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Limina Journal
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25.01.2022 Limina is currently meeting remotely to adhere to social-distancing practices. If you are interested in joining the Collective at this time, please email us first so that we send you necessary information on how to join our virtual meeting space.
23.01.2022 Need some help standing up and presenting your work in front of a crowd? This workshop by Centre for Stories may be for you.
22.01.2022 Brain just not up to churning out that article you have been meaning to write for Limina? Been watching and reading a lot of new material, and need to share your thoughts? This is your reminder that Limina journal accepts Book and Cultural Reviews, and 'Perspectives'.... Need more info - follow the link!
22.01.2022 CfP for our Adaptations Special Edition has been extended to 31 January 2021.
21.01.2022 We are SUPER excited to offer a digital warm up to our awesome ADAPTATIONS IN THE HUMANITIES conference! 2 October, 1-5pm AWST - CFP closes 30 August Honours through to ECRs are invited to workshop their Adaptations paper ideas to the likes of the brilliant Prof Imelda Whelehen, Dr Tobi Evans, and Dr Marina Gerzic, and explore the world of literary adaptations in two themed workshop sessions presented by Imelda Whelehen, and Tobi Evans and Dr Amanda Potter.... See the information Sheet for all the info!
21.01.2022 We regret to inform you that Limina and PMRG have decided that the 2020 conference Adaptation in the Humanities: Reimagining the Past, Present, and Future will be postponed until 2021 as a result of COVID-19. We are committed to delivering the conference still once things have settled and, as such, our CFP will remain open for those who wish to express interest. While the conference is postponed, Limina Journal welcomes submissions on the theme of 'Adaptation in the Humanities' for a special issue. For more information on the submission process, see
20.01.2022 Call for Papers - Limina 2020 General Issue Limina is inviting contributions on all topics across the humanities for our forthcoming general issue, scheduled for publication late 2020. See below for details!
20.01.2022 ETA: Reviewer found! We're seeking reviewers for a new book on West Australian legal history - 'The Edward Street Baby Farm' by Stella Budrikis! See the Fremantle Press website for further details: Comment below or emails [email protected] if you're interested!
20.01.2022 Emerging from your Summer stupor? We have exciting news! We're joining with some excellent people to bring you our Annual conference this year: 'Adaptation in the Humanities: Reimagining the Past, Present and Future', 3-4 October, The University of Western Australia. CFP closes May 31. The Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA) will be holding their annual conference at The University of Western Australia from the 12 October 2020. We encourage those that are coming to the Adaptations in the Humanities conference to consider arriving in Perth early if they are interested.
19.01.2022 Reminder! Our 'Adaptations in the Humanities' Digital Workshop CFP closes 30 August. A great opportunity to explore Adaptations research with Prof Imelda Whelehen, Dr Marina Gerzic and Dr Tobi Evans, and workshop your own research. Send us your abstracts!
18.01.2022 Were a day late - but honestly, whos not hoping for this any day of the week?!
18.01.2022 ***Conference announcement RE: COVID-19*** We are aware that travel restrictions are now in place for many people due to Covid-19. Please do not be deterred from submitting your abstract to our 2020 conference Adaptation in the Humanities.... We fully understand that you may need to withdraw your paper at a later date. A lot can happen before October! We are investigating electronic/virtual means to minimise the disruption to the conference program due to travel restrictions. We look forward to reading your abstracts!
18.01.2022 A PhD opportunity with us here at UWA
18.01.2022 This volume on Shakespearean adaptations may interest those of you planning a paper for our deferred Adaptations conference!
18.01.2022 We have new confirmed dates for the 2021 Adaptations conference. This will be a hybrid in-person and virtual event across two half-day sessions. Call for Papers will be closing 13 April - details over at We hope to see you physically or virtually 910 September 2021!
