Wild Grace, Health and Herbals in South Fremantle | Alternative & holistic health service
Wild Grace, Health and Herbals
Locality: South Fremantle
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25.01.2022 Sundew is the essence for those that feel unfocused or ungrounded. Perfect for people who can be daydreamy, indecisive, vague, or who don’t pay attention to detail. This essence helps you to focus, live in the present and reduce procrastination. Perfect for tackling all that housework I was talking about yesterday. I find this essence commonly comes up in readings - It’s superbly grounding and so many of us could use a bit more focus. It’s also great for people drawn to drugs or alcohol. Could you use a bit of Sundew in your life?
24.01.2022 Last week I was feeling particularly tired. I asked my higher self, which herb would help with my tiredness right now - offhand wondering if super charger Korean Ginseng was the go - or even Siberian ginseng which is what my body seems to prefer But licorice was what came up - licorice that nourishes the adrenals when they’re running low - soothes a cough (which I had at the time care of my three year old) - and is also a potent anti- viral, and adaptogenic. In fact there ar...e so many medicinal actions of licorice that you would get lost if I listed them all. I have a high grade Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) tincture that only requires a very low dose. Just a few drops and a few minutes and my body felt more settled already. Licorice can increase hypertension in those prone to high blood pressure, so please check with a qualified herbalist and never self -prescribe. Licorice also has estrogenic activity - which is therapeutic for conditions such menopause and PCOS but contraindicated in estrogenic illnesses such as some cancers. I created a herbal for myself that day - licorice, elder, sage, echinacea and ginger for my cough and husky voice. I’ve been healing ever since I’ve been taking this concoction. The way different herbs work for different people and different conditions fascinates me. This herbal blend I created isn’t what I would have chosen with my professional herbal training alone, but it’s what my intuition drew me to and I’m finding it’s working beautifully.
24.01.2022 August was world breastfeeding month and in celebration of the end of August and the beginning of spring I’d like to reshare my Ode to Breastfeeding, written a year ago. I once read in the comments section on facebook, that ‘breasts are for sex and for feeding children.’ This was quickly followed up by guffawing of other commenters Ahem, breasts are for babies!' After four years of continuous breastfeeding, I can assure you breasts are most definitely for babies. Every...thing about their design, the softness, the lumpiness, the silky nipples that are such a joy for babies to grab onto, babies love fondling tags on toys, and nipples on boobs. the squishiness, their warmth, the position on the body so you can hold the child to your breast, lie with them and stroke their little heads. The love hormone oxytocin release stimulating bonding between mother and child, all for babies. When my milk first came in about two days after giving birth to my daughter I looked like I’d had a boob job. They were so big and round and sat up just so. Now I understood that what my culture agrees to be the perfect breast, is the look of a breast engorged with breast milk, and completely capable of sustaining new life. It made sense, I forgave mankind a little bit that day. I hoped my boobs would stay like that, they didn’t. My time of breastfeeding is drawing to a close. we have no more babies planned. For over four years my boobs have been at the beck and call of my babies. First one, then both, and then the other one. Now my son is 2 and a half and the weight of his body and the feel of his latch tell me instinctively that it’s time to wean. My daughter, who is 19 months older, was also 2 and a half when I weaned her. I breastfed them both - as in at the same time tandem style, yes one one each boob, - for almost 12 months. They offer the best of convenience, delicious warm milk on demand, comfort when sad, bonding and togetherness, play and enjoyment. A remedy when hurt. My children both loved their boobies. : To be continued
24.01.2022 When a flower blooms, Divine Purpose has been fulfilledand The Sacred Journey of the life form called flower has reached Completion. Divine Purpose is the expression and experience of any aspect of Divinity through ongoing physical expressions.
23.01.2022 On holidays with my beautiful children down south. We decided on Friday to leave the next day and here we are for the week. I’m focusing on present moment awareness, being in each moment and with my children in each moment, tuning into their needs. They thrive on being seen and held We’re doing lots of playing, nature exploring and resting in between. This time feels like such a blessing.
