Lifestyle K9 in Armadale, Western | Pet service
Lifestyle K9
Locality: Armadale, Western
Phone: +61 478 219 172
Address: Bell Court 6112 Armadale, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Teaching new commands is always fun! It works the dogs mind, makes them think plus its FUN!! Then theres titan... he is an absolute drama queen as of late.
23.01.2022 I think Grant Teeboon covers all that needs to be said about this. EDIT: Grants comments are to be found in the comments section. I stuffed up the share.
23.01.2022 Sumo learning that he cant jump out of the car until given the commend to do so.
23.01.2022 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. P.O.A. Deposit required to secure a puppy. 7 girls D.O.B. 7/4/19 will not be leaving until they are 8 weeks of age (2/6/19).... All pups will be wormed at 2,4,6 & 8 weeks of age, vaccinated and microchipped. A weeks supply of food will be supplied so you can either keep your pup on same diet or to aid in transitioning onto your preferred one. A crate will be included and instruction on crate training provided. One years training including puppy training and support when needed. Optional - I have a selection of collars and leads that will be supplied and changed out as the pup grows. Please make sure you are serious about having a German Shepherd in your life and can give them the very best they deserve. Both mum and dad are available to be viewed and puppies can be viewed once they are mobile. If you select a puppy your welcome to come round pretty much any time (within reason of course) to watch your pups progress and interact and learn some pre-weaning training. Neither parent have been scored but are in top shape otherwise.The dam has titled and attained her BH in 2017. I am not a registered breeder so there are no papers. Contact is either private message or mobile 0478 219 172.
23.01.2022 So this little item is trying to sneak in under the radar. There is some stuff in there that will affect a lot of people be it trainers, breeders, owners etc. People need to be aware what they intend to take away from us such as our tools, even the right to choose training methods.
22.01.2022 Just doing a spot of training down near the local dog park.
20.01.2022 Very wise words indeed. You want to know about a tool you seen discussed on social media. Just ask. I m sure most trainers are only to happy for you to come and learn about a tool that is being vilified.
19.01.2022 A bush walk with the dogs and Daisys last day with us. Took a trail that was, I thought, low distraction to help Dre learn the art of hanging with the pack and learning recall in a bush environment with the other dogs as teachers. Well we came across distraction anyway. One cant control the outside world but we can prepare for it. So the distraction was in the form of three dogs inside their property. It was a big learning experience for Dre and for the other three to brush up on already learned behaviour. Dre aquited himself very well today indeed. #gsddrethedrongo #daisymaytui #gsdmacythewonderbitch #buddyboofhead #lifestylek9training #bushdogs #rtcoffleaddogs
19.01.2022 Miss Kaya has missed her play time with Dre. She is a pretty hard player and Dre takes her crap with no problems at all. It is important to match play styles so the dogs can play without any behavioural either starting up or being increased. Some dogs are much better with a one on one rather than a group affair.
18.01.2022 We did an episode on Canine Consent recently and heres what Georgie Yates had to say on the topic. Exact quote below copied from our discussion group. Just l...istened to the podcast and here is my response (Glenn and Pat youll probably regret asking as this is way longer than it should be). We all know dogs dont have the mental capacity for advocating for themselves with a full understanding of all the long term possible consequences, any argument to the opposite goes against every bit of evidence we have. To begin a discussion on true consent, a dog would need the neurological capacity of approximately a 14 year old human(age of medical consent in NSW); I dont believe any of us think that is the case therefore discussions about dogs consenting to training or medical procedures is solely referring to should we create an ILLUSION of consent for the dog. Because when push comes to shove, of course we will force the dog into a medical procedure or force it to be contained or force it not to fight another dog; that is our responsibility as an owner. The term guardians was also used to describe dog owners; I personally think that term is too easily associated to children. You cannot sell a child when you are its guardian, you cannot legally kill a child once it is born if you so choose. Guardianship is not ownership because, in most cases, a child will grow into a person who has the ability to make its own decisions and become a citizen with rights and responsibilities. Therefore we grant rights to a child that we do not extend to a dog, and we limit guardians power to what is necessary while the child is developing the mental capacity to make their own decisions. Dogs are not capable of that, hence animals are owned. Dogs are at best classification sentient property; not future citizens. We are owners of sentient property, not guardians. Consent in humans also most often refers to bodily autonomy; we can consent to sexual interactions, consent to medical procedures etc. But for most things in life; we have no option to opt in or opt out. There is implied consent to certain activities but governments and institutions are, like dog