Lilium and Bulb Society of South Australia | Non-profit organisation
Lilium and Bulb Society of South Australia
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24.01.2022 Today is going to be very hot Tuesday and I present Hippeastrum 'Hot Lips'. Description: Striking pink and white trumpet flowers. Bright and attractive. Colour:... Striking pink with white. Bloom Size: 11cm Stem Length: 34cm Generally on two spikes per bulb. Another Hadeco multispike cultivar. See more
24.01.2022 Fantastic Friday and I present Hippeastrum 'Amico'. Description: Mostly red in flower, with some white stripes. A very even and consistent performer. Colour: Da...rk red with white brushed centre Bloom Size: 10cm Stem Length: 30cm A Hadeco cultivar. See more
23.01.2022 It's a beautiful day today but the weekend is looking a little cold. Come to "Down our Garden Path" where you can buy plants you can not find in the usual nursery trade. Food is being provided by the Anglican Parish. You also get free access to the Art competition where you can enjoy beautiful, competitive artworks (winners announced on Saturday night). If you buy tickets to the event (same price as at the door) not only will you go into the door prize draw (20 prizes available) you will also go into the draw for two tickets for the Royal Show as the guest of our President!! Tickets available until 8pm tonight.
23.01.2022 Turbulent Thursday and I present Hippeastrum 'Bright Spark' to brighten your day. Description: Very prolific, with good consistent performance. Colour: Red with bright white stripes Bloom Size: 10cm Stem Length: 25cm
20.01.2022 Now for some species Lachenalia in flower now.
20.01.2022 This coming Sunday the Lilium and Bulb Society will be offering Liliums and dormant bulbs at the Stirling Market. Stalls open 10am - 4pm, but be early or miss out! Members of the bulb committee are seen here packaging bulbs on Wednesday afternoon.
19.01.2022 Stormy Wednesday and I present Hippeastrum 'Belladonna'. Description: Very dainty, ideal for use in very small pots. Colour: Soft rosy pink Sonatini with white ...centre. Bloom Size: 9cm Stem Length: 20cm Yes another Hadeco production. See more
19.01.2022 It's Sunday and I present what is Hippeastrum 'Razzle Dazzle'.
18.01.2022 Down our garden path is now in progress. We've seen the opening today, with the early-birds scoring some priceless bargains... One more day to go, so be early before the stocks get lower! The images attached show the activity and size soon after opening today. Great airy surroundings with room to move, sit down and think, or have a snack with coffee. CU there?
18.01.2022 Just to wet your appetite, this is only one of many Dahlias that will be up for sale on Sunday. This one is called Winkie Carnival, it is a Large, Semi-Cactus Dahlia (21cm in diameter!!!) See you there folks, remember cash only.
18.01.2022 Sensational Saturday and I present something I found on my morning walk, a garden bed with thousands of, you guessed it, Lachenalia hybrids. They look sensational.
18.01.2022 Hippeastrum 'Merry Christmas' 3 year old plant that has flowered every year from Greg Ruckert such big flowers remarkable
16.01.2022 Staggeringly beautiful Saturday and I present Lachenalia purpureo-caerulea.
14.01.2022 Garden ornaments can certainly add interest amongst all the plants. At Down Our Garden Path on Sat 24th 10am - 4pm and Sun 25th Aug 10am - 3pm we have Zambezi Crafts who import interesting pieces from Africa. Most pieces are metal so will age well in the garden. This year we also have Solar Glass Flowers these will add an interesting look to the garden at night. She has a dark box that you can see what your coloured flower will look like at night. Some are stunning. Tickets available through Eventbrite or at the door. All those who purchase tickets on line will receive something extra in their goodies bag. Down Our Garden Path tickets -$5 adults, includes 1 FREE door prize ticket. This ticket entitles the holder to access both areas during the day only. SALA Gala Event tickets - $20 adults, includes nibbles and drinks on the night, entrance into Down Our Garden Path during the day, 1 FREE door prize ticket. Children under 14 years FREE.