17.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who attended the 2019 Limina conference, HUMANIFESTO: Dissecting the Human Experience. Limina would like to invite you to submit an article for the special conference edition of our journal, which will come out in the middle of 2020. ... We welcome scholarly contributions on the theme. Submissions should be 5000-7000 words in length (including footnotes) and adhere to the journals style guide. Please submit your article as an email attachment in MS Word format to [email protected] with a separate document containing: your name email address institutional affiliation title of the article a 150 word abstract eight relevant keywords, and a statement certifying that the article is an original contribution by yourself and not under consideration elsewhere. Submission deadline is 4 October, 2019. Happy writing!!
17.01.2022 Hi everyone! We are excited to announce that the Limina volume edition 24.2 is now live! Thank you to everyone who submitted! The volume features articles from Neelam Pirbhai-Jetha, Alexandra Wallis, Zeena Price and book/cultural reviews by Laura Ferguson, Deb Lee-Talbot, Wendy M. Gough and Carolyn Holbrook. ...
17.01.2022 We are so pleased to begin our Limina conference the night before (July 18th, 6.00-7.30 @ UWA!) with this free public panel, held in conjunction with the Centre for the History of Emotions and the Institute of Advanced Studies. The topic of the panel is 'With or Without Body: Feeling, Creating, and Performing Emotion', exploring the links between emotions and bodies. Come along and ask your questions of our wonderful interdisciplinary panel, including A/P Kathryn Prince, Dr T...arsh Bates, Dr Shino Konishi, Dr Sam Han, and our wonderful facilitator Sam Fox. Make sure to register your attendance here:
16.01.2022 2020 is almost done! Here’s a reminder of our current 2021 deadlines: Adaptations Special Journal Edition CFP close: 31 January 2021 Adaptations Conference CFP close 12 April 2021 General Edition submissions are open, but please keep in mind that preference is given to papers received before 31 March.... Proposals for Special Editions, Perspectives and Book/Cultural Reviews always welcome. More info on the website:
16.01.2022 An event that may interest our readers!
16.01.2022 Thanks to everyone that attended our first UWA writing group. If you missed out, check the details in our last liminax email, and if you didnt get the email, please check you're subscribed to our mailing list and liminajournal is marked as NOT junkemail.
16.01.2022 To all honours students out there who have submitted their thesis and don't know what to do with it next. Limina has answers for YOU - Turn it into a journal article for publication! Limina is hosting a Q&A and Workshop for Honours to turn your thesis into an article.
16.01.2022 Do you want to join the Limina Collective? We are a group of postgraduate students that meet once a week to plan and run the Limina Journal and associated events. Activities include managing submissions, copy editing, website editing, social media management, and event planning. We are particularly looking for a social media representative! Interested? More info
16.01.2022 Sad to announce that our mid-year issue is delayed. Covid-19 has disrupted the lives of many - for us it has meant the timeframes for article review and revision have dramatically changed. We are still working hard to publish and promote PG and ECR research! Watch this space.
15.01.2022 Limina is back up and running in 2021! Check in here for updates on upcoming CFP deadlines, our editions, and planned events. Remember: submissions for our General Editions, Perspectives, and Book/Cultural Reviews are always open!
15.01.2022 Hey everyone! Limina is super excited to announce that on Friday, 22nd November we will be presenting a Meet the Publishers event. In collaboration with UWA Libraries, Limina is hosting a Q&A panel where representatives from a selection of publishers will share expert tips and tricks to getting your paper written and published. Looking forward to seeing you there!... Follow the link for more details.
