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Lifelinksjmf in Longford, Victoria, Australia | Educational consultant

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Locality: Longford, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 402 577 123

Address: 108 McColl Drive 3851 Longford, VIC, Australia


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22.01.2022 Ask Us Live -Week 8 - Emotional Fitness in Relationships

20.01.2022 When you really get stuck in life and you feel you just want to give up, is when we get excited for you. Why? Because it means you have realised that this is not how you want your life to be! When you least want to ask questions, entering back into your Man Cave so you can try and work out your problems, seems like the best choice right now.... Simply asking one question, can sometimes be the key to unlock what is holding your troubles. We are here to help you with finding the answers you already know, deep routed inside your subconscious. When you become Unstuck, is when you can start to move forward to create the Better Life you are looking for.

19.01.2022 Ask Us Live Week 6 - Your Limiting Beliefs Free PDF for you to check into, click the link below

18.01.2022 Driven By Contrast - We recognise contrast as we find ourselves in situations that are not pleasing for us. Our emotions tell us that this is not how we would like it to be. The Contrast gives birth to Your Desire for change.... Are you motivated by what you don't want? If you know what you don't want - Then you must know to some degree what you DO want! This creates MOTIVATION TO CHANGE. Creation from Motivation Driven from Urgency Got to get this done Have Irritation - at yourself or others Trying to push yourself through This style of Creation will not work because the emotion is driven from what you don't want: It comes from FEAR. This creates more Contrast. This is why we suffer overwhelm, stress & anxiety, we are operating from survival mode. Creating this way makes it hard work, usually ending with little or no results. Creation by Inspiration Imagine life the way you want it to be, Create a different story. Once you imagine that way then, let it come to you, let it unfold. Step 1: You have asked for it through Your Desire, Your Visualisation. Step 2: Emotion - Vibration - Your Uplifting Enthusiasm, being excited about the possibility. Step 3: Meditation - quiet your mind - the beginning of your creativity starts by being connected to your inner self. If you concentrate on the emotions/vibrations of the positive why then you will be excited and driven by passion each step of the journey as it brings you closer to your desires. There is a process of growth that you need to grow through to become that person, TO BE, TO DO, TO HAVE what your heart desires. So You have to find some way to be a match to the vibration of your vision. Not stay a match to the reason you asked for it in the first place. If you keep beating your drum about justifying, defending, explaining and convincing others as to why they need to relate to you, you separate yourself from your Inspiration, you would be constantly be driving through Motivation - Fear. This is why most of us give up on our dreams, we make it hard work, constantly trying to Drive ourselves. It drains our Energy, We become exhausted. When we come from Emotional Inspiration we love what we do, we are Excited & Joyful, this feeds us Energy & helps us steer us to the next small step in the process of our Journey. YOUR EMOTIONS ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU A MESSAGE for you to take action to change the way things are, to the way you would love them to BE. Be inspired to live a great life. Marion

16.01.2022 JOIN US THIS WEEK to discover some deeper meaning through understanding how we can shift our beliefs and take responsibility for our relationships. BRING ENERGY INTO YOUR LIFE CREATE MORE PASSION... CREATE MORE FUN CREATE MORE CONNECTION See more

15.01.2022 "Ask Us Live" Starts in 1 hour"Ask Us Live" Starts in 1 hour

15.01.2022 Wow, 200!!!! To all of you who have liked our page, we say Thank you. We are passionate about what we do, we have a vision to RELIEVE DEPRESSION & ANXIETY in as many people as we can reach. So that they may live a full, happy & healthy life.... We have a target now we have got this far. Lets make it 5,000 We know we can't do this on our own, If you know anyone who may get benefit from the information we share, then please SHARE it forward. We are humbled by our experiences through our learning and appreciate the connections we make here. It is our pleasure to serve you. Thank you.

15.01.2022 Ask Us Live - Week 5 - Contrast

02.01.2022 How Beliefs Influence Our Relationships - Week 7

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