Lilac Tree Womens Wellness in Seaford, East Sussex | Health & wellness website
Lilac Tree Womens Wellness
Locality: Seaford, East Sussex
Phone: +61 478 761 044
Address: Station St Seaford 3198 Seaford
Likes: 649
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24.01.2022 At ARCVic, we believe in #payingitforward through random acts of kindness. What we do matters, even the little things. Kindness brings kindnesseven little bits.... You dont have to be able to move a mountain to make a big difference. Kindness grows. Just get the ball rolling and watch it get bigger as it moves along. Remember our helpline is available Mon - Fri 10am - 8:30pm on 1300 269 438 if you or someone you know needs a little extra anxiety support. #payitforward #randomactsofkindness #kindnessiscontagious #mentalhealthandkindness #arcvic #anxietysupport #anxietyrecoverycentre #mentalhealthvictoria #mentalhealthsupport #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #onlinesupportgroups #anxietyhelpline
24.01.2022 You are likely holding more than you think these days, REST
24.01.2022 Its been quite a while between drinks for me and my precious YOGA practice,... so I'm easing gently back into it with a short 'doable' morning practice, ...and it feels soooooo GOOD! Avoiding the things that make us feel good is such a common thing we all do, but at anytime we can stop doing that, and start again, even if it's just sticking your toes in the water. The feeling of actioning the things our deeper self knows will help, or wants us to do, even if it's for a momen...t is wonderful. What 'thing' are you NOT doing, that you know more deeply will support and nourish you? Can you stick your toe in the water today? BTW If you haven't discovered Yoga with Adrienne FREE Yoga sessions on uTube, check her out, she offers lots of different practises, and am digging her casual no-frills approach.
22.01.2022 One precious womans VISION for herself, and all the parts of her, her desires being expressed, shared, valued and called into embodiment. So it is and so it shall be
21.01.2022 Just be here precious peeps, dont try to make sense of everything right away. Listen to you, sense, feel, for long enough until you feel heard, by you. Thats really the most loving thing you can do for yourself right now.
21.01.2022 Ive been holding this duality for weeks now, and thats ok .. how about you?
20.01.2022 Love this graphic, closing the tabs is something I need to actively do everyday at the moment. This more internal Isolation space can have those of us with busy minds working in overload which definitely leads to Overwhelm. You only need to turn on a radio or Tv right now to dose up on stress inducing Covid Cortisol, and the new mask measures in place in Melbourne are a constant visual reminder of the heavy story were all holding. ... Go gently, if you need to write the stuff down thats swimming around in your mind so it can be sorted and put away, then try that. Listen to your body/ your energy, choose things to focus on that you actually have the time and energy to manage, preferably include at least one thing that nourishes YOU, .. and close the rest of the tabs until the next day, ...repeat.
20.01.2022 The most powerful personal act you can do for others, perhaps even humanity is attempt to bring healing to your wounds and embody your worth.
19.01.2022 Among other awesome things, Art and Creative Expressive therapies offer us the opportunity to express, explore and process feeling when we dont have the words. Supporting the #ACTivateAT campaign to raise awareness about the powerful benefits Art and expressive Therapies offer Mental Health Support and Recovery. If you have any questions about Art a Therapy just ask and if youve benefited from these therapies please share below!
19.01.2022 Happy New Moon in Leo Cats My words for this energy Leadership ... Unapologetic Authentic Self Expression Strength/ Backbone Self Care of the self indulgent kind Unleashing Creativity What do I want to create? Purposeful Hope and Positivity Desire and Will Celebrating Self Whether youre astronomically inclined or not, this is the good stuff to ponder
19.01.2022 Most of us associate Anxiety with common physical symptoms, such as; shallow breathing, a rapid heart beat, sweating, trembling, tight chest etc. but dont recognise that Anxiety can show up in our thoughts, feelings ,choices and behaviours too. Such as; Avoidance, struggling to make decisions, cognitive confusion, feeling the need to stay busy, repetitive negative and judgemental thinking, emotional overwhelm and projection. ... Put simply, Anxiety has a nature that is fearful and over protective. When were managing Anxiety our nervous system is in a hyper vigilant state, ringing constant false alarm bells in our body, and so often our thoughts and emotions will get on board trying to protect us in any way they can from either a conscious or unconscious perceived threat. Learning more about the nature of Anxiety can help us to step back and observe our thoughts and feelings more reflectively, rather than believing the first thing we think, feel or sense as TRUTH, we can develop an empowered witness through anxious experience, offering us more choice in how we respond to it. Managing Anxiety can be complicated, and for some in acute experience stepping back isnt possible, but in the calmer moments developing awareness about Anxiety and how it may be uniquely showing up for you is powerful in supporting your healing and empowerment.
