Lief the label | Home decor
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24.01.2022 We are custodians of Earth, so make it count . . . . #slowliving #weekendshenanigans #connect #mindful #nature #earth #home
24.01.2022 Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
24.01.2022 You can never go wrong with adding a bit of texture to your interiors. We created our "velvet filler" collection for just this reason. When you need a pop of colour or a bit of texture, then these are the way to go. And they feel amazing - bonus! .... . . . . . . . #liefthelabel #interiordecor #home #decorideas #loveyourhome #decoration #homedesign #interiordesign #roomdecor #interiorstyling #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade See more
21.01.2022 They say a change is as good as a holiday. Since most of us had to cancel our holiday plans, we can make a change then. I'm talking about changing the way we shop. Over the next few days we are going to have a look at how we can make small changes to the way we shop to have a big impact on ourselves, our wallet, the people we buy from and our planet. To get you into the flow of things, I will start off by recommending that we be more mindful when w...e shop. What I mean by mindful shopping is to shop with intent. Being mindful of what we are buying, being aware of the item we are buying - its origin and what we will do with it. It is sort of the opposite of ‘impulse-buying’. On another note, this close-up of one of our hand-embroidered cushions from our Coastal collection is giving me all the holiday feels (maybe because I'm longing to travel and explore more beaches and landscapes). The colours are inspired by the colours of the ocean and the embroidery is inspired by the mountains. I hope you all have a lovely week! . . . #liefthelabel #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade #nature #slowliving #mindfulshopping #shopping #mindfulness #handembroidery See more
20.01.2022 This week on the blog we have the amazing Alida Havemann from @alida_at_home joining us. She is an interior stylist and home stager based in Ontario, Canada and incredibly talented! Alida shows us how to style our home to go with the seasons, using most of what we already have. Check out the blog to see more xx.... . . . #slowliving #mindful #homestyle #interiorstyle #seasons #homedecor #blogpost #seasonaldecor See more
19.01.2022 A tip on being more mindful when we shop. Ask yourself: Is it a need or a nice-to-have? Is the item you are contemplating buying something that will fulfil a need or is it just something that caught your eye and would be nice to add to your collection of other ‘useless’ things. ... Choose quality over quantity. . . . #liefthelabel #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade #qualityoverquantity #luxuryhomewares #mindfulshopping See more
19.01.2022 We find ideas and inspiration for our home style from nature, books, magazines, Pinterest, Instagram, shopping or just by visiting someone else's home. Stores and magazines inspire us with what is new for the next season. Occasionally we can splurge a bit and buy a new item, but most of the time we can manage beautiful styling with what we already have. . . .... #slowliving #mindful #newideas #inspiration #homedecor #reuse #handmadecushions See more
18.01.2022 Happy weekend lovelies! When you are out and about on your shopping trip this weekend, think about these words for a few seconds. You deserve the best quality for your buck so be mindful when you purchase. Find out a bit more about the products and items before you buy. Do you know the brand? Do you agree with their values? Do your research before you support a brand. When you buy from a company, you are voting for them with your wallet, make sure their values and your values align. Happy shopping everyone! See more
17.01.2022 Introducing our linen collection. All the cushions in this collection have hand embroidered details in different colours.
