Lightwork Academy- with Amy Elizabeth Nugent in Hastings, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Lightwork Academy- with Amy Elizabeth Nugent
Locality: Hastings, Victoria
Phone: +61 437 277 997
Address: Hastings 3915 Hastings, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Embrace your weird. Love your MUCH-ness. Do YOU!... #thereisonlyone
24.01.2022 I found this hidden stretch of beach 5k from my house. Hallelujah! Deserted and windy. Just the way i like it. I've been craving the beach and the wind.... Even in the darkest times, even now, the beach calls me home. The reminder that the earth is still here. Her heart is still beating. And mine still beats in time with hers.
22.01.2022 >> Crying in public<< Some emotion bubbled up today. Around this strange dystopian society we now find ourselves in. I cried on a group coaching call for a course Im in.... Not the first or the last time Ill cry in public. Hehe. Is it just me or is crying far more cathartic when youre witnessed? Not the first or the last time FEELING the intensity of the world right now. Especially Melbourne. Tears can be honest. And powerful. And heart opening. And I am grateful for my tears, the release, the softening. The lightness of being that comes after. I can feel the grief AND hope. I can feel the rage AND the power and stillness of all creation inside me. I can laugh awkwardly in disbelief at the craziness of the f-ing world right now AND laugh for the pure joy of being alive. I can embrace all that I am, and all that I FEEL in every moment. I can know that the pain serves me, and the pleasure serves me. The things I want serve me, and the things I desperately want to avoid serve me. And I can keep calling myself back to the notion that we create from the inside out, not from the outside in. My power lies in my own action/reaction, my own choice AND my own divinity. Always. X Amy
22.01.2022 My office right now ... here and my kitchen table! Yes, these are extremely challenging times. Yes, There is darkness.... But there is also light. Always. My emotions rise and fall, wash through me like the tides... feel, release, integrate, observe, learn, evolve. I'm choosing to feel my fear without shame. I'm choosing to feel my joy without guilt. All the power I have is in THIS MOMENT, and what I choose to do with it. I am choosing to use any fear or discomfort as a catalyst, a map or a guidepost for self exploration and evolution. I am returning to the feeling of being more aligned with purpose than ever... I've be training for this moment, I was born to BE me in this moment. To BE the light. To lead. I am remaining grateful that I can run my business online... and for the food, the comfy bed and the creative force that still moves through me. I am feeling blessed by the amazing humans I am connected to across the globe. I am thanking myself for having the courage to witness the dark and to transmute it... To continue to share, speak and be of service even when all I want to do is hide in a cave until it is all over. haha I am choosing to grow my capacity for kindness, compassion, and love... especially towards myself. I am continuing to give my love to this body, this life, humanity, and this planet... every breath is a gift! I'm taking each day, each moment, each challenge, each blessing, and each breath 1 at a time. X Amy
20.01.2022 Mind blown by Healy feedback today This thing is clearly going deep including clearing down the ancestral lines! And the aura and resonance scans are so flippen accurate ... I feel like I've only seen the tip of the iceberg... P.s. Running my favorite central nervous system program through the ear electrodes, this one makes my brain feel deliciously good
20.01.2022 Im talking about creating the world we want to see via radical self- responsibility over on my YouTube channel this week
19.01.2022 I had this amazing discussion with a friend of mine recently. About human design among other things. She pointed out that the way I am designed to create is very feminine in nature.... And it is. Making things happen in the masculine sense does not work for me AT ALL. I ask for what I desire, let go of the HOW, and then wait for the answer/ invitation. I realized the recent arrival of Healy in my life is the perfect example. I had been creation journaling on the following things: Having more of a sense of support, team and collaboration in my business Making more money with ease, flow and FUN. Finding a stream of passive income that felt aligned and FUN. Being able to create BIGGER miracles in my clients physical health Receiving bigger miracles in my own health and life I even wrote about the ganglion cyst in my wrist shrinking among other specific health requests. NOTE