12.01.2022 Sumptuous Saturday and I present Hippeastrum 'Ragtime', 25cm across.
12.01.2022 Here's a little beauty - very small, the Orange throat is just 3mm across!
12.01.2022 Native Plants Both Trigg Plant Wholesales and Talunga Heights have been selling native plants for sometime so have a wealth of knowledge about now to grow them. Come and visit them at Down Our Garden Path at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker on Sat 24th Aug 10am - 4pm or Sun 25th Aug 10am - 3pm. You will be able to take home something that will look amazing in your garden and feed to wildlife as well. ... Tickets are available through Eventbrite or at the door. All those who purchase tickets on line will receive something extra in their goodies bag. Down Our Garden Path tickets -$5 adults, includes 1 FREE door prize ticket. This ticket entitles the holder to access both areas during the day only. SALA Gala Event tickets - $20 adults, includes nibbles and drinks on the night, entrance into Down Our Garden Path during the day, 1 FREE door prize ticket. Children under 14 years FREE.
11.01.2022 Tuesday and I present our Haemanthus coccineus finally in flower.
11.01.2022 Appreciate the beauty of these blooming flowers! Nerine ‘Mrs Bromley’ More info: Shop now:
11.01.2022 Sumptuous Sunday and I present Lachenalia callista.
10.01.2022 Marvelous Monday and I present Hippeastrum 'Blushing Bride'.
10.01.2022 Down Our Garden Path and SALA event for 2019 starts in just 2 weeks at Cornerstone College, Mt Barker. Some of our stallholders include the National Hellebore grower from Melbourne (Saturday only), specialist orchid growers, native food trees (Sunday only), succulents, native trees, heritage apple trees (Saturday only) and the Lilium and Bulb Society will have a large selection of bulbs both dormant and in flower. For the SALA event all painting have a flora theme and are for... sale over the weekend. Tickets are available through Eventbrite or at the door. All those who purchase tickets on line will receive something extra in their goodies bag. Down Our Garden Path tickets -$5 adults, includes 1 FREE door prize ticket. This ticket entitles the holder to access both areas during the day only. SALA Gala Event tickets - $20 adults, includes nibbles and drinks on the night, entrance into Down Our Garden Path during the day, 1 FREE door prize ticket. Children under 14 years FREE. Some of the hellebores flowers from the National grower in Victoria.
07.01.2022 I this world of rush-rush-rush - with nobody (particularly young families) having enough time to scratch themselves (let alone plant a garden), and even in the metro area of Adelaide (inner suburb) it's still possible. I was walking to a meeting yesterday down this small side street where small units predominated, and was temporarily transfixed at what I saw behind the front fence. This little garden features not only a few flowers, but also some vegetables! As well as making this little inner city unit a much more homely place, but also a pretty and productive little project! Well done folks!!
06.01.2022 Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot argue we need to restore natural carbon sinks such as forests, swamps and seabeds to help tackle the c...limate crisis in this powerful independent film by @tommustill of Gripping Films. Find out more at #naturenow See more
06.01.2022 Nearly organized for the South Australian Iris Show this weekend....for the long travel distance we wrap the buds in toilet paper to protect them travelling to ...the Show. The stems are in oasis which holds them firm in flat boxes that hold water. Last year's Trophies need to go back...tough dry growing conditions this season...let's see how we go! I See more
06.01.2022 Another excellent meeting last night was well attended to hear Peter Taverna come and talk to us again. Love the colours of his hybrid tree dahlias.
06.01.2022 A couple more photographs that I took before the rain starts.
05.01.2022 The Hippeastrums are still flowering on Thematic Thursday and I present Hippeastrum 'Razzmatazz'.
05.01.2022 We are still active, come and join us at our next meeting on the third of June.
04.01.2022 Wonderous Wednesay and I present one of my favourite photographs of a Lachenalia. Looking for suggestions as to which species it is.
02.01.2022 Excellent article.
01.01.2022 A couple of pots I missed. Lachenalia thomasiae.