the process. Repeat your Magic Rock process
20.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWELVE MAGICAL PEOPLE WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE ... At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each one of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. - Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Nobel Peace Prize - Winning Medical Missionary & Philosopher. A popular saying that many of you may have heard is that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Sometimes another person alters the course of our life through their encouragement, guidance or just by showing up at the right time. Teachers, coaches, Uncles, Aunts, siblings, Parents, Grandparents, Doctors, Nurses, work colleagues or best friends may have just said the right thing at the right time, or perhaps just blessed you with a random act of kindness. MAGIC PRACTICE NUMBER 12 Magical People Who Made a Difference Repeat Count your Blessings Find a quiet space where you can spend some time thinking of THREE people who made a difference in your life. One by one, and preferably out loud (you can write it down if you cannot talk aloud) tell this person every reason why you are grateful for them and how it affected the course of your life. eg You taught me to sew, and now I have a love of sewing for my friends and family. (To keep the energy building in this exercise you must do them all at the one time and not spread them throughout your day). Before bed, take your Magic Rock in one hand and give thanks for the best thing that happened in your day
20.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY ONE MAGNIFICENT OUTCOMES ... You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink. - G.K Chesterton (1874-1936) - WRITER You don’t go into your day hoping that gravity will keep you on the ground so you don’t float off into space. You know gravity’s law will never fail. We’ve probably all had times when we hoped something would go well or thought we would need a lot of luck. Life doesn’t happen by chance. The Universal Laws operate mathematically. Thr Magical Outcomes practice is about being grateful BEFORE you do something that you want to go well, like a job interview, a new business, surgery, an exam or even catching up with a friend where there may have been tension previously. Chose 3 situations that are part of your life currently. A good idea is to go for the more mundane events like driving to work, household chores or doing a grocery shop. This lets you really notice the difference when you manifest a magical outcome. MAGICAL PRACTICE # 21 Magnificent Outcomes Repeat Count Your Blessings Choose your 3 situations Write down: Thank you for the magnificent outcome to................................. and fill in each situation you’ve chosen. During your day, list 3 unexpected events where you can be grateful for a magnificent outcome. You mentally can say Thank you for the magnificent outcome to...................... . Repeat your Magic Rock practice before bed
18.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY Fifteen MAGICALLY HEAL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS ... Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Guatama Buddha (circa 563 BC- 483 BC) - Founder of Buddhism If you have a difficult relationship in your life, are suffering a broken heart, or hold resentment towards another person, you can change it using gratitude. This practice can help if you are having difficulty co-parenting children with an ex-partner, or if you have lost someone dear to you and are struggling with grief. You will be looking for the hot coal in your life and using the following practice to transform it into gold! The person does not have to be in your physical life anymore for this to work MAGIC PRACTICE # 15 Repeat Count Your Blessings Think of ONE problematic relationship in your life, or perhaps one that ended before you had been able to say all you needed to. Make a writren list of TEN things you are grateful for about the other person, beginning with their name as if you were speaking directly to them. As an example: John, I am grateful to you for our children. The joy I receive from them everyday would not be possible without you. Repeat the Magic Rock process before you go to sleep tonight
16.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TEN MAGIC DUST EVERYONE... No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. - SAINT AMBROSE (AD 340-397) THEOLOGIAN AND CATHOLIC BISHOP Ancient spiritual teachings say that what we give to another, with a full heart, returns to us one hundredfold. If you picture the energy of Gratitude looking like sparkling magic dust, then when you express your gratitude to another person you are sprinkling them all over with that magic dust. Spend a moment recalling all the people who helps you throughout your day. There are so many examples like cleaners, repair and maintenance men, shop assistants, colleagues, bus drivers... anyone who serves you. You can also sprinkle Magic dust on family members and friends as you recall what you’re grateful for. What about for your team members both current and in the future? MAGIC PRACTICE DAY TEN Repeat Count your Blessings Today, sprinkle Magic Dust on TEN people who perform services that benefit you. Either thank them personally or giving them acknowledgment mentally. Before you sleep, hold your Magic Rock in one hand and give gratitude for the best thing that happened in your day Read tomorrow’s practice TODAY as it will begin from the moment you wake up tomorrow
