Libby Coker MP | Politician
Libby Coker MP
Address: 26/500-540 Torquay Road 3217 Waurn Ponds, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Scott Morrison might not have a plan for aged care. But we do. Do you have a question about Labors eight point plan? Its your last chance to register for my virtual forum tonight with the Shadow Assistant Minister for Aged Care Ged Kearney. Sign up at I hope to see you there.
25.01.2022 Im pleased the State Government has this morning announced a further $3 billion in support of Victorian businesses. Hundreds of thousands of businesses across our state are doing it tough to help drive cases down so we can get back to normal life sooner. I hope this package goes some way to providing support. The Federal Government must follow with further announcements, particularly regarding the extension of JobKeeper to help keep people in work. ... Read more
23.01.2022 Australia - this is your Prime Minister.
22.01.2022 Are you angry about Scott Morrison and Dan Tehans plan to make it harder and more expensive to go to uni? Now is your chance to tell him in your own words. You have one day left to make a submission to the Senate inquiry on this unfair legislation. A submission can be as short or as long as you like - but it should directly let the Senate know whether this bill should or should not proceed. ... If you make a submission let me know! I would love to read what you have to say. #auspol
22.01.2022 Scott Morrison doesn't want anyone held to account for robodebt because the person responsible for robodebt is Scott Morrison.
22.01.2022 A simple conversation could change a life. Today, and every day you can, reach out to a friend, loved one, or work mate and ask them how theyre doing. The last couple of months have been rough on everyone. We need to look after each other the best we can. #RUOKDay
22.01.2022 Today, I took some time to ring constituents across our electorate, just to check in and see how they are coping during these challenging times. Its important we continue to check in on each other, particularly those who may feel isolated. If you need assistance, or just feel like a chat, remember our office is here to support you. We are always happy to help you, or put you in touch with others who can. ... You are always welcome to give us a call on 5243 1444 or email [email protected].
22.01.2022 The neglect seen in our aged homes is unforgivable. More than 500 aged care residents have died. These are not just numbers, these are our loved ones, our parents and grandparents. I know our workers in aged care are doing their best. But what we have is a Government that does not have a plan to get us out of the crisis in the aged care. Thanks to everyone who came forward to share their concerns and stories with Ged Kearney and me last night.
22.01.2022 Is there anything better than the moment the sunshine bursts through the treetops on a morning walk? Thanks to Sam for sending in these pictures from his morning walk along the Currawong Falls Track. Do you have a hidden gem youd like to share? Were so fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the world, and I want to see what your hidden gems in Corangamite are! It can be anything from a nature trail to a coffee shop everyone must visit.... As we look to opening up our region its important we remind everyone what makes where we live a great place to come and visit. So, send me an email ([email protected]) or a Facebook inbox with a picture of your hidden gem and Ill post as many as I can!
21.01.2022 Today marks one year since I made my first speech to Parliament and what a year its been. Last year, I revealed how my environmental activism began as a teenager in Port Macquarie. My passion for the environment has continued to grow since I moved to our region 30 years ago. ... I love our little slice of the world -- our beautiful country, our incredible wildlife, our magnificent ocean and waterways, our amazing big blue sky and that love continues to motivate my work in Parliament. But all that we love about Australias environment is at risk if the Government passes its disastrous amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. It is nothing more than a resurrection of Tony Abbotts failed one-stop shop reforms. This legislation would be bad for our environment, jobs and business. It fails every single test. If youre concerned about what this legislation means for Australias environment, and want to know what you can do to lobby the Government to drop this bill, sign up for my upcoming virtual forum with Shadow Environment Minister Terri Butler MP. Wed love to see you there. LEAN Australia - Labor Environment Action Network
20.01.2022 We need a plan for recovery and infrastructure, education and manufacturing must be at its heart. Only Labor can deliver it.
20.01.2022 Absolutely unacceptable. The Morrison Governments aged care system is a shambles and theyre failing to act.
20.01.2022 Regional Victoria - youve done it. Im so proud of you. Thank you for all your hard work. Its because of you we are able to move to the third step of the Victorian Governments coronavirus road to recovery. But its important to be remember just because we have hit this step, we must remain vigilant. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild, get tested.
20.01.2022 Announcements dont save lives. Its the delivery that matters. Everyone should hear what Penny Wong has to say about the flailing Aged Care Minister.
19.01.2022 It is definitely worth braving the elements to experience our magnificent Great Otway National Park!
18.01.2022 The integral role educators play has been brought into sharp focus during the pandemic. Today on Early Childhood Educators Day, we celebrate the contribution early educators make to the lives of children, families and our country as a whole. Early educators are essential workers in every sense of the word.... #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay
18.01.2022 That is about as un-Australian as it gets. Scott Morrison promised to bring stranded Australians home by Christmas. Christmas is coming, but hope is disappearing for these families. They deserve so much better than this.
