Wentworth Shire Libraries in Buronga, New South Wales | Library
Wentworth Shire Libraries
Locality: Buronga, New South Wales
Phone: +61 3 5027 5060
Address: 6 Midway Drive 2739 Buronga, NSW, Australia
Website: opac.wentworth.nsw.gov.au/libero/WebOpac.cls
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25.01.2022 Happy Book Week! We hope you are celebrating your favourite books and all the wild wonderful creatures out there. May you always find joy in stories. Love from Wentworth Shire Libraries.
24.01.2022 Gab has some exciting news for you! We are reintroducing our Toddler Story Times, make sure you book in as spots are limited: Buronga Library: Thursday 10am, ph. 50277060 (Starting 12th November) Wentworth Library: Friday 10am ph. 50276050 (Starting 6th November)... Books for this week: Green as a Bean by Alison Lester. Published by Allen and Unwin. Groggy Green by Anna Walker. Published by Puffin Books.
22.01.2022 For Adult Learner’s Week, why not try learning a new language? There are some resources at the library to help you get started and we can show you how to access apps and podcasts that can also teach you a new language! #spanish #learnalanguage #sunraysia #mallee #wentworthlibrary #burongalibrary #daretonlibrary #library #librarylife #nswpubliclibraries #librarylove #hola #learning #ALW2020
20.01.2022 Nathan’s favourite book for Children’s Book Week was ‘My Friend Fred’ by Frances Watts. He even has a fun drawing activity to try!
20.01.2022 For us books are many things; a tool to heal, a chance to escape, a door into another mind, a teacher, a way to feel understood. #roxanegay #qotd #wentworthlibrary #library #sunraysia #bookstagram #instabooks #booklove #librarylove #readreadread #booksbooksbooks #burongalibrary #golgol #randomavocado
20.01.2022 Our current read for Wentworth Book Club is ‘The Dictionary of Lost Words’ by Pip Williams. This book follows the story of a young girl who collects rejected words for the first Oxford Dictionary, as she grows she realises that some words hold more weight than others. Set during the women’s suffrage movement, this historical fiction is deeply thought provoking. Shoutout to Lithgow Library Learning Centre for the loan. Did you know, if we don’t have a book that you’d like, we ...can request it from another library via Inter-library loan? We’re cool like that. If you’d like to join our book club; get in touch! Or leave a comment below. #wentworththeread #burongalibrary #librarylife #publiclibraries #nswpla #nswpubliclibraries #mallee #sunraysia #golgol #wentworth #wentworthshire #pipwilliams #dictionaryoflostwords #bookclub #instabooks #bookstagram #recommendedread
19.01.2022 Mel has a lovely story for us this week. We are so excited with Book Week starting tomorrow! We hope you all are getting ready to celebrate books in your own special way. Make sure you tune in to our Facebook page next week for our favourite children’s books for this year as well as some wonderful activities and online programs through Storybox Library. Don’t forget our brilliant LIVE animal show next Tuesday 20th at 10am. https://event.webinarjam.com/register/178/xygw1cp1... Book: The Wildest Book Week Ever! by Heath McKenzie Scholastic Press.
18.01.2022 Happy 25th Birthday to our humble little library building at Wentworth! On this day 25 years ago the Wentworth Library on Murray Street was officially opened to the public by Mayor Don McKinnon. It is thanks not only to Wentworth Shire Council and the Library staff, but to the beautiful patrons that make this library what it is today. Thank you to our wonderful community for all your support over the years, you have filled this building with much laughter and love. #murraydarling #wentworthlibrary #25years #happybirthday #nswpubliclibraries #publiclibrary #library #librarylove #librarylife #wentworth #farwestnsw #sunraysia #mallee #wentworthshire #readreadread #wentworththeread #visitnsw
17.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC Week! Wentworth Shire Libraries operate on Paakantyi, Barkindji and Kureinji lands. We’d like to acknowledge Elders past present and emerging. We acknowledge the country on which we work and pay our respects to First Nations people not only from our region but across this vast land we call home. We proudly celebrate Indigenous voices throughout the year and encourage our community to join us in honouring Aboriginal Australians and the lands on which we live.... #naidocweek #NAIDOC #naidoc2020 #barkindji #paakantyi #alwayswasalwayswillbe #indigenousaustralia #firstnations #library #nswpubliclibraries
17.01.2022 Join in the fun with today’s Storytime with Mel! Books Too Many Elephants in This House, by Ursula Dubosarsky. Published by Penguin Books Australia. Clementine’s Walk by Annie White. Published by New Frontier Publishing.... Activity http://krokotak.com/2013/03/quick-elephant-mask/
16.01.2022 We challenge you to listen to this beautiful story and not cry - something to brighten your day. By Patrick Guest and Jonathan Bentley, published by Hardie Grant (Huge thanks to Melinda for sharing this with us)
