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Lifeflow Meditation Centre in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical and health

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Lifeflow Meditation Centre

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 8379 9001

Address: 8 / 259 Glen Osmond Rd, Frewville 5063 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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18.01.2022 WILLY WAGTAIL UPDATE: They have flown the nest already! Words from Ric Daniel ... "It happened all on the one day (fleeing the nest!), staring with while we were standing underneath the nest about 11.00am, watching them take their first unsteady flights.... By nightfall, the birds were up in the trees, but still being fed by the parents. This was the last time we saw them." Travel safe little ones Ric Daniel

11.01.2022 These fabulous images were taken on Friday at Lifeflows Tara Hills Retreat centre in the Adelaide Hills ...the recent weather has been very Spring like (changeable)! BTW the Lifeflow Retreat schedule is up on the website and there is already considerable interest in next years retreats ... to be frank get in quick if you are interested in any of the retreats @tom.hampton

10.01.2022 Stunning scenes around the studio today ... the jacarandas are flowering and the fallen petals are creating a purple shag pile carpet on the ground We are so happy to be back at the studio that we have decided to hold another FREE & friendly Come & Try Meditation on the 8th December 6-6.45 pm ... You can book here Hopefully we will see you at the session

09.01.2022 An excerpt taken from Chapter 5: The deepening stages of meditation Comparing thoughts and emotions to waves in the sea. "Stage 1 - Seeing the waves and currents ... Usually, we don't take much notice of our thoughts and emotions, so we go wherever they propel us-they form the undercurrent of our lives. This is exactly like floating in the sea, without noticing where the current are going, ignoring the waves-until one big one comes along, throws us around, and eventually breaks taking us with it. Becoming aware of these waves while they are still ordinary, everyday waves is the first deepening stage of meditation. We notice for the first time that they are present most of the time- just coming and going, pushing us around with them. This moment of seeing means we have become calm enough or in other words, the sea has settled enough down enough, for us to notice the waves- the calm provides a clear comparison." Interested in learning more? You can learn to meditate from the comfort of your own home with our online on-demand course. For the next week, the first class is FREE! Go here to enroll

08.01.2022 [LATEST BLOG POST] The Opening to Love‘ advanced retreat was held recently and it got us thinking about love and what it means for us as meditators- which is far more expansive than love for family or romanticised love. Graham puts it beautifully in the forward of ‘In the Flow'.... Being open to everything, being receptive to everything in yourself and the world is the essence of love. You discover that love is actually a decision - not just a feeling. It is something that you can practice, and so you can learn to sustain a state of love in the same way that you can learn anything else. This is a fitting introduction to our latest blog post titled the Luminosity of Love, also written by Graham Williams, it explores two key points: 1. Love is the ability to be open & 2 . Love begins with being kind to yourself. Read the blog here: This can be practiced when you open your heart during the loving-kindness meditation try it here: Still on the subject of love! If you feel like your body and mind could use some TLC (tender loving care) maybe it's time to join a Lifeflow Yoga class and experience what it's like to transform your tension and busy mind through gentle movement and Lifeflow meditation techniques. Classes are held on Wednesdays 5.45 - 7.15 pm. Find out how it can help you here: Finally thank you for being part of our community we just love having you here! With Love from, The team at Lifeflow

08.01.2022 We wanted to let you know, we are back in the studio today and all classes are back on as per schedule! Talk about a roller coaster. It is at times like these, we count ourselves as lucky, as we can turn to the timeless practice of meditation to calm our minds and reignite our inner joy, anywhere and at any time.... For many of us, working from home, observing COVID restrictions and keeping social contact to a minimum means lots more 'together' time with the extended family - which can bring its own challenges. But what about those who are living alone? In this week's blog, long term meditator and Lifeflow Librarian Robyn Walden shares with us 8 ways to not only survive but to thrive during isolation or times when you may find yourself alone. Read the blog here: Keep calm and safe, The team at Lifeflow P.S. Don't forget! Bookings for the popular Learn to Meditate Summer School are open. The course is held over 2 nights per week from 4 - 19 January 2021.

07.01.2022 As we come out of the Easter long weekend we are deeply appreciating the fact that we had the choice to be able to travel or stay at home as we please. That the Easter retreat at Kurlana was able to take place and enjoyed by so many members of the Lifeflow community. Looking back this time last year, we were all working from home after our lives as we know it had changed forever!... The Easter member's retreat had been brought online and a 'new normal' was the catchphrase of the day and no one could travel to their usual Easter destinations. The only thing we were certain about was uncertainty! As meditators, the practice of acceptance was brought to the fore. We had no control over the global events that transpired and affected us in the most extraordinary ways. We had to accept what was happening at the time and the situation we were all in. From that state of acceptance, we could see clearly what was happening, and then we could understand it. If we didn’t do this, our thoughts would have taken take over (and they did at times) leading to feelings of being overwhelmed and fearful. Having meditation as a tool to call upon and use, we were able to remain relatively calm and accepting about what was going on. Graham Williams explains more in his blog about likening thoughts to waves on the ocean.

