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25.01.2022 Spending the first day day of winter at the beach had me like.... Im going to aim to not let winter keep me indoors. Getting out in nature has such a huge effect on my mental and physical health so its so important to factor that in and connect with the outdoors wherever possible. The beach can be just as beautiful in winter as it is in summer, just in a different way. Hiking is even better in winter because its much cooler. ... Theres plenty of ways you can still get your nature fix through those colder months so keep yourself getting outdoors and realise the power of nature in keeping you well.

25.01.2022 This has been such an interesting headspace pack to do. It really highlights as humans how much we crave something other than what we have, whether it be a coffee or food, alcohol, more material items, a better body, our children to be less this or more that, or even just for the workout were doing to end. We struggle to be in the moment and are often searching for something other than what we have right now. Doing this meditation has helped me to realise that Im often something, but if I can come back to me breath and be in the moment, that craving can pretty quickly subside. Mindfulness has been life changing for me over the past few years, more so than any other changes Ive made throughout my life. Do you struggle to stay in the moment?

25.01.2022 I always wake up with so many thoughts in my head. I wish I could switch off to them and go back to sleep but I very rarely can. Instead I find my next best option is to go outside, do my meditation and feel the earth between my toes.

24.01.2022 While you’re in lockdown (or even when you’re not) why not try making some pickled jalapeños? I LOVE these and put them on any number of meals. They make my bowls way more enjoyable. Like most store bought jars of food, pickled jalapeños usually contain loads of weird ingredients that your body will NOT recognise.... These are simple to make and take roughly 10 mins. -Slice up about 10 jalapeño’s -Wash a large jar in hot soapy water -Heat 1 cup of water, 1 cup of white vinegar, 2 smashed garlic cloves, 2 Tbsp honey & 1 Tbsp salt in a small saucepan and bring to the boil -Remove from the heat and add jalapeños -Let sit for 10 mins and then pour into your prepared jar -Store in the fridge THAT’S IT!! Simple Should last in the fridge for up to 2 months but ours never last long.

24.01.2022 First day of pre primary and year 8 There were lots of nerves for Narla going to full time school for the first time but hopefully she’ll love it! Marley’s never keen for school but luckily he enjoys the social side or we’d never get him out the door ... First time I’ve had 5 days a week to myself! Time to get some stuff done!

24.01.2022 Quick Breakfast Idea -Pour 2 whisked eggs into a frypan, fry until starting to brown, flip and do the same to the other side. -Fill it with whatever you choose ... A simple, under 5 minute breakfast idea thats -Gluten free -Full of nutrients to kick start your day -Free from any sugar or other ingredients that will NOT have you starting in the way you need.

24.01.2022 Hi, I thought Id reintroduce myself for those who dont really know what I do. My name is Analeigh and Aspen Lifestyle is a health coaching service aimed at getting people to simplify healthy eating and cooking so theyre more likely to live a healthy lifestyle, one thats sustainable for the rest of their life. A health coach is like a PT but for all aspects of health so whether it be to lose weight, have more energy, be inspired to cook at home more, or even just to find s...ome education on the very confusing subject of nutrition, then health coaching can have some huge benefits. The reason I say nutrition is confusing is because of all the conflicting information out there, its a minefield!!! It wasnt until about 10 years ago that I realised how important nutrition is on SO many aspects of health, before that I just thought I should eat healthy so I can maintain a healthy weight, little did I know that it can hold the key to many different aspects of the overall health and wellbeing puzzle. Through holding workshops, recording videos, teaching people how to simplify cooking, as well as one on one coaching, I hope to inspire people to find the enjoyment in healthy living. It doesnt have to mean restricting yourself to plain boring health foods, in fact, Ive never eaten such delicious food in my life as I have since becoming health food conscious. So, if youre in need of help in any area to do with your health, lets have a chat. I really enjoy talking about nutrition & lifestyle so feel free to ask me any questions you have and hopefully you can make it to an Aspen Lifestyle event at some point

23.01.2022 Ive been working my way through this awesome May challenge put together by Aspen Coaching I know there isnt long left in May but can you commit to completing any of these challenges? Im really not looking forward to the caffeine free 72hrs ... Love the cold shower ones Found the sugar free 72hrs easy Loved all the cooking ones Loved the meditation ones Now to get onto the journaling parts. Which activities would you find most challenging on this list?

