Lightweight Motorcycle Club in Whitby | Stadium, arena & sports venue
Lightweight Motorcycle Club
Locality: Whitby
Address: 1329 South Western Hwy 6122 Whitby, WA, Australia
Likes: 4735
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25.01.2022 Ax action has kicked off, come on down to check it all out!
25.01.2022 2021 LWMCC Memberships We are delighted to announce that the 2021 memberships are now available on Ridernet! Join us for an action-packed year at Lightweight!
25.01.2022 Make sure you contact Cody and his crew from C and M Images. for your Photography Package for Manjimup State Round this weekend. Some awesome work has been seen by these guys, you won’t be disappointed.
24.01.2022 Check out these snaps of the LWMCC Club Championship Series, Round 3! Photos by Christina Thomas Photography
22.01.2022 Do you want to learn to ride but have no bike or gear as yet? Come along to MWA's Learn to Ride Academy and learn from accredited coaches.
22.01.2022 TRACK CLOSURE Please be advised that the Mx track is closed for practice on Sunday November 1st. It will re-open for practice for members on Monday November 2nd.
21.01.2022 MXstore supports Lightweight Motorcycle Club.. So now the saying "support those who supports us" takes on an extra special meaning- you can support them, us AND save yourself some money all in one go!
20.01.2022 Juniors getting out there!
20.01.2022 Motorcycling Western Australia is running the last Five Star Yamaha Learn to Ride Academy for the season right here at Lightweight Motorcycle Club- if you are new to the sport, don't miss it!
19.01.2022 Psssssttt... Demo riders- did you want to ride the Ax Open but missed out on a spot? You will be happy to know we have now opened a second class just for you! Get your entry in now before it is too late by clicking on the link below!...
18.01.2022 Calling All Members and Lightweight Supporters Lightweight is getting in on the Containers for Change WA action and will commence a fundraiser for the club, where all you have to do is save your empty bottles! This has got to be the perfect way to both support your club AND do something good for the environment whilst you are at it! Two birds with one stone!!! The club has set up a scheme ID, so once you have saved up some bottles, you can do one of the following, to ensure ...that Lightweight benefits from your container donation. 1/ Head to a a collection centre, give them your empty containers and provide them with our scheme ID number- the money raised by your bottles/cans will then be deposited into our account. Our scheme ID is C10329583. The closest collection centre from the club is Down Under Recycling on 273 South Western Hwy, Armadale. 2/Bring them in a bag to the next LWMCC event- we will take them in the score tower 3/ Message Kelly Thatcher, our busy bee coordinator extraordinaire, who is willing to assist with drop offs at the local collection centre. Let's get collecting- every bottle counts!!! #LWMCC #4changewa #containersforchange #fundraiser
18.01.2022 Let's go racing
17.01.2022 Some amazing images takes by Steve Nicholls, such creative work thank you!
17.01.2022 Sponsor In The Spotlight Lightweight would like to welcome RCA - Civil Earthmoving & Concrete Contractors as one of our new 2020 Club Sponsors. RCA is a business which is based in Byford and which has established itself as a leader in the civil construction industry, not only in the Perth Metropolitan area, but also in the North West and other remote areas throughout Australia. The business specialises in earthworks, road construction, drainage, asphalt, kerbing, subdivision...s, mining camps, concrete works and machinery hire in the mining and civil sectors. With a strong focus on exceptional service, a high-quality standard of work, as well as innovation, this is a company that is going from strength to strength. They are also an equal opportunity employer and promote a safe working environment along with sound environmental practices- what is not to like? Lightweight is extremely excited to have the support of RCA and those of you with a keen eye would have spotted RCA around the grounds on a few occasions, as RCA has assisted the club with work on the drainage system on our Motocross track. As a club we would like to extend our gratitude to RCA for all their support this year- and we look forward to working with you into the future! #LWMCC #WeLoveOurSponsors #ThankYou #SupportThoseWhoSupportUs
16.01.2022 You've got this!!!
16.01.2022 Winner of the Senior Shootout Lightweight Motorcycle Club's 2020 Ax Open.. If you weren't there to watch the battle you sure missed out!
