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22.01.2022 LIFE & SOUL RESOURCES - MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS This is the book the catapulted me into training in Past Life Regression Hypnosis with Dr. Brian Weiss. I had a lightbulb moment in the opening pages... Although it was first published in 1988, I wasn't aware of Brian's seminal work on past lives until a friend loaned me the book in late September 2010. My spirit guide, Mandy, had just arrived in my life (but I hadn't worked it out yet) and she was doing many things to get my a...ttention and get me on track to working as a team with her, as our souls had agreed. At the time I was still working in science related roles, although I had a deep inner knowingness that I needed to work with people in some sort of healing capacity. I had received messages over the preceding years that I was to help heal people's hearts. But I didn't know how I was going to do this. Clarity came in the opening pages of this book as Brian described how his own world was turned upside down as a skeptic and psychiatrist when he stumbled across past lives via his long-term patient "Catherine"... In a lightbulb moment my soul declared that I was to be a Past Life Therapist and that I was to train with Brian. (Which I did, two years at the Omega Institute in Upstate New York.) "Many Lives, Many Masters" is a wonderful true story about Brian's sudden discovery of the healing potential of recalling past lives, and that greater forces are at work in our lives through the overseeing power of the Masters. A recommended read for anyone who is skeptical or curious about past lives!
19.01.2022 LIFE & SOUL RESOURCES - JOURNEY OF SOULS Journey Of Souls by Michael Newton. A book that changed my life! Someone recently thanked me for recommending Journey Of Souls to them after a Mediumship & Guidance Reading they had with me, saying that it was life-changing for them too. So I chose this book to be the first one out of my swag of Life & Soul Resources to recommend via Instagram!... When I first read Journey Of Souls in 2010, my spirit guide Mandy had just arrived in my life as part of our shared soul contact, but I didn't know that yet! Indeed, the contents of this book helped me to understand the soul connections and synchronicities that were unfolding in my life. If you've ever wondered whether there is life after death, or what our souls do in the afterlife, this is a great book to read! The book is compiled of case studies from clients experiencing their life between lives during hypnosis with Newton.
18.01.2022 Green Light at the end of the dark tunnel of chronic health issues... I've been hunkered down for a while riding out my own healing journey, working with Spirit and learning to heal the physical body through first hand experience of what a plethora of chronic health symptoms (including cancers) feel like in the body. Now in the 'final flush' of chronic health issues I have begun to incorporate information from another Spirit source - Anthony William aka Medical Medium - who ...has heard the voice of Spirit of Compassion since he was four years old. As a medium myself, I totally love that the person who is paving the way for millions of people to heal themselves from a range of irritating, debilitating and even life-threatening symptoms and the whole gamut of chronic health issues - which are generally mislabelled as "autoimmune" by conventional medicine - is a medium. I believe all healing is possible and this is why I dedicate myself to working with Spirit. While my own healing path has been challenging, I have been graced with much magic and many miracles along the way. Incorporating Celery Juice according to the protocol Medical Medium describes certainly shifted the needle of deep cleansing for me. Today I'm completing my first Liver Rescue 3, 6, 9 protocol. I will be sharing much more about my own healing journey and incorporating more gifts into my healing work with people when the time is right. Thank you @medicalmedium for your courage in honouring your path to help people move from darkness to light. The (self)healing movement has well and truly begun!
17.01.2022 "Not fluffy and woo-woo..." I was delighted to receive this testimonial from my most recent Mediumship & Guidance client today. It's such a joy and a privilege to be able to connect with Spirit for others. I love it!
13.01.2022 TIME TRAVEL WITHOUT A TARDIS As a skilled and experienced Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner I offer clients the opportunity to Time Travel Without A Tardis... Dolores Cannon herself, founder of the QHHT method, sometimes referred to the QHHT experience as "time travel". Developed from a foundation of past life regression hypnosis, QHHT takes a client deeper so that they can access the wisdom of their own Higher Consciousness or Higher Self.... As a QHHT Practitioner, working with a client's soul consciousness across dimensions of time and space is often exciting and always a privilege. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. <3 --- Note: I acknowledge that Dr Who's TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) machine is the copyright of the BBC, and no copyright infringement is intended here. The TARDIS featured in this composite photo was extracted from a photo of the TARDIS replica that is publicly available in Earl's Court, London: the photo was provided in the public domain via TripAdvisor. However, the beach photo and dog are mine.