TO SELF- Start journaling on the world I want to see, for all of humanity!! This just dropped in now this stuff works! What if we all did that? Anyway, sometime after all that journaling Healy dropped into my awareness, and an invitation. I felt an immediate spark but honoured my emotional authority (the way I make decisions), let it go, rode out my emotional wave. Then out of nowhere the intuition/clarity dropped. That is was a yes. That this was a BIG yes! BUT I still had no idea where it was leading, I still had no idea it had anything to do with those requests I had put in with the universe. I was still taking a LEAP based on that clear intuition. Then as it unfolded EVERYTHING I had been asking for began to be delivered through this unexpected new adventure. Team Community Support More money Passive income Huge and seeming miraculous shifts in peoples physical health/well-being AND my own That Ganglion cyst on my wrist is even shrinking!!! Oh i nearly forgot FUN, so much fun! Did I make it happen the way I thought it should? NO Could I ever have imagined Healy would be the HOW? NO Did I get everything I asked for and more? YES I would NEVER have pictured or conceived of this particular adventure being for me, BUT I am blown away at how perfectly it fits. The universe/ divine never ceases to surprise me! #MyUnexpectedHealyGift #TeamQHIW #Myhealychallenge
18.01.2022 Top 10 things Healy has shifted for me in just a few months!! Releasing trauma from my body: Healy has facilitated some EPIC releases (stories for another day, but Im talking deep and dark AF) Obliterating pain: period pain, musculoskeletal pain, these weird diaphragm cramps that I occasionally have.... Reduced binge eating and sugar cravings: Im eating what my body needs for nourishment like actually have a normal appetite. This is crazy! Detox: These detox programs have been intense for me, but I feel clearer in my body and energy every time I use them. Might sound weird, but my cells FEEL super clean right now. Nervous system regulation/ Vagal nerve stimulation is a big one: Healy melts my anxiety, releases contraction in my body, and takes my whole system out of that hyperalert/hyper aroused state. Digestion: No bloating, I can digest foods that I was reacting to before. No noticeable symptoms aside from after some detox programs. Integration and support of other clearing work: Obviously this is not the only tool I use BUT it works so well WITH the other tools. It has sped up the integration and emotional processing from my other clearing work. General feelings of emotional and physical wellbeing: less tangible, but all I can say is I feel frikken awesome the world is crazy right now and I have my moments stuff still triggers my fear response (Im in Melbourne right now and this s@$t be pretty crazy) This probably should have been NO 1! Because coping with the crazy, scary, dark AF stuff playing out in the world as we speak. All I can say is I am grateful that Healy arrived when it did. Energy, motivation, alignment, and flow- I cant explain it but things just feel easier. The pleasure of relieving suffering in those around me: This is not about me but it is EVERYTHING! I had been asking to become more effective in creating miracles for people in the physical body AND the universe delivered. IMPORTANT: These are my personal experiences, I am making no medical claims, everyone will have a unique and individual experience (Disclaimer in the comments!) #MyHealyTestimonial #TeamQHIW #Myhealychallenge
17.01.2022 Micro-current delivered to the central nervous system via these ear electrodes These are some of my favourite Healy programs! #Juicybrain #Nervoussystemchill #Moodlifted... P.S. There is under a week left of the FREE upgrade promo. And I’m getting the vibe that this may be the last time you will be able to buy this many programs for this price. Ever. I've been fighting the desire to get super intense and start telling people they are crazy if they don't get on this NOW ... but.....
17.01.2022 I align with LOVE- Free group energy clearing In this group 'Energy Clearing and Alignment' we will; ** Clear any fears or beliefs preventing you from aligning deeply with love. ... **Love for self, love for others, love as a state of being aka BEing the love that you are. ** Clear collective programming and contracts preventing deeper love, deeper connection, and the experience of yourself as LOVE. **Anchor/ affirm/ align with LOVE on all levels.
17.01.2022 Healy Team Vibes- Calling soul aligned peeps who want to play in the business
17.01.2022 I joined an MLM! and yes i am as surprised as you are. hehe... A perfect example of what happens when you let go of the HOW and fully surrender to divine guidance.