16.01.2022 The 2020 Ax Open is coming to Lightweight on Saturday November 21st and it is going to be a dead-set epic event! Come along for your chance at prize money galore, as well as the Senior Shootout with $1000 to the winner and $500 to the runner up and juniors, we have holeshot money on offer for you! There will be classes to cater to everyone, from demos, juniors and seniors, and we are proud to say we have two Girl’s classes as well as a women’s class! Rider registrations are... now open on Register Now: PITS OPEN 2:00pm MACHINE EXAMINATION 2:30pm3:30pm RIDERS MEETING 3:45pm PRACTICE 4:00pm FIRST RACE Following practice Gates open for spectators at 4 pm. Adults $15, Concession $10 and children under 16 FREE in the company of an adult. Full canteen and bar selling anything from light snacks to delish meals and ice cold drinks! Coffee and ice-cream van on site. Children's entertainment. Don’t miss out on this great night!
15.01.2022 Last minute Christmas gifts anyone? Western Edge Motorcycles Kawasaki, & Suzuki has a great range, so head on over and pick out some goodies!
15.01.2022 More photos from round 3 of the Mx Club Championship courtesy of Richard Polden Photography and Examiner Newspapers
14.01.2022 REGISTRATIONS CLOSE SOON!!! Time to get those entries in- or you will miss out! We will take late entries until Wednesday, but cannot guarantee you will be in the program from hereon out. ...
14.01.2022 Sighting lap for practice is under way
14.01.2022 Good Luck to all our Junior and Senior riders heading to Manjimup for State Rounds this weekend. Stay safe, be careful but have a killer time Good Luck to all our Junior and Senior riders heading to Manjimup for State Rounds this weekend. Stay safe, be careful but have a killer time
14.01.2022 If you ever thought of getting involved in the sport, or maybe just want to learn more, becoming an official is the way to go! Lightweight is always on the lookout for new officials and for those who complete this (FREE) course, we will happily show you the ropes for a few events this year, so that you feel confident to give it a go next season!
14.01.2022 Make sure to check your letterboxes today- the most recent edition of Examiner Newspapers features a recap of all the action that was Lightweight Motorcycle Club's round 3 of the 2020 Mx Club Championship Series! As always, thank you Examiner Newspapers for your support of us and other grassroot sports and thank you to Richard Polden Photography for taking the photos! #LWMCC #ClubChampionshipWrapUp
14.01.2022 Bootcamp with Jayden Rykers from MX101 anyone?
12.01.2022 Check out these highlights from Lightweight Motorcycle Club Girls Mx Coaching day with Jayden Rykers from MX101 ! The girls took to the track with gusto in spite of the somewhat uncooperative weather and it was fantastic to see improvements in all the riders over the course of the day- not to mention the smiles! Lightweight would like to thank Motorcycling Western Australia for the grant which made this coaching clinic possible, as well as Jayden Rykers for his support of venture and skill as a coach! Thank you also to Christina Thomas Photography for capturing all the fun and excitement of the day! And for all who asked- yes, we certainly hope to run more events like this in 2021! #LWMCC #GirlsCoaching #MX101 #MWA #MxGirls
12.01.2022 Winners are grinners!!! Check out these happy smiles from the winners of the Rider Raffle at the 2020 Lightweight Motorcycle Club Ax Open. These lucky kids took home some awesome prizes thanks to the very generous sponsorship from MXstore.... Please support those who support us and consider shopping at the MxStore next time you are in the market for some new gear- their selection is second to none! #LWMCC #2020AxOpen #MXstore #ThankYou
12.01.2022 Attention Members As we are gearing up toward this Saturday night’s Ax points event #5, we are aware that a few members (with boundless energy) are intending on doing both Bunbury’s club run in the morning as well as the last round of the LWMCC Ax Club Championship Series in the evening. With State Rounds soon to take place in Bunbury, we would like to do what we can to support our members to get their sand practice in. As such, it has been agreed that we will allow late sig...n on for riders coming from the Bunbury club run, to enable you to race the LWMCC Championship Series as well as getting valuable track time in Bunbury. Please be aware that you will still need to be signed on and scrutineered by 5:30pm at the latest. We will facilitate a lap of practice, should your class have completed their practice before your arrival. You also will still need to supply a helper on the night. For any riders not taking part in the event at Bunbury, normal sign on/scrutineering times apply, with sign on closing at 4:30pm, rider’s brief at 4:45pm and practice starting at 5pm.