14.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY THIRTEEN MAKE ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE... Imagination is the true magic carpet. - Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993) Writer So far you’ve been practicing feeling gratitude for many things you’ve received and for the people in your life. Did you know it is possible to use gratitude for your dreams and desires? Our First Nations People perform rain dances. The Egyptians have celebrated the flooding of The Nile before it happened to ensure continued water supply. Many African tribes perform ceremonies for their food prior to hunting for it. The very nature of prayer in most cultures and religions is to give thanks BEFORE having received what is desired. What do you most want right now? MAGIC PRACTICE NUMBER 13 Make All Your Wishes Come True Repeat Count Your Blessings from Day 1 Write or type the words: Thank you Thank you Thank you for.................... and list your TOP TEN desires in this way, giving thanks for them before they have come into your experience. Then use your imagination to answer the following questions about your desires: 1) What emotions did you feel when you received your desire? 2) Who was the first person you told when you received your desire, and how did you tell them? 3) What was the first great thing you did when you received your desire? Be really specific. Reread your list and really feel the words Thank You as deeply as you can. If you are a visual person, you might like to create a Magic Board of pictures of your desires, and title the board Thank You, Thank You, Thank You in bold. Repeat the Magic Rock process before going to sleep tonight
14.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY MAGIC HEART ... Gratitude is the memory of the heart - Jean-Baptiste Massieu (1714-1838) - French Revolution Activist This practice is designed to powerfully increase the depth that you feel gratitude by focussing on the heart. Scientific research has shown that when we practice gratitude at a heart level, we harmonise our heart rhythm and boost our immunity. You can choose whether to place your hand over your heart space or visualise the words thank you pouring from your heart rather than from your mind. MAGIC PRACTICE # 20 Heart Magic Count your Blessings Focus your mind on your heart space. Close your eyes and say the words thank you. Take you Top Ten desire list and practice heart magic by tuning in to your heart and say thank you for each desire. Repeat the Magic Rock process before you go to sleep
13.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY EIGHT THE MAGIC INGREDIENT ... if there is Magic on this planet it is contained in water. - LOREN EISLEY (1907-1977) Anthropologist And Natural Science Writer Where would we be without food and water? Giving thanks for food and water is a tradition that has been followed for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. Can you recall a time when you were so hungry that it was difficult to function? Gratitude can be shown by thanking the farmers, growers, fisherman, packing and delivery people; anyone involved in getting the food to your table. Really savouring your food is another way of giving thanks. Your gratitude will also positively affect the global food supply! MAGIC PRACTICE # 8 The Magic Ingredient Repeat Count your Blessings Before you eat or drink anything today, look at what you are about to consume and either out loud or in your mind, say the magic words Thank You (If you wish to you can also bless your food by waving your hands over it, or imagine sprinkling it with Magic dust). Before you sleep hold your Magic Rock in one hand and say Thank You for the best thing that happened today
12.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY Nine THE MONEY MAGNET... It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) Lutheran Pastor Complaining happens through people’s thoughts, as well as their words, and most people aren’t aware of all the thoughts they are having. When it comes to paying bills, it can be easy to worry or feel unhappy about the money going out, yet this is essentially complaining and will contribute to poverty consciousness. The famous Louise Hay, founder of Hay House and author of Heal your Life used to say that a bill should be celebrated and thanked as a reflection of one’s ability to pay, and she used to bless her bills when they arrived. To be grateful for a bill, focus upon how much you have benefited from the goods or services. For example, if banks did not loan money, how many of us could afford to pay cash for a house? Therefore we can be grateful for our mortgages as they provide us with the ability to live in a comfortable home. MAGIC PRACTICE NUMBER 9 The Money Magnet Repeat Count your Blessings Take any current unpaid bills, and using the magic power of gratitude, write the words THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY across each one. Feel grateful for having the money even if you do not just yet. Take TEN bills you’ve paid in the past year, and write across the front of each one: THANK YOU- PAID Feel truly grateful you had the money to pay the bill! Tip: you can email the bills to yourself with the Magic words in the subject heading instead of printing and writing on them Before you go to bed, take your Magic Rock in one hand and give thanks for the best thing that happened in your day