19.01.2022 Further to my post yesterday speaking to VULNERABILITY and the practice of Emotional Self care, I decided to create a short guided process for additional support. As mentioned in the video, everyone has different needs and ways of caring for themselves, this is an invitation to explore what more self listening/presence can offer you. What ever you choose, the most important thing is that you attempt to take the time listen more deeply to your needs and take a step toward at...tending to them. Important NOTE: Although fairly simple, if at any time this process isnt feeling ok for you, just cease and just try some slow soothing breaths instead. And please if youre feeling really overwhelmed, or feel in need of urgent support dont hesitate to call one of the wonderful services we have free access to in Vic and OZ, these workers and volunteers are trained, dedicated and want to support you. Big Self Care Blessings Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria Helpline 13 ANXIETY Mind Australia - 1300 286 463 Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 Life Line - 131114
18.01.2022 My practice has taken a short sabbatical over the last few weeks, while I and many of my clients find their feet in this new story. But excited to let you know there are a few openings available for Womens Counselling and Art Therapy NOW ONLINE!! Ive been working with clients online for a few years and its really wonderful ... same same, just a little different Connection, Support, Space to focus on YOU, your needs, your desires, your healing, your direction, and your self Care An Integrated Holistic Approach And you can wear your PJs! READ MORE about sessions here Connect here, via email or phone for any questions or to book a session, day and evening times available. PM here e [email protected] 0478 761 044
17.01.2022 Do any of these beliefs, behaviours and feelings/desires resonate for you? Beliefs - Im not enough ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 As always Liz Gilbert speaks plainly to my heart. Yes, Spiritual ‘Practice’ is over and it’s times like these when we’re called to LIVE what we have learned. Her invitation to STAY with what nourishes and supports us all individually, and thus collectively, ONE BREATH AT A TIME. I'm drawing more now than ever from the ground of the learnings/personal practices I’ve developed through the years that I consider most valuable,... What personal practices and values are you drawing strength from through this experience?
15.01.2022 not allways simple, but a simple reminder
15.01.2022 Love this graphic, ‘closing the tabs’ is something I need to actively do everyday at the moment. This more internal Isolation space can have those of us with ‘ busy minds working in overload which definitely leads to ‘Overwhelm’. You only need to turn on a radio or Tv right now to dose up on stress inducing Covid Cortisol, and the new mask measures in place in Melbourne are a constant visual reminder of the heavy story we’re all holding. ... Go gently, if you need to write the stuff down that’s swimming around in your mind so it can be sorted and put away, then try that. Listen to your body/ your energy, choose things to focus on that you actually have the time and energy to manage, preferably include at least one thing that nourishes YOU, .. and close the rest of the tabs until the next day, ...repeat.
15.01.2022 Myself and many around me have been feeling and creating the pressure of productivity through this experience, not aware that the nature of this thing can be experienced as Grief and Trauma for some and can absolutely trigger or compound what many have been holding or surviving prior to this story, through various means not necessarily available to us right now. Yes this presents an opportunity for awareness and focused growth, but for many this time requires less focus o...n productivity and more on boundaries, compassion and radical self care. Which is powerfully productive too. Listen to your self more deeply, how are your energy resources doing? What are you feeling? What do you need most in this moment? Is it possible to give yourself some of that? And remember those around you are likely feeling just like you.