17.01.2022 Spiritual alignment - Kindness - Joy & freedom in the body
16.01.2022 All you need to do is listen We are ALL naturally intuitive beings Your body knows... Your heart knows Your soul knows Create space and give them time and they will speak to you That still quiet voice inside is and always will be your greatest source of wisdom
15.01.2022 Don't think before you speak, FEEL before you speak. Reconnect with your heart and with your humanity. Are you speaking, commenting, sharing (or copy-pasting) from a place of love?... a place of kindness?... Or... Are you acting in anger? Are you acting in fear? Are you blaming, judging or SHAMING another? Are you speaking from a place of spiritual or moral superiority? Is being right the only thing that matters? Do you feel that someone with different beliefs needs to be humiliated or made fun of? Is it okay to persecute someone for their beliefs? Are you considering the emotional reality of the person (or people) on the other side of the argument? What does being a 'good' person mean to you? We all need to pause. To take a step back. And do a careful analysis of where we may be out of alignment with our own integrity. Human beings are on both 'sides' of every debate raging across the online space right now. Human beings seeking to have THE SAME basic human needs met. Safety. Respect. Love. Good health. Freedom from persecution. What if we radicalized the idea of random acts of kindness... and applied these to the people that trigger us the most? What if we remembered that the universal laws still apply (even during a crisis)? What if (even now) we create our own reality? What if none of us are the victim of anyone or anything? What if with every word and every action RIGHT NOW we are creating the world? Do we want a world divided? A world where we attack each other? Do we want a world where we have forgotten how to be loving and kind? It's easy to forget who we are and get pulled into the crazy AF vibes going around right now. It's easy to project anger and blame. I am as guilty of these things as the next person. But this moment. Right now. I want something greater. I am more than that. We are all more than that. So much more. I am choosing kindness. I am choosing to see myself in every person i meet. I am choosing to see God in every person i meet. I am choosing LOVE. Because i know that is the ONLY way forward. The only way to create the world i desire to live in. And it IS a choice. We all get to choose who we BE. I invite you to join me in fostering a new culture and creating a new world. I invite you to dedicate to being intentional with your words and actions. I invite you to BE a part of something greater. UNITY and LOVE in action. UNITY and LOVE embodied.
15.01.2022 I rarely share my card readings, but every time I looked at this one it kept calling me to share This is about a transformation of state needed by so many in this moment The alchemical process of transforming chaotic emotional reactivity INTO deep and grounded spiritual alignment.... Anger, fear, confusion and overwhelm BECOMING pure inner peace, inner fortitude, integrity, clarity, and impeccability. The ingredient or the catalyst required for this transformation is serenity. Turning inward to find stillness. Creating space. Allowing silence. Stepping back from the outer world to reconnect with ones TRUE self. If we do this with dedication, turning inward again and again THIS moment we are living becomes the moment we are reborn over and over into the truth of who we are. AND the moment we claim our sovereignty. From a space of stillness, inner alignment and calm strength.
15.01.2022 My body has been asking me to start sleeping grounded/ earthed again I go barefoot, but not enough, especially when its cold. Im craving that 8+ hours with the earths energy and a stream of free electrons flowing onto my body.... I was using an earthing sheet a few years back, but when it died I never got around to replacing it Even though it gave me the best sleep of my life. But it is time! I just brought this earthing mat #Grounded #Earthing #Earthenergy
14.01.2022 There is only one YOU. Find your own Rhythm- Find your own flow
13.01.2022 Now accepting payments in digital currency AND joining The New Economy **Bankcoin Reserve aka The People's Reserve** P.S. up to 20k worth of coin to spend on goods and services when you become a merchant!!!!
13.01.2022 Live energy transmission with Healy *Frequencies sent* Tissue Salts* Pain* Anxiety* Depression* Beauty programs* Inner beauty** Gem elixers**
13.01.2022 My medicine today Chiropractic Meditation Freedom- alchemical oil- right now.... Healy programs Organic Veg Music Filtered water Breath Also feeling the vision quest vibes! The first day of my cycle always pulls me inward, to my own vision, to the void, to the womb and to my own prophetic nature. Time to rest within P.s. Third cycle since Healy came along with no pain!!
12.01.2022 Saturday vibes after a massive sleep in and a whole lot of chill I did pop into some spaces online last night to check in on the current world dis-order. I know it looks dark, but i still see/feel/know light at the end of this. ... Don't lose hope. Feel your fear, do what you need to do to process it, but don't let it own you. Remember your power as a creator. Return to divine alignment. Take inspired action. And repeat. P.s. If you are struggling reach out to someone for support. We are all in this together #weareone #werisetogether #youarepowerful #youaredivine #godinabody #remember
11.01.2022 >>False light - false light beings - discernment<< I have so many interesting conversations with my inner circle that never make it too social media... perhaps it is time they did. hehe