trainers, masters of creating an illusion of consent. The lengths some people seem to want to advocate animal consent goes far beyond the rights we even afford to people which is why I mentioned previously that I thought it was much more an animal rights ploy than a true welfare concern. So I firmly believe, that the question about dogs consenting is irrelevant as they are incapable to do so, the real question people are asking is; should we give the dog an illusion of consent and what is the best way to do that? An illusion of consent is something most of us already do in at least some areas of our training. If we take the NePoPo system I use, the dog is shaped into the behaviour. An illusion at first that its the dogs own voluntary behaviour. The pressure is only added into it after the behaviour is established voluntarily to show the dog the possible consequence; so when it comes time to force compliance, the dog is prepared for such and knows compliance is advantageous and disobedience disadvantageous. Therefore when it is compelled to do something against its innate desires; there is no surprise and no fallout; the dog has 1000 repetitions of compliance being a success and when done well, the cues are not commands but opportunities to obtain a reward and avoid the hand of god. You avoid learned helplessness as you have an illusion for the dog that it can control the outcome and that complying is how to win (which is why the system is known for producing pushy, strong dogs that are still reliable). We are manufacturing a world of positive and negative consequences for our dogs since these imposed consequences are, for the most part, less brutal and more predictable than natures consequences. The consent training I have seen posted around has as little true consent as any other method and the success of it rests on also giving an illusion of consent and relying on a lot of repetitions of low level desensitisation. I do not doubt there is a stress reduction in situations where a single step back is all that is needed to stop an unpleasant activity. But the truth remains, that should the illusion fail, should the dog strongly resist and the owner decide something is necessary, the dog is going to be forced to comply and will be completely unprepared for such. So after this super long rant; is it more ethical to give an illusion of little/no consequences for opting out and therefore have a dog who has no knowledge of the possible consequence of opting out(that it could be forced at some point)? Or is it more ethical to show the dog ahead of time a clear consequence and build compliance to be advantageous to them? Personally and anecdotally, as there is no studies properly done on this matter that I could find, in our human dominated world I think it is more ethical and less stressful for the animal to be trained in a system where it understands that its advantage is through its commands. And therefore our job as a trainer is to make compliance clearly advantageous, disobedience clearly disadvantageous and to allow the dog find success in that. I dont think consent training is unethical and it may be useful in certain circumstances but I do think overall it is fairer to an animal to raise them in a program where they are taught to successfully navigate imposed consequences and teach them how to have a positive relationship with force.
16.01.2022 Think about that!
16.01.2022 Are they a quick fix? In some cases yes and that is ok. WHY? Cause keeping a dog in a state of stress is not healthy for a dog. Try to fix a problem for months on end is not healthy for a dog. The dog deserves better and deserves to be respected and treated like a dog.
15.01.2022 There is a lot of stuff written about off lead dogs running up to other dogs whether they are on lead or not. What is not being talked about is those dogs that are on lead but still going up to dogs. I guess your thinking how can that be if the dog is on lead. Well, this is but one example given my own experience. I say one example because it is not a one of, it has happened many many times. Couple months back I was out walking with my good friend and trainer Ashleigh. I ha...d my GSD entire bitch Macy and Ash her entire Malinios bitch Lira. Both our dogs were on lead as we were walking along the path. We saw a dog coming in our direction on lead. We did what we always do. We move off the path to the side and turn to face the path and put the dogs in a sit or down. I didnt see what the oncoming do did as it passed Ash and her and Lira as I was in the process of moving off path and putting Macy in position. Now this generally is not a problem and we have done this many many times before. Now when the dog got to me the dog decided to pull towards Macy and I and the owner was told to keep away. Now whether he heard or not I dont really care because you should NEVER allow your dog to pull you over to another. My bitch can be quite protective when on lead and any dog who projects an air of threat she will deal with it. She is all bark and no bite but hey there is always that one day, right. This dog was a French Bulldog so much smaller. She has this invisible line and this dog stepped over it. Well shit happened to be sure. Luckily no dog was harmed as she did not get to the dog but I was almost knocked off my feet which could have caused serious injury to myself as I am no spring chicken. So if you have a dog on lead DONT allow it to pull towards another dog. Respect other people and their dogs. I for one am getting just a tad pissed off. I have never seen it so bad out there. It is getting scary.
