Life Fitness by Sarah Leporati | Businesses
Life Fitness by Sarah Leporati
Phone: +61 447 607 289
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25.01.2022 A fresh start to the day As the saying goes, find a career doing something that you love & you won’t work a day in your life Loving the path I am on right now, choosing what works for me, no pressure & no care what anyone else thinks Life is good....Happy Wednesday
24.01.2022 Couldn’t resist
24.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 19th find a way to craft what you are doing to give it more meaning. during Covid 19 I have so much time on my hands, everything was done in a hurry, usually begrudgingly when it came to mundane things like housework & late night dinners, rushing from one task to the next. ... It has been nice to slow down, even enjoying the mundane stuff & lack of routine, the small stuff really does mean a lot See more
24.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 22nd ask a loved one or colleague what matters most to them and why? It’s important to know what really matters in life. Your sanity; your health; your family; and the ability to start anew. ~Les Brown
24.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 29th Think about how your actions make a difference for others. Your attitude and behavior can positively or negatively affect a person, their behavior, their actions, their perceptions and even their attitudes. ... A leader or team member who has positive attitudes towards other co-workers can positively influence those around them. Your smile can be a huge variable in someone's day.
24.01.2022 Are you stumped for a Christmas gift idea? Why not give the gift of Fitness? Don’t let another year pass wishing you had started earlier.... Let me be a positive influence in your life in 2021. I have plenty of Personal Training packages to suit everyone. Wether you like to train inside or outside , if you want to lose weight or just be the best version of you in mind & body, I CAN HELP YOU. Make sure you make yourself a priority. Reach out, I would love to guide & motivate you.
24.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 25th give your time to help a project or charity you care about. during these times we as a family have been aware of local businesses & trying to do our bit to help where we can.
24.01.2022 Stingers @ Trinity Beach Great morning session followed by a bbq . Great way to sign off on a great year. Special thanks to our very own PT Sarah Leporati for smashing the lads this morning. Exciting times ahead for the Stingers in 2020, stay tuned.
23.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums, step mums, single dads & grandmas out there
23.01.2022 Have you tried BODYCOMBAT? Have you tried Group Fitness? Thursdays @ 4.30pm @ Sportsworld Fitness Centre I teach BODYCOMBAT.... If you are hesitant or a little scared just send me a message, what’s the worse that can happen? You never know, you might just love it
22.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 18th hand-write a note to someone you love & send them a picture of it. When Jimmy & I met we didn’t have mobiles so we always wrote each other little notes, it’s a simple thing & we need to do more of it
22.01.2022 I like knowing that my job is joy & when I find joy in each & every moment I also find freedom and abundance, because joy & freedom & abundance are all the same VIBRATION
22.01.2022 Have a great Tuesday
22.01.2022 SPOTS ARE FILLING FAST!! To make sure you are involved, send me a message today!
21.01.2022 You can do it...
21.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 31st Look up at the sky. Remember we are all part of something bigger. The sky was glorious today. Tomorrow is a new month with lots to look forward to.
20.01.2022 Have a awesome weekend to the Hill climbers
20.01.2022 This is why I do my job day after day, I get to meet amazing determined people. Dee had never entered a gym before but knew she needed to do something for herself & her health. She was legit scared our first session, & had no confidence in her body or abilities. 6 weeks on & she has truly changed her life, not only dropped kilos but enters the gym everyday with a smile & smashes her workout.... It’s never too late, you are never too young or old to make changes that will not only improve you physically but also mentally. You are amazing Dee thanks for trusting me & keep creating this life change. Dream it Believe it Achieve it
20.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 13th today do something to care for the natural world. Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.... Today I strolled through a nursery & added to my little plant collection. I took my time enjoying potting some plants. Our beautiful LOVE birds got a new cage. I ended the day with a walk along the beach front & some time with our fur babies.