18.01.2022 People need help. This will only hurt them.
17.01.2022 A petition should not be needed to get the Geelong Council to realise how dangerous Tivoli Drive in Curlewis is. But the residents have no other choice - they want this road fixed as soon as possible. They are worried about their safety and believe this road is an accident waiting to happen. I share their concern and I will stand with them.... Thanks to everyone who signed our petition yesterday. If you live in Curlewis and know someone who is worried about this road and has not signed the petition yet - here is the link:
17.01.2022 Scott Morrison promised he would get all stranded Australians home by Christmas. I fear this will just be another announcement the Prime Minister will not deliver.
17.01.2022 Must read: Federal aged care authorities have no way to track how many homes aged care staff work at. We know this failure isnt a surprise. The Morrison Government failed to implement a registration scheme for aged care workers despite it being recommended by experts. How is this acceptable?
16.01.2022 Some more snaps showcasing our beautiful electorate! Thanks to Charlotte for sharing these shots. If you have any photos youve taken around our region, wed love to see them! Send us an email with your pics and the location of where the photo was taken and it may end up on this page!
15.01.2022 Australia is in the grips of a jobs crisis, but the Morrison Government doesnt have a jobs plan. Todays National Accounts will record Australias biggest ever fall in GDP and confirm that the country is in a deep recession. Instead of a jobs plan, Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg want to wind back JobKeeper, cut super, and freeze the pension.... We need to stop pretending that JobKeeper, JobMaker and JobCandlestick-maker programs are a comprehensive plan for jobs. Theyre not.
14.01.2022 Every Fathers Day, I think of my Dad, Jack Coker who passed away eight years ago. He is my inspiration. Dad hated injustice. He would call up ABC 774 and voice his views - Its Jack from Anglesea on the line! Dad encouraged me to follow my dreams, to work hard and care for others. He taught me that life is a precious gift and it must be honoured by doing things of value. ... Love you Dad.
14.01.2022 We are living in a climate emergency. We must listen to the science and act with innovation, manufacturing locally, creating jobs and protecting our environment! #NetZero
14.01.2022 If you want to enjoy a Lavazza coffee with this view, well you need to say hi to the amazing staff at Bumblebeez Cafe in Anglesea. Let's all buy local and support our community this weekend. : Bumblebeez Cafe Anglesea
14.01.2022 Dalton popped in my office last week to ask questions that are important to him and his community. This Oberon student is passionate about politics and runs a tough interview. Keep up the great work Dalton!
14.01.2022 Have you had a chance to check out my September grants bulletin? There are a lot of great grants going this month. Some are closing soon, so it is important you get in quickly if you think your organisation might be eligible for one. You can sign up to receive the bulletin straight to your inbox at If you apply for a grant, please let me know! Id be more than happy to support you in whatever way I can.
13.01.2022 Disgraceful, particularly when so many Australians are stranded overseas.
13.01.2022 Today is the first day of summer, and National Water Safety Day. As the weather warms up, more of us will head to beaches, rivers and pools to cool off and have fun. We need to make sure we are making water safety a priority. ... Last season there were 248 drownings across Australia. Be safe when enjoying the water this summer.
11.01.2022 This year, National Stroke Week is perhaps more important than ever. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, there have been fewer people calling triple zero (000) and going to hospital at the first sign of stroke. We need more F.A.S.T. heroes to save the life of loved one, a colleague, a stranger or even themselves by knowing the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech and Time) signs of stroke and acting at the first sign. #strokeweek2020
11.01.2022 The ABCs Insiders nails it. The Morrison Government is all announcement, no delivery.
10.01.2022 You may have received a notice in the mail recently about changes to your mail delivery. It outlines a reduction in local postal services. People in the Geelong and surrounding regions could see delivery times pushed out to at least seven days. Last week, the Morrison Government locked in plans to drop deliveries from daily to once every two to three days as a temporary measure due to COVID-19. ... Labor will fight to ensure that this measure remains temporary. Read more
09.01.2022 Go Allie and the Melbourne Vixens! Its always so exciting to see one of our own take the sporting world by storm
09.01.2022 Christmas is just around the corner and the lights are back! Do you have a shot you'd like to share from this year's displays in your neighbourhood? Send me an email at [email protected] or a Facebook message.
09.01.2022 The Governments failure to deliver is hurting my community in Corangamite. Scott Morrison promises the world but he does not deliver. Weve seen this time and time again with JobKeeper, early years educators and child care, and now with aged care.... My speech to Parliament #auspol
09.01.2022 As we come out of this crisis regions, like mine in Corangamite, can be the engine room that drives future growth. Australias regions are great places to live - now we need to make them better.