15.01.2022 Daisy at home watching sheep on TV. She is a sheep dog after all.
15.01.2022 Dont humanize dogs. Theyre far better than that.
13.01.2022 To all the followers of this page please take the time to look over this draft. It affects you as a dog owner. Some of the guidelines proposed here are just down right ridiculous. If this draft gets through it will be the start of worse to come. I am all for the welfare of dogs but there is a lot in this document that will actually not help dogs at all but will certainly see some dogs suffering needlessly because they will no longer be able to get the help they need. There i...s a survey on this page, please take the time to fill it out. Do so with an open mind. Some of the issues may not affect you personally but may affects others so think broadly when filling it out. There is also a Submission Form if you want to put in extra information that the survey does not allow. Please this is important for the dogs of WA.
13.01.2022 So how do you cope with a dogs natural instinct to chase, catch and consume? Training of course, or more precisely training with a remote control collar. There is no better piece of equipment in the dog world than an RTC to extinguish an instinctual behaviour. Dont tell me RTCs harm dogs in any way at all. If introduced and used correctly on the dog it is the most effective, least instrusive tool on the market today. For those of you who wish to say that you always need to... use the tool, claiming it becomes a crutch. My dog is completely naked here, she is also feeding puppies so she has another instinct in force at this time.....the instinct to eat to produce milk for her offspring. That instinct will not surface as the instinct to chase, catch and consume was addresses quite some time ago. She always comes to feed the chooks and collect the eggs and always goes naked. So no, the RTC is not needed as a crutch. She is a happy dog with rules and boundaries. It is a pleasure to have a relationship with another animal and have mutal respect for each others differences even though we are different species. #lovethisbitchtothemoonandback
12.01.2022 Your are not raising a Puppy. You are raising a DOG!Your are not raising a Puppy. You are raising a DOG!
11.01.2022 Are you a Perth dog owner? (Share me!) <3 In light of the Draft Standards and Guidelines for the Health & Welfare of Dogs in WA recently being released a...nd asked for review. Prepared by DPIRD (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) in consultation with RSPCA. Going to be a little bit serious here (just a little), and this will be a VERY long post, possibly the longest I have ever posted here, but Id be EVER so grateful if you were to read and share this around to draw everyones attention to it. This video shows what responsible prong collar & e-collar use looks like. Happy dogs. Free dogs. Safe dogs. It is not all the cruelty they want you to think it is, and Im gonna break it down a little below. Youve probably heard about the ridiculous, over the top and excessive suggested guidelines so far carry a first aid kit on walks & avoid bumps in the road when your dog is travelling with you on the news and in the paper. It goes deeper than this. The new draft is aimed at putting dogs welfare as the utmost priority I get that, and I acknowledge there is a LOT of good stuff in the draft. Unfortunately, theres a lot of misunderstanding, uneducated (in the field of dog training and behaviour modification) and unrealistic views threatening your freedom as a dog owner too. It is suggesting a polar extremist approach to dog training which is a rewards ONLY approach. Dont get me wrong I LOVE positive reinforcement, its amazing for a lot of things in dog training and if youve trained with me youll know I adore using food and praise. But by ignoring the fact that dogs need boundaries because you think its kinder you are putting dogs at risk. RSPCA are at the absolute (excessive) limit of the spectrum, on the positive-restricted side. If you are a dog owner in Western Australia this concerns you. It should be a priority for you to read this and submit your views on the matter (more on that later). NOW TO THE DRAFT! Keep in mind, Im a trainer and so Im going to be talking specifically about training issues here. Ill break down the main points and new standards below Ive had to put time into reading this and while I encourage you to read it too, I wanted to summarise the main points. First of all, we arent even in the standards yet and I can see an issue. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear and distress. Sounds fine, right? Of course! Sounds perfect. When you read further, you can see what theyre getting at, which is that suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear and distress actually somehow relates to the use of tools such as prong and e-collars. Isnt it ironic that tools like prong collars, e-collars, and an overall balanced approach actually INCREASE a dogs freedom, innate ability to express natural behaviours (complete off lead freedom) and keeps them safe from harm? It increases the amount of time they then get off lead, the amount of time out on pleasurable walks with their owners. OH but SURELY you could do this with rewards only? Im not going to get into this here, I want to focus on the draft and discrepancies, but you try