19.01.2022 As we move closer to the end of this very challenging year I have opened up some times for new or previous clients. If you have been playing around with the ide...a of doing something for yourself, your health & wellbeing, now is the time. Wether it be a commitment to a training package.. a program designed for you to use with unlimited support..just a chat over coffee to talk about wellness.. a training session with a friend or loved one.. I also do vouchers, the gift of health just keeps on giving. I know it can be daunting & fear sometimes gets in the way, but this is what I do, let me support & motivate YOU. I specialize in pre & post natal health, weight loss, Rehabilitation, child & adolescent health, disability health, Sports Conditioning. I can train you on your own or as a group. I can train you at home, outdoors or in the gym. What’s stopping you? Reach out if you are at all interested, no pressure, just support Have a great Tuesday
18.01.2022 Let’s see what this year holds
16.01.2022 BODYBALANCE is a motivating blend of Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga that will help improve your mind, your body and your life. What is BODYBALANCE? BODYBALANCE comprises scientifically-developed combination of some Tai Chi and Pilates elements, combined with Yoga moves. All set to calming music, it’s easy to forget that throughout the session, you’re setting both your body and your mind a series of challenges that have been specifically developed to make you both more flexible an...d stronger, too. Come join me @ Sportsworld- 4.30pm Tuesday 10.30am Wednesday 10am Sunday
16.01.2022 This rings true at the moment You should be your #1 priority, you can’t give from a empty glass
16.01.2022 Joyful June..Action for happiness. Get it done, take a moment everyday to step away & breathe
14.01.2022 Today is as good a day as any. A negative mind will lead to a negative life....imagine the possibilities of a positive mind
13.01.2022 B O O T C A M P I S B A C K Looking forward to meeting with you all in 2021! Message me for more information
13.01.2022 Week #4 SUNDAY BOOTCAMP Soaked up all the benefits of barefoot Tai Chi, Qigong, Pilates & relaxation Thank you so much Simone Kay for your patience & time, You are amazing
13.01.2022 Have a great day
12.01.2022 Small Group Training 6am & 9am-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 30 mins of cardio, resistance training & core strengthening. Every level of fitness catered for.
12.01.2022 Life Fitness Bootcamp #5 Trinity Beach Torture The best way to start Sunday
12.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 20th reflect on what makes you feel really valued & appreciated. I got to start the day teaching Group Fitness with a great bunch that always make me feel valued & appreciated, it is a bit sweeter at the moment due to not being able to do it for 8 weeks.... Jordy & I lined up for 30 mins to sit at the Sushi Train, was so good being able to have this back in our lives..the simple things. Life is good
12.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 26th recall three things you’ve done that make you are really proud of. out of all of my accomplishments I would have to say that I am most proud of the amazing people I have had the pleasure of raising, my beautiful kids
12.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 21st share photos of 3 things you find meaningful or memorable.
11.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 23rd share an inspiring quote with others to give them a boost.
11.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 11th what are your most important values? Use them today. integrity, accountability, diligence, perseverance, and, discipline. These are some values that help me get through this crazy time. One day at a time
10.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 9th look out for positive news & reasons to be cheerful today The easing of restrictions & a date set for going back to work & some normalcy is a good reason to be cheerful today, BODYCOMBAT in the carport always leaves me feeling positive & cheerful
10.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 28th Tell someone about a event in your life that was meaningful. certain life events can result in major changes in a person's life. I always try to find meaning in everything I do, I try & find joy in simple things, life excites me. We all have to admit that Covid has changed our lives, I think we will do things differently due to this event, for some of us employment changed & in some way we were all vulnerable. We have all felt a shift. I know we will come out of it, on the other side, looking back & learning from what it has taught us
09.01.2022 Made me laugh...because it’s true
09.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 14th show your gratitude to people who are helping to make things better. being kind is easy, you never know what someone is dealing with or going through.... people won’t remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel. See more
09.01.2022 Training in water builds lean long muscles, Increases flexability, strengthens core muscles, increases endurance & is a great low impact option. My client Jay Van Der Velden smashing it