11.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY TWO BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES... This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, inscrutable, magical, and more to whosoever will think of it. - Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) - Writer and Historian This practice builds upon the Top Ten Desires list from Magic Practice 13, Make all your wishes come true, by using the power of creative visualisation in conjunction with Gratitude. Repeat Count your Blessings At the start of your day, take out your Top Ten list of desires. Read through each item and spend one minute visualising having received each desire. Feel as much gratitude as you can. Carry your list with you and at least TWICE more during your day, read your list and feel the gratitude for having received what is on your list. Repeat the Magic Rock process before sleep
11.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY-FOUR THE MAGIC WAND ... People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they ARE the magic wand. - THOMAS LEONARD (1955-2003) - Personal Development Coach We live in a world where so many people seek resources outside of themselves, yet we all have what we need WITHIN us to navigate life and create health, wealth and success. Do you ever passionately wish you could help somebody who was suffering? There is immense power in focussing our attention on and intention for the good of others we love. If we want to amp up this power, we simply need to add Gratitude, by giving thanks before the miracle we are wanting to manifest. We can then BECOME the Magic wand. Today’s practice involves waving our wands to help three people we love or care about, to help restore them to alignment, whether that means physically, emotionally, financially or otherwise. MAGIC PRACTICE # 24 The Magic Wand Repeat Count your Blessings Choose THREE people you care about, who you would like to help experience more health, wealth or happines... or all three. If you have a photograph of each of them (perhaps these are people from Day 3- Magic Relationships) keep this in front of you while you are doing this practice. With eyes closed, visualise the person’s health, wealth or happiness being fully restored, and then you receiving the news. Open your eyes and say Thank you Thank you Thank you for............... ’s health, wealth or happiness. Do this for each person. Repeat the Magic Rock practice before bed
10.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY NINETEEN MAGIC FOOTSTEPS ... God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you’? - William A. Ward (1921-1994) - Writer Taking Magic Footsteps is a great exercise because you can do it ANYWHERE at any time during your day. Ideally you will take around 100 steps, which on average takes around 90 seconds or so. Each time your foot touches the ground, say thank you in your mind. Have you ever said thank you 100 times a day?! Take note of how you feel before you begin the practice and then compare this to once you’ve completed it. You will probably feel very different. MAGIC PRACTICE # 19 Repeat Count your Blessings Take 100 conscious steps anytime during your day. Say THANK YOU with every single step. Repeat your Magic Rock Practice before you go to sleep tonight
10.01.2022 So after roughly 6 months by a small change in nutrition, my blood pressure dropped considerably. After being on blood pressure medication for more than 10 years, it's interesting to see how food interacts with your bloods, and falls in line with where you want to go. Add to this an increase in physical training and a drop of around 7kg in that time period, I think the results speak for themselves.... It's blown me away at the very least
09.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY FOURTEEN HAVE A MAGICAL DAY... Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power. - DEEPAK CHOPRA (B. 1946) MEDICAL DOCTOR AND WRITER To have a Magical Day, simply think through your plans for the day ahead and say Thank You for each one going well BEFORE you’ve lived it. To have a Magical Day, you need to FEEL good. When you use gratitude ahead of time, it wipes out unexpected problems before they happen. As an example you could say: Thank you for one of the best days ever at work. As a final step after giving thanks for every event you can think of, finish by saying: And Thank You for the great news coming to me today! MAGIC PRACTICE # 14 Have a Magical Day Count your Blessings Give thanks for every event that day, before it begins, imagining you are saying thank at the end of the day, and you are deeply grateful because it went perfectly. This will help you to really feel it. Remember to end with gratitude for the great news coming to you that day. Repeat the Magic Rock process before sleep
07.01.2022 Love people and use things. Because the other way around doesn't work. #developmentcoach #personalgrowth #love
05.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY ELEVEN A MAGIC MORNING... When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love. - MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180) ROMAM EMPEROR Each morning is full of opportunities to give thanks. There is no room for negative or harmful thoughts when your mind is focussed on looking for things to be grateful for. Before you even move out of bed, say THANK YOU. Thank you for being alive, for the gift of another day of life. Give thanks for every little thing you can think of like pillows, your bed, warm blankets, running water, your breakfast and so on. MAGIC PRACTICE NUMBER 11 A Magic Morning Before every single step you take this morning, and throughout your day, say Thank you for everything you touch and use. Repeat Count Your Blessings Just before you sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand and say Thank You for the Best thing that’s happened today.