08.01.2022 An accident waiting to happen. That's how Tivoli Drive in Curlewis was described to me by residents. The City of Greater Geelong must listen to residents and look to resolve the serious safety issues as soon as possible. Read more in today's Bellarine Times ... See more
07.01.2022 It is outrageous Labor MPs, including myself, were gagged from speaking out against the Morrison Governments proposed changes to environmental laws. Our future depends on robust environmental protections. LEAN Australia - Labor Environment Action Network
07.01.2022 Expressions of Interest are now open for the Australian Government's Volunteer Grants program! Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promoting awareness to increase participation in volunteering. Organisations must first submit an expression of interest for their proposed project by 19 April 2021. Successful organisations will later be invited to submit their project funding application.... Find out more at:
06.01.2022 Dont these caterpillars know they should be 1.5 metres apart?! I dont think theyve quite got the hang of social distancing yet
06.01.2022 The Morrison Government will not own up to its responsibility for robodebt. No debate. Just shut it down in the Chamber. Typical.
06.01.2022 A few of you have been in contact with my office asking for details on the Victorian social bubble. Starting next week, single people living on their own and solo parents will be able to nominate one friend or family member for their bubble and that person can visit them at home. Read below for more information directly from Dan Andrews
06.01.2022 Today the Government gagged debate to ram through their Abbot-era environment bill through the House. Its a disgrace. I wanted the opportunity to speak up for the over 200 people who have emailed my office in the past month to express concern over plans to water down the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. I want you to know that I stand with you. ... Here is the speech I would have given if the Government had not shut Labor out of the debate. #auspol LEAN Australia - Labor Environment Action Network
05.01.2022 More than 700 jobs are at risk at the Geelong Viva Energy refinery if the Morrison Government does not act now. Federal Government must deliver a comprehensive fuel security package to ensure the long term viability of Viva Energy. There are also thousands of indirect jobs at stake. The time for action is now.
05.01.2022 Labor will always fight for your penalty rates. Because we know how much working people rely on penalty rates. We’ll always protect them because we’re on your side.
04.01.2022 This is what todays announcement by Premier Daniel Andrews means for regional Victoria. Our region has done an amazing job in fighting this virus so far, but we cant be complacent now. Keep doing the right thing everyone.
04.01.2022 It was great to have a (COVID safe) end of year celebration with our wonderful Corangamite volunteers. This year has been tough but dozens of volunteers stepped up to help those in need in our community. I couldn't do my job without their support.
04.01.2022 I do not support this Bill. This legislation would give the Government the power to ban mobile phones in immigration detention. Just like us, people in immigration detention use mobile phones to maintain close contact with friends and family and to communicate with legal advisers. This Bill seeks to remove that right without reasonable cause. ... The Government has the power to drop this Bill. They have the power to act justly and with humanity. I call on them to do so.
04.01.2022 These two great Aussies have a message for you: We hope everyone is enjoying some down time with their loved ones. If you are heading back home today - please drive safe. Thank you. : FlorentB
04.01.2022 A couple of weeks ago, I spoke up in Parliament about the need for the Government to call a Royal Commission into veteran suicide. Today, Labor announced it would oppose legislation for the Government's plan for a National Commissioner for veteran suicide. When Scott Morrison announced the National Commissioner earlier this year, he ignored the pleas of parents like Julie-Ann Finney and Karen Bird, whose veteran sons tragically took their own lives.... The Government must establish a Royal Commission so we can tackle this issue head on.
03.01.2022 This has been a marathon for all of us but we are finally on top of the virus. Well done on an unbelievably tough slog Let's enjoy the sun and keep doing the right thing.
03.01.2022 Labor will fight this. Its a shocker of a policy and the Liberals should dump it. #auspol
02.01.2022 The aged care system has experienced seven years of neglect under this Liberal Government. It has left so many older and vulnerable Australians behind. Whats more, the Morrison Government ignored the warnings about the potential impact of the pandemic on our aged care sector. Scott Morrison and his embattled Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck failed to plan, failed to act and failed to take responsibility with tragic consequences. Last week, I held a virtual forum on aged care with Ged Kearney MP, Shadow Aged Care Minister, to discuss the crisis in sector and Labors eight-point-plan to fix it.
01.01.2022 Are you experiencing slow or troublesome NBN or mobile phone coverage in your area? In total this Government has now announced it fixed mobile reception in my electorate 23 times. The NBN and mobile reception continue to attract more complaints than almost anything else when I am doing my daily doorknock through my electorate.... Are you experiencing problems with your home internet or mobile phone reception? I would like to hear from you! Tell me more at Michelle Rowland MP
01.01.2022 We will fight the Liberals university cuts and fee hikes. Why? Because Labor believes everyone should have the opportunity to go to university and study what interests them.... At a time when youth unemployment is going through the roof, why on earth is Scott Morrison locking young Australians out of an education?
01.01.2022 #LIVE: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is holding a press conference to unveil the Governments roadmap out of coronavirus restrictions. Hell be joined by Dep...uty Premier James Merlino and Health Minister Jenny Mikakos. Victoria has recorded 63 new coronavirus infections and five deaths in 24 hours. MORE:
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