22.01.2022 I love the chubby-cheeked, pudgy-hand snuggles of motherhood but I have not been prepared for the epic and never-ending amount of housework. As they age, routines and needs change and what was working for me previously is not working anymore. Isn’t this true for all of life - things change and what once was working for you, no longer does? I’ve always been a seeker of growth and self-improvement. I was feeling that the laundry/home organisation aspect of my life has been a ...major cause of stress for me lately - I’m more of a creative type rather than a natural organiser, so this is me on Sunday, trying to fix that. Completing the @theintentionalmomblog planner/ find more time online course that popped up in my instagram adverts, getting systems in place to find balance and calm. Two days in, my own personal morning routine of lemon and hot water, journalling, yoga and meditation are completely prioritised and checked off, all the house chores are up to date, and I’m much calmer. I love bringing myself back into balance. What would you love to pay some attention to in order to feel better about yourself? See more
21.01.2022 As my mother-in-law began to absorb the grief of losing her soulmate and life partner of over 50 years, her body rejected it and she too started to shut down. Without revealing too much of her personal information, she too needed to be hospitalised for a few days following the death of her husband. What I’m finding remarkably fitting is the Medicine Tea Reading I did for her as it became clear she was getting quite unwell. I chose Couch Grass, Oat straw, Nettle leaf and ro...ot, Marshmallow and some Lavender. The lavender was an add in at the end, a decision made more from the head than from herbal communication. Really my intention was to ground her back in her body, as she seemed to be floating away from it, but these herbs also assist kidney and bladder function, and are highly nutritive. The minerals volunteer electrolytes, and by supporting kidney function you support blood pressure. The oats and lavender are nervine tonics, anti-anxiety and aid sleep. The herbs in her blend turned out to be so necessary and remarkably medicinal for her condition in the days ahead. I feel so much gratitude for the abundance of beautiful plant medicines from Mother Earth, these herbs that heal on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. See more
21.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to push yourself a little bit further
21.01.2022 Part 2: Breastfeeding hurt at first. They tell you it doesn’t hurt if the latch is right. Not true, it hurt. It hurt no matter how many times I had my child's latch checked and assured it was fine, no matter how many times I ‘made my boob into a burger and squeezed it in her mouth', breastfeeding hurt. They say that fair skinned red heads feel the most pain when breastfeeding. I’m a fair skinned brunette so perhaps I come in in a second or third on the pain stake. My nipples ...became sore and cracked and bled. By day 11 feeding was agony but I gritted my teeth. I was determined. I used a nipple shield for every feed for three days out of necessity. I healed, and then it never hurt again. My milk sustained them and though they both were born rather skinny, they grew chubby very quickly. Fat little rolls over their thighs, up their arms and on their cheeks.Sweet little smiles and shiny eyes, only for mummy. I love the snuggly closeness, the shared bed convenience. How easy it was to stumble out of bed at that first wake up cry at 5.30 and climb back into bed with them, warm and cosy, feeding away. The beautiful smells of my babies head, their chubby little hands, their innocent sweet eyes taking in all around them, always happy to be on the boob. They say not to feed to sleep, but feeding to sleep was one of the most relaxing parts of my day, and personally one of my favourite things about breastfeeding. Feeding to sleep absolutely saved me when I was home alone with two babies who needed to nap. A chance to lie down and often snooze with my little one. And in the evenings, guilt free time scrolling my phone amidst the dinner/bedtime routine and then the clean up grind. Please read the rest through this link https://www.wildgracehealth.com/med/an-ode-to-breastfeeding
19.01.2022 Yarrow and Chamomile tea for my son when he was spiking a temp and throwing up a bit. The yarrow helps aid the temperature and reduces symptoms, the chamomile to calm the stomach. This gorgeous image by @making.trakks
19.01.2022 Exquisite illustrations
15.01.2022 I love flower essences because they help bring clarity and healing to your emotional body from a spiritual perspective. No matter what your story is, there’s an essence for you to gently support you while you heal (and let’s face it, we’re constantly healing into different versions of ourselves). Flowers hold the vibration of divinity and the essences hold the vibration of the flowers. I was honoured to give many flower essence readings at Wild Woman Weekend with @wyldtribe over the weekend. It’s such a blessing to be able to connect people with plant medicine. Feels like my calling. #wildwomanweekend
14.01.2022 Journalling in the treetops, the leaves whisper unconditional love
13.01.2022 Yesterday I worked with Kava in ritual. I’ve been trained in Western Herbal medicine, which in its modern form, is allopathic in nature. So this means herbs are recognised for their individual constituents and the physiological effect on the body. A patient presenting with symptoms is prescribed herbs to address the root cause of the symptoms, and sometimes just alleviate the symptoms themselves, and we don’t learn about plant ceremony. However traditional herbal medicine tra...Continue reading
12.01.2022 I’m not sure what you put in this tea Libby, but it makes me feel sooo much better, it’s magic. - Judyth. I make medicine teas unique to the recipient that are nutritive and healing. This is a very affordable way to get some personalised plant medicine into your day, and I love making them for you. Available through the link in my profile.