12.01.2022 Congratulations to Hugh Jones MLA - Member for Darling Range on becoming the member for Darling Range in Parliament. Thank you for your ongoing support at Lightweight MCC, we really appreciate it!
11.01.2022 Dear Members Please be advised that the track will be closed for practice on Thursday December 24th as well as Friday December 25th due to extreme temperatures and a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban now in place for both days. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, however hope that you will be enjoying the silly season in air conditioned bliss instead!...
11.01.2022 LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATIONS Don't miss your chance to enter and having a chance at the prize money on offer! Winner of the Senior Shootout takes home a cool $1000 and the runner up $500... All senior classes will net the winner $300, runner up $200 and third place $100. Holeshot money for juniors!
11.01.2022 For those who do not get a ride in somewhere today- we hope you at least get to satisfy your inner child with some trick or treating and lots of sugar! From our Mx family to yours- Happy Halloween! #LWMCC #Halloween2020
10.01.2022 Getting ready to race
10.01.2022 Look at this - Lightweight Motorcycle Club's Ax Club Championship Series is in this week's edition of the Examiner Newspapers Run to your letterbox to read the full thing- or if you are not lucky enough to live in the area, head to the online edition! As always, thank you Examiner Newspapers for your support!... #LWMCC #ExaminerNewspapers #ArenaX #RacingUnderLights #ThankYou
09.01.2022 Attention Members The Mx track is closed for practice today, Sunday 19th due to a coaching clinic. For anyone fancying a late ride however, it will reopen to members after 4pm.
08.01.2022 FLAGGIES WANTED Lightweight is looking for flag marshals for the Ax Open which is taking place on November 21st. We will pay $100 for the full night or $50 for half a night and you will get to experience the action from the best seat in the house!... If you are interested, please message our page with your name and phone number and we will be in touch- come and be part of the Lightweight crew for a fantastic night of racing under lights!
06.01.2022 It's all happening at the busy bee today! Between track prep, hanging new sponsorship signage, emptying bins, whipper snippering, toilet cleaning and much more, we are going to be ready for an awesome day of racing tomorrow! Thank you to the members taking time out of their day to help- we appreciate you!
06.01.2022 We hope you are all ready for the big day tomorrow
06.01.2022 From Our Mx Family To Yours- We wish you a very Merry Christmas, filled with joy and we hope that Santa brought something of the two-wheel variety for under your tree... (Failing that, boots, helmet, jerseys and any spare parts are also welcome Santa!!!)
06.01.2022 Massive Giveaway!!! Everytime you book a Motophoto Package with @candmimages valued at $25.00 you will automatically go into the draw to win a Kawasaki KLX110. Winner will be drawn on 1st of July 2021 7pm WST.
05.01.2022 PRE-REGISTRATION for Helper Duties LWMCC ArenaX Club Championship Series, Round 5 Saturday October 24th 2020... To assist everyone with planning and individual preferences for the helper-duties, pre-registration for the much-awaited Saturday night’s ArenaX is now open. As always, every rider will need to provide a helper on the night, to ensure a smooth running of the event. Please be aware that whilst we will do our best to accommodate everyone, we cannot make any guarantees and the allocation of roles will be on a first in best dressed basis. Please comment below with rider name, helper name and your preferred duty and we will commence the allocations. Additionally, if you pre-register and then cannot make it on the day, please message us as soon as possible, so that we can organise for someone else in your place. We require helpers for the following; 3 Starters (1 per shift) 3 Finishers (1 per shift) 27 Flag Marshals (9 per shift) 4 Scorers ( 2 per shift ) 6 Canteen (2x 3-6pm; 2x 5-8pm; 2x 7-10pm)
05.01.2022 From Our Mx Family To Yours; Happy New Year Everyone- may it be a year shock-block full of racing galore! We have a jammed packed year planned for you- memberships are now available on Ridernet- just click on the link below!