13.01.2022 We are so overwhelmed with gratitude for everything our community are doing during this difficult time. We are very fortunate to have no active cases in our region and that is thanks to the hard sacrifices we have all had to make. We would like to say a huge thanks to all the parents who are homeschooling, the workers working from home, the people making masks for the community, to those safely distancing and checking in via phone, to those giving up the things they love most... to keep us all safe. Thank you. Thank you for caring about each other and thank you for understanding. We know it’s not easy. We appreciate everything you are doing (and not doing). We see you and we feel your pain. We will get through together. #thankyou #community #malleetough #sunraysia #wentworthlibrary #burongalibrary #daretonlibrary #golgol #buronga #wentworth #dareton #silverlining #blueskiesahead #publiclibrary #nswpubliclibraries #grateful #gratitude #stopthespread
12.01.2022 The Visitor Online Writing Competition Now Open! The Under the Silver Tree Cooperative Bookshop, Broken Hill City Library, Wentworth Libraries and West Darling Arts have joined forces to create a new writing competition, open to residents of the Far West. To enter, you need to submit a work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry of up to 500 words which responds to the theme of The Visitor which is completely open to the author’s interpretation. Entries will be submitted online... where they will be made available for the public to read and to score. The winner will receive $500 and have the opportunity to have their work published on the eBook platform, IndyReads. The competition was designed with the pandemic in mind, as we all believe that engaging in the creative process, as well as the reading of the entries, will provide relief and entertainment during these difficult times. Although entries will need to be entered online, all of our organisations be able to assist if anyone is having any difficulty or are without access to computers. Entrants will need to be residents of Broken Hill, Central Darling Shire, Wentworth Shire or the Western Unincorporated Area, and can be any age. Entries are now open and will need to be submitted by the 2nd of October. Judging will be open from the 9th of October to the 30th of October with the winner announced on the 13th of November. Go to https://bit.ly/31h9nCd for more information and to enter. Any queries regarding the competition, please contact Gab at the Library #farwestnsw #wentworth #golgol #dareton #buronga #curlwaa #trenthamcliffs #monak #pomona #pooncarie #lowerdarling #murraydarling #writingcomp
10.01.2022 We have one of our favourite tunes featured in today’s story time. We hope you can join in. Books I love you just the way you are! By Rosie Greening. Illustrated by Dillon James. Published by Make Believe Ideas. A Banana is a Banana by Justine Clarke & Josh Pyke. Illustrated by Heath McKenzie. Published by Random House Australia.... Activities available for collection at Wentworth & Buronga Library, or reach out to Dareton Sacc!
10.01.2022 A big congratulations to our Wentworth Bookmark Competition Winners - Isabella Gifford, Ellie Vines and Margie Murphy. We had some wonderful entrants, it was very hard to decide!
09.01.2022 It’s @cbcaustralia Children’s Book Week!!! We’ll be celebrating a love of reading all week. Huge congratulations to all the winners for this years CBCA awards. There are plenty of ways to get involved and share your love of books with the young humans in your life. Head to @storyboxlibrary and use your library membership number to log in and access a heap of picture story books read by well loved authors, actors and teachers. There are even activities for you to try at home o...r at school. How will you be celebrating your love of books this week? #librarylove #librarylife #wentworththeread #cbca2020 #childrensbookweek #bookweek2020 #bookweek #lovereading #lovebooks #booklover #library #wentworthlibrary #burongalibrary #daretonlibrary #sunraysia #mallee #borrowthisbook #borrowabook #visityourlibrary #librarieschangelives #nswpubliclibraries #publiclibrary #community #education #connection #picturebooks #australianbooks #bookstagram #instabooks
09.01.2022 Happy Adult Learner’s Week! This week is all about trying something new, even if you’re a grown up. Just because we stop being students, doesn’t mean we should stop learning! The library has plenty of places to help you get started; cooking, gardening, learning a language...we even have access to Ancestry so you can do some genealogy research on your own family tree! What are you going to learn this week?... #wentworthlibrary #burongalibrary #golgol #daretonlibrary #nswpubliclibraries #librarylife #librarylove #picasso #pablopicasso #qotd #library #education #knowledgeispower #learning #learneveryday #questioneverything #discover #learn #play