11.01.2022 Southern Cross - A beautifully elaborate flower native to the Stirling Ranges and the south west of WA. This bush flower remedy is for those that feel like their circumstances are beyond their control and they arn’t as lucky as others. For the one that lets a victim mentality creep in and pessimism prevent action to make positive change. I think we all are prone to a bit of this sometimes. The outcome is openness to creating the circumstances you want, rather then flailing in the circumstances you have. It helps you see the lessons and value in your hardships rather than only disadvantage. Southern Cross brings empowerment and the power of positive thinking to applying yourself and getting what you want. The southern cross image reposted from @maxxle5. Distance flower essence readings are available via my website
10.01.2022 Under 200mg of caffeine was thought to be safe in pregnancy however this latest review suggests there is no safe level of caffeine in pregnancy
10.01.2022 The full moon today and the Perth stormy sunshine (Yes stormy grey clouds, strong winds, and gorgeous sunshine all at once) AND the first day of spring makes this a powerful day for creating magic. Get your spell on witches! Magic is being in tune with nature in each moment as you move through your day while simultaneously being in tune with your spiritual self. The awareness of your self in nature brings feelings of connection to a greater purpose, significance an...d a sense of your own personal power. I love this quick exercise for tuning into nature. Sit still and calm, take a few deep breaths, now imagine seeing yourself from outside your body, and then include the nature around you into your vision, as if you’re floating into the air, pan out to a birds eye view, taking in the landscape and yourself being a part of that landscape. See the trees, the ocean, the hills or whatever aspects of nature are within a couple of km’s. You might like to let out a nice Ommmmm’ while feeling/imagining yourself as one with the landscape that surrounds you. It’s an immediate vibration raiser. This image via upworthy See more
09.01.2022 The other day my son threw his shoe over the neighbours fence. He’s thrown quite a few things over the fence in his time but a shoe required immediate attention so I went next door to retrieve it. The couple who live there are seniors, I’d never been in their home before. I was invited through to an incredible garden, a bit wild but orderly - my favourite kind - with trees, flowers, rocks, and various places to sit with others and socialise. In the middle of it all was a gi...ant pond, spread with lily pads and rising from the centre was an incredibly perfect and exquisite lotus flower. It was so vibrant and the air surrounding it seemed to have a clarity, almost like it was sparkling. I stared for quite a while. This pond was the source of the frog choir that chirps each night from October through Summer, and the constant relaxing trickle of water audible from our back deck which we benefit from immensely. After some coaching from my daughter from the other side of the fence I found John John’s sneaker, stopping by the lotus flower on the way out. Becoming acquainted with this beauty seemed like a gift. For context, recently, I’ve been working with the Padma, or lotus mudra, each morning, which involves connecting your palms at the base and spreading the fingers out to make an open lotus shape. It’s a heart opening mudra and I’ve been using it with the intention of connecting to the divine feminine energy of Kuan Yin. Being led to the prescence of a living lotus flower just meters away from where I’ve been meditating seemed quite special. This morning in my yoga practise on @gaia with @danaseraye we traced the shape of the lotus flower over and over again with our hands with the intention of heart opening, and my mind was cast to the exquisite flower over the fence, sitting in the pond emanating buddha consciousness for us here on Earth. This image from @street_style_paris See more
09.01.2022 And we have labels - this was important to me as I am a seeker of beauty - a society that creates beauty is an indication of enlightenment - now my herbs are as divine on the outside as they are on the inside. Adding them to the bottles feels like it charges the herbs just that bit extra - especially with the prayer ‘May the unconditional love and peace of the divine be with you’ printed on each one. Even though the bigger labels came back with extra gold foil - currently sorting that out with the printing company - Bespoke creams, tinctures and essences are available via appointment.
09.01.2022 Over the equinox period just past, it’s become important to me to work on strengthening my relationship with money. I went to the herbal medicine cupboard and asked my higher self for guidance on which herb will help me with this purpose. I reached for chamomile. Such a solar plexus herb, our center of personal power, confidence and action. It’s little flowers resemble the sun. I'd reached for the tincture initially but then my eye was cast the the jar of dried chamomile flow...ers I use for tea. I mentally planned a tea ceremony for later but in the meantime, I had a guest coming over, so I decided to brew a pot and have it ready for when she arrived. My guest was eager to share the tea and said it was her medicine flower. I did a flower essence reading for her, and then she invited me to be a part of an exciting new opportunity that offers abundance and support in many ways. I’m still to do my tea ceremony with chamomile but I’m already liking her effects. See more
06.01.2022 Intuition comes with listening and time ..... Yes Claire Fraser, yes it does. How much do you love Outlander? and isn’t @caitrionabalfe an absolute goddess! This image via @outlander_starz.
