Life Cycle Yoga in Dalkeith, Western Australia, Australia | Yoga studio
Life Cycle Yoga
Locality: Dalkeith, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 410 266 950
Address: Wembley 6014 Dalkeith, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Happy Monday! I'm spending my day doing something I absolutely love; organising. This year one of my goals is to be more productive, so I'm taking today to sort out my workouts, personal yoga practice times as well as my work schedule (which previously was often in danger of going down a cat videos spiral). I'm also so excited to be covering the lovely Kylie's classes at Yoga Corner this week. I'll be teaching Wed, Thurs and Fri mornings. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yogaperth #lifecycleyoga #newyeargoals #yogacornerperth #yogastudioperth #yogawesternaustralia #yogateacherperth #highlunge #yogastudiointerior #lifeonthemat #yogapractice #yogateacherlife #practicewithmichele #michelereidyoga #yogaaustralia #onmyyogamat #startyoga #yogastretch #yogaflow See more
23.01.2022 Varanasi memories. Memories of death and rebirth, mourning and celebration, cricket matches on the banks of the Ganges, doggos snoozing in the humid sun, children laughing at the childcare centre located on a boat in front of our hotel, water buffalo cooling off in the river in the afternoons, Arti, puja, humid heat and aunties. . .... . . . . . . . . . . #varanasi #lifecycleyoga #ganges #benares #kashi #incredibleindia #varanasiindia #gangesriver #yogainindia #travellingyogini #yogaeverywhere #circleoflife #seetheworld #gangaarti #yogalife #deathandrebirth #yogawithmichele #travelgram #varanasimemories #travelindia #yogateacher See more
22.01.2022 Yoga is better with friends, even if they're the furry kind. Reality of home practice, there's always a cat keen to join in. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yogawithcats #lifecycleyoga #homeyogapractice #catyoga #yogaisbetterwithfriends #loungeyoga #yogalove #mainecoon #yogaathome #homeyogasession #kdeerleggings #lifewithcats #yogareality #yogateacher #findyouryoga #beyoubefree #perthyoga #yogaaustralia #subiacoyoga See more
22.01.2022 I'll just be here, taking in all the vitamin sea I can. Thank you Nature for being grounding, allowing us a space to escape to when life gets too much and constantly reminding us that there is beautiful in this topsy turvy world. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . #mothernature #lifecycleyoga #vitaminsea #beachyoga #justbreathe #queenslandtourism #oceanview #yogalife #naturewitch #yogaanywhere #yogaoutside #queenslandyoga #yogaaustralia #yogaaroundtheworld #natureappreciation #gaia #fraserisland #yogaqueensland #recharge #mermaidlife #yogawithmichele #mysoulbelongstotheocean See more
20.01.2022 During this time of year it's important to take a moment, pause and breathe. Plans have been cancelled, things might not be exactly the way we expected it to be or maybe it's just an overwhelming time of year. So take a moment just to be, just to breathe and to connect with yourself. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . #justbe #lifecycleyoga #subiacoyoga #presspause #selfcare #virabhadrasana #inkedbyelysian #balance #yogaperth #subiyoga #youryogapractice #subilife #subiacocommunity #letthesunshinein #yogateacher #beherenow #justbreathe #beyoubefree #yogateacher#yogapose #perthyogateacher #michelereidyoga See more
18.01.2022 Drishti l Drishti is focused gaze, looking at one specific point to allow us to draw our attention inwards. When we look at our neighbour on the mat next to us or have our gaze wander around the room we're not really experiencing our practice to the fullest. We're unable to connect with our mind and our body and as a result we lose that union between the two.... By practicing drishti during our asana practice, we're able to really focus on what our bodies are telling us. Are we holding our breath? Maybe we need to modify the pose slightly. Are we expecting pain? Definitely need to move out of the pose and maybe try a different variation. Can't seem to stop our minds from constant random chatter? Maybe we need to try and meditate more regularly or finish our practice with Nadi Shodhana pranayama. Drishti allows us to help connect both our mind and body as we move through our poses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #drishti #lifecycleyoga #mindbody #utthitaparsvakonasana #sidestretch #extendedsideangle #focusedgaze #yogapractice #yogatips #focus #youryogapractice #perthyoga #yogateacher #subiacoyoga #floreatyoga #michelereidyoga #yogaunion #yogaaustralia #yogapose
16.01.2022 Happy new month, new moon and new week! Started the week setting my intentions for the last 2 months of the year (how is it November already?!) and moving with some lovely people while covering at @glideyoga Now time to work on some projects while resisting the strong urge to start listening to my festive playlist on repeat until Christmas. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . #trikonasana #lifecycleyoga #yogapose #mondayvibes #newintentions #newmoon #yogaperth #claremontyoga #jolimontyoga #yogawesternaustralia #michelereidyoga #trianglepose #inkedyogi #inkedbyelysian #yogayourway #yogateacherperth #mondayyoga #newweeknewgoals #findyouryoga #yogaclassperth See more