04.01.2022 Due to the heavy amount of rain last night, we regret to advise that tonight's Ax Practice has been cancelled. The LWMCC board did not make this decision lightly, however we are keen to offer riders the best ride experience possible and with the possibility of more rain, we did not feel we were going to be able to offer this. We will now turn our attention to the Ax Open and focus on delivering a fantastic event on November 21st. ... We apologise for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause and hope to see you on the 21st.
04.01.2022 The Mx track has gotten some TLC following the club run - now is a really great time to get some track time in! Thank you to Brad from our track crew for getting out there this morning- we are definitively going to enjoy this!
03.01.2022 Lightweight is very proud of our versatile, adventurous members, many of whom are also involved in disciplines other than motocross (cause you can't ever spend too much time on a bike). Today, we would like to congratulate Pyper Kent, who is part of the 2020 Lightweight community, on bringing home the win in the Women's class at the WA State Trial Championship. Well done Pyper- amazing work!
02.01.2022 Thursdays equals the arrival of Examiner Newspapers in our letterboxes- and it includes a write up of the final round of the Arenacross championship series at Lightweight Motorcycle Club so you definitively want to check it out! As always, thank you to the SJ Examiner Newspapers for your support!
02.01.2022 The countdown is on for Ax season!!!
01.01.2022 Lightweight Motorcycle Club would like to express our gratitude to the following businesses and individuals for their support of the 2020 LWMCC Ax Open; MXstore for the fantastic prices in the rider raffle Rural & Urban Services and Sweeney Hire for the use of machinery for track prep... The Burton Family for donating the nippers trophies Coil Industrial Electrical for installing the Ax lighting Michael Thatcher for standing the light poles Zig Zag Maintenance for trenching and hole digging Your kind support assisted in making the 2020 Ax Open into a resounding success- thank you for your generosity! We would also like to thank our 2020 club sponsors, for their ongoing support of the club- with your help the club has been able to take many steps forward this season and for that we are exceptionally grateful! Direct Produce Distributors Spudshed Western Edge Motorcycles Kawasaki, & Suzuki RCA - Civil Earthmoving & Concrete Contractors Last but certainly not least- we would like to extend our thank you for the great support received from the following businesses and individuals this year- support which included loan of machinery, donations in kind, discounts and medallion and trophy sponsorships for the club championship series- every last one of you have made a significant difference for Lightweight during a year which certainly presented us with some challenges! Matt Swinbourn MLC Alyssa Hayden MLA The Byford Alan Beattie's Bulk Meats DVR Plant Hire Power On Plant Hire Byford Print Sweeney Hire Rural and Urban Services We are truly humbled by your kindness and assistance!
01.01.2022 Those of you heading to Lightweight Motorcycle Club this Saturday for the much anticipated 2020 edition of the Ax Open, will be delighted to know that in addition to our canteen and bar, we will have the lovely Sharna of Benz Ice Cream and Coffee with us for the night! Benz does a mean selection of delectable coffees, for those of you who need that all important caffeine fix. The coffees are only the beginning though, because there is also a range of iced chocolate, iced and milkshakes on offer. For those of you with a sweet tooth, you can satisfy your cravings for sweets by grabbing an ice cream, or maybe a sundae- with a range of flavours and toppings to choose from there is truly something for everyone! #LWMCC #AxOpen #Benzicecreamandcoffee #racingunderlights #Lasteventoftheseason
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