05.01.2022 Pain Relief and using herbs intuitively part 2 : following on from my post about sitting in ceremony with Willow: The next day I wake with stiffness in between my shoulder blades. It was pretty uncomfortable, If I stretched or moved too much it would spasm and feel worse for a time. This is what happens to me when I neglect my yoga practise (cos you know, mummy juggling) and I spend a lot of time at my computer. So for me it was an extra dose of magnesium, and a gorgeous hear...t opening yoga practise, with some added self massage. Then for plant medicine: I reached into my cupboard and was drawn to wild yam. I knew this was good for painful menstrual problems and womb health but I haven’t used Wild Yam for myself before so I was a little unfamiliar with it. I looked it up and found it was good for musculoskeletal spasms and cramping in the body in general, so thanks intuition - spot on once again. The fact that I’d been intuitively drawn to willow (natures aspirin) the day before didn’t escape me either, and guidance confirmed for me that it was the way to go also. I had a dose of wild yam tincture and a cup of willow tea before considering pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories this morning. I’ll continue to have small doses of magnesium, wild yam and willow tea every couple of hours. I’m not against taking pharmaceutical medication for pain relief when warranted, but so far so good, no need to take further medication. Update: Later in the day my period arrived and the following day experiences some slight cramping so another dose of Wild yam and after a little while all was settled. Working with herbs intuitively is immensely rewarding, and heals not just physiologically but on spiritual, emotional levels as well. What a gorgeous gift it is to have such beautiful medicines available to us. I believe is herbs as heal tonics, even if you are well herbs will optimise your health. Book in for a consult to get your own unique blend herbs matched perfectly to your needs. This gorgeous artwork of Wild Yam by @chelseairisgranger See more
05.01.2022 Pain Relief and using herbs intuitively: I was wandering around the Fremantle Markets early Friday morning, and found myself drawn to Willow in the herb shop. A tree I’ve always loved but a herb I’ve never worked with before. It was a beautiful day for a tea ceremony. I sat outside, created sacred space, introduced myself to the plant and sat with it. I asked Willow to heal me where I most needed it. I breathed the scent in, it transported me to summers just before christma...s when I was a child climbing on the freshly built hay stack. I closed my eyes, I sipped. I asked Willow what it has to teach me. I descended to a very earthy and damp soil, nearby was a beautiful river and a boat, the river bank was lined with willow trees and they swayed and reached out, brushing me, cleansing me as I rode gently down the river. Willow has been showing up for me this week. The other day I drew a Kuan Yin oracle card Sister Willow, which was all about forgiveness. Willow is remarkably flexible and adapts to its environment. Even though at the time I wondered what the forgiveness was about, as I wasn’t feeling particularly perturbed by anything in that moment I understand more now, coming off the back of a conversation with my sister. we discussed vaccinations, germ theory, terrain theory and the overreach of the government currently, before our call was disconnected by a dying battery. These conversations have been a big theme for me over the last four months or so. Willow changes and bends with the information at present, yet so often when we’ve made up our minds, we don’t accept information contrary to our beliefs. My particular medicine from willow right now is forgiveness, forgiveness and understanding those that believe different things from me, who don’t bend and sway, and a reminder to be open and flexible myself rather than being stuck in my ways. The inward reflection with the plant mirrored things back to me that are individual to my journey, we can use the plants as partners, but the wisdom and true healing comes from us. The meditation was highly relaxing and I’m looking forward to working with other plants in the same way. Traditionally Willow's indicated for rheumatism and headache - and also to reduce fever as an anti-pyretic. This makes complete sense considering it’s active constituents salyclates are the basis for aspirin. And in fact willow bark was used to make aspirin until salycylates were able to be synthetically created in a lab. Considering the blood thinning properties of aspirin and salicylates it’s potentially a good one to use in covid infection which causes blood clotting among its many symptoms. It has been associated with reyes syndrome ( a rare yet deadly condition involving inflammation of the liver) in children, up to age 19 and so is contraindicated for kids, young adults and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Kuan Yin oracle by @alana_fairchild Willow Image via upworthy
03.01.2022 I was looking back through some old notes and happened upon this little poem I wrote just after I took the plunge and ordered in a full herbal dispensary for my own use. It’s called I love herbs. It made me laugh - here it is for you: Oh herbs bless you with your medicine green your power is so unseen your gentleness is not unnoticed the way your phycochemicals blend in with cellular function and coax my body back into balance This is a prayer of gratitude to you... finding this mix of medicine and spirituality so natural and so frowned upon. The vibrant colours of the flowers on my table sing of healing and joy Like a chakra bouquet, they so obviously offer healing in their own way See more
01.01.2022 Just gearing up for a Wild Woman Weekend with @wyldtribe. The theme is Return to Avalon - so totally in my element here, returning to my spiritual home #trees4eva #priestess
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