10.01.2022 Honesty and TRUTH are an act of love. They bring you into greater union with your own spirit. They bring you into deeper embodiment.... Even the most painful truths are powerful, aligning, transformative... if you allow them to have their way with you. They move through you releasing you from illusion. Tearing down the walls. Truth brings you closer to god/the divine. On the flip side. White lies, half truths, and avoidance of truth. These are all acts of separation, from yourself, from god/spirit and from other people. Society teaches us to lie to be polite, to lie to be safe, to lie to fit in, to lie to be loved. These actions make you smaller, close your heart, raise walls, divide you. There is nothing more profound than to face one another open, raw, vulnerable, in truth. Yet harsh truths delivered in anger, out of spite, with the intention to hurt or say i told you so are NOT acts of love. Truth delivered forcefully to shake people awake, to persuade or coerce them into seeing things your way... that falls into the realms of spiritual ego or over-identifying with the role of savior/fixer. Consider your truth an offering. An invitation. A gift... Offer it to yourself with love. Offer it to others with love. Release your attachment to how it will be received Release your attachment to the reaction or the experience of the other. Truth delivered from the calm centre of your being with love, authenticity, walls down... no matter how terrifying, this is true beauty. x Amy
07.01.2022 Why? Why? Why? Ive been asked why I chose Healy. What called me? Why did I jump in? TRUTH. It was simple.... I felt called, by spirit, by intuition. By every cell in my being. I knew this thing was going to change my life BUT I had no idea how much! I went all in based purely on intuition without even having tried the device. NOW. So frikkin glad I did. If I look back at my pre-Healy creation journaling sessions it blows my mind Everything I was asking for, all of it turned up in one little package! This video is me back then sharing all the vibes from that divine impulse. #MyHealyWhy #TeamQHIW #Myhealychallenge
06.01.2022 This about sums me up right now. The end of my cycle and I'm fully in the BE energy. Fully in rest and restore mode.... Today I've sat with some RAGE, felt it, tracked it in my body, welcomed it, let it move through me... felt my presence support the release. Then sat in the calm, still, centre of my being. I can feel more waves of emotion on the horizon, and I will welcome them when they come. I feel without judgement. I am an emotional being. I BE who I BE I AM that I AM
06.01.2022 My first week of Healy experiments! For more info head over to YouTube: Or come join my new Facebook group:...
05.01.2022 Altar vibes The moment i sit down and light the beeswax candles... i instantly drop into presence Also beeswax!!! the hue of the light and the smell... Yes, I will always have the most powerful altar within me... but i also LOVE creating this in my space. #sacredspace #intention #ritual #home #IAM
04.01.2022 NOW more than ever it is important not to forget the TRUTH of who and what we are! I am seeing some lightworkers shut down by fear, forgetting their power. And returning to the matrix. While others are expanding into new dimensions of consciousness.... YOU and only you can choose WHO YOU BE. What path do you want to be on? What timeline do you want to be on? I want to say wake up but only if now is your moment. You are free. You are sovereign. And the world sure could use you in all your GLORY. You the one who knows them-self as DIVINE. You the one who can choose at any moment to BE and to EMBODY love, hope, joy, faith. YOU the essence of creation, the new earth and the freedom of humanity. Remember.....
04.01.2022 Finding peace- free group energy clearing
03.01.2022 Day 1 of my 4 day Ayurvedic cleanse with Cara from Shining Wellness Ayurveda and Yoga The vibe so far- Calming, warming, nourishing, gentle. My body and nervous system are 100% on board and loving it.... The perfect thing for moving into Autumn. I'm excited to try some new herbies. ' Also my first time making Kichari... and it turned out okay
02.01.2022 I see so many glamourized lifestyle posts all over the interwebs. But plenty of days (for me at least) also go like this And I love these days! My Monday working from home:... No clients or meetings Monday so no structure whatsoever. Sleep in Hair done Get dressed for work Warm fluffy socks Admin and social media from the kitchen table while drinking my tea Middle of the day meditation Plans for later: Talk to some people about Healy Clean some things Cook some things Dance around my loungeroom, go for a walk, do some yoga For me freedom is about being able to carve out these quiet days, these are the days that nourish me and fill me up. These are the days that allow me to bring ALL of myself to my clients, my team, and the world. #MyHealyLifestyle #TeamQHIW #Myhealychallenge
02.01.2022 I love you Big love, bursting forth Deep love, cellular, pulsing through me like a heartbeat... Soft love, that flows, like my breath, like the tides All the shades of love that I AM And when you are vulnerable, when you are hurting, when you are angry, when you are lost I only love you more.
01.01.2022 I finally finished creating my teacher profile on Insight Timer. 2 years later! I have remastered some old meditations and have a billion ideas for new ones. I am LOVING the process of creating them. So fun! I am surprised how much I enjoy the audio editing process.... I am also loving people already getting so much out of them. Come over and follow me to get in on all the new ones when i release them ;)
01.01.2022 So i'm trying to be chill. Trying not to share Healy stuff too over-enthusiastically here on my business page. hehe But this recent experience is super relevant to my tribe of healers, energy workers and spiritual seekers. AND to anyone on their own personal healing journey.... It's a freaking awesome tool! If you do want more info check out my YouTube channel or my new FB group....there are some links in the comments ;)
01.01.2022 I AM free. Say it with me #freedomfromwithin ... #freedomcodes #wearefree See more
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