14.01.2022 Hi everyone! We have some wonderful new books available to review: - 'The Salt Madonna' by Catherine Noske (Pan Macmillan)... - 'Coniston' by Michael Bradley (UWA Publishing) - 'Edward Albee as Theatrical and Dramatic Innovator', edited by David A. Crespy and Lincoln Konkle (Brill Publishing) - 'Inside the Verse Novel: Writers on Writing' by Linda Weste (Australian Scholarly Publishing) - 'Meeting the Waylo' by Tiffany Shellam (UWA Publishing) If you're interested in reviewing one of these books or have any queries, just comment below or email [email protected]! You can find general info about Limina's book reviews here:
14.01.2022 Just two weeks to go til our 14th Annual Conference! Come along for a fascinating exploration of the human experience, through the lenses of artificial intelligence, science fiction, end times, and more! Tickets on sale at the link, just $40, or $35 for PSA members* Looking forward to seeing you there!... *using the discount code PSAMEMBER (must register with an UWA email address)
13.01.2022 The Limina Writing Group will be meeting at Arts 1.33 from 20 August. This is a fully enabled Zoom conference call room, so if you would like to 'Zoom' in, contact us and we will send you the details. The writing group is a non-structured space where there is a collective responsibility to 'write', as well as mutual support between members to assist in each others' writing. Examples of what might happen in a meeting: you can ask or be asked to look over and give feedback on a... piece of writing, for clarification/discussion on the meaning of a word or a certain theory in the context of your writing, for advice on a university milestone document or writing style/section. The space is big enough that people can break off and talk in a corner, project work for discussion onto a larger screen, or can exchange direct messages in Zoom. Please recognise however that this is an informal space - if you require direct help that is urgent or time sensitive, teaching, or formal advice on any matters these are best directed to your Supervisor/s, Graduate Research Coordinator, or the Graduate Research School. See more
13.01.2022 Limina is shocked to hear of UWA's decision to axe UWA Publishing - an organisation that has greatly supported Limina and the Perth humanities community, and contributed to the vibrancy and engagement of our collective outputs. We hope you can show your support for UWAP by signing this petition ( and/or contacting UWA directly regarding their decision.
12.01.2022 The Limina Writing Group is paused for the Summer period. We will be back next year! If you are interested in joining a Writing Group, but the time slot and format wasn't to your liking - please feel free to send us ideas. See you next year!
11.01.2022 You may be interested in this event where one of our Collective is speaking! Making SPACE for Feeling: (Re)configuring the Future with Speculative Fiction Date: 13 March 2020... Time: 3:00pm Location: SymbioticA Speakers: Laura Collier & Kathryn Prince In this presentation we will explore the genres function as a liminal space of experimental thought, where theories and ideas are beta tested within fictional worlds, before being deployed through trade fiction, and into the imaginations of the audience. Together, we will further consider the ways that speculative fiction, while not necessarily a social reality in the concrete sense, encourages dreams of the future as a shared collective experience.
11.01.2022 We’ll be speaking on ‘How to Make Research Open Access' in an online webinar with UWA Library as part of #OAWeek. Details and registration (as well as other events)
11.01.2022 Were excited to let you know we have a new book available to review - boots, an anthology of poetry by Nadia Rhook (UWA Publishing). You can find more info here: Comment below or email [email protected] if youre interested!
10.01.2022 We're pleased to announce that Limina volume 25.1 is now live. A huge thank you to all those that submitted papers and reviews for consideration, our blind peer reviewers for their feedback and advice, and to the Collective for getting the volume finalised and online! This general edition is a collection of varied articles and reviews that reflect what Limina is about - the breadth of scholarship within the Humanities. We look forward to working with more of you in the future.
10.01.2022 The amazing Fellowships at the NLA are on offer again. A great opportunity open to Australian and International researchers
10.01.2022 Congratulations to Nadia Rhook on her new published volume with UWA Publishing
10.01.2022 Hi everyone! We have a new ebook on feminist philosophy available to review: 'Judith Butler and Subjectivity: The Possibilities and Limits of the Human' by Parisa Shams (Palgrave Macmillan): Please comment below or email [email protected] if youre interested!
10.01.2022 This is your opportunity to be a part of our AWESOME 'Adaptations in the Humanities digital workshop. Send us your ideas - CFP closes 30 August (THIS WEEKEND!) #humanities #adaptation #adaptationstudies
09.01.2022 What is the value of History? The History Council of Western Australia has released this Call to Action and asks for organisations to endorse the values expressed.