14.01.2022 Its heartening to see the narrative shift toward challenging the grave injustice of Racism, and to see so many looking at ways to grow and contribute to healing.... BUT (pardon my momentary negativity, and general sadness) this eternal optimist grows weary of the SMed 'flavour of the week' bandwagon that seems to roll in and out so quickly. Racism is not a short story, and requires our long term and present commitment to awareness, personal growth, action, healing and change. I/WE have so much to learn and do. Take or leave this question I'm asking myself, ....What long term change or commitment can you make in contribution to this?
14.01.2022 This too shall pass
14.01.2022 Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water. And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes you cannot even breathe deeply, and the... night sky is no home, and you have cried yourself to sleep enough times that you are down to your last two percent, but nothing is infinite, not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day you are going to find yourself again. Finn Butler Xuanwei Su
14.01.2022 Hi Beautiful ones, A longer post than usual so maybe make a cuppa 1st, hope its helpful. Rest assured however this post will not name the seismic thing that were all collectively managing, because lets face it, its been named enough, and as youre already here on Facebook youve probably just read the words 10 times in the last 30 seconds. And well, if youre feeling anything like me atm, that in itself and its assault on the senses and nervous system is one of the la...rger challenges were all managing. As per managing the thing that shall not be named and some other things Ive been missing in action on the Lilac Tree Facebook page for a while. So Im very grateful and happy to be back, having created just enough space in my mind and body to hold some space for you! And as always I have many IDEAS , about ways we can all care well for ourselves, and unearth the personal riches of this powerful time. I wont bore you with the full contents of my very active mind, but lets start with 2 Ideas today that I think are foundational in our self care right now, ( Ill share them in two separate posts ) stay tuned though as Ill attempt to share support most days along with some nourishing online self care opportunities. Seriously Good Self-Care IDEA no 1 CREATE SPACE TO LISTEN MORE DEEPLY Listening to your deeper needs, feelings and desires underneath all the layers of fodder is the foundation of your self care. Its so important right now (and always) to stop, breathe into you, sense inwardly, to listen more deeply to your emotional experience with patience and compassion. To simply name and be present for a few moments with how youre feeling is a powerful self care practice that will inform you, assist with your choices and help support your feelings to move through you, rather than hang around unheard in the body and mind, causing stress and anxiety. Practical ways to do this? - You can develop a DAILY check- in PRESENCE practice ( stay tuned for a guided process) - Keep a journal (in words or images, or both) - Express and Share how you feel with a trusted person. Engaging with feeling will help you process well through this experience, and may offer you many gifts in new personal insight. AND..,Developing connection with your inner senses and emotional process can literally change your life. What better time than NOW to nourish that connection A TOP TIP for BUSY PARENTS who feel like they cant get the space to breathe Do it on the LOO! Before going back out there STOP, breathe into your body, ask yourself what am I feeling right now? Listen for three feeling words, breathe into that space for a few moments, offer it your observation, compassion and presence, without trying to FIX anything, write it down afterward. Jodie
13.01.2022 The HABIT of UNWORTHINESS these words below spoken by Toka pa Turner, ring powerfully true and remind me of so many healing journeys Ive witnessed, including my own. In this forced inward time, many of us will find ourselves aware of feelings that weve been distracted from in our busier lives. We may even (hopefully) get to reflect on the inner and outer patterns weve unknowingly established that dont serve our true needs or desires. This time is potent and pushing,... perhaps intentional growing our selves within it is a big ask, and well maybe just surviving it will be growing enough, but wow what an unique opportunity to begin to learn how to truly BE with yourself, to create loving space for all the parts of you, dark and light. The habit of unworthiness is a kind of splitting-off, causing us to show up only partially for life; worthiness is felt in direct proportion to our ability to live an integrated life. Rather than outcasting the parts of ourselves which were once rejected, we work to reclaim those parts of ourselves that are afraid of being seen, hurt, or left behind. We allow and include them, moment by moment, strengthening our capacity for inclusion, for belonging. It is the practice of bringing the fullness of our presence to a moment, whether its filled with rage or an upwelling of sadness, to say, 'This too belongs.' - Toko-pa Turner, Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home Im reading this book right now , check it out! Im also creating new Online support options through this growth, stay tuned for my next post
13.01.2022 Most of us battle negative, fearful and self critical thoughts. Yes we want them to stop, yes sometimes they need to be called out and reminded of the truth. But often what we dont know is that negative thoughts can be an expression of a triggered nervous system (Anxiety), sometimes related to worn out beliefs and patterns of self protection. What may have been unacceptable or felt unsafe in the past to do or say, is often challenged as we grow and become more of ourse...lves, and attempt to break free of patterns that dont serve us anymore. Another way to approach shifting negative and fearful thoughts is to make friends with this part of yourself, acknowledge the powerful role its had in your survival, and ask it what its really afraid of? compassionately listening and reminding this part you that if we want things to feel new, we must take a gentle step together toward change.