23.01.2022 You’ve probably noticed that most of my food looks pretty similar each day. You may think BORING, but I think SIMPLE! To enable me to keep eating well and doing what I’m doing, it needs to be something I can see myself maintaining for the rest of my life. Most of my meals consist of a bowl filled with leftovers with some sort of protein added (sometimes that’s leftovers too). Then I top it with some sauerkraut, nuts, seeds and sauces, done!... Reduces waste and tastes amazing every day! I’m happy to eat this way for the rest of my life!

22.01.2022 Ive got you covered this winter with loads of slow cooker recipes. Heres the latest one to be put up on the blog-a hearty slow cooked beef stew. This can be made in under 15 minutes, perfect for busy winter days. I serve it over buttery mashed sweet potato, so good! Link in comments

20.01.2022 Karijini is seriously epic! The most beautiful landscape Ive ever witnessed. So glad to share it with my family and one of our super adventurous mates who helped us push our boundaries (and got up at 4am with us this morning to witness the jaw dropping night sky). Anyone who hasnt been yet, you HAVE to get yourself to Karijini.... #karijini #westernaustralia #familytravels #aspenlifestyle

20.01.2022 I have this little saying that has helped me a lot over the years to de-stress, maybe it can help you too. My mindset around health has changed so much over the past few years to become a much more sustainable approach. I used to stress over every little thing, how much I was eating, what I was eating, were my kids eating well, or were they watching too much tv, was I exercising enough, I had a lazy week, how is that going to affect me, Ive gotta get this done, Ive gotta... do that. My mind was forever racing and judging me for what I was or wasnt achieving. My husband one day told me I need to zoom out because I was too focussed on the little things when all the big things were in the perfect place: my family are happy and healthy, Im happily married to my best mate, I have a roof over my head, I live in one of the luckiest countries in the world, I get to see the sun shining and birds chirping, to exercise, laugh, enjoy yummy food, the list of good things in my life could go on forever. So now when Im stressing over the little things, I tell myself to zoom out and after doing that for the last year or so its now my default setting and it means I dont worry so much. taken by Dave on the drone in NZ at Wharariki Beach (heading to the beach at sunrise-a walk I would recommend anyone going to NZ to experience)

20.01.2022 Recipe Granola can not only be expensive to buy but is often filled with vegetable oils and other nasty ingredients. Making your own is not only much cheaper, but its simple and you can really experiment to make your perfect granola concoction.... Check out the link in the comments for my gluten & grain free granola recipe

18.01.2022 I feel like the trick to being consistent with healthy eating is to make cooking as simple as possible, saving extravagant meals for those times when you really feel like putting a little more effort and time in. This one tray bake takes minimal prep time, I just put some chicken legs & wings, red onion, garlic, carrot & sweet potato in the oven tray and scattered some lemon pieces & rosemary. Add some salt & pepper, olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice and pop it in the oven for an hour (or until the chicken is cooked. (I covered it in alfoil and uncovered it for the last 15 mins to brown the chicken).

18.01.2022 I count myself SO lucky to be able to parent with this guy, a father who is SO devoted to spending time with his kids. He puts so much effort into Marleys sports and is always out playing with him whether it be basketball, football or anything else. He constantly plays with Narla and is dragged around to be a baby, or a customer in her shop, or whatever she insists upon. ... Our kids are so lucky to have him and will certainly know they are loved to the ends of the earth We love you with all our hearts Happy Fathers Day Dave, and to all the other amazing dads out there!!!

17.01.2022 Theres something about this photo that speaks volumes to me. We went away for a little trip down south over the weekend and it was so much fun! Family time away, no matter how far or for how long, creates connections that are so long lasting. These two love and adore each other but their bond while were away is like nothing else. Its beautiful to watch and makes me feel extremely lucky.