16.01.2022 We need to re-evaluate how we shop. Have you ever bought an item just because it was on sale or really cheap, but then realised fairly quickly you don't like it that much? And just as easily got rid of it again? I have noticed we don't attach as much value to items anymore. It's probably because most of the things we buy are super cheap and cheaply made. Buying a $15 dress for one night out or a $10 dinner set for a themed dinner party is... so common and easy because we can just as easily get rid of it afterwards. But did you ever stop to think where these things go when we get 'rid' of it? There is no 'away' anymore. The #waronwaste is very real and the responsibility to fight it falls on each and every one of us. Don't think because you are donating it to Good Sammies afterwards that you have done your part. Op shops are overflowing with items and clothes people don't want anymore and only a small percentage of it gets sold. The rest goes to charities, other 3rd world countries or landfill. We stopped thinking where items came from, who made it, and where it will go once we are done with it. One easy step toward a more sustainable future is thinking twice before you buy. Buy less, buy better quality to last a long time and buy more thoughtfully. I promise the earth and your wallet will be grateful. . . . #liefthelabel #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade #slowliving #connect #mindful #nature #responsibleconsumerism #mindfulshopping #quality #ethicalhomewares #homewares See more
14.01.2022 Feel confident and make heads turn wherever you go. Mindfully crafted with natural fabrics. With a 'less is more' approach, we craft our pieces with a focus on quality and craftsmanship, rather than quantity.... Head on over to our site today (link in bio) to start your journey with us xx . . . . . . . . . . . . #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashionbrand #handmadeclothing #handwovenclothing #smallbusiness #slowfashion #timelessclothing #naturalfabrics #consciousfashion #liefthelabel #fairfashion #consciouswear #ethicalclothing #ethicallymade #australianmade #australianmadeclothing #sustainablefashion #sustainable #sustainablebrands #ethicalbrands #sustainableaussiebrand #choosewell #confidenceiskey #confidentwomen #handwovencotton #lessismore #qualityoverquantity #mindfullycrafted See more
14.01.2022 A good question... . . . .... . . . . . #slowliving #choosejoy #simplelife #mindfulliving #livemoremagic #slowlivingforlife #seeingthepretty #theslowdowncollective #conscience #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #thecostoffashion #sustainablelife See more
12.01.2022 A little bouquet of pompoms Yes, we make all our tassels and pom-poms for our homewares. It's all about the little details for us. We really enjoy creating and working with our hands, so even though it is a time-consuming project, we enjoy every minute of it ... These little cuties will become part of a collection we've been working on for the past few weeks and will be available soon. . . . . . . . . #liefthelabel #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade #handmadepompoms #pompoms #handmade #itsallinthedetails See more
10.01.2022 Happy friday lovelies! Note to self: It is ok to sleep in and spend more time in bed on a weekend It is also ok to take time out and re-energize in whatever way works for you. You cannot pour into someone else's life if your own cup is empty. x .... . . . . . . #slowliving #weekendshenanigans #connect #mindful #reenergize #liefthelabel #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade See more
10.01.2022 LIEF GIVEAWAY TIME! To celebrate the launch of our capsule clothing collection, we are giving away one of our Purple Kandy dress to one very lucky winner. To enter:... 1 follow us 2 tag 2 of your friends in the comments that would love this dress too, and tell us where you will wear it or how you will style it. 3 repost this post in your feed or stories. Every comment (2 friends tagged) is an entry. Enter as many times as you’d like! Giveaway closes Sat 14 Nov 2020 at 1pm (Perth time). Winner will be picked at random and announced Monday 16 Nov 2020. Only open to Australian residents. This giveaway is not affiliated with it sponsored by Instagram. Good luck to everyone. We cannot wait to see what you come up with xx
09.01.2022 Slow down Spend time outside Listen Breathe Reflect... We can get so caught up in our day to day activities and work that we quickly forget what matters most to us. Slowing down helps us figure out what the important things are. Once you’ve figured that out, manage your time in such a way that you spend more time on the people and things that are important to you, and less time on the insignificant drama, tv shows, social media and news. . . . . . #slowlivingaustralia #slowliving #ethicalfashionaustralia #slowdown #spendtimeinnature #mindfulliving #handcraftedclothing #whatmatterstoyou
09.01.2022 "I have a shelf or two in a cupboard with summer and winter props. Things like vases, candleholders, candles, (lots of candles for the cold winter months!) baskets, small accessories, as well as covers for my throw cushions. I like to change up my items for every new season. Cushions in the summer gets a cooler colour sleeve and winter is softer and warmer tones. I prefer to use natural fabrics like linen, cotton or wool. ... In my linen closet, I keep fluffy winter blankets, throws and a few sheepskins to cozy things up for the cold winter months. You could even roll up and store your living room rug during the summer and bring it back for the winter months. I change some of our smaller prints in our home with clean crisp looking prints for summer and wintery theme ones for the colder months." We chat with Alida Havemann, an interior stylist, about how to change up your home to go with the seasons. . . . #slowliving #interiorstyling #interiordecor #seasonaldecor #cushions #decorating #linen #handmade See more
07.01.2022 Live in the moment. Appreciate your loved ones. Spend time with what and who is important to you. Enjoy the simple pleasures life bring. .... . . . . . . . . . . . #slowliving #choosejoy #simplelife #mindfulliving #slowandsimpledays #livemoremagic #slowlivingforlife #natureinspired #seeingthepretty #theslowdowncollective #conscience #hygge #hyggehome #lovedones #wellbeing #createyourlife See more
07.01.2022 Slow living is about making time for what is important to you. It’s about appreciating the small and simple things and intentionally switching off the outside world to be present with the ones you care about. Join us as we set the table for our nightly dinners outdoors during the warmer months. Music: Sunny... Musician: @iksonmusic #liefthelabel #slowlivingaustralia #ethicalhomewares #handwoventablerunner #clothnapkins #takeitslow #hyggelife #tablesetting
07.01.2022 Today on the blog We sit down and suss out the true cost of #fashion. I have to be honest, I work with information from the fast fashion world constantly, and have been for a few years now. But when I did a cost breakdown - I show how this works in the blog - even I was surprised at what I found.... We simply cannot continue with this fashion model. It really isn’t sustainable. Not for the Earth and not for humans further down the supply chain. I give a few affordable slow fashion alternatives, so don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom This blog post will be the first in a series where we will discuss the true cost of fashion, the outcome of it and some very practical solutions. I would love to hear your thoughts on this . What is the biggest obstacle that prevents you from joining a more #sustainable fashion movement?