10.01.2022 A Self-Care Post Fear, Arrogance, Defensiveness, Anxiety, Dismissing, Polarising, Competing, Projecting, Distracting, Attacking, Deflecting, Bypassing feeling, Judgment, Control, Reaction, Disowned Anger, Division, Confusion, Exhaustion, Depression, Hopelessness etc etc. Unconscious VULNERABILITY takes many forms. ... It makes sense we feel vulnerable, among other stresses, we are holding and attempting to process a crisis Vulnerability MAKES SENSE You are a feeling being, this UNSAFE feeling right now is a healthy response to your experience BUT Please know, we do have some power in this experience; in the acknowledgment, presence, ownership and self care of our emotional experience. Give yourself some quiet time breathe into you, open to your inner senses.. Ask yourself; What am I feeling and sensing right now, in my body? Can I name my feelings ? In this moment right now I FEEL.......? Can I listen more deeply for the Answer? Can I sit with this feeling for a few moments, breathe into it, noticing how it shows up in my body, allowing it space, simply acknowledging my emotional experience. Can I just hear, sense, name, experience these individual feelings, one by one, without the impulse to logic them away, or try fix them? Can I give myself some real attention, my presence, my loving compassion and empathy? Can I do this one very productive act for my self and others?
10.01.2022 What we do everyday to contribute to our WELLBEING can make a big difference to how we feel, its the small things that add up to big change. SELF CARE is a SUPERPOWER
09.01.2022 Testimonial LOVE "My time spent with Jodie has been immeasurably priceless. I have learned so much from the tools she has given me, and see a clear and lasting change in the way I feel about myself, and the way I live my life. I felt confident with her from our very first session as it was genuinely important to her that her approach was the right one I was looking for. Jodie was always prepared to work with me, respectfully and kindly providing support and guidance in all ...our sessions..I am so happy that I made the choice to start working with her and highly recommend her services to anyone. I feel such stability and self assurance, I am evolving into the person I always wanted to be and developing a life I always wanted to live Sonja - Counselling & Art Therapy Client PM here [email protected]
09.01.2022 What ever you do this Christmas, BE KIND TO YOU. It goes without saying it’s been a bloody tough year, and our bodies and minds may be weary, so let go of the perfection narrative, let go of expectation, let go of people pleasing, let go. Breathe deep dear ones, What do YOU need right now? Can you give some to yourself? ... Love and Stardust on all your houses #staycool #yougotthis
08.01.2022 With this threat to our llifestyle, livelihoods and lives rearing its head again in Victoria, I thought Id share this post again, GO GENTLY dear ones, this shit is heavy, try not to make it heavier with expectation Myself and many around me have been feeling and creating the pressure of productivity through this experience, not aware that the nature of this thing can be experienced as Grief and Trauma for some and can absolutely trigger or compound w...hat many have been holding or surviving prior to this story, through various means not necessarily available to us right now. Yes this presents an opportunity for awareness and focused growth, but for many this time requires less focus on productivity and more on boundaries, compassion and radical self care. Which is powerfully productive too. Listen to your self more deeply, how are your energy resources doing? What are you feeling? What do you need most in this moment? Is it possible to give yourself some of that? And remember those around you are likely feeling just like you.
