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25.01.2022 The asleep: Unconscious of being unconscious The half awake: Conscious of being unconscious The awake: Conscious of being conscious... The half asleep: Unconscious of being conscious #perspective #cycle #season #awareness

24.01.2022 The biggest lesson of all is that your FIRST responsibility is to yourself. The rest follows. #accountability

23.01.2022 We believe we are a single, individual body... but we are not. Each of us are in fact made up of 37.2 trillion cells. Each cell a living being, complete in its own right, a fractal. Each cell already has the complete pattern of the human form. Just like in this digital age where each pixel makes up a digitized shape.... And then you ask, how are we interconnected? Well, we are never separate. The background and the foreground makes up the form. Just like black and white pixels make up the form. The bandwidth of light and myriad colours and spectrum of vibration make up the form, each bandwidth, spectrum, vibration... highly conscious. See ourselves from the vantage point high up beyond... we are cells of a bigger organism. And so on and on and on. #perception #perspective

23.01.2022 On emotions and perspective. Why be upset when somebody tells you something about you that’s either true or untrue? For example, you are told, you’re ugly.... My question is: Is it true? If you believe it’s true then why be upset? Aren’t they only stating facts? If you know it’s not true then why be upset? The person was obviously being silly. - - - - - A lot of why we get upset with this is that: 1. We don’t want to hear anything that we believe to be negative or a disadvantage about ourselves. 2. We want to be always seen in a positive light by others. 3. We want others to think about us in a positive way. 4. We want others to interact with us the way we want them to based on our expectations. You see, this is how it is. You have an input and an output, a stimulus and a result. A lot of the time we have an expectation that does not match with our input. Because most of the time, we are unconscious of our input - our actions and behaviors. And what complicates it more is that it goes beyond the input; it’s about the receiver of your input and how they translate the stimulus. Everything is about marketing and selling. We are the product and our level of happiness is dependent on how marketable we are- our survival somehow depends on it. And by survival I don’t just mean the physical. Being in a body does not mean that you’re alive. Everything is all about perception. #perception #perspective

22.01.2022 True power isn’t granted. When you are granted power, that power does not belong to you; it belongs to those who have granted you that power. Anything given by an other can be taken away.... True power is something that is inherent within us that can take a long time to develop and mature... Things like....... Integrity... Authenticity... Compassion and allowance... Boldness... Taking responsibility for our actions... Loving who you are... Being enough... Etc... etc... True power cannot be taken away - ever. And when you stand within your own power, centered within your unique frequency vibration, you allow and empower others to also stand in their own power. #power #empowerment #selfleadership

22.01.2022 In all forms of communication, what’s actually important is the receiver. The receiver is also the translator. But in actual fact, there is no translating required. The receiver has created the what. The message has no form. The receiver creates the form and as the message passes through, the receiver matches the message.... The message is neutral and has no form. They are just codes, or 1s and 0s, or light. But the receiver is the template, and there are multitudes of templates, as there are as many cells in our bodies, grains in the sand and stars in our universe. Because in truth, the receiver is also the sender of the message. The receiver is the creator of the message. The receiver is the message, and the message is the receiver. #perception #perspective

22.01.2022 On spiritually incorrect enlightenment... When you think that you have achieved the top, keep going. Go further. Because what actually happens is you do the flip side.... There is nothing lofty about enlightenment. As a matter of fact, if you truly know what enlightenment really is.... you would well steer away from it... run screaming away from it. The funny thing with enlightenment is that when you believe that you are enlightened, you actually are not. Enlightenment is not the accumulation of... Or the knowledge of... Or the awareness of... It is not love... It is not hate... It is not kindness... It is not cruelty... It is not black or white... It is not good... It is not bad... Or any adjectives... Or spectrum... Or 1s and 0s... It is not dimensions... It is not energy... It is not Light... It is not fullness. What it is is emptiness. Nothingness. The abyss. The All. The irony is that we journey and become aware and use this awareness to delete and erase all that makes up this awareness so that you go back to zero. To nothing. Pretty clever. We play hide and seek with ourselves. Smoke and mirrors. And we’re doing it over and over and over... micro to macro, over and over, through scale. As above, so below. As within, so without.

20.01.2022 It’s not about fixing things. Because when we fix, we’re aiming to make it back the way it was before. Some things can be put back to how it was. But....... There are things such as people, relationships, systems of being... that cannot be put back but can only be remade into something new. So it’s not really about fixing - to go back to the past. It’s really about moving forward, remaking one step at a time, a never-ending transformation process... ...with no end goal, just because. Because when you reach what you consider to be the end point you realize that there is more, and more, and more... unto infinity. All is eternal. All is infinite. Because. BE. CAUSE. You are the cause of your effect. You are the effect of your cause. An eternal loop. #perception #perspective

19.01.2022 What appears as expansion of self is really an integration of aspects of self. #perception. #clearSeeing

12.01.2022 My blog on Why I Think Getting Rejected is Really a Great Thing The main wisdom is that we learn and grow through resistance and tension.