17.01.2022 Thanks @allingtonfamilyfarm cant wait to try more of your lamb this weekend for our farm tour!

15.01.2022 First day all to myself in over 7 weeks! Just a tad excited It’s been half an hour since I cleaned the house and it’s still clean!!!! Now to get some study done in silence

15.01.2022 What an adventure these kids are having!! #Karijini

14.01.2022 Happy Monday!! Starting today Dave Emma Louise Robson and I are doing 30 days without gluten. None of us eat a heap of gluten in our day to day diet anyway, but we will have a piece of sourdough here, or some crackers there, a pizza or burger every now and then etc which probably means we would rarely go a few weeks without gluten. Gluten is one of the most inflammatory ingredients and studies show that most disease starts in the gut. When the gut is irritated with inflammati...on it can have a number of effects, including sore joints, skin irritations, bloating and other digestion issues, mental fog and more so it will be interesting to see how it affects us. P.S. Obviously Narla and the dog wont be joining us in the gf challenge Will keep you updated. Anyone want to join us?

13.01.2022 One of the things that shocked the absolute shit out of me when I was doing my health coaching studies was the truth about vegetable oil. Ive written a blog post on this with a list of the types of oil to avoid and WHY, and a list of the oils that are good for our health. Click the link below to read it. It is such a hideous product that is SO toxic, yet its found in nearly every package food, including sauces, salad dressings, biscuits, ice creams, this list could go on an...d on. Its also used in almost every restaurant and cafe on the planet because its so cheap. Vegetable oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, margarine....theyre mostly petroleum based and go through huge chemical processes including bleaching (to change them from the black colour they are supposed to be ) Please do yourself a favour, stay away from vegetable and canola oils and pass the message on to family and friends. This stuff is killing us!! I suspect its heavily linked to the massive rise in disease over the past 40 years. In fact, I think that the graph of the rise in use of vegetable oils and the rise in heart disease would probably follow a very similar trajectory.

12.01.2022 Have you ever noticed the tendency to fuel negative emotions with our own thoughts? It’s amazing that we do it to ourselves but we do. Sometimes we can change the things that stimulate stress in our life but very often they are out of our control, so the only thing we can change is the way that we relate to them in our minds. We do that through changing our perspective.... We have a choice, we can either carry these things around with us and feel the heavy feelings of injustice, where things may not feel fair so we get stressed about them. Or we can say I really can’t do anything about that so I’m going to find a way of letting go of that so I don’t have to experience these feelings for any longer. By working on our perspective we can allow ourselves such freedom from stress and the other negative emotions that can hold us back.

12.01.2022 Didnt get to do it as much as we would have liked but managed to spend a few beautifully peaceful morning moments together with a bit of meditation on the beach before sunrise. Its such a magical time of day and such a great way to connect as a couple before the kids are even awake. Im lucky to have a life partner who wants to do these things with me ... #sunrise #headspace #meditation #mindfulness

12.01.2022 Spent the morning at the @mtclaremontfarmersmarket and went to meet the lovely Zoe and Travis from @allingtonfamilyfarm We will be heading down to Harvey on Sept 12th to stay on their farm and meet all the animals We will learn about the importance of sustainable and ethical farming and the food choices we make. Well be eating delicious lamb cooked by the wonderful farm owners, and wake up to a cooked breakfast (cooked by me).... Were also lucky enough to be camping under the stars on their beautiful farm Youll have the opportunity to purchase quality lamb and eggs and will learn a lot over the weekend. Would LOVE you to join us! Please contact me for more info.

12.01.2022 I was so proud to take Marley into the gym yesterday and see him actually push himself in something so foreign. He recorded all this efforts and managed to get to 12 chin ups, plus the rest. It was great to see him proud of his achievements at the end of the class. He did a fantastic job for a 12 year old (and for any age).

11.01.2022 Spent yesterday shooting photo & video for upcoming blogs, recipes and other upcoming content. Cant wait to share it with you all soon!