telling dogs who are running off into the distance that you have a treat worth 20 reward points while they chase a Roo thats worth 150. See how that works for ya. Next! S10.1 The social and behavioural needs of a dog must be met on a daily basis. This includes providing appropriate environmental enrichment, that takes into account the individual characteristics, and health of the dog. S10.2 The training techniques of aids used to train a dog and the duration of such training must not cause harm to the dog. Both of these assume that the only way that prongs & e-collars and balanced methods (integrating discipline and boundaries into your overall training regime) are used is in a cruel manner totally false. So ridiculously false its almost funny. Almost. Many trainers who use these tools, use them to INCREASE the fulfilment of these needs of the dog, not to beat the dog into submission. Check out my reviews, I guarantee youll only find that I have improved life for dogs and owners and improved their relationship, not ruined it. That, is propaganda. The guidelines also mention that any sport work with a dog be; G10.6 under the advice of a veterinarian or experienced dog trainer Sorry a vet? Define: Veterinarian- a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals; a veterinary surgeon Huh. Didnt know they had anything to do with dog sport, work or behavioural training. But moving on Restraint! My favourite part of the draft S.12.2 Prong collars must not be used on a dog. prong collars must not be used on a dog period. Feel free at this point to check out the video attached to this again. Or ANY of my other videos. A misunderstood tool that is more efficient than a lot of options, used to increase the freedom a dog & owner team has and therefore improve relationship and increase fulfilment, flatly banned due to completely uneducated views on the tools being spread around like wildfire, playing on emotions. Furthermore: the next guideline is G12.1 a properly fitted flat collar will allow two fingers to be placed between the collar and the dogs neck. Let me break down how the prong works just for a sec. Quoting Tyler Muto (Former President of the IACP International Association of Canine Professionals) The nature of the prong collar is such that it is almost impossible to cause injury to the dog, even if misused. An individual would have to go out of their way to cause physical injury using this tool. It is arguable that any individual who would have to go through such effort would likely commit the same abuse or worse if a prong were not available. YUP! Turns out, if someone really wanted to hurt a dog they could do so with anything they wanted yeah? Doubt theyd spend $100 on a prong or $300 on an e-collar to do so? In the same article, lets quote Dr. Daniel Kamen, one of the most respected veterinary chiropractors in the industry; The improper use of collars is the number one cause of cervical (neck) subluxations in dogs The flat collar is the most common type, and can be dangerous if misused It should not beused for obedience training a frustrated owner who has difficulty controlling his pet will pull the dog in such a manner as to cause tremendous cervical muscle tightening, thus producing subluxations. Most literature suggests that this is the most effective and least dangerous of restraining collars. The prong collar distributes pressure evenly around the neck, and requires only a small amount of force Incidence of canine upper cervical sublaxations is far less with the prong collar. HUH! Power steering for dogs, right? Exactly. To assume that the general public is that negligent or incapable that they cannot possible be taught to use a prong collar (or e-collar) correctly is pretty offensive, and again totally false (have you MET my clients?). What about the injuries we have seen from harnesses (particularly the ones that rub underneath the armpits?) what about the distress we see from dogs who HATE haltis, and spend their entire walk trying to get that thing off their face? .. NEXT Electronic Collars (E-collars, as I refer to them a lot here) This one is planned to be heavily restricted according to this draft, but the RSPCA are pushing for a total flat ban on them too. 13. Electronic Collars Electronic collars are not recommended for the modification of behaviour of dogs In WA, a device (other than an electric fence) designed or modified to deliver an electric shock to an animal is a prescribed inhumane device under the Act. S13.1 An electronic collar must only be used on a dog in accordance with the generally accepted method of use. For the purposes of these Standards, the generally accepted method of use includes: a) if a reasonable and documented effort has been made to use other training techniques to modify behaviour and these have not been effective; b) a veterinarian has examined the health and temperament of the dog and reasonably believes that the dog is suitable to wear an electronic collar Ahhh the vet recommendation again ;) Above you see a massive implication that these collars should be a last resort and only used after a client has wasted money on other training that didnt work awesome. Lets see how the RSPCA (who consulted in this draft) defines Electronic Collars (similar to what we see in the opening paragraph). The RSPCA is opposed to devices that cause an electric shock. Ill whip out the dictionary again; Electric Shock: a sudden application of electric current to a living organism with sufficient strength and duration to produce a convulsive or thermal effect with injurious exposure consequences / electric shocks are cause by contact with live electricity that sends an electric current through the body. Uh oh seems we have something mixed up here. E-collars work the same as a tens machine, and that is via muscle contraction. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is actually used by people to relieve muscle tension. All. The. Time. It can be described as a tickling/prickle sort of sensation and can be used at low levels simply for communication! :O And I havent even gone into the use of boundary fencing to keep dogs (and other animals) SAFE. Or the fact that an e-collar can give you absolute solid recall regardless of distractions. Ever had a dog run at you, or worse, attack you/your dog/your child due to lack of control? Not an issue when you have an e-collar recall. Considering the group who consulted on these new changes has not got a good record of rehabilitating problem behaviours in dogs; (Quote directly from their 2017-18 Animal Outcomes Report) Of dogs euthanased, the majority of cases are because of severe behavioural issues (57.90%). This includes aggression and severe anxiety that the RSPCA is not able to or has not been able to treat through behavioural modification programs. AND considering they have previously already lost a case due to false accusations and intentially made false statements to sway public opinion on the use of e-collars against Orion/Innotek I cant see how they are a reputable source. Results speak louder than anything. In the real world, with real world distractions, these tools HELP dog owners, and you should defend your right to use them through a fully structured training program with a balanced trainer should you want to. Your right to do that is being threatened here. If you oppose these excessive and controlling standards for dog owners please make your views known! You can submit the online survey or a personal submission at the link below. This will have a massive negative effect on the way we are able to train dogs and modify problem behaviours for owners. It will make things harder, it will cause things to take longer, and regardless of the fact that the RSPCA THINK they are helping dogs we will end up with more dog attacks, more dogs in shelters and more dogs put to sleep by being restricted to positive only methods. **This post seemingly got pulled a couple hours ago, so this is a re-upload...fingers crossed it remains**
10.01.2022 So for those wankers who want to come to my page and make assumptions about my dogs prey drive. Here she was a couple years back at the start of her training for her IPO1 (now IGP1). Maybe you would like to chat to the decoy whether nor not she had prey drive. I am all for people having a opinions but making assumptions about a something you know nothing about that doesnt sit well with me.
09.01.2022 Sumo and I went to Mandurah to visit Tam and Sumo got to play with Titan and Monty. #wellbehaveddoggies
09.01.2022 Yesterday we had the ever delectable Miss Daisy May come in for a holiday. So miss the little cutie since she moved away. Dre is back in today for his weekly board. Bith Daisy and Dre are catching up, renewing their friendship.
08.01.2022 Harnesses. Dont tell me they are good for dogs that wont walk on a leash properly and will stop pulling. The dog at the start is calm and walking with a lovely free and fluid motion. As harness is introduced which is of the sort that still allows a good range of movement with no restriction of the muscle groups. An attachment is added and of course what happens then is the dog is pulling into the harness as the opposition reflex is engaged. The next type of harness is a v...ery restrictive type as it goes over the chest. These are the worse type to put on your dog and yet so many people are told to get these type sold under the guise of front clip harness to name but one. The dog is clearly more unhappy about wearing one and once an attachment is place on the harness just look at the effect on the dog. Dog is more stressed and unconformable and the muscle groups cannot effectively and the gait is shortened quite considerable causing other muscle groups to have to move in a fashion they should not given the dog is only moving at a walk. Harness have there place........ON SLED DOGS! There are other sports where by they are also used but only for the time needed. They should never be employed to walk your dog. I you do I hope you have a good doggie chiropractor.
06.01.2022 First time trying this. Recall past her favourite ball. ACED IT!!!
05.01.2022 03.03.2019. Esthers Search & Rescue dog Naira disappeared after the closing of the ski piste and an alarmed and upset Esther asks for volunteers to help to sea...rch for her. The search went all night, when, in the morning the glaciers Crevasses Rescue Squad came on board in the search. They found Naira had fallen 15 metres down a crevasse. After 17 hours inside the glacier, she lived! The rescue could be quickly organized and Esther and Naira were happily reunited. Naira is well and good. Dedicated to the people who do good in this world and to celebrate a happy ending for Naira and Esther.