12.01.2022 Hi folks! I'm delighted to share with you my latest blog about Mediums, Channellers, Psychics, Clairvoyants and Intuitives: What is the difference? How do they work? And why would you see one? Two months ago I was invited by Byron Shire's Echo Newspaper to write a blog about Psychics and Mediums for their new Byron Healing website, and it was published today!... I was nice to refresh my own memory of what I wrote for them... and nice to pop up and say hello to you all after being quiet for several weeks now. Last year I personally 'went through the eye of the needle', so to speak, and recently life has been unfolding anew in miraculous and exciting ways. I look forward to sharing more with you all soon... But for now, I hope you enjoy my blog on the Byron Healing website! Much love Louise <3
12.01.2022 MEDIUMS READINGS @ HERBAL WISDOM IN BANGALOW It's Bangalow Market Day tomorrow, which means I'll be offering Mediumship Readings at Herbal Wisdom Naturopath Clinic & Wholefood Store! WHEN: Sunday 27th May, 11am to 3pm... WHERE: Herbal Wisdom, 64 Byron Street, Bangalow 2479 WHAT: Mediumship & Guidance Readings WHO: Louise, the spirits of your passed over loved ones and/or your spirit guides WHY: if you have questions for passed over loved ones or are seeking Life & Soul guidance to know if your are on your path or what you need to get your life back on track... 15 minutes ($44) 30 minutes ($70) 1 hour ($120) Bookings available via Herbal Wisdom (02 6687 0457). I look forward to seeing you and connecting with spirit for you tomorrow!
12.01.2022 Catching up with two incredible human beings and past life therapists, Brian and Carole Weiss. I trained in Past Life Regression Hypnosis with Dr Brian Weiss and his wife Carole (The Weiss Institute) in the USA in October 2012. Eighteen months later I was delighted to catch up with them in Australia while volunteering at Brian's April 2014 Past Life Experiential Workshop organised by Hay House. Brian is the author of International Bestseller "Many Lives, Many Masters" (which ...I posted about yesterday) and several other illuminating books. #throwbackthursday
12.01.2022 Authentic gifted medium and clear channel for spirit... I'm delighted to be featured on page 16 of the Health & Healing section in today's issue of The Byron Shire Echo. The Echo is also available as a digital magazine online: Not local? No problem! Geography is no barrier to communicating with spirit -- consciousness in the non-physical. I offer remote Mediumship & Guidance readings via phone and Skype. Phone readings are available as 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour bookings. Skype appointments are 1 hour only. If you are seeking authentic communication with your passed-over loved ones (people or pets) and/or spirit guides, please get in touch. <3
09.01.2022 I'm so proud of you. Yes, YOU! How often do you say this to others? How often do you say this to yourself? Think of something or someone you haven't yet acknowledged. Look at yourself in the mirror or reach out to them and authentically express yourself.
08.01.2022 Delighted to receive this beautiful testimonial from a recent QHHT client today. What is QHHT? QHHT is Dolores Cannon's profound hypnotherpy process - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. I am an experienced Level 2 practitioner of QHHT. I love facilitating this subtly powerful process and witnessing the exciting journeys of my clients both during their session with me, and as the integration of their session continues to unfold thereafter.... If you would like to know more, message me or check out my website (link is provided in the bio). #clienttestimonial #qhht #qhhttestimonial #testimonial #quantumhealinghypnosis #quantumhealinghypnosistechnique #happyclient #kindwords #DoloresCannon #qhhtpractitioner #healingandtransformation #healingandtransformationtherapy #emotionalhealing #physicalhealing #pastliferegression #pastlifehealing #pastlifetherapy #soultimetravel #pastlives #soulhealing #profoundhealing #proundinsights #soulpurpose #profoundexperience #TimeTravelWithoutATardis #LouiseShilton #level2qhht #lifeandsoulinsights #hinterlandway #bangalow2479 @ Bangalow, New South Wales
07.01.2022 Curious about Mediums, Channellers, Psychics, Clairvoyants and Intuitives? What is the difference? How do they work? And why would you see one? Check out my guest blog on the Byron Healing website -- Connecting with Spirit: Who, What, How and Why?...