08.01.2022 Limina/PMRG/UWA MEMS conference 2020 Call for Papers. Were excited to announce Limina is teaming up with the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group (PMRG), and UWA Medieval and Early Modern Studies in 2020 for our 15th annual conference! This years theme is Adaptation in the Humanities: Reimagining the Past, Present, and Future. Were looking forward to receiving your paper submissions! See the link for details and topic ideas - your abstracts (200 words, with a 50-word bio) are due by the 31 May 2020. Please send these to [email protected]
08.01.2022 Hi everyone! Dont forget to register for our free Meet the Publisher event next Friday (22 November at Reid Library). Its a fantastic opportunity to hear from local journals and publishers about the publication process, ask questions, and even pitch an idea to a publisher of your choice over morning tea! There will be representatives from Fremantle Press, Westerly, Shakespeare Bulletin, and Australian Literary Studies (to name a few) - see the registration link for the ...full list Registrations close 5pm 18 November so don't miss out! See more
08.01.2022 Postgrads! Did you present a paper at AHA conference? Did it deal with any aspects of the history of Australia, including its wider global context? Yes to both?... Then you have until 30 September to submit your paper for the 2019 Ken Inglis Postgraduate Prize and a chance to be published in AHS. Last year's winner Lauren Samuelsson (UoW) will have her prize-winning paper published online very soon. Email submissions and all inquiries to [email protected]
07.01.2022 From the back-catalogue, Limina Vol.4 1998: Brabazon, using ’The Brixton Tapes’ and the 1981 Brixton riots as her focus, looked at the impact television can have on our ability to reflect on historical moments of social conflict.
07.01.2022 Just a reminder that there is still time to submit a paper to the upcoming conference edition of our journal HUMANIFESTO: Dissecting the Human Experience. Even if you didn't attend the conference, we will still consider your article for publication. Submission deadline is 4 October, 2019.... Happy Friday!
07.01.2022 Expressions of Interest welcome for reviewing Andrew Pippos, 'Luckies', PanMacmillan (2020). Luckies has been shortlisted for the Mud Literary Prize 2021, and long-listed for Matt Richell New Writer of the Year 2021. Please send your interest to [email protected]
06.01.2022 ETA: Reviewer found! We have a book available to review: 'Inside the Verse Novel: Writers on Writing' by Linda Weste... PM us or contact our book reviews editor if youre interested!
06.01.2022 Diaries at the ready! Our postponed Adaptations in the Humanities conference at The University of Western Australia with CMEMS and PMRG is now scheduled for 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2021, to go ahead both physically and digitally. CFP closes 12 April 2021 #Conference #Humanities... If your ideas are well percolated - our CFP for our special Adaptations published edition is currently open, so we can launch it into the world at the conference! Call for Papers close 31 October 2020 - submissions should follow the Limina style guide
05.01.2022 We're super excited to be planning our first virtually enhanced conference and hope this will allow as many people around the world able to make the most of it without the hefty costs of coming to Perth!
05.01.2022 Anyone else enjoy the long weekend but are now feeling that familiar writing guilt? Well, you shouldn't feel guilty, but you can set aside some good writing time with us now the working week is back! Reminder: Writing Group Tuesday starting at 5pm, Arts Lecture Room 8 (Rm 1.60).
05.01.2022 We can't tell you enough how important it is to keep track of your references, and how much easier life is if they are consistently formatted! A reference manager might be the tool for you, and your university library may have a workshop like this coming up to get you started:
02.01.2022 We are pleased to announce Volume 26, Issue 1 of Limina is now available! The articles three from our *Humanifesto* conference, one other, and our first 'Perspectives' piece read together, speak overwhelmingly to our sense of humanity, our sense of identity or self, and how that identity projects, in the past, present, and into the future.... We hope you enjoy this latest issue of Limina. We look forward to your continued support into the future, and encourage you to join us in our efforts to provide a free and open access, peer-reviewed journal. #AcademicTwitter #ECR #humanities #OpenAccess #highereducation #Research #Publications
01.01.2022 Hi everyone! We have three new books available to review: - Edward Albee as Theatrical and Dramatic Innovator, edited by David A. Crespy and Lincoln Konkle (ebook) ... - Art Was Their Weapon: The History of the Perth Workers Art Guild by Dylan Hyde (nephew of Veronica Brady) - Built Perth by Tom McKendrick and Elliot Langdon PM us or email [email protected] if youre interested!
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