15.01.2022 It's that time of year again when the Jacaranda trees are in full bloom. This is the last of the spring blooms and is always a reminder that nothing is permanent. What seems impossible now becomes possible later, relationships come to an end but new ones begin, today might be a bad day, but tomorrow might be good. We are constantly learning and evolving through this experience called life. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . #jacarandaseason #lifecycleyoga #springblooms #impermanence #yogaanywhere #yogaoutside #yogapose #yogateacher #subiacoyoga #purple #seesubiaco #subilife #yogaeverywhere #jacarandatrees #stopdropandyyoga #yogasubiaco #subiacocommunity #yogaaustralia #yogaaroundtheworld #highlunge #virabhadrasana #justanotherdayinwa #urbanyoga #naturewitch #treelove See more
15.01.2022 Throwing it back to a time we could travel practicing with my penguin friends. . At the moment my practice is looking very different. I'm focusing on meditation while incorporating a few gentle and restorative poses. I love how my practice is constantly shifting and adapting to suit my ability and needs each day. I've also just learnt how to crochet, so will be spending my Sunday taking it easy working on my very ambitious plan to crochet us a blanket before next winter. me good luck! Hope you all have a restful and relaxing Sunday. Just to confirm, I maintained a decent distance from them the whole time. I am passionate about conservation, especially ocean life and would in no way do anything that stresses or harm them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yogawithpenguins #lifecycleyoga #sundayvibes #beachyoga #yogaoutside #yogacapetown #simonstown #bouldersbeachpenguins #trikonasana #trianglepose #yogasouthafrica #yogaaroundtheworld #capetownyoga #penguinyoga #respectnature #naturewitch #asana #yogapose #yogateacher #yogawithfriends #yogawithmichele #capetown #yoga #westerncape #yogafun #yogaanywhere
14.01.2022 Just a reminder that I'm teaching a yoga by donation class supporting @earthchildproject tomorrow (Saturday) morning! Come move, stretch and breathe all for a good cause. Class runs 9:30 to 10:30am at The Jaffleshack in Subiaco (95 Rokeby Road). ... The class will be nice and gentle and suitable for beginners. Please bring a mat or msg me if you don't have one. Earthchild Project does some amazing work, bringing yoga to children in disadvantaged communities. They are empowering these little yoginis and yogis, providing them a safe space to connect with their breath and themselves but also making sure they have fun and have the opportunity to relax. To find out more about their yoga project or their other amazing projects (the have an eco warrior club and hiking club for the kids too!) please head to their Instagram account. If you have any questions, please message me or visit my website (link in bio). Hope to see you on the mat! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #liveyouryoga #earthcildproject #subiacoyoga #yogaperth #rokebyroad #spreadkindness #yogaforacause #whatsonsubiaco #lifecycleyoga #subilife #subiacocommunity #yogasubiaco #saturdayyoga #belove #helpingeachother #yogisunite
14.01.2022 A little bit of fun this Friday. The home practice struggle is real some days. I do love that determined look she has on her face! Some days she's just happy to be near me and cuddle when I'm in Savasana, other days she insists on needing all the attention. ... Hope you all have a beautiful weekend! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #catyoga #lifecycleyoga #yoga #lunges #homeyogapractice #loungeyoga #yogaathome #yogafun #mainecoon #yogawithcats #catsofinstagram #homepractice #catlife #catlady #catladylife #myyogapractice #yogaperth #yogawithmichele #yogateacherlife #yogawithfriends
12.01.2022 Flashing it back to practice with my kitty yoga assistant. My home practice is always changing to suit my needs but the one constant is this furry yogi joining me, even if it's just to come cuddle during Savasana. . .... . . . . . . . . . . #yogawithfriends #lifecycleyoga #perthyoga #catyoga #anahatachakra #backbend #ustrasana #yogaassist #yogawithcats #mainecoon #openheart #homeyogapractice #gratefulheart #yogateacher #yogaaustralia #yogaathome #catlady #furchild #backbend #manduka #yogawithmichele See more
09.01.2022 Happy Solstice! "This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year's threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath." - Margaret Atwood . .... . . . . . . . . . #yogaathome #solsticecelebration #lifecycletoga #suryanamaskar #sunsalutations #yogawithmichele #summersolstice #homeyogapractice #sunsalutevariations #wintersolstice #solsticequote #solsticeyoga See more
06.01.2022 Our yoga practice doesn't ask much of us. Only that we show up. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . #steponthemat #lifecycleyoga #yogayourway #letgoofexpectations #lifeonthemat #perthyoga #yogaathome #homepractice #booknerd #inkedyogini #trikonasana #trianglepose #yogaforyou #yogateacheraustralia #showupforyoga #movebreathemeditate #lifeonthemat See more