05.01.2022 Just love it when your clients dog has a job. She goes to the old people home and chill out with them. Isnt she just the best. She is also modelling one of the slip leads I make. Available from Daisy May Custom Designs. #kodayourock #daisymaycustomdesigns
04.01.2022 When I go out with my bitch we always put in some training. It helps to keep up with her skills. We were setting up for a recall when guy with a Staffy x Mastiff came into our area. We had seen them earlier. I was chatting with him and he got a bit concerned about Macy. I told him she is fine and will not leave her down-stay and she has been trained to stay put. So we chatted for about 10 minutes and although she sat a couple of times and was promptly commanded from a distan...ce to platz (down) which she did. After this gentleman left Macy was recalled. And as usual my camera skill suck. Forgot to tilt camera as Macy got to me. lol #lifestylek9training #gsdrock #crazeebitchdog #trainyourdog
04.01.2022 Play is a very important piece of the puzzle for your dog to grow into a stable canine citizen.
04.01.2022 Arya getting some environmental socialization at Dome.
03.01.2022 Trip to Bunnings today. Always training your dog. She was also modeling one of the leashes I make. If your interested in leashes in lots of different colours/patterns go check our page
03.01.2022 An issue I have come to realise very strongly over the past few days, is that the positive-only ideology has been so ingrained into so many dog owners minds and... emotions, that even if the (positive-only) methods are not working for their own dog, and therefore decide to reach out to a balanced trainer for help, this decision is come to with very strong emotional reluctance. This reluctance is due to the fact that these dog owners have become so caught up emotionally in the positive-only belief system (dogma), that they find it very difficult to let go of the *false* negative emotions implanted into their mind so deeply about other methods, and therefore this emotionally charged reluctance to turn away from this belief system toward what they consider possibly a cruel methodology is creating a conflict in their own mind and heart, and that troubles them at a very deep emotional level. Emotion has become the controlling influence in regards to their relationship with their dog, and not what is best for their dog and relationship at a more rational level. Emotion is a very powerful controlling influence, and therefore the positive-only extremists use this type of emotional brainwashing to the best of their ability, even if it means lying to and misleading uneducated dog owners. And this misinformation usually starts when they (dog owners) are at their most vulnerable, at puppy preschools, or on social media when looking for help for their little puppy. When these positive-only extremists push the untrue and misleading narrative that having a more balanced approach to training is cruel, they feed on dog owners emotions with such emotive vigor that its difficult for many of their *victims* to let go of the negative emotions that have been etched into their hearts and minds so deeply, no matter how irrational or untrue the belief. Emotion has become the only moral compass, and not the true reality of natural behaviour and learning. Even though their emotionally charged reluctance of going down the path of applying a more balanced training and behaviour modification method to help them and their dog is proved to work by the trainer, many former positive only clients or believers will not put the required work into their dog, as the emotional fallout of going against this deeply held false belief is too strong, as all they see and feel is that they are being cruel to their dog. These dog owners therefore find it difficult to let go of this deeply held belief that anything but positive is cruel or inhumane, which is of course an irrational emotionally triggered belief, and not based on any true science or fact. Due to this war being waged in their own minds at an emotional level, many find it difficult to commit to the advice of a balanced trainer even though they have asked for it, and therefore generally fall back into allowing their deeply held emotions to override their irrational view of a more balanced approach, that obviously works. Even if the method is working, how could I be so cruel to my dog, mindset? What can happen in regards to this irrational emotional fallout, is that the dog owner caught up in this emotional battle inside will convince them self that they tried the balanced approach, and it just didnt work. Or blame the balanced trainer for the methods not working, instead of looking within and seeing that its their own irrational emotional based beliefs that are blocking them from putting the required effort in to their dog. For many, this is an emotional battle they cannot push through, and sadly for many dogs, they are the ones to suffer.
03.01.2022 Well today Miss Daisy May Tui leaves us after her little holiday with us. We will miss your cheekyness but on the up side I do get my bed back all too myself. A small collection of pics taken while she was here from her most un ladylike sleeping pose, water play time to a bush walk with her pals.
02.01.2022 Out with Miss Kaya today. We hooked up with Blair and Sumo.
01.01.2022 Never underestimate the simple things like just walking around with a dog on along line and a few treats in your pocket. This is what I do with pretty much every dog that comes to my home for a day train session. They start off hyper and wanting to run to the end of the line. In an extremely short period of time the dog settles and and begins to connect to the person on the other end of the line. As the dog begins to connect you then begin to ask for a little from the dog an...d because the dog is no longer hyped up and the brain is in a calmer state the dog can begin to think about what is asked of it rather than react either from a position of instinct or a learned habitual behaviour. Try it some might just be surprised how valuable this exercise is. #lifestylek9training #chillwithyourdog #niceworkjacqui