08.01.2022 Happy Wear it Purple Day! We’d like to acknowledge all of the wonderful members of our LGBTQI+ community and the incredible strength and resilience they have. We strive for a world in which all belong, regardless of gender or sexuality. If you’re after some fantastic Queer literature, pick up a copy of 12 Queer Stories, a heartfelt read, of that teaches us all to spread a little more love and acceptance. #loveozya #wearitpurpleday2020 #lgbtq #lqbtqia #rainbow #sunraysia #mallee #wentworthlibrary #librarylove #loveislove #spreadlovenothate #burongalibrary #daretonlibrary #recommendedread #nswpubliclibraries #library
07.01.2022 Meet some wonderful new friends with Michelle! Have you met any of these Curious Creatures before? You can also borrow this featured book called ‘Bat VS Poss’ by Alexa Moses, Illustrated by Anil Tortop from your local library. Access more brilliant stories using your library membership number here:... www.storyboxlibrary.com.au See more
07.01.2022 Some old ones (and one with a new twist) you might love for Storytime for this week. Books: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michel Rosen. Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. Published by Walker Books. The Cow Tripped over the Moon by Tony Wilson. Illustrated by Laura Wood. Published by Scholastic Australia... Optional craft available for collection at Wentworth Library or through Dareton Sacc
06.01.2022 Can you say Hello with Gab? Try and join in with Story time! Books Say Hello Like This by Mary Murphy. Published by Walker Books. 10 Bush Babies by Susan Hall, Illustrated by Naomi Zouwer. Published by NLA Publishing.... Optional activity available for collection from the Library!
06.01.2022 We have some wonderful Christmas activities coming up. Call us at the Wentworth Library on 03 5027 5060 to book your spot.
06.01.2022 Check out this lovely review by Mahkaila on ‘Fly’ by Jess McGeachin, a shortlisted CBCA book for this year’s Children’s Book Week. You can borrow the book from our libraries, or visit www.storyboxlibrary.com.au and log in with your member code to watch the entire story!
02.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day. We hope you all had a beautiful day. We are especially thinking of those who can’t be with their fathers or children on this day. We are mindful of those who are having their first Father’s Day without their Dad, of the guardians and carers who have taken on the role of Dad, of the families with two Dad’s, the Dad’s whose children are no longer with us and all the wonderful father figures in our community that help raise this little village. We love you all. #thankyou #love #fathersday #mildura #wentworth #mallee #sunraysia #golgol #buronga #dareton #curlwaa #pooncarie #murraydarling #farwestnsw #sunset #dusk #grateful
02.01.2022 WONDERFUL NEWS!!! The border restrictions are relaxing. The strict 4-reasons to cross the border has been lifted for border zone residents. You can now cross the border to the neighbouring zone for any reason. That means we can start seeing our friends and family again!!! If you want a permit, come by and see us. We’ve missed you!!! ... #wentworth #buronga #golgol #borderzone #bordertown #borderregion #farwestnsw #reunited #library #friendshipquotes #friendship #mallee #sunraysia #dareton
02.01.2022 Are we though? Sometimes it’s hard to be an adult. Why doesn’t anyone warn you about being a grown up? Why doesn’t anyone warn you about the impact you have on others? ‘All Adults Here’ by @emmastraub is observant and full of warm wit. #wentworththeread #wentworthlibrary #burongalibrary #library #borrowthisbook #recommendedread #goodreads #instabooks #nswpubliclibraries #sunraysia #mallee #alladultshere #emmastraub #readreadread
02.01.2022 We acknowledge, support and celebrate The Indigenous Literacy Foundation's Indigenous Literacy Day by revisiting the books in our library that celebrate communi...ty and connection. Discover the books that act as reminders that stories have the power to connect us all. https://storyboxlibrary.com.au//books-to-acknowledge-suppo #StorytimeAnytime See more
02.01.2022 Welcome to Storytime, we have some nice colourful books this week! Books: Uno’s Garden by Graeme Base, published by Penguin Books Stuck by Oliver Jeffers by Harper Collins... Optional craft available for collection from Wentworth Library, Buronga Library or through Dareton Sacc!
01.01.2022 Gardening inspo Free access Spring planting season Head down to the library for some help getting the garden in order.... #gardening #gardeningaustralia #burongalibrary #wentworthlibrary #librarylove #library #nswpubliclibraries #publiclibrary #sunraysia #nativeplants #mallee #springgarden #garden #wentworth #golgol #daretonlibrary #farwestnsw
01.01.2022 Gab’s favourite book this year was ‘Three’ by Stephen Michael King. You can collect a fun scavenger hunt from your local branch!
01.01.2022 What did you learn today? #library #librarylife #librarylove #wentworthlibrary #mildura #sunraysia #mallee #murraydarling #farwestnsw #bordertown #golgol #dareton
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