11.01.2022 Life is a game of experiences, of make believe and let's pretend without us knowing so. Whether you play the game or not is still participating in the game - you cannot not participate. All planes of existence is part of the game. The best player is not one who wins, but one who plays the game best. Get to know your role, be wholly intimate with it, and play it to the hilt without holding anything back. It is all fun and oh so exhilarating and amazing in every way!

11.01.2022 Don't wait for others to change for you; be the change you want to see in the world. Be the quality of person you would have liked others to be. Don't look to others to set an example; be the example, be the model.... #BeTheChange

11.01.2022 If you truly know who you are, and you are whole within yourself, you will not fear the loss of others. Because there is nothing to lose. To lose something means that you have owned it. And there is no thing as ownership. We don’t own other people, not even those we are responsible for; not even our children. Each of us are sovereign unto ourselves. There is nothing to own, and therefore nothing to lose. When we fear the loss of others, what are we fearing? Is our power, st...rength and sense of identity tied to others? We are more than the human bodies that we perceive. We are powerful energies experiencing what it is to be human. #perception #perspective

10.01.2022 When you start with an incomplete or wrong theory, then all the theories after that will be wrong or incomplete. (Oh and all that exists are theories... which we keep building on until we see more of the picture ... but the picture do not end.) When you start with the wrong foundation, then everything that you build on top of it will not be sustainable.... When you start with a limited belief system, then all your decisions, actions and outcomes - your creations - will be based on a limited construct. When all you know is to function as a 10w bulb, you will not be able to recognize one who functions in 50w. We can only see and conceive that that is within our box. If we do not have a concept of it, we will not see or understand it. How broad and deep is your frame of reference? #perception #perspective

09.01.2022 True power is... When you seek to understand, not be understood. When you seek to learn their language, not have them learn yours.... When you are beneath and not above. When you are the foundation and not the roof. When you leave yourself bare, transparent, open. Strength in what appears to be vulnerability. When all are exposed, nothing sticks... And all can go through, or absorbed, making all ones own. #perception #perspective

09.01.2022 I am grateful to problems. They present an opportunity for me to stretch and grow. It is not about asking the question, how do I compare with that that is outside of me? but rather, how much further can I know myself, how much further can I extend, how BIG am I?. #perspective #mindset #growthMindset #learningMindset

09.01.2022 The better we know ourselves, the less we fear change in the world. The better we know ourselves, the less we fear one another. _~ Gregg Braden

05.01.2022 It matters little how we arrived here; what matters is what we decide to do next. Everything is connected. Tread wisely because dominoes are always falling no matter what you do to stop them.... Every move has consequences. You touch one line and all lines are touched. You move a thread and it changes the whole tapestry. #perspective #clearSeeing

05.01.2022 The pearl is an example of how you can transform something that’s unpleasant into something precious. #perspective

04.01.2022 You can have so much knowledge of the world... but if this is not communicated, it is like you have no knowledge at all. Information only becomes information when it is seen and heard and touched. Data already exists. It is everywhere and everything. Data becomes information when it is translated through perception.... If no one sees it, or hears it, or tastes it, or touches it, or feels it... does it exist? #perception #perspective #NatureofReality

02.01.2022 A person’s true character is shown not when life is smooth; but when life is tough. It’s easy to be nice when things are going well for you. It’s harder to be kind and gracious when things are not going so well.... But that’s normal, you say. And I say it’s easy to be just like everyone else and follow the crowd than following what feels right for you. It’s easier to make others responsible than taking responsibility for your actions. Giving our power away is the easier course because having others think for us and take responsibility for our decisions means we don’t have to feel and face the outcomes of our decisions and actions. It only appears to be easy but what we’re doing is slowly building our cage, our invisible prisons. And over time as challenges come we ask, why is this happening to me? Get it? Why is this happening TO me? How will we see a prison when that is invisible to us? Especially one we created ourselves? Perhaps it’s easier to see a cage created by others than seeing a cage that came out of our own creations. It’s like being an ocean of water.... How do you know you are an ocean if you can’t see the water? Yes, I get it. It’s not easy being a human being. But...... we can’t make that an excuse our whole life. Same as we can’t keep on blaming our parents, our birth circumstance, our upbringing, our society, our community, our government, our educators, our leaders, our systems... for our life. I believe each of us can make a choice in every single moment how we want to be. And all we can really do is be true to ourselves in any shape or form... and take responsibility for that authenticity and its results. #perception #perspective

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