07.01.2022 Yes, you can totally have a colourful home without it looking cluttered and messy. This week I will share 3 tips on how to style your home without it looking messy. Tip #1:... Decide on a colour scheme for your home and stick to it. We usually are attracted to one particular colour that appears in every room. Pick a colour that you are naturally attracted to. This doesn't mean if your colour is blue then every single thing in your house needs to be blue. But repeat pops of the colour in different areas. In this picture the blue is repeated in the carpet, cushions and artwork. This helps your area look cohesive. But be careful. Too many colours can very quickly look cluttered. If you have a colourful rug, make sure your walls are painted a neutral colour. or if you have an accent wall, have neutral furniture and rugs and repeat the colour on the wall in cushions, a vase or a pop of colour elsewhere. What colour runs throughout your house? Switch on the post notifications for the rest of this week to make sure you don't miss the other two tips . . . . . . . . #liefthelabel #interiordecor #home #decorideas #loveyourhome #decoration #homedesign #interiordesign #roomdecor #interiorstyling #smallbusinessPerth #ethicallymade #handmadecushions #handmadepillows #supportsmallbusinessperth #buywithaclearconscience #cushionsperth #pillowsperth #australianmade #decortips #homestylingtips See more
06.01.2022 It's live! We can finally share with you all what we've been working on for more than a year now. Our Lanka collection is a capsule collection of dresses that celebrates the life and vibrancy of Sri Lanka and its people. ... We collaborated with @vyannifabrics, a small textile weaving workshop in Matara that work with rural artisans, to create the beautiful textiles we used to make our garments. Each garment is sewed, by yours truly, in our Perth studio and some are embellished with hand-embroidery details. Enter our giveaway to stand a chance to win this Purple Kandy dress. See feed for more details. xx . . . . . . #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashionbrand #handmadeclothing #handwovenclothing #smallbusiness #slowfashion #timelessclothing #naturalfabrics #consciousfashion #liefthelabel #fairfashion #consciouswear #ethicalclothing #ethicallymade #australianmade #australianmadeclothing #sustainablefashion #liefthelabel #sustainable #sustainablebrands #ethicalbrands #sustainableaussiebrand #choosewell See more
05.01.2022 Creating a haven for yourself. Your room should be your haven. A place where you can go to wind down, relax, and be yourself. ... Do you love your room? Would you like some tips on how to turn it into your dream space without it costing an arm and a leg? Let us know in the comments or dm us. xx . . . . . . . . #liefthelabel #interiordecor #home #decorideas #loveyourhome #decoration #homedesign #interiordesign #roomdecor #interiorstyling #bedroominterior #handmadecushions #homedecor #ethicalhomewares #hyggehome See more
04.01.2022 In the end, decorating and styling your home is all about having fun! Enjoy your home; enjoy the seasons. . . .... . . #liefthelabel #interiordecor #home #decorideas #loveyourhome #decoration #homedesign #interiordesign #roomdecor #interiorstyling #slowliving #shopsmallaustralia #ethicalbrand #pursuewhatislovely See more
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