05.01.2022 Yoga by Donation Join me this Saturday on the mat for a good cause. I'm teaching a yoga by donation class raising funds for the amazing Earthchild Project. ... Date: Saturday 31st October Time: 9:30 to 10:30am Location: The Jaffleshack, 95 Rokeby Road, Subiaco Class is suitable for beginners. Earthchild Project empowers underprivileged children through yoga. They get to the opportunity to connect with their breath, have the opportunity to relax and to have fun in a safe, supportive environment. If you're unable to make a donation but in need of some relaxation, please feel free to come along. Please byo mat or message me if you don't have a mat. For more information, please DM me or head to my website (link in bio). Hope to see you on the mat! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yogabydonation #lifecycleyoga #yogasubiaco #seesubiaco #halloweenyoga #beginnersyoga #wembleyyoga #floreatyoga #leedervilleyoga #westleedervilleyoga #perthyoga #weekendyoga #yogasidestretch #yogapose #yogateacherperth #yogawithmichele #rokebyroad #subiacocafe
05.01.2022 A little Adho Mukha Svanasana variation for the hips. One of the many reasons I love yoga is how the practice can be adapted to suit your needs. Most poses have plenty of variations for you to choose from so you can make sure your practice suits your needs. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . #downwardfacingdog #lifecycleyoga #yogaposevariation #yogayourway #yogasubiaco #yogaperth #lcy #yogateacheraustralia #posevariation #adhomukhasvanasana #subiacoyoga #subiacocommunity #yogaforyou #yogaeveryday #yogaaustralia #tattooedyogini #inversion #yogaforhips #letthesunshinein #michelereidyoga See more
04.01.2022 Happy Holidays! Whether you're celebrating school holidays, Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Saturnalia or just getting this far in this year, I wish you a safe, happy and hopefully restful time. For those who might find this time of year challenging, who might be away from loved ones, stuck in lockdown or quarantine, remember to be kind to yourselves and reach out if you need support.... Sending big hugs to you all! God Jul! . . . . . . . . . . . . . #christmastree #lifecycleyoga #yogafun #godjul #happyholidays #yogaperth #yogaaustralia #christmasyoga #yogapose #jultomte #natarajasana #selfcare #youdoyou #slowdown #doyogawithme #michelereidyoga #yogawithmichele #jul #inkedyogini #yogafortheholidays #inkedbyelysian #findthejoy #holidayseason #yogateacher
02.01.2022 I'm so incredibly excited to offer 2 Yoga by Donation classes to support the amazing charity @earthchildproject They bring yoga to children in disadvantaged areas and provide them with the much needed opportunity to relax, have fun, connect with their breath and learning to love themselves. It only costs A$25 to pay for a whole year's worth of yoga for 1 child, so lets try to get as many little yogis and yoginis on the mat next year. ... Classes will be held in the beautiful gallery space at The Jaffleshack at 95 Rokeby Road, Subiaco. Dates: 24 Oct 9:30 to 10:30am 31 Oct 9:30 to 10:30am Book via the timetable on my website. If you are unable to attend class but would still like to donate, you can find my Givengain campaign under Timetable on my website. Every bit helps to make a significant difference in their lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yogabydonation #lifecycleyoga #lcygivesback #seva #bhakti #earthchildproject #yogaperth #perthyoga #perthyogacommunity #empoweringthenextgeneration #subiacoyogaclass #subiacoyoga #yogasubiaco #seesubiaco #subiacocommunity #rokebyroadsubiaco #littleyogi #yogacapetown #yogaforall #capetownyoga #spreadlove #sevayoga #bhaktiyoga #yogawithmichele
01.01.2022 Happy Diwali! Celebrating the light piercing through the darkness, knowledge overcoming ignorance, accepting the good over evil and new beginnings. I know this year has had some dark moments for all of us, and for some it still does, but it's important to take a moment to pause, breathe and to find the light as well. Finding the small things that make you smile, feel loved and make you happy, even if it's just for a brief moment.... May the light of the diyas spread peace, kindness, prosperity and love into your life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #diwali #lifecycleyoga #reflection #newbeginnings #newmoon #diwali2020 #diya #liveyouryoga #practicekindness #findingthelight #deepavali #celebration #knowledgeoverignorance #puja #deepavali2020 #yogaoffthemat #lakshmi #yogawithmichele #grattitude #findwhatgivesyoujoy #gratefulheart
01.01.2022 As the sun begins to set on 2020, I like to take a moment to reflect on all that has happened. It's easy to get heavy with all the negatives, so instead I'm focusing on the good. Once you start reflecting you might be surprised that even this incredibly challenging year had good moments. I am finishing this year with a heart filled with gratitude. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . #gratefulheart #lifecycleyoga #theyearthatwas #goodbye2020 #reflection #yogateacher #findingthelight #riseabove #readyfornewbeginnings #endof2020 #sankalpa #yogaperth #strongerthanyesterday #yogaoffthemat #surroundedbylove #somuchgratitude #stillnesswithin #beachlife #saltyair #oceanmedicine #naturewitch See more
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