06.01.2022 We couldn’t resist on the A-frame message board today Wow, what a night that was! The sun is shining, everything is calm this morning - it’s hard to believe how intense the weather was last night! It’s a wonderful reminder that no matter how big a storm the weather outside or a strong emotion that eventually things settle and calm down. Once you find the meditation and mindfulness techniques that suit you, you have the tools to manage emotions and work with them rather... than try to resist, ignore or fight them. With meditation you can catch things before they get too big. It's such an important and useful topic we devote a whole class to working with and managing emotions in our Learn to Meditate course. In the final week of the Learn to Meditate course we then look at how emotions are just like the weather. This gives us an opportunity to approach them in a different way to how we might currently. Different meditation and mindfulness techniques suit different people which is why we teach a whole range in the course. If you would like to find your own 'go to' meditation and start managing those emotional storms that might pop up, the Learn to Meditate Summer School bookings are open online. Cruise into 2021 as cool as a cucumber

06.01.2022 Sadly like the rest of SA we have had to pack up and work from home! The good news is that meditation can be done anywhere and at anytime! More than ever meditation and mindfulness are much-needed skills in these challenging times when you are feeling anxious or stressed.... To help everyone needing some calm in their lives during this 6 day lockdown period we are offering our '30 minute intro to Meditation' for FREE follow the link and John Burston will take you through all the elements of meditation. It will leave you feeling calm and relaxed ...we encourage you to do it each day during SA's lockdown. Enjoy PS Feel free to share with your community and friends ...we want everyone to feel better with meditation! #meditationadelaide #meditationadelaide #mindfulness

05.01.2022 Happy Easter From all of us at Lifeflow We hope your day is filled with calm and chocolate!Happy Easter From all of us at Lifeflow We hope your day is filled with calm and chocolate!

04.01.2022 Are you worried that you aren’t getting enough sleep? Maybe you can’t get to sleep, can’t stay asleep, or suffering from poor sleep quality. You don’t need a scientific study to confirm what the result is!... Feeling tired Unmotivated Difficulty concentrating or remembering things Worrying about how this is affecting your health and wellbeing. Can meditation help? Yes! Many people come to us with sleeping issues and we help them by offering solutions based on the foundations of meditation and mindfulness. Joining the Learn to Meditate course or going on a Lifeflow retreat is a great place to start putting your sleep issues to bed! In May, we are dedicating a whole day retreat to sleep. The Better Sleep retreat is for you if you are looking for a way to unwind, reset, and let go of the worry that comes with having sleep problems. Using our years of practical experience of approaching sleep issues with meditation & mindfulness. All within the beautiful environment of the Glen Osmond Rd. studio, we will provide all the things that make a Lifeflow retreat so special Quiet, tranquil, and comfortable surroundings, time for deep rest and relaxation, delicious food, restorative yoga, a chance to be guided in deeper longer meditations (no experience required). Places are limited to find out more go here. Sleep well & happy Easter,

04.01.2022 Taken for chapter 5: The deepening stages of meditation. "Stage 3 - The thoughts stop ... as you enter an absorbed state of meditation you feel your mind and emotions becoming increasingly still. As the mind becomes calmer and more concentrated it becomes balanced, and it does this by resting on the meditation object instead of rushing from one object to another.... The more focussed our minds are, the more relaxed and calm we become." #lifeflow #meditation #mindfulness #meditationadelaide #adelaide

03.01.2022 Imagine ... Being able to relax and be calm whenever you wanted to? To know what to do when stress starts to creep into your body and mind?... To know how your body, mind, and emotions feel like when they are balanced? How much energy would you have for relishing and enjoying the things that matter in your life? This is what meditation and mindfulness can give you ... You are invited to experience it for yourself at the last FREE & friendly Come & Try meditation session for the year, on the 8th Dec 6 - 6.45 pm at the Lifeflow studio in Frewville. You'll need to book - so we know your coming: We'd love to see you there #meditationadelaide #meditation #meditate #lifeflow #meditationretreat

02.01.2022 Taken for chapter 5: The deepening stages of meditation. "Every time you settle down to meditate, your mind goes through three stages: noting how busy your mind is; seeing the space between thoughts, and finally; the thoughts stopping altogether. As you become increasingly familiar with this, you will notice that it also happens every time you begin to concentrate."... This is just a part of what you learn in Lifeflow's Learn to Meditate course and there is one more class being held in 2020and it's on this Sunday 1 & 8 November 9.30 am & 1 pm and includes morning tea. #lifeflow #meditation #mindfulness #meditationadelaide #adelaide

01.01.2022 5 Stars for the Learn to Meditate Course from Joy! "A friend and I undertook the 6-week course together. I certainly gain a new understanding of meditation and mindfulness and how little I had to do to achieve a sense of calm and relaxation throughout my day. ... Every lesson was followed up with a detailed email recapping the strategies learnt from the class and simple tips to integrate the learning. A very warm and welcoming environment, Great teacher. Highly recommend." Thanks Joy! If you would like some of the calm and relaxation that Joy has found - the final Learn to Meditate for 2020 is being held this Sunday and the following Sunday from 9.30 am - 1 pm. Find out more here:

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