11.01.2022 Of all the slow cooker meals I make, this lamb curry is my favourite. I put it on in the morning and when I come home the whole house smells amazing!! Squeeze a bit of lime, a sprinkle of coriander leaves and serve over cauliflower rice or basmati, delicious! Recipe link in comments

10.01.2022 If youre looking for a yummy, healthy and easy chicken recipe check out my slow cooked mustard & lemon chicken. Such deliciously tender chicken which can be prepped in 10 mins and popped into the slow cooker, simple (the only way to cook) Keep an eye out for more slow cooker recipes to get you through winter.... Link to blog in comments

08.01.2022 This beautiful creature is Marley. Hes the reason I became obsessed with nutrition after realising that what I thought was ADHD was actually a sugar and additive intolerance. Since changing his diet 8 years ago we have watched an incredible transformation of our little man from an erratic human with tendencies to lose his temper, to a much more chilled being. ... Unfortunately this year he started high school and has been given much more freedom, to hang with mates and spend his pocket money which means he is eating way more processed foods (much to our horror ) This year he has been sick more than ever. Hes always had a strong immune system but since including all these processed foods into his diet hes had a handful of colds and a tummy bug which is so foreign to this household since we started on our real food journey. Luckily, the rest of us rarely get these illnesses since changing the way we eat. Its really confirms for me how much the food we eat effects our immune system. He isnt allowed to eat or bring any processed food into the house and still eats 3 healthy meals almost every day, yet the ability for him to have access to occasional junk food has still caused his immune system to become less robust. I think thats really telling, what do you think? Do you notice certain things that weaken your immune system?

07.01.2022 Do you or anyone you know avoid exercise because of pain? This could actually be helping to cause the pain itself. Listen to Sandy's amazing story of how she spent a large portion of her life in pain (after a car accident) and is finally now achieving great success in the gym and in her life in general. My husband spent years with sore knees that stopped him from doing most exercise and held him back from loads of other things he enjoyed too. Since joining Aspen Coaching and... learning HOW to move, he now lives completely pain free and is able to enjoy running, playing basketball, surfing and even jumping on the trampoline with the kids. Longevity is SO important and to get to your later years and live pain free should be the goal when exercising. Don't give in on exercise because it causes you pain, learn how to move and strengthen your body so you no longer have to feel those pains. If you're suffering, have a chat to the coaches at Aspen Coaching. They really take the time to focus on each individual and work out what steps they could take to better their performance and themselves in general.

06.01.2022 Its so nice to have the sun out so I can enjoy my meals outdoors #eatoutside #getoutside #nature #vitamind #sunshine #soakupthesun

06.01.2022 These zaatar roasted pumpkin slices make the perfect addition to any salad a little bit crispy and full of flavour #pumpkin #saladtoppings #roastpumpkin #healthyeating #homecooking #makeitfun

06.01.2022 I love Sundays with my crew

05.01.2022 So often the later years of ppls life is not a comfortable existence. We applaud the few that live healthily and still move about and live disease and (relatively) pain free but its a very small minority. What if we could put measures in today that would almost ensure that we could give ourselves the best opportunity to live a long and healthy happy life? The lifestyle you choose to live today could lead you to the life you would never choose for yourself later on in life.... Make choices today that your future self with thank you for. Move you body daily, eat real food and steer clear of processed garbage, avoid all the chemicals that are everywhere we look and instead turn to nature, soak up sunshine daily, prioritise healthy sleep behaviours, drink loads of water, reduce stress by meditation or learning to be mindful. Putting all these things in place will put you in a much better position to not only live longer, but more importantly live optimally.

05.01.2022 Were planning on doing a farm tour next month of the beautiful family run @allingtonfamilyfarm in Harvey (less than 1.5 hours south of Perth) We would love you all to join us for an afternoon of education followed by some yummy dinner and camping under the stars Well be learning about the importance of knowing where our food (most importantly animal products) come from, and why buying local and making ethical choices with our food is so important to our health.... Well be meeting (and feeding) lots of different animals, watching a sheering demonstration and possibly even bottle feeding some lambs Let us know if youre keen to join us on the 12th Sept. The price is $120 and is inclusive of: -Farm tour and educational workshop -Animal feeding -Dinner (cooked with @allingtonfamilyfarm meats from the farm) -Breakfast -Camping under the stars -Bonfire stories -Awesome company Please let me know if youre interested so we can book it all in.