08.01.2022 It makes sense of course that Anxiety, Panic and other Mental Health Conditions can be compounded through this experience, so its important we turn the dial up on our awareness, compassion and self care. There is lots of info online to access at the moment, SANE Australia is one great resource to develop awareness and find support. Elaborating on one of their great suggestions;... Limit Your Media Dose - The daily news updates are purposefully delivered with a dose of fear, often to get a point across, so those of us already managing these feelings and common Anxiety conditions need to limit our exposure to Daily fear inducing Media. Youll likely hear about changes if theyre important through the grape vine, or you can read important info on the Vic Dep of Health website without all the Anxiety inducing hyperbole that news media deliver it with, ..give your mind and nervous system a rest as much as you can. Dont feed the FEAR unnecessarily, you have choices around how/where you receive information
08.01.2022 the power of presence, with it All
07.01.2022 As a growing woman and a woman supporting others to do the same, its my understanding that attempting to heal the layers of experience that prevent the embodiment of our intrinsic WORTH, is the most powerful thing we can do to Receive in our lives, and to model receivership for those we love.
07.01.2022 As always Liz Gilbert speaks plainly to my heart. Yes, Spiritual Practice is over and its times like these when were called to LIVE what we have learned. Her invitation to STAY with what nourishes and supports us all individually, and thus collectively, ONE BREATH AT A TIME. I'm drawing more now than ever from the ground of the learnings/personal practices Ive developed through the years that I consider most valuable,... What personal practices and values are you drawing strength from through this experience?
04.01.2022 No matter what your perspective, Im personally very proud of Melbourne and Vic, my clients and my close community, of whom many have been moving through deep troughs these last few months. Despite much of the reporting, I’ve personally witnessed incredible strength, grace, resourcefulness and kindness in spades, with a diligent focus on the physical, spiritual and mental health of everybody. My heart and mind is with those who’ve lost loved ones through this experience, an...d those who are feeling the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical fatigue that makes so much sense right now. We have a green light of sorts, but remember to be gentle with yourself, to breathe, listen inwardly, and GO at your own pace..I know I will be. Big Self Love blessings to everyone especially the essential workers, and all the GIVERS everywhere, Thankyou
04.01.2022 I know its not that simple, but its a great question to reflect on
01.01.2022 Were all moving through so much atm, I know Ive needed to create more space for deeper self listening and support, to unpack everything this experience is bringing up, and mostly to align with what I want to create for myself moving forward. Im doing a bit of shameless self promotion this week, stay tuned for more about what an ONLINE session with me looks and feels like, but in the mean time dont hesitate to connect for any questions. PM here ... [email protected] 0478 761 044 #selfcare #ifnotnowwhen
01.01.2022 Beautiful friend and Holistic Health Coach Stacey Wurfel, doing her self loving thang! You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. Louise L. Hay... Bec Shaw Creative
01.01.2022 Seriously Good Self Care IDEA no. 2 (See last post) CALL IN MORE SUPPORT from your TRIBE and/or other external sources ... This is something I speak to often in my work with women as the right support is profoundly important for our wellness, and making that a priority is a common challenge for many. Now more than ever the right SUPPORT from those that CAN and WANT to support you is so so important. If you can create or access more support in your life, this will be a genuine game changer even beyond this experience. Ask yourself, Who are my TRIBE members? Friends, Family, a Therapist/ Practitioner or Coach? If you dont feel like you have those people in your life right now, ask yourself where can I start? which people, support services can I connect with? Your support Tribe is everything right now, dont be an island, dont be scared to reach out, as its very likely those that you connect with need you too. Regular connection with those you can trust with your heart, thise that support you in different ways, those you can be vulnerable with, those who genuinely want to see you happy, will powerfully support your emotional wellbeing. Dont be afraid to attempt to build that with someone you sense may be able to be that for you. Along with support, collaboration and sharing will almost always help to open new self awareness and personal insight, especially through this current experience. A TIP from personal experience - Sometimes its difficult to accept that those that we WANT to support us, for many varied reasons, just cant. It not about you, this is simply NOT the support person you need, so .. if at first you dont succeed, try, try again. A MANTRA or two for you ( pick the one that resonates) - There are those that can and want to support me - My Self- Care supports my happiness - Vulnerability is Power - The more support I receive, the stronger, calmer and more empowered I become
01.01.2022 The fertile ground of her darkest hour
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