05.01.2022 EMBRACING WONDROUS NEWNESS IN 2020: CHANGES TO SERVICES OFFERED I am now focusing on expanding my own healing and transformation abilities as an authentic and gifted medium and clear channel for Spirit. Therefore, I have discontinued offering Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) sessions for an indefinite period.... Mediumship and/or Life & Soul Guidance Readings continue to be available remotely - nationally within Australia and Internationally - via phone and Skype. For details of how I work and session fees, please visit my website ( and/or the Services tab on this facebook page. Please drop me a line if you have any questions. Wishing you all abundance in all that you desire in 2020 and beyond! Much love Louise #Mediumship #Guidance #LifeAndSoulGuidance #GiftedMedium #AuthenticMedium #ClearChannel #HealingAndTransformationGuide #RemoteReadings #PhoneReadings #SkypeReadings
03.01.2022 "Bad Boy Brother" teaches about bliss and wonder in The Afterlife... It's been a while since I've posted on Instagram, but I've found myself mentioning this wonderful book to a few people recently, so I thought I'd share it with you! I first read "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers" shortly after it was published in 2013. The book is written by Annie Kagan, and describes the ways in which her brother's spirit made his presence known to her, and some other people in her life, sh...ortly after his passing. Annie's big brother, nicknamed "Billy Fingers", got into all sorts of trouble during his life. He was a loveable rogue, who was also exasperating at times. But when he transitioned into spirit he rediscovered that he was a highly evolved soul, and realised one of the most amazing things about his life was his little sister's unconditional love for him. When I first read this book I was struck by some of the parallels in their story and how my own spirit guide, Mandy, made her spirit's presence known to me when she transitioned in 2010. Unlike Annie and Billy, Mandy and I were not physically related or connected while she was alive. Our story of unconditional love and connection is as soulmates - members of the same soul group - who made some quite ambitious soul plans together... I'm not well practised with taking selfies, but Mandy picked this one of me. I couldn't keep a straight face. It's about getting THE BOOK in focus! <3
01.01.2022 Some snippets from client Testimonials... Full Testimonials are provided as Notes on this facebook page, as well as on the Testimonials page on my website. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by genuine clients, and shared with their permission. Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of my work with people, I do not typically seek testimonials. It is a delight when they are received! And they are much appreciated. <3
01.01.2022 LIFE & SOUL RESOURCES - TUNING IN Tuning In. My introduction to spirit channelers shortly before I became one! When Tuning In was mentioned to me in 2009 I readily went out and bought the DVD. I had no idea at the time that channeling spirit was on my own path, but my own awakening was rapidly escalated a year later when Mandy appeared in my life as my spirit guide.... I was fasicinated by both the stories of the channelers themselves and the powerful information relayed for humanity via the entities being channeled. Tuning In is a 2008 documentary by filmmaker David Thomas featuring six spirit channelers in America, including Lee Carroll (channeling Kryon) and Wendy Kenndy (channeling The Pleiadian Collective). The documentary is divided into chapters such as "The Law Of Attraction", "God", "The Soul", "The New Consciousness" and "Horns and Halos". Of course, channelling is much more well known now and there are many wonderful channelers with material online, such as Esther Hicks (Abraham) and Lee Harris (The three Z's), but the shared message for humanity relayed via different sources in this documentary is still powerful. <3 (Tuning In part 2 was released in 2011 featuring different channelers answering questions on different topics.)