05.01.2022 Can you tell were heading back to Perth? Just had to add a few layers

05.01.2022 Nutrition can be extremely confusing, especially with all the conflicting info out there. Even with years of study, podcasts, books etc, I still find it difficult to know who to trust when it comes to food. Thats one of the reasons Im starting a nutrition and lifestyle focus group. Its so helpful to have PTs to push you with your exercise, but whos there to help you to eat healthy and look after yourself? As a health coach I will be there to guide and support you, and a group, we will all have a bunch of accountability partners to help us stick to our health goals. The group will support each other with monthly catch ups and via an online Facebook group where you can ask any questions that you may have, or share any stories that could help the group. We will meet for a casual chat about a range of nutrition and lifestyle based topics on the first Sat of every month at 2pm. We will be starting on Oct 3rd and running every month for 6 months (apart from January). The cost is only $25/month (or $120 for the whole 6 months). In our catch ups (or online chats) we can go over: -The best places to source quality and ethical foods -Which questions to ask your food suppliers to ensure quality and guarantee minimal harm to the planet -Which ingredients to avoid and what to swap them with -How to get quality sleep -Ways to manage stress -Weight loss techniques -Boosting your immunity -Simple healthy meal ideas & recipes -How to increase your energy levels As well as a range of topics that will no doubt pop up over the months. Please let me know if youre interested in joining me

05.01.2022 What better way to start a Friday than with a creamy bullet proof coffee Im going to be starting up a YouTube channel and will be sharing lots of different videos in the aim of helping people to simplify healthy cooking and living. Yesterday I started by filming the process of how I make a bulletproof coffee. The reason I did this was because swapping from a latte to a bullet proof a few years ago not only stopped me from having lots of milk in my diet, its helped m...e with intermittent fasting and most importantly it saves me over a thousand dollars a year as I no longer have the desire to buy from coffee shops daily. Im so happy with my morning creamy coffee (made with quality locally roasted beans from @kaltiva_coffee_roasters or @humblebeecoffee ) Ill keep you updated on when the YouTube channel gets up and going How do you have your coffee?

05.01.2022 I really love making my own sauces, and I love my husbands labels Cooking all my own sauces is something I never would have been able to imagine myself doing a few years back but now I find it relatively easy. The best part about it is having the power over what youre putting into your body. Most sauces and salad dressings are made with vegetable oils and other toxic ingredients so making them myself from scratch became a non negotiable.... Let me know if you want to try any of your own sauces or dressing and I can share a recipe with you

04.01.2022 What a fantastic weekend we had at @allingtonfamilyfarm Zoe, Travis, Jonah and Ariana made us feel so welcome. We all got to learn more about farming practices which I feel is so important. If we choose to eat meat then we need to know where its coming from to ensure were eating healthy animals who have lived a good life. We spent the weekend surrounded by good company, lovely food, beautiful views and so many happy animals, including the cutest puppies youve ever seen! ... Thanks to everyone who came along, and thanks to @allingtonfamilyfarm for your hospitality. If you like the look of this event and would like to join us in the future then please let me know. I am really hoping we can do this regularly and go to some lovely properties to meet farmers and hear their story. Knowledge is power and when it comes to food we really need to educate ourselves so we arent so removed from the process. If anyone likes the look of the farm and wants to stay there themselves then check out their Instagram and enquire, or buy some of their yummy lamb at the @mtclaremontfarmersmarket #aspenlifestylefarmtour #allingtonfamilyfarm #gettoknowyourfarmer #sustainablefarming #knowledgeispower #supportlocal #aspensocial #aspencoaching #perthhealthevents

04.01.2022 Heres a super simple breakfast idea, cumin and chilli scrambled eggs. Theyre so delicious, weve had them on high rotation at our house this month!

01.01.2022 What a weekend! Nothing better than catching up with good friends and spending some quality time

01.01.2022 Happy Sunday (and Valentine’s Day for those who celebrate it ) Check out the view from our trampoline absolutely love my time in here with this little crazy one

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