05.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY-SIX MAGICALLY TRANSFORM MISTAKES INTO BLESSINGS ... A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) - Irish playwright and political activist Every single mistake is a blessing in disguise. We grow and learn as humans when we make errors. Mistakes often hurt and it is through this pain that we remember the lesson. People repeat their mistakes when the lessons are not integrated, often because they want to blame someone else instead of owning it and learning a new way. By the Law of Attraction we will continue to make the same mistake over and over until it hurts us so much that we can no longer ignore or deny what our mistakes are teaching us. Mistakes attract more mistakes. Blessings attract more blessings. What are you going to choose? MAGIC PRACTICE # 26 Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings Repeat Count your Blessings Today, choose ONE mistake you’ve made in your life, such as trusting the wrong person, losing your cool, telling a lie, disregarding important advice. Now ask yourself: 1) What did I learn? 2) What good things came out of this mistake? Write a list of TEN blessings you can be grateful for from this experience. These could include things like; *my mistake called me back to the present moment. *my mistake taught me the importance of patience. *my mistake reminded me of how much I truly care about others and therefore to treat them with kindness and respect. Repeat The Magic Rock practice before bed
04.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY TWENTY-THREE THE MAGICAL AIR THAT YOU BREATHE... It is quite possible to leave your home for a walk in the early morning and return a different person - beguiled, enchanted. - MARY ELLEN CHASE (1887-1973) - Educator and Writer Have you ever spent some time thinking about the miracle of oxygen? That is is made by the trees, for us to breathe? That beyond the protective atmospheric layer surrounding our planet, there is NO oxygen? None of the parameters such as our distance from the sun, or the air that we breathe, and all other things that support life here on earth are by accident. Without the delicate balance of all the microscopic elements being in perfect alignment, our planet would be uninhabitable. As we breathe, oxygen feeds our cells, and without it, we would not survive beyond a few minutes. The average human takes between 17280 and 23040 breaths every single day. How often to you think about these breaths as the life preserving force they are? By only focussing on material manifestations we limit our ability to fully harness the ultimate power of gratitude. MAGICAL PRACTICE # 23 The Magical Air that you Breathe Repeat Count your Blessings This is best done outdoors if this is available to you; FIVE times during your day, stop and think about the glorious air that you breathe. Take FIVE deliberate breaths and really feel the air moving in and out of your lungs, and feel the joy as you exhale. After you have taken the breaths, say the magic words: THANK YOU FOR THE MAGICAL AIR THAT I BREATHE and really feel the gratitude for this precious, life giving element. Repeat the Magic Rock process before you go to sleep
04.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY EIGHTEEN THE MAGICAL TO-DO LIST... The world is full of magical things waiting for our wits to grow sharper. - Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960) - NOVELIST AND POET This magical practice will help you with any little day to day problems that you don’t seem to be able to solve. Whether you are overwhelmed at work, unsupported at home, or you’ve lost something, you can use the power of gratitude combined with the law of attraction, and allow the Universe to find the answer for you! Make a list of the things you would like to be resolved for you. They could be things you don’t have time for or don’t know how to deal with. MAGIC PRACTICE # 18 The Magical To-Do List Repeat Count Your Blessings Make a list of all the issues or things you need done or solved. Choose THREE of the most important ones, and one at a time, visualise them being done for you. Spend at least a full minute on each of these things, believing they are complete, and feeling enormous gratitude for this. Repeat The Magic Rock before bed
02.01.2022 THE MAGIC DAY SIXTEEN MAGIC AND MIRACLES IN HEALTH ... Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature. - Saint Augustine (354-430) - Theologian and Catholic Bishop It can be difficult to feel gratitude during a bout of Illness, when you are in pain and naturally feeling worried or frustrated, even frightened. The smallest feeling of gratitude can help increase the flow of health to the body. Today’s practice involves 3 parts, and the entire practice itself can be repeated several times, even in the one day, for accelerated results. The 3 parts are: Health You have Received (Past) Health you are receiving (Present) Health you desire (Future) MAGIC PRACTICE # 16 Magic and Miracles in Health Repeat Count your Blessings Recall THREE times during your life so far when you felt abundant vitality, and give thanks for them. Think about FIVE functions or organs of your body that ARE well, and give thanks for those. Choose ONE thing about your body or physical health that you wish to improve. Spend a minute visualising yourself in this ideal state, and give thanks for it as if it already was your experience. Repeat The Magic Rock process before you go to sleep