09.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 17th take a positive action to help in your local community. a group of people with a common interest living in one place.... it’s been a long 8 weeks between classes & I have missed everything about it, the people, the connections & so much more. Today I got to BODYCOMBAT in the car park with some of the crew, was so good
09.01.2022 Anything is possible
08.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 27th today link your decisions & choices to your purpose in life. Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your lifethe reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. ... Today I got up early to teach BODYCOMBAT in the car park, such a awesome reason to get out of bed ( even when it’s bloody freezing )I love Wednesday’s atm, Jordy doesn’t start school until 10am so we get the morning together. I am guided by the meaning my job has & the goals it helps me reach with every passing year, it has shaped the person I am. I love a good Wednesday
08.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 15th find out about the values & traditions of another culture. Culture is a word for the 'way of life' of groups of people, meaning the way they do things. ... Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. The outlook, attitudes, values, morals, goals, and customs shared by a society.... Maybe because we are not allowed to travel I have the travel bug & want a holiday!! I would love to travel our amazing world
08.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 30th Find three good reasons to be hopeful about the future. being able to finally teach classes, even if it’s only to 9 people & has to be outside, it’s a step in the right direction for the industry I work in & love.... we are excited for the restart of soccer, even if it’s just training & limited numbers, such a huge part of our lives & we miss everything it entails, I’m so excited about being soccer busy again. we have been looking for somewhere to move to for the last 9 long weeks, looked at house after house & I think we have finally found one that ticks most of our boxes,fingers crossed. Feeling Hopeful for my family & friends for life on the other side of lockdown.
07.01.2022 Just wanted to remind everyone about our upcoming trials this weekend. FNQ Stingers Football would like to send out an expression of interest to indigenous play...ers in the following age groups for an amazing opportunity. 10yrs-12yrs boys & girls 13yrs-15yrs boys & girls We are looking at staging the inaugural Indigenous Youth Cup early July 2021 We will be having trials starting on the 28th November @ 9.00am Tiger Park. Also any Ladies or Men from 15yrs up a meet & greet we will be held later that day from 10.30am Anyone interested in trying out for Stingers teams please feel free to come on down Further trials will be held in the near future & announced on our page.
06.01.2022 Do you remember the last time you did something just for you? I can be guilty of finding excuses & always falling back on the old I’m too busy for me. It took me 5 months to actually use my voucher, I have tried a few times to book but it’s always too hard. It was pure bliss & I actually fell asleep... Go on use that voucher. You have to do you
06.01.2022 Have you reminded yourself to sign up for our 8 week boot camp? DM me now for more information and to get started!
04.01.2022 Some days, weeks, years are harder than others. One foot infront of the other, one step at a time
03.01.2022 Love leading these strong women to be fitter & stronger for a winning netball season
02.01.2022 How will you care for yourself this week?
02.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 16th look around you & notice five things you find meaningful. When people explain what makes their lives meaningful, they tend to describe four things: having rich relationships and bonds to others; having something worthwhile to do with their time; crafting narratives that help them understand themselves and the world they live in; and having experiences of awe and wonder.... on one hand I am such a home body, I love being home & on the other hand I love getting out & amongst it. when I look close I always find so many meaningful reasons to smile. #1- added to my succulent collection. #2- the after BODYCOMBAT in the carport glow. #3- Narla cleaning the table after Jordy has dinner. #4- loving the memories of us all living under the same roof. #5- the fur boys.
01.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 24th do something special today & revisit it in your memory tonight. all snuggled up under a blanket, watching movies...simple & special...
01.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 10th MOTHERS DAY tell someone about why your favorite music means a lot to you What a special day, listened to lots of music today, some old some new. Music makes everything better
01.01.2022 Action for happiness calendar May 12th be grateful for the little things, even in difficult times. Today was full of little things that I am grateful for, it shouldn’t take difficult times to make you stop & smell the roses. ... Some little things today- being home to make Jordy breakfast before school, I’m never usually here in the mornings. dropping Jordy to school, I never do that. the ocean & fresh air Our